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Our Darkest Dare

Page 35

by Sarah Bailey

  “Shut up, Xav.”

  Rory had a wicked grin on his face and Eric rolled his eyes. Nothing had changed in their family. Quinn and Xav would always have a love/hate relationship.

  “Well, he is right, Quinn. Rory was your conscience until Ash came along,” Eric said, taking a seat next to Xav and resting his head on Xav’s shoulder, “You certainly didn’t listen to me and Xav.”

  Quinn crossed his arms and glared at Eric.

  “You are just as bad as him.” He waved a hand at Xav. “She brought that out in you.”

  Eric winked at Quinn.

  “Well, I happen to love this one’s cheeky side,” Xav said, pressing a kiss to Eric’s forehead, “Even if he uses it against me all the time.”

  “And I love you,” Eric murmured, smiling up at Xav.

  My heart was almost full to bursting. I’d missed the banter in this family. The way they’d wind each other up and give each other hell. Being back with them made me feel like I’d come home after years of being alone. I had so many good memories of this house and these people. I wanted to make new ones with them and Duke.

  “Jesus Christ,” Quinn muttered, rubbing his hand over his eyes, but when he dropped his hand, you could see the affection in his expression for his best friends.

  Duke walked in with his tablet in his hand, but there was no Ash. His fathers looked at him with questions in their eyes.

  “Where’s your mother?” Quinn asked.

  “In the kitchen. Don’t worry, she’s fine.”

  Eric got up and walked over to Duke, putting his hand on Duke’s shoulder.

  “Treat her right this time.”

  Duke gave him a nod and Eric walked out, presumably to help Ash prepare lunch. My husband made his way over to Rory, waving Quinn over. He set the tablet on the arm of Rory’s chair.

  “Mum said you’d want to see our wedding photos.”

  Before Duke could escape, Rory stood up and hugged him. I could tell Duke was a little surprised by his dad’s affection.

  “Thank you for making her an official part of our family,” Rory murmured, “I couldn’t ask for more in a daughter-in-law. Just make sure you don’t fuck up this time or the hard time Eric and Quinn gave you will seem like a walk in the park.”

  “I’ll try not to,” Duke replied, hugging his dad back, “She’s rather special to me.”

  “The important thing is you found your way back to each other.”

  They fell silent for a long moment before releasing each other. Quinn walked over at that point and sat on the other arm. Rory sat back down whilst Xav jumped up and went over to them. The three of them flipped through the photos. Duke came over to me. He sat on the coffee table and took my hands in his. The affection in his eyes almost decimated me. My heart pounded hard in my chest, whilst I wondered what the hell he was about to say.

  “Mum’s happy for us. Like, yeah, she’s upset she wasn’t there, but she gets it. I’m sure she’ll tell you that herself.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I’m fucking sure. I did remind her she’s got three other kids and will get to see their weddings when they get their acts together.”


  He dropped one of my hands and cupped my face.

  “Mum loves you, Kira. You’re her daughter, even if it’s not by blood.”

  His expression was too much. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t. Instead, I reached out and tugged him closer. He went to his knees on the floor in between my legs, digging his hands into my hair and kissing me, heedless of the fact three of his dads were in the room. When he shifted back, he rested his forehead against mine.

  “You’re the best thing to ever happen to me,” he whispered, “I’m pretty sure they all know that.”

  I smiled, rubbing my forehead against his.

  “Yeah, well, you’re kind of the same thing for me too.”

  “Am I?”

  I almost shoved him.

  “You know you are.”

  His grin was electric.

  “Lunch is ready,” came a voice calling from the dining room.

  Duke pulled away, got up and tugged me onto my feet. All of us went into the dining room. There was a proper spread with salads, sandwiches, pasta and various side dishes. I’d missed the hell out of Eric’s cooking. Before I had a chance to sit down, Ash came over to me and wrapped me up in her arms. She was shorter and smaller than me, but her grip was tight.

  “I’m sorry I ran off, Kira, it was just a shock.” She pulled back and looked up at me. “You have always been a part of this family. No matter what happens between you and Duke in the future, remember that, okay? We all love you and I’m ecstatic to be able to call you my daughter-in-law.”

  I sniffled but kept the tears at bay.

  “Thank you, I love you all too.”

  She smiled and pulled away. I sat down next to Duke, who squeezed my leg with his big hand.

  “See, what did I tell you?”

  I should have known better. These are the people I grew up with. They’d always been there for me, especially after my father died and I had no one left. Even though Duke had ripped it away from me, I’d pushed him into it. There were always two sides to a story when it came to relationships. Two people were responsible for its downfall.

  Now, we were much stronger and better together. The past wasn’t weighing us down or dragging us into the dirt. Duke had shown me he loved me in so many ways. He’d proven to me he wasn’t leaving. Whilst we still had a long way to go before we reached a place where I could fully trust him again, today had proven he was willing to stand by me. His family knowing the truth of what happened was a big step for us. It brought me that much closer to being able to tell him my feelings. To admit the truth. My heart still belonged to him. It always had.

