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Taken by the Dom: A Light BDSM Bad Boy Romance

Page 9

by Dee, Cassandra

  I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “I wasn’t dating her. It’s a different kind of relationship, Pam.”

  Silence for a moment.

  “What does that mean?”

  The shit had hit the fan. I took a deep breath, one hand covering my eyes tiredly.

  “She’s my student,” was my reply, keeping my voice calm and collected. “But she wants it.” I could almost hear Pamela’s eyes widen with disbelief over the phone.

  “Listen,” was my harsh grunt. “I like my women a certain way, Pam. It’s hard to explain, but it’s the way I like it.”

  Evidently I wasn’t the only one frustrated from this conversation too. Pam let out another exasperated sigh.

  “You know, I always compared you to Christian Grey because you’re a multi-billionaire and all. But BDSM? Really? How the hell did you end up in that?”

  I shrugged. There was no need to explain myself. Frankly, this conversation could stop right now and that’d be that. But this was Pam and she knew everything about me already, from my bank account balance to the color of my socks. If there was anyone who could keep this secret safe, it was Pamela.

  Besides, the story wasn’t that crazy, so I shared some details.

  “I don’t have some tortured past,” I told her with a shrug. “I wasn’t abused or anything like that. But the first time I had sex with a cheerleader, she told me to spank her and pull her hair and I ended up liking it. In fact I loved it. I loved the power dynamic, how she was a submissive yet actually held my balls in the palm of her hand. So I did some research,” were my words. “I watched some BDSM on my laptop, and as I got older, gradually eased into the lifestyle.”

  Pam looked like she was about to get a headache. “Are you taking precautions?”

  I knew what she was talking about.

  “Yes,” was my ground out reply. “In every way. I have a submissive sign a contract and there are terms and conditions. I make it clear that they won’t be getting any kind of relationship with me other than what’s set forth in the four corners of the document.”

  My secretary was