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Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance

Page 8

by Dee, Cassandra

  Right about now would be a good time to pull out the D/s contract. But I didn’t. The scene was unfolding beautifully, and there was no need to break our flow.

  And slowly, Minnie bit her lip and nodded.

  “Good,” was my rumble. “Go to the wooden box and get the handcuffs again.”

  I watched as the redhead opened the wooden chest, cheeks coloring upon seeing the contents. But then the female pulled out the restraints, padding softly until she stood in front of my form.

  I took the handcuffs like an emperor receiving his tribute.

  “Kneel,” came my harsh command.

  We were no longer headmaster and student. We were the Dom and his sub. And Minnie knew it. Immediately, the girl sank gracefully to the floor, head bowed like a good little girl.

  And this time, I cuffed her hands behind her back. Grabbing the knife from my drawer once more, I sliced her jumpsuit off with a few swift strokes. The rip of the canvas was fucking loud in the cabin, Minnie’s heavy breathing the only sound.

  The girl didn’t move though, even as the shiny blade came within millimeters of that tender flesh. She held still, unmoving, clad only in her bra and panties. Her breathing was short and shallow, anticipating what came next.

  And shit yeah, I sliced off her bra with a nick of my knife, that tiny scrap of lace falling to the floor.

  Shit shit shit.

  Those big boobies tumbled out, large, luscious and inviting. The sacks of cream beckoned like swinging balls, my mouth already watering involuntarily. What would they taste like? My dick jerked as her pink crests grew more pronounced, pebbling with need.

  But this wasn’t the time.

  Not yet.

  I moved in front of the female, gazing at the tableau before me. Because nothing had ever looked so appetizing. A creamy teen kneeling on the floor, red hair strewn over her shoulders. Those giant tits heaving slightly as her cunt seeped down below, clad only in the tiniest scrap of lace. Inhaling, I breathed deeply. Fuck yeah. Her pussy was leaking hard, the scent of aroused female unmistakable.

  And then it happened. There was no contract, but I wanted the words anyways.

  “Submit to me,” I rasped. “Submit.”

  That wasn’t the most elegant statement ever, my body hard with arousal. But the redhead knew what to do. Slightly tipping her chin up, those caramel eyes swung bravely to meet mine.

  Slowly, she nodded her head.

  “Yes. Yes, Master Thorn. I submit.”

  And that was all it took. All holds were off. We were bound by words, even if they weren’t on paper. And I needed her so bad. Fumbling like a fucking adolescent, I unfastened my pants and freed my cock. Oh fuck yeah. My stiffie craved her attention, the wood like a giant tree branch.

  And Minnie’s reaction was priceless. Her eyes widened, mouth dropping open. The girl was unable to say anything at first, merely staring at the enormous size and length, tip coated and glistening with virile seed.

  “You want it,” I growled. “You want Master’s cock.”

  Sure enough, the girl swallowed audibly, eyes still fixed on my massive fuckrod.

  “Yes,” she gasped. “Yes, Master, I do.”

  And I’m a fucking heartless asshole. Because I needed to be in that mouth so bad that I didn’t take Minnie through the steps. What Dom doesn’t give his girl some tips? What Dom is fucking ruthless and crams his cock down a sub’s throat with no notice?

  Me, that’s who.

  Grabbing her chin in one big hand, I pried her mouth open.

  “Open,” was my only warning.

  And suddenly, the girl’s mouth was stuffed full of cock. It wasn’t gentle. It wasn’t a slow tease at her lips, letting her get adjusted. Instead, I thrust my massive ten incher all the way down Minnie’s throat, the redhead choking and sputtering in shock.

  “Don’t fight it,” I ground out, eyes glued to the nude girl kneeling at my feet. “Don’t fight it and it’ll go down easier.”

  She mewled, cheeks bulging like a chipmunk, only the whites of her eyes showing. Drool began dripping from the corner of her mouth and I wiped it gently.

  “Don’t fight it,” I rasped again. “Just relax your throat and let it in.”

  Breathing heavily through her nose, Minnie complied. And sure enough, things got easier. My heavy length inched in, the tip visibly moving down that swan-like neck as her lips stretched.

