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JK Haru is a Sex Worker in Another World

Page 7

by Ko Hiratori

  Men are really mysterious. Where had he been keeping that courage all this time?

  “Sorry,” he apologized again and continued sweating.

  When I started stripping, he hurriedly averted his eyes.

  “You can look. See? Boobs. It’s your first time seeing my boobs, right?”

  He glanced up, but clamped his eyes shut and looked away again right away.

  It’s not like they bite. Actually, these poor things are the ones getting bitten most of the time.

  I finished taking my dress off and dropped my underwear, too.

  “Sumo, you’re not gonna look?”

  “Uh, um, no, I...”

  “Touch me.”

  “...I can’t.”

  “Do it. If you don’t touch me, I’ll get sold to that guy from before.”

  When I said that, he finally reached out a hand.

  It was so chubby that it would probably have been tasty grilled. He pet my breasts super gently, like he was touching glass ornaments.

  “Hee. That tickles.”


  “You can put a little more muscle into it. A little bit of fondling won’t break a girl.”

  But he shook his head and said, “I don’t want to hurt you, Haru.”

  So I stopped talking and let him touch me with his cautious hand.

  When I told him it made me happy that he was being so gentle, he laughed sheepishly.

  “But hey, Sumo, you should probably take your clothes off.”

  “Nah, um, I’m really...”

  He mumbled and ultimately trailed off, but I took his shirt off for him. But his lower body was like an ox, so I really couldn’t handle it by myself.

  “Sumo, stand up.”

  “...I think I’ll...”

  “No. You bought me.”

  This is a brothel, and I’m a prostitute.

  I don’t know what your intentions were when you fell for me, but if it’s just about romance, you should cut it out or else I’ll use it to make money off of you.

  Let’s just do what we’re here for and clear your head. Understand what kind of girl I am. I’m only worth 70 rubers. Make tonight the last time you treat that kind of girl like a treasure and pay 300.

  “I’m going to teach you about the work I do.”

  The floor creaked as Sumo stood up and I took his pants off. I didn’t really want to, but I dropped his underwear, too. His cock peeked out from beneath his ginormous stomach.

  “Sorry, but can you hold your stomach up?”

  I had him lift up his flab.

  I could finally see his whole cock. It was pale and feeble-looking. Even if it looked small in the same way a large body makes a face look small, this thing didn’t stand a chance against the rich jerk’s dark cock.

  Well, that was fine.

  “Okay, keep holding it right there.”

  I gave Sumo the same style of head I gave the rich jerk. The kind where you lick from the base up. I’m pretty sure he got excited just watching it before.

  “Ah, ah, ah!”

  Sumo’s thighs vibrated, jiggling, and he moaned like a girl.

  And then my head got bombed by his excess meat.


  “Ah! S-Sorry!”

  I thought my neck was going to get whacked into my chest. Nah, I’m fine. If your cock had been in my mouth, though, you would be dying.

  “You gotta hold it up like I said, geez.”

  “Uh, it’s okay, I mean—”

  “Hold it.”

  “...Yes, ma’am.”

  Let the licking recommence.

  This time he squeezed his stomach and endured my juicy fellatio.

  It was funny how when I flicked the tip with my tongue, he’d go up on his tiptoes and squirm. I did it over and over.

  When I jerked him with my hands while sucking, he let out a big moan, and I’m not sure if this was conscious or not, but he started moving his hips.

  But he was a virgin, so I couldn’t let him cum in my mouth, right? I stopped when it seemed like a good time.

  Sumo seemed a bit disappointed, and then awkwardly looked down when I saw the look on his face.

  I know. You’re a boy. You wanna do it with the girl you like.

  And I had asked some of the more experienced girls how to do it with a chubby guy in advance so he could buy me anytime and I’d be ready.

  I lay down on the bed and spread my legs. To make it easy for him, I spread really wide and showed him my pussy.

  But of course, he had his eyes closed.