  And I was pretty sure Duke would wait forever to hear me say it to him if he had to.

  “Yeah, okay, don’t rub it in too much.”

  Duke nuzzled my hair and pressed a kiss to my shoulder.


  The casual affection he displayed around his family warmed my heart. He’d always been this way with me, but there was an intensity to it that hadn’t been there before. Duke wasn’t afraid to show anyone how much he loved and wanted me.

  “We were right to be concerned about their reaction though,” he murmured, “They were kind of fucking harsh.”

  I grinned and leant into him.

  “Can you blame them? It was our stupidest and most reckless dare.”

  “Turned out okay in the end, didn’t it?”

  I placed a hand on his leg.

  “Yeah, guess it did.”

  I looked into his eyes and saw my future there with him. The one we would eventually build together.

  “I told you they would end up together,” I could hear Xav saying from across the table.

  Duke and I glanced over at his dad, finding Xav’s head turned in Eric’s direction. The two of them were smiling.

  “Do you want a medal or something?” Eric replied, raising his eyebrow.

  “No, but you’re welcome to reward me later in another way.”

  Xav waggled his eyebrows which made Eric roll his eyes and shove him away.

  “I’m not rewarding you for that.”

  “But I’ve been a good boy.”

  Duke snorted as Eric gave Xav a look.

  “Jesus, you’re like living with an oversized child. Do you want a lollipop as well?”

  “I mean, I’d take your lollipop any day.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, Xavi.”

  The twinkle in Xav’s eye made me stifle a giggle. They really had no shame in this family. And I loved everything about it.

  “I’ve missed this,” I murmured to Duke.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  I nodded. This was where I belonged, next to Duke, with his family surrounding us. I leant my head on his

  “Yeah, I’ve never been surer about anything in my life.”

  Duke kissed my hair. This time things wouldn’t get fucked up. This time we’d stay together. This time we’d have a future and never look back. I believed in us. And Duke did too.

  Chapter Fifty Three

  The end of the summer had come around quickly. I’d been busy with my new job and spending all of my free time with Duke and his family. It’d been the best few months of my life. Even though we’d dealt with a lot with Cole leaving the country and Raphi’s depression diagnosis, which had come right before his university term had finished, there was never any question about us not doing it together. We were both glad his brother was starting to get the help he needed now. Duke had stuck by his side the whole time, making sure Raphi didn’t fall apart completely. I was damn proud of my man and the way he cared about his family.

  Duke and I were laid out in the sun in my back garden on a blanket. I was thankful it was still hot today. I was in a bikini top and jean shorts. He was shirtless with sunglasses covering his eyes as he dozed next to me. I was leaning up against one of the garden chairs with a book in hand, enjoying the fresh air and knowing there was nothing urgent we had to do today.

  We had spent all of yesterday setting up the attic bedroom now the builders had finished converting it. I had a new en-suite with a huge bath and rainfall shower, something I was incredibly excited about using. I hadn’t slept in there last night. Duke had promised to spend the evening with his brother and I didn’t want to be without him the first night I stayed in the new room. In all honesty, I never wanted to be without Duke again.



  I was rather invested in the book I was reading, so didn’t look at him.

  “You fancy making sure your new bed is sturdy enough?”

  It took a second for my brain to register what he’d said. Lowering my book, I stared at him. He’d not moved at all, but he had a smirk on his face.

  “Dare I ask why your mind is in the gutter right now?”

  “You going to blame a guy for thinking about sex when his wife is half-naked next to him?”

  Duke had taken to calling me his wife on a regular basis. I’d never told him not to. It turned me on when we were in bed together. Probably why he kept doing it. The way he said the words with that deep voice of his made my insides melt. It’s almost as if he was staking a claim on me. I’d quite happily let him claim me as his any day of the week.

  “I could… depends on whether or not you’re planning on seducing me.”

  If I could see his eyes behind his sunglasses, there would definitely be a wicked glint in them. He raised himself up on his elbows and bit his lip, exaggeratedly looking me up and down.

  “Don’t ask for things you’re not ready for, Kira.”

  “Who said I wasn’t ready?”

  He reached out and grabbed my book, tossing it away before he picked me up off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist, not caring about the book as he carried me back into the house. His hands were firmly gripping my behind, making sure I wouldn’t fall. I grinned at him, feeling a stirring building inside my belly.

  “I’m not sure you’re ever ready for what I do to you.”

  My face heated. Duke’s version of giving me a good time was always intense as hell. The man knew my body like the back of his hand and played it with an expert touch. Ever since we’d got back together, he’d been intent on driving me crazy every time we were intimate. I counted myself lucky to have a husband who was more focused on my pleasure than his own.

  He took me up both flights of stairs and set me down at the top of the second set. Taking my hand, he led me around the corner to my new bed. For a moment, he stared at me and I wondered why he wasn’t tearing my clothes off. He took my face in both his hands, tipping it upwards before he placed a kiss on my lips.

  “I love you.”

  I smiled but didn’t have time to say anything as he turned my head towards the bed. Sitting on the end of it was a white lily, a wooden heart and a little box tucked up next to it. Those were not there when I’d been up here this morning. Duke had bought an overnight bag with him earlier, which I’d told him to put upstairs. He must have set this up then.