  “Don’t fight it and it won’t hurt so much,” I rasped in a deep voice. “Just let it roll.”

  Because shit, her throat and mouth had to hurt. My cock was just too big, and for a girl used to taking delicate bites, this was like getting run over by a Mack truck. Her eyes watered a bit, another labored inhale whistling through those suffering nostrils.

  But I’m a man who takes everything.

  “Suck,” was my brutal command. “Make me come.”

  And the girl complied. Even though she must have been massively uncomfortable, Minnie began to bob her head back and forth like a pro. It wasn’t easy for sure. My cock is so huge that she could only move a centimeter or two at first. But soon, we were in the swing of things, a couple inches appearing and reappearing between those pink lips.

  “Fuck,” came my low growl, chest and abs tense as I gripped her head. “Fuck fuck.”

  My eyes closed, feeling her teeth slightly graze my dick, the glistening shaft stretching that pretty mouth so wide.

  “Shit. Shit. Shit,” were my mutters as Minnie sucked and bobbed her head, speed and pressure increasing. And suddenly we were there. The situation was too depraved, and I couldn’t hold back anymore. Usually I’m a man who’s able to get head for hours, coming only when I want.

  But this was altogether different. The redhead was incredibly beautiful, those breasts swaying lusciously as her mouth moved up and down my fat dong. And the sounds she was making amped me up further, soft mewls of need combined with wet, obscene slurps.

  “Fuck!” came my roar. “Fuck!”

  And at the last second, I whipped my shaft out of her mouth, jizzing all over the creamy female. Spurt after spurt of hot semen blasted Minnie full force, landing on her neck, chin, stomach, and pelting her breasts like a warm rain.

  “Fuck!” I roared again. “Fuck this shit!”

  Because I’ve never had so much semen before. I can fill a pussy up just fine, but this went beyond that. I let go for a full five minutes straight, coating the sweet female in bubbly jism.

  “Shit!” came my raging roar again, the white erupting non-stop. I had to keep a hand on the base of my fuckrod just to make sure that we weren’t spraying the walls and windows of the cabin, it was so fucking crazy.

  And Minnie went with it. Instead of being horrified, she opened herself like a beautiful canvas. Closing her eyes, that pink pout parted, to catch semen like a warm rain. Her breasts thrusts forwards, worthy targets of my cum, and oh shit, the girl literally reached down and pulled the crotch of her panties to one side so that jizz could trail down her torso and enter that sweetest spot.

  Fuck. I wanted to shoot all over her clit. All I had to do was to point my dick two inches lower and it’d happen. I could see the nub, throbbing and delicious, peeking out from between those folds. But it was too much. I needed my sub on birth control, and blasting straight at that pretty vag was playing with fire.

  So instead, my cum gun emptied itself all over the redhead’s nude body, draping her with lash after lash of sweet seed.

  And after it was over, my big form heaved, totally wrung out.

  “Fuck,” was my labored curse. “Fuck.”

  Because the girl was drenched in semen. Absolutely drenched. Sopping wet with white milk dripping from every inch of that ivory form. Her boobies were covered with cream, sticky strings dangling off the pink tips. Her stomach glistened wet under the low lights, and sure enough, a tantalizing trail made its way towards her open pussy, sliding in between her vaginal folds.

  Oh fuck.

  I’m so fucked.

>   Dominating a student is bad enough.

  But what if I get her pregnant?

  Fuck fuck fuck. Because I want it. I want this curvy girl to swell even more, as round as a beach ball. I want that sweet pussy fucked so hard that Minnie ends up carrying my child. No one’s ever aroused these feelings in me before. It was totally out of the ordinary. Fucking crazy if you ask me. Where the hell was this possessive streak coming from? Pregnant? Shit.

  But that was enough for today. I’d kept the redhead long enough, and people were gonna get suspicious. Grabbing a box of tissues, I thrust it at the hotly pulsing female.

  “Master Thorn?” her voice was quiet and a little shaky.

  I cleared my throat.

  “Thank you, Miss Evans. That will be all for today’s lesson.”

