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Our Darkest Dare

Page 36

by Sarah Bailey

  “You sure about that?”

  He nodded, not dropping his hands. I decided to get his mind off his family in the only way I could. Drive the man crazy so he could only think about me. I hauled myself up and stood over him.

  “Dukey, open your eyes.”

  His hands fell from his face just in time to catch me unhooking my bikini top and tossing it away. My bikini bottoms came next as I shimmed them down my legs and kicked them off the side of the bed. The heat in Duke’s eyes made my insides clench.

  The next thing I knew, he’d grabbed my hand and tugged me down on top of him. I laughed as he kissed down my throat, his hands roaming over my naked skin. I rubbed myself against him, finding his dick stiffening underneath me.

  “You were saying?”

  He rolled us over and pinned my hands above us, those blue eyes absolutely wicked.

  “Mmm, I think the winds have changed… my libido is definitely here and it’s time you and he got acquainted.”

  Chapter Fifty Four

  Kira’s eyes were bright with amusement and desire. My girl. My wife. The light of my life. She’d told me she loved me and wanted me to move in. Nothing could make me happier. The past few months we’d been back in each other’s lives had been nothing short of fucking amazing. Having her support made everything a hundred times easier. Kira had always been my rock. She kept me from fucking up too much. This girl could move mountains for me and I would do the same for her.

  Having her squirming beneath me as I kissed down her chest whilst keeping her hands pinned above her head was the best possible way to spend an afternoon. I wanted to drive her wild before I fucked the living daylights out of her. With my free hand, I spread her legs, running my fingers up her inner thigh and making her wriggle further.

  “Someone’s eager,” I murmured, kissing her breast and flicking my tongue over her nipple.

  “It’s you, how can I not be?”

  I grinned, looking up at her. Those copper eyes were full of heat and desire. Her lip was caught between her teeth and her hair was splayed out over the covers. Christening our new bed was a task I relished.

  I let go of her hands, my lips trailing lower across her stomach. Her breathing became laboured with each stroke of my tongue against her skin.

  “Does my baroness need to come?”

  “If I wasn’t so turned on right now, I’d tell you off for that comment.”

  Kira would never like the fact she had a title, but it didn’t bother me in the slightest. The law of succession for women meant I didn’t inherit her title. Wouldn’t have made a difference either way. Kira was who I cared about.

  I settled between her legs, watching her as I lowered my mouth to her pussy. My fingers spread her lips.

  “Even the nobility need to get off.”

  She glared at me, but a moan escaped her lips when my tongue circled her clit. Kira’s fingers dug into my hair, her other hand bunching in the covers.

  “You drive me crazy sometimes.”

  I didn’t respond, merely pressed two fingers inside her pussy, making her back arch off the bed. Watching her come apart was addictive. We both knew I made her crazy in the best way possible.

  “Don’t stop, Duke, please, oh god.”

  My fingers thrust harder, rubbing the exact right spot. She wriggled and bucked, but it wasn’t to dislodge me. Her fingers pressing against my scalp, keeping me pinned to her pussy, said otherwise. She wanted me to drive her to the heights of ecstasy. Give her the entire world and make her body dance with pleasure. Reaching up, I gripped her nipple between my thumb and forefinger before twisting gently and squeezing. Her cries spurred me on. Making me drunk off her lust.

  “Fuck,” she all but screamed, coming apart under my hands and tongue.

  The way she trembled was a sight for fucking sore eyes. I raised my head, watching her in complete and utter bliss. No doubt, I wanted to spend every night torturing her with pleasure this way. Showing her what she meant to me. Giving her everything.

  I sat up and stroked my fingers down her calf as she came down. My fingers unbuttoned my shorts and tugged them off along with my boxers. Crawling over to the headboard, I took a seat and grabbed a condom from the bedside drawer. Ripping it open, I rolled it on my cock, feeling it throb in my hand.

  Kira opened her eyes and looked over at me. My eyes fell on my cock before I looked at her again. Her slow smile set me on fire. She flipped over onto her front and crawled over me. My hands went to her behind, encouraging her to sit on me. Her hands gripped my shoulders, then she sunk down on my cock, making me grunt. Her pussy was hot and deliciously wet. Fuck, I couldn’t get enough of my wife. Her body, her soul and her wicked mind… but most of all, her pure as fuck heart. I reached up and traced a line down the centre of her chest with my fingers before pressing my hand to where that organ proceeded to beat in her chest.

  “It’s yours,” she whispered before beginning a slow rhythm, rising and falling on my cock.


  She nodded, biting her lip, her fingers gripping my shoulders tighter.

  “I love you, Duke. No one else has ever owned my heart. I love you more than words can express. I know it’s taken me a long time to say it, but I wasn’t ready. I know now you are the only man I will ever want or need. I don’t want to go back to a world which doesn’t contain you.”

  I pressed my hand harder against her chest.

  “No applying for a divorce again then?”

  She shook her head, leaning closer and trapping my hand between our chests.

  “No, definitely not.”

  She kissed me, pouring out all her love and affection into it. My hand left her chest, tangling in her hair and keeping her close. My other hand encouraged her to ride me faster. Our kisses became more frantic with our movements, both of us getting lost in the passion and emotion of the moment.