  “What’s this?” I asked as he let go of my face.

  “Open it.”

  Reaching out, I picked up the box. I flipped the lid open, finding two matching wedding bands inside. One was slightly larger than the other. With shaky fingers, I slid out the smaller one, looking over the band. It was engraved on the inside with the initials ‘K & D’. I pulled out the larger ring to find the same engraving on that one.

  “You bought us rings?”

  Duke wrapped a hand around my waist.

  “We never got to exchange them when we got married. I know it’s only been a few months, but I want you to be my wife forever, Kira. There is nothing I won’t do to prove that to you.”

  He took the rings and the box from me. He set the box and the larger ring down on the bed before grasping my hand. Slowly, he slid the ring onto my ring finger on my left hand.

  “This ring is to show you I love you more than words can ever express. And to tell you, I’m never going to walk out on you again. I’ll stand by your side forever.”

  For a moment I had no idea what the hell to say. The significance of this moment struck me hard. I wanted to hold on to it. To savour the passing seconds. To see the adoration in his eyes and the undying love he showered me with.

  I took a breath and pulled my hands away, only to pick up the larger ring from the bed. I took his hands and slid the ring onto his finger. Then I looked up at him. The man who’d been in my life since I was four years old. The one I’d grown up with. Who’d cared for me and gave me strength and support. He was everything to me. He had my heart and soul. And nothing was holding me back any longer.

  “I love you, Duke. I really, really love you.”

  It was the first time I’d said it to him since we’d reconnected. The first time I’d uttered the words I held deep in my heart. There weren’t enough words to express the depth of my feelings or emotions towards him. I love you would have to suffice.

  Bringing his hand to my lips, I kissed the ring he’d bought, watching the way his eyes softened and the heart-melting expression on his face.

  “I’ll stay by your side forever too.”

  He let go of my hands and gathered me up in his arms, leaning down to kiss me. It was deep and full of passion. It showed me everything he’d been telling me for months. The way he desired, loved and cared for me. How he let me come to my decisions in my own time. The way he supported me no matter what was going on in his life. I would never lose him again.

  When he pulled back, my heart was full to bursting and I couldn’t hold back my words any longer. None of them.

  “Will you move in with me?”

  His eyebrow raised.

  “You serious? Don’t ask that if you’re not ready.”

  “I’ve been ready for you to move in here since you turned up on my doorstep and gave me hell over asking you for a divorce without talking to you about it first.”

  If I was honest with myself, the moment he turned up looking gorgeous as ever and said he would fight for me, I’d been a goner. It had taken me all this time to work up the courage to trust him again. To believe he would stay this time. To forgive him for all the pain and heartache.

  There had never been anyone else for me but Duke. No one lit me on fire the way he did. No one gave me heart palpitations in the bedroom. No one made me laugh until I was crying and I could hardly breathe any longer. Duke was my forever.

  “That long, eh?”

  “I was waiting until the new master was done so we could have a fresh start. You helped me make this room a space for both of us. I want our future to start now.”

  His smile was so wide, I thought it might split his fa

  “You can be sure I’ll be packing my shit up and moving in here as soon as possible.”

  He swept the box, flower and heart off the bed and placed me on it instead. Then his fingers were at my jean shorts, unbuttoning them and tugging them down my legs. His hand flattened on my chest, pushing me down on the bed before he crawled over me.

  “Are you sure you want to move in here and not find our own place?”

  His cheeky smile made my heart skip a beat.

  “I would never make you move out of your childhood home, Kira. Besides, did you forget I grew up here too? And we’re only two streets away from my parents so Mum can’t complain.”

  I bit my lip. Ash would lament her final child moving out of their house, but Duke was right. He wouldn’t be far away from her.

  “Doesn’t mean we’re going around there all the time.”

  He laughed.

  “Fuck no. They’re my family and I love them, but I want to be here with you building our future together. You are where my true home is.”

  As if I couldn’t melt any further. Duke somehow always said all the right things, but they weren’t empty words or promises. He didn’t give those away lightly, given what happened with us before.

  “You are far too sweet.”

  He gave me a wink.

  “Like my daddy, eh?”

  I made a face. Duke was a lot like Xav. Protective, sweet and incredibly loving despite his constant joking around.

  “Please don’t make me have weird, creepy thoughts about your dad. I mean, he’s great and all, but the only person I want to think about between my legs is you.”

  Duke recoiled at my words.

  “I did not mean that at all. Promise me you will never think of my dad in that way. Like ever.”

  “Trust me, I have zero interest in thinking of your dads in a sexual context.”

  Duke rolled off me and buried his face in his hands.

  “My libido is officially dead.”

  I propped myself up on my elbow and stroked my fingers down the centre of his bare chest. My eyes were drawn to the ring on his finger. It gave me a fluttering in my stomach to see it there. This man was truly mine. All fucking mine. And no, I didn’t care if I sounded possessive of him. Duke belonged to me and I to him.


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