  The redhead looked like she wanted more, those caramel eyes wide. She looked like she wanted to talk. But my female is a smart one because she stood silently, softly dabbing at her curves with a wad of Kleenex. Oh shit. Her chest was still wet with my seed, chin dripping with cum. My knees almost buckled when she patted delicately between her legs, soaking up the semen that had trailed below.

  But the redhead finished then, throwing the used tissue paper into the trash. Silently, I pulled out another jumpsuit from a drawer and handed it to her. The girl eyed it warily. The side of my lip lifted up in a crooked smile.

  “I know you don’t love the outfit. You’re not the only one. But this is reform school, Minnie, not a fashion academy.”

  Biting her lip, she took the jumpsuit from me and stepped gracefully into it, zipping it closed so that that curvy form was covered. Eyes roving, the female searched for her bra. It lay on the floor in shreds, the girl’s cheeks coloring as she balled it and thrust it in one pocket.

  “Will that be all, Master Thorn?”

  No. I didn’t want it end yet. I wanted to pull her onto my lap and talk. I wanted to pet those curves, run my hands along her generous swells while kissing that delectable mouth. But that would be overstepping my own boundaries. It meant feelings, and this wasn’t about that.

  So instead, my head nodded curtly.

  “That’s all for tonight.”

  And with that the girl padded softly to the door and disappeared into the night. I stood stock still in the center of my cabin. Oh shit. Had that really just happened? Had I really just blasted my seed all over an unsuspecting female while forcing my cock down her throat?

  But the look on Minnie’s face had been priceless. The surprise, the agony, and finally, acceptance. She was a good one for sure. A fast learner without a lot of questions, someone who didn’t need much guidance. She’d adapted beautifully, breathing in through her nose without being told, relaxing her palate so that my monster could worm its way inside.

  And oh shit, the way the redhead had creamed. The cabin now smelled like sex, my virile semen mixed with aromatic female cunt. It was fucking fantastic, and I strode to the windows, making sure they were tightly shut. Because I wanted to fall asleep to this scent. I was gonna blast off in my hand again while re-living the essence of Minnie, imagining the warm cream that leaked between her legs. Because Grayson Thorn is a dirty motherfucker … and soon my girl would be back for Lesson Three.



  “Thorn?” I heard Pamela’s voice float around the office on my cell’s speaker but didn’t respond, my mind reeling back to the previous night’s activity. “Mr. Thorn, you’re not listening to me.”

  I sighed.

  “Sorry, Pam. Just have a lot on my mind.”

  Amusement was in her tone. Her face smiled wryly on my phone screen.

  “Are the girls getting on your nerves? I will never understand why you decided to invest in reform schools. You weren’t even brought up with the same kind of discipline.”

  True. But that was the thing. Kids need discipline which is why I started this chain of academies. These days, teens ran free, exploring their inner selves and doing whatever the hell they wanted. If you asked me, I’d say my brother was my inspiration for why I went on with this. A child who was brought up with a silver spoon in his mouth, with no rules and regulations. Kids need a framework. Kids need boundaries. Adam had neither and look how he’d turned out.

  My parents should have been more hands on, but for whatever reason they’d hoped Adam would change on his own. Not likely. But it was too late now, he was decayed and rotten to the core.

  But Pam was right. I was distracted. I had a lot on my mind, and that something was Minnie. I couldn’t stop thinking about how she sucked my dick, and how she handled my length when I erupted on her, showering her with my seed.


  Did I screw up?

  Hell yeah.

  Because she’s a teen girl. Shit, feeling my jizz on her might get her hopes up. She might get too lost in a fantasy and dream that there was something there between us, special and true. After all, Minnie was young, and that’s what teenagers do. They have fantasies about true love.

  Fuck me.

  “Thorn?” Pamela repeated and then I heard her sigh on the other end of the line. “I’m starting to think that letting you stay in that school is a bad idea.”

  Maybe Pam was right. Maybe this was a bad idea and I should have left Forest Hills weeks ago. More for my mental health than anything else. Fuck. There was no contract between Minnie and I and yet I couldn’t stop.

  But Minnie…

  God, Minnie loved it.