  “If you don’t look, you won’t be able to get in. It’s okay. Just do what I say, and you’ll manage. You know where to put it, right? Can you see your wee-wee? Hold up your stomach and come over here.”

  The bed squeaked like crazy as Sumo brought his cock closer.

  The other girls said that a fat guy’s stomach meat isn’t all that heavy, that it’s a bit scary when they get on top of you, but that there aren’t many who actively try to crush you.

  Sumo moved slowly, careful not to break me, and stuck his hips against mine.

  But the second his cock touched my skin, it wiggled a bunch, and by the time I thought, Crap! he had already blown his load.

  “Ah, ahhh...”

  I was covered in it. He came a shit-ton. My stomach was all slimy.

  I figured, What else could I expect? and smiled. “It’s all right. This happens to lots of customers. You’ll be able to go again really soon, so don’t worry about it at all.”

  Actually as of right now, it’s only Chiba and you, but whatever, I thought as I cleaned off his cock and licked him a bit.

  He recovered almost immediately with his virgin powers and I spread my legs for round two. When he moved closer to put his cock in, I lifted up my hips for him.

  “Yep, you can just go straight in like that.”

  I wonder if I made a face this serious during my first time. I don’t really remember.

  He was making this crazy face like he was about to die or something. I’m pretty sure he couldn’t see anything at that moment besides my pussy.

  He was only thinking of me.

  “There is good. Nice and easy. Straight in.”

  “Hahh, haahh, ahhh...” he panted.

  “Yep, you’re getting there. Nice, just like that. Keep going, you can get farther in.”


  Somehow he managed to get all the way in. Sure enough, he started to cry as he panted.

  I wonder how many virginities I’ve stolen. I don’t remember, but this guy is the only one who’s cried.

  Do you like me that much? You dummy.

  “You don’t have to cry at every little thing.”

  “Y-Yes, ma’am.”

  “You can let go of your stomach.”


  “I told you, it’s fine.”

  According to the more experienced girls, once a guy is in, his stomach won’t get in the way.

  The part about it not being heavy was true, and a pillow of flub covered the connection between us. It felt weird, all warm and jiggly.

  “Do you know how to move?”


  “You pull your hips out and then put them back. Don’t push against me, but pull away first, then come back.”

  “Nn, ahh.”

  “You don’t have to go fast. Women like it slow just fine. Actually, it’s even better to take your time than jerk us back and forth. Try rubbing on me in a way that feels good to you.”

  It seemed more like his flub was moving than his cock.

  My wide-open legs were completely hidden by his stomach.

  So this is fatty sex. How novel.

  But it was warm. Actually, I kind of liked it, maybe. The fact that it felt like being swallowed up in his meat cracked me up though.

  Sex with Sumo wasn’t half bad.

  “Hahh, hahh, hahh...”

  “Does it feel good?”

Ye-ahh, ahh, yes.”

  “Then take it a little slower. If you get tired you can take a rest. Enjoy me at your own pace.”



  “Wh-What can I do to make you feel good, too, Miss Haru?” he asked, covered in sweat and with a distressed look on his face. Pretty cheeky for a virgin.

  “It feels plenty good for me, too.”

  You’re paying for this, so you don’t have to worry about that.

  But that’s just the kind of guy Sumo is.

  I breathed a little harder and moaned for him, “Ngh...”

  I closed my eyes, bit my lip, and pretended to be getting off. “Nn, ahn, feels so good, Sumo. You’re really getting good at this.”

  “M-M-Miss Haru! Nnnngh!”

  “Ahn, Sumo, ahhhnn!”

  I was over-acting a bit, but it really did feel good.

  Sex with this clumsy body wrapped around me wasn’t too bad. He even started to seem cute.

  “You can cum whenever you want. Anytime!”

  “Hahh, hahh, Miss Haru!”

  “Oh no, I don’t think I can hold back any longer!”