  “I love you,” I whispered between kisses, “Forever, Kira, I love you forever.”

  There was nothing in this world quite like being with the person you loved. The one who made your heart pound harder. The one who gave you their undying support and affection. Who made you laugh and smile every time they were in your presence. The person who made you feel lighter and stronger. Kira was that for me and so much more.

  She released my mouth and pressed her cheek to mine, wrapping her arm around my shoulders. Her pace increased further, moans and pants escaping from her lips. My hand drifted from her hair to her neck, gripping it loosely as my thumb ran down her pulse point. There was something primal about having your hand around a woman’s throat, almost as if their life was in your hands. It was a sign of trust, her accepting it. I would never harm Kira during sex or outside of it. I fucking worshipped her. She was my goddess. The damn light of my life.

  “Tighter,” she whispered.

  My fingers twitched, squeezing a little at her request, but still not enough to restrict her airway. It was a possession thing between us rather than me wanting to choke her.

  “Whose are you?”

  “Yours,” she breathed.

  “Good girl. Fuck me harder. Get yourself off.”

  She pressed ever closer, rotating her hips and grinding against me. Her fingers dug into my shoulders, her pants getting louder. She was close. So fucking close, I could feel it vibrating in her body. The pounding need to fall apart in my arms.

  Her passion flared and then she was coming all over my dick, her pussy clenching hard with each wave. She choked out a moan, her body trembling all over. I held her, keeping her steady and moving my hips up to meet her erratic thrusts. Turning her head slightly, I kissed down her jaw, murmuring how much I loved her into her skin whilst keeping a grip on her throat.

  When she slumped against me, I let go of her throat to grip her hips and fuck her. Kira held onto me, burying her face in my neck and kissing my skin. It didn’t take much for me to fall over the edge after having her climax all over me. I
t was bliss as the pleasure radiated up my back.

  I held her close and kissed her hair when I was spent, never wanting to let go of my wife. Every moment I spent with her was precious after years of being away from Kira. I appreciated everything about her. Everything about us. Everything about this.

  She peeled away from me, smiling with her copper eyes full of love and affection. Her fingers went to my hair before she stroked my face.

  “I think the bed is sturdy enough.”

  I laughed, shaking my head. She hopped off my lap and disposed of the condom for me before the two of us lay back against the covers on our sides, holding each other.

  “I don’t know, we may have to keep testing it,” I said after a moment.

  “Oh well, that’s not too much of a chore.”

  “It might be when I tie you to the headboard so you can’t escape me and fuck you until you’re begging me to stop.”

  She peeked up at me from where her face was buried in my chest.

  “Oh yeah? I dare you to try to make me beg you to stop.”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “A dare, huh? I thought those got us in too much trouble.”

  Her wicked grin made me hold back my own.

  “Not if they’re sexy dares.”

  My hand ran down her back, cupping her behind.

  “I see. So, what you’re saying is I can dare you to do all sorts of dirty things in the bedroom?”

  “Within reason.”

  Leaning down, I nuzzled her nose with mine.

  “What if I dared you to let me bind your ankles and wrists whilst you were face down on the bed?”

  “I’d ask you when.”

  Kira was more adventurous than I expected. I was completely down for that. I would never describe myself as particularly kinky, but fuck if she didn’t make me want to try new things.


  She shivered, pressing closer to me. I pried her hand from my back and raised it to my lips, kissing the ring I’d bought her. The one which symbolised our love and devotion. Having these made our marriage feel as though it was permanent. We’d work hard to stay together no matter what life threw at us.

  “I didn’t know I needed this until you bought them,” she murmured.

  “The ring?”

  “Yeah, it’s more meaningful now than it would have been when we got married. This makes it feel like we truly mean it this time. We’re an actual couple. In my head, you’re my husband, but this makes it… real.”

  I nodded, knowing exactly what she meant.

  “Did you go by yourself to get these?”

  I grinned.

  “No, Mum helped me pick them out. We had a son and mother day. I took her out for afternoon tea and everything. It wasn’t long after we told them about the marriage. I’ve been waiting for the right time to give it to you.”

  Her soft smile set my soul on fire.

  “You chose the right day. I don’t think words can express how happy I am right now knowing we’re moving forward together like this.”

  I stroked her face, loving the way she looked at me as if I was the only person she needed in this world.

  “You sure you want to be with me full-time?”

  “Um, regular sex on tap is not something I would ever turn down.”

  “Are you saying you only want me for my body?”

  She shoved me and laughed.

  “No, silly! The out of this world sex is an incentive but not the only reason I want you.” She shifted closer. “I love you, Duke Scott, my rather gorgeous husband, now and always. I love you for you.”

  I kissed her, our tongues entwining as we sunk into each other. There was never any doubt in my mind about her feelings, even when she hadn’t voiced them aloud. Kira loved me as I loved her.

  “You’re the one,” I whispered against her lips, “My one and I love you.”