  I saw the way her eyes had widened when she saw my shaft, saw how her mouth opened slightly, almost drooling at the sight of me. I saw the lust flash in her eyes, the need to wrap her mouth around my length and suck the pole dry.

  If I closed my eyes, I could still see her bobbing her head back and forth as she took me in whole, my dick hitting the back of her throat. It’d been amazing, seeing the nude female struggling even as she wanted it so bad.

  But what shook me most were her words. She’d told me with words her desire:

  “Everything, Master Thorn. Give me everything.”

  “More, Master Thorn. Please more.”

  And finally, the most important sentence:

  “I’m yours Master. Take me.”

  She’d spoken her acceptance, her voice breathless and hoping. The female had wanted me in the same way I wanted her, the way that I stayed up nights tossing and turning dreaming about that fantastical body with creamy curves.

  “Do you submit?” I’d ground out. It was a question I always asked a submissive, never a student. But I didn’t see Minnie as a student. I saw her as woman willing to give herself to my needs, willing to acknowledge the game that I wanted to play.

  “Yes,” was her breathless answer and the alpha in me had roared in satisfaction. There might not be a contract between us but her answer to the question was all the Dom needed to hear.

  And there would be time for lessons because Minnie needed training. Just the way she sucked my dick was a good example. I pictured those sweet peachy lips stretching so I would fit in her mouth, cheeks hollowing as she inhaled as hard as possible.

  But at the same time, the girl didn’t know how exactly to do it. Her eagerness was amazing, her natural instinct excellent. But this was no practiced whore. She didn’t know how to position her lips around my cock for the best angle. She didn’t know how to inhale first through her nose before pushing the hard shaft down her throat. She was an innocent when it came to this ordeal.

  And so I’d stepped in, ever the accommodating teacher. Her hands were cuffed behind her back, so I gripped that small chin and edged her closer to my dick, slowly inching my length down that lovely swan-like neck.

  And it wasn’t easy. Eyes wide and cheeks bulging with my cock inside that small mouth. Drool pouring from the corners of her mouth as the girl tried to adjust. And yet she hadn’t fought me. The redhead had allowed me to inch myself down her throat until I hit the back of her palate. And then the fun began.

sucked me whole like never before. The girl was new to the game, but some females just have natural skill. I’ve had hundreds of women do me, and most can’t take the entire ten inches. They always end up gagging, hacking and coughing before spitting out retching.

  But not Minnie. Her natural ability to stretch had been insane, and once I got down there, it was fucking amazing. She’d moaned, boobies heaving as her throat was fucked, eyes begging me for more.

  And shit, but I couldn’t wait to teach her.

  “Thorn!” I could hear the irritation in Pamela’s voice and I sighed, running my hand through my hair, making the black strands stand on end.

  “Shit, I’m so sorry, Pam. Say again?”

  “God, Thorn, you’ve never been this distracted before,” Pamela admonished. “What’s on your mind?”

  The secretary knew me well. There was a reason why my mother had wanted us to date. Pamela and I worked too well together, like a well-oiled machine. To be honest, Pam was honest-to-god the secret behind my success. If I didn’t have my secretary, then there was no one to keep me in check.

  “It’s just the girls,” I lied. “We’ve got some troublemakers this year.”

  Of course, my students were troublemakers by definition, so that was a safe answer. Because I didn’t want to tell her about Minnie. Pam knew of my predilections when it came to “relationships.” Of course she did. When things got out of hand, who would you think handled it?

  But Pam has the nose of a bloodhound.

  “Please don’t tell me there’s a student that you want to submit to you,” Pamela said, her voice filled with warning. “That could destroy everything you’ve built, Thorn.”

  I closed my eyes. “I know, Pam.”


  My hand ran through my hair, grateful to have someone like this on my side. Because my secretary will call me on my shit, the way she was doing now. She’d been through the incident with Miranda and remembered it all too well. It’d been bad. No worse than that. A fucking nightmare.

  “Explain everything to me, Thorn,” Pam had demanded. “Everything. Do. Not. Leave. A. Detail. Out.” The woman was angry, that much was clear.


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