  When I squeezed him, he made a ringside grunt, “Guhah!” and ejaculated.

  He came so much I was like, Are you serious? It got all over my sheets. Then his eyes rolled back in his head and he flopped backwards. I was scared he would fall through the floor.

  “Hey, if you’re going to sleep, sleep up here.”


  He lay down on the bed, still catching his breath.

  There was no room left for me to lie down, so I hopped up on his stomach.

  “So how does it feel to not be a virgin anymore? Did you have fun?”

  Sumo nodded happily. Seeing that look on your face makes me happy, too.

  “What do you wanna do after this? You paid 300, so if you want to go again, we can.”

  He had enough left for two or three more shots.

  Before that I was definitely going to have him take a shower, but I would have been fine with letting him keep me all night.

  Instead, though, Sumo said, “This was more than enough. I can’t handle any more.”

  He was still breathing heavily. Being fat must be tough.

  “Thank you. That was the best.”

  If he was going to talk like that, even I had to blush. But really? Isn’t “the best” a bit overkill?

  Sumo smiled, panting. All you did was have sex with a prostitute—don’t get so giddy. Geez, you’re so dumb.

  “So, is there anything else you want me to do? Anything.”

  If he wanted, I would have even spoiled him by resurrecting those horrible ears I’d sealed away—just this once.

  For him, I figured I would do it.


  “Uh...well, then...” After turning away with embarrassment on the first try, he got a determined look on his face and said, “I-I want you to call me by my real name! It’s Jaysohlbroth—”

  “Nah, Sumo’s fine, isn’t it?”

  “Uh, o-okay...”

  He didn’t seem to have any requests in particular, so I decided to play with his stomach pillow until the shop closed up.

  What the heck, this is so fun!



  The next day, after hearing what had happened to me the night before, Shequraso came over to me looking ultra-apologetic.

  “I’m sooo sorry. That rich jerk always has to show off in front of the guys. He’s not even like that in bed. I heard he spanked you. Must have hurt...”

  “Nah, I was fine. You might be in more trouble, Shequraso. He was pretty pissed.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. My boyfriend’s a soldier, you know. Those rich guys can’t do a thing when it comes to the army.”

  Is that how it works? I hope so...

  “I’m really sorry. I’ll bring you a souvenir next time.”

  Shequraso makes the cutest face when she laughs.

  So she wants to keep going on weekend dates... That’s fine, I suppose, but...

  “Okay, guess we should clean up around here.”

  Well, eventually something good’ll happen to me, too.

  Madam said she would give me time off, but I can’t make money if I’m not working, so I saved my vacation for another day and decided to work again today.

  But then she was staring at my butt.

  Just as I was thinking, Oh yeah, my lovely, freshly polished ass caught your eye? I’m a little freaked out if that’s what you’re into, but—she spoke.



  “Starting tonight, you’re 80 rubers.”

  I twirled the rag I was using around and curtsied. “Yes, ma’am!”

  Kickin’ the Can to the Beat: Put on Donna Summer

  It was just recently that I realized he only comes on rainy days.

  He sits at a window table alone sipping a stiff drink. He’s never had a girl sit with him or taken anyone upstairs.

  He doesn’t talk to anyone, just looks around the shop or out the window.

  “Lupe, do you know that guy?”

  I wanted to know if this super-hot older guy with stubble and slicked-back silver hair had been coming for a long time. When I whispered to her, she frowned.

  “I’ve definitely seen him around. He’s kinda creepy, right? Even if I’m totally friendly, his expression stays the same, and all he says is, ‘I’ll have a drink.’”

  She didn’t seem to like him—on the contrary, she was scared and had a hard time trying to talk him.

  Really? But he’s so hot. He’s like the hottest guy in this other world.

  “When our eyes meet, I get freaked out, like I’m being glared at by a hawk or something.”

  To me, though, in this shop full of grimy, barbaric dudes, he was the only one who gleamed. He was less like a hawk, and more like a crane surrounded by trash—a jewel in the dump. I wanted him to call me “Princess.”