  I spent the rest of the afternoon in bed with my wife, reaffirming our desire to be together. The future we had was bright and I couldn’t ask for more. And if we chose to keep daring each other a little? Well, that would be for pleasurable purposes only. After all, without those dares, we wouldn’t be here now, happier than ever and excited about everything to come. Sometimes the worst events in your life can eventually lead to the very best ones.

  I would never regret daring Kira to marry me three years ago. And neither would she.


  Standing with a beer in my hand by the patio doors of my parents’ house, I stared out over their garden and the gathered crowd on the lawn. They were here for me. My thirtieth birthday. It didn’t feel as though nine years had passed since Kira and I had officially got together, but here we were, celebrating another birthday with our family surrounding us.

  My parents were all sitting together on two blankets surrounded by their grandchildren. The sight of it made my chest burn with happiness. The one thing my mother had always wanted was grandkids. She and my dads spoilt the fuck out of them, but none of us complained about it.

  Logan and Aurora were sat with his parents watching their son, Maddox, who was in Quinn’s lap with a book between his fingers. His granddad was reading to him and laughing as Maddox tried to pronounce words far beyond his ability. The little guy looked like his father, blue eyes full of life and dark hair cropped close to his head. My sister had decided one kid was enough given they both had rather involved jobs, her at the Syndicate and Logan had his charity. Logan had been a stay-at-home dad, for the most part, allowing Aurora to continue working, something she’d never wanted to give up.

  My brothers were with their partners on another blanket, along with Rhys and Aaron. Jonah was eyeing Elodie. She was crawling all over Eric and Dad, laughing with her eyes twinkling. Raphi had his head in Jonah’s lap, his eyes closed as his husband stroked his hair. The two of them went down to part-time hours to care for their daughter equally. The way Jonah supported my brother gave me peace of mind. Raphi had fought so hard, battling his mental health issues for years. He had come into his own when he got back together with Jonah. Them adopting their daughter had proved how far he’d come. Elodie couldn’t ask for two more loving and caring fathers.

  Cole currently had his head resting on Meredith’s stomach, talking to the baby growing inside. She was pregnant with their second child, having only given birth ten months ago. Their daughter, Cleo, was sleeping on Rory’s shoulder, looking incredibly peaceful with her grandfather. She had strawberry blonde hair like her mother and hazel eyes, matching her father and granddad. Cole and Meredith had recently found out they were having a boy. Cole was adamant he would be named Bear. Meredith was on the fence over it, but I knew what Cole was like. He would get his own way, eventually.

  Next to Meredith, Aaron, Rhys’ husband sat with their daughter, Devon, clinging to his neck. They’d had her via a surrogate. She looked like a miniature version of Rhys with dark curly hair and dark eyes. Meredith mentioned the two of them wanted another child at some point and their previous surrogate had agreed to help them again.

  My musings about my family and friends were interrupted when my wife wrapped an arm around my waist and leant her head against my shoulder. She rubbed her belly. Kira was eight months pregnant with our second baby. My beautiful wife was glowing with her hair up in a ponytail and her copper eyes bright.

  “Look at them all,” she sighed, “Our family is pretty amazing, aren’t they?”

  “Mmm.” I leant down and kissed her temple, running my fingers over the top of hers on her stomach. “I, for one, can’t wait for Melody to meet Soren and the rest of them.”

  Our two-year-old son, Soren, was with his grandmother. He looked like me and his grandfather, with a tuft of auburn hair and blue eyes. The little man was boisterous as they came. Kira told me it was unsurprising, given who he belonged to. I’d laughed because she was right. Currently, he was crawling all over my mum, trying to get her to play rough and tumble with him
. I’m not sure Mum wanted to get her clothes dirty. A moment later, Dad scooped up my son onto his shoulders and proceeded to run around the blanket in a circle, making Soren scream with delight.

  “I’m telling you right now, we are not having any more after Melody. She’s driving me crazy,” Kira muttered.

  “I thought I drove you crazy.”

  She looked up at me, copper eyes twinkling.

  “You do, but I’m fed up with getting kicked in the ribs by this little madam.” She patted her belly. “It’s like every time I stand up, she’s on the move and I’m about ready to throw a fit.”

  I wrapped my arm around her and hugged my wife, pressing kisses to her hair.

  “I wish I could take the burden away from you.”

  She hugged me back.

  “It’s okay, it’ll be worth it when she’s here, but I wasn’t joking. We’re not having any more kids.”

  I laughed. She was the one who wanted another baby. I’d been happy either way.

  “No more kids, I promise.”

  She let me go and pushed me towards my family.

  “Go and sit with them.”

  I turned back to look at her.

  “What about you?”

  She smiled.

  “I’ll be there in a minute, don’t you worry.”

  I raised an eyebrow but turned away again and walked over to my family. Dad had stopped running and was standing with Soren clinging to his neck.

  “Daddy!” he screeched when he saw me.

  “Little man,” I replied as he practically jumped off my dad onto my chest, making me grunt from the impact.

  I handed Dad my beer to allow me to get a firm grip on my son before taking it back.

  “He takes after you,” Dad said.

  “I think you’ll find he takes after you.”

  “He’s right,” Eric put in, tickling Elodie’s stomach and making her giggle. “You were always a wild one.”


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