  “Would you like a refill?”

  I made up my mind to talk to him. He raised his head quietly and looked at me.

  Sharp eyes. It seemed like they might be able to see right inside my head. But far from a chill, I got more of a gush. I want these eyes to look at me naked.

  “No thanks.”

  He put down the money for a single drink and left.

  Well, he’s a tough egg. Maybe he’s not coming for the girls.

  But he was the first one.

  The first customer here I thought I would like to sleep with.

  “So yeah, I finally bought it. A house. My home. My castle. Mi casa. But it’s so huge and I don’t have a woman to look after things, so it’s actually pretty inconvenient. Maybe I’ll get myself a slave...”

  Lately I’ve gotten pretty good at cooking, so I can even handle one of those pans for frying rice, like a wok, no sweat.

  When I got here I had never even cracked an egg before, but now I’m sometimes even trusted to decide the menu.

  I’ve grown in this world.

  Last month I was number six in sales, which is incredibly close to number five, and now that I’m 80 rubers, I figure this month I’ll hit it or maybe even four. My ass has gotten lovelier to the point that even that chokey dude lusts after me, and I learned some service techniques from more experienced girls so that in the last customer satisfaction survey* I was near the top.

  *This happened after the cat ears incident. I actually proposed it to help improve the shop’s image.

  Lately I’ve been obsessed with getting to like my job.

  “Hey, Haru. Are you listening?”

  “Yep. Here’s your fried rice.”

  “Whoa, what the heck? It tastes just like the cafeteria’s!”

  “Eww, don’t cry.”

  As for Chiba, he’s been getting even more carried away with himself, grumbling about slaves and his house, and even wearing these jangly gold accessories that don’t even match
his vibe. There is nothing harder to look at than an otaku who suddenly thinks he’s the cock of the block.

  “I have no intention of being your maid.”

  “So you’re gonna be a prostitute forever? I thought you wanted to quit.”

  “Not forever, but...”

  I don’t even know how long I’ll be in this world.

  I mean, if it starts looking like I might be here ’till I die, then I guess I gotta think about my future, but...

  “Oh yeah, I heard something interesting. If there was a way to get back to the other world, what would you do?”

  “Huh? Is there?”

  “There’s a legend in this world. Apparently at some point the demon lord appeared with a sudden black rain, said he was taking revenge on humanity, and started a war. The people were in trouble, so they asked God to summon a hero from another world. And that’s me, but anyways, once the demon lord is gone, some people say the hero gets to go back, and some people say he doesn’t.”

  “What are you talking about? Of course you could go back. Chiba, go beat that demon lord’s ass right now!”

  “Nah, there’s no way. I haven’t even leveled up lately. Besides, I don’t really feel like defeating the demon lord. What would I even do if I went back to the other world?” He twisted his piece-of-shit pimple face into a frown and whined about how we would have been studying for entrance exams.

  “Here I’m already gaining renown as an innodiator”—which is apparently a word he made up, a mix between innovator and gladiator. I don’t even know anymore—“and I’m making a stable living. To be frank, I don’t have any reason to go back to our world except anime. If that’s how it is, then it’s way better to stay here and be the protagonist of one, right? I mean, what would you do if you went back?”

  “I’d be a high-schooler again, duh.”

  “You’re assuming that we get to go back as we are, though, right? But we got hit by a truck! It could be that if we go back, we just die.”

  “...Our bodies and minds came here in one piece, didn’t they? It must be the same when we go back. Don’t freak me out like that.”

  “Even so, we’re dead. It’s already been eight months without us back there.”

  Our funerals are over, our graves are made, and everyone probably got sick of being sad and returned to life as usual. My boyfriend is probably getting tons of pity sex; my friends probably deleted my name from their LINE list; the flowers on my desk at school are long gone. I bet the only people still feeling sad are my parents and my big sister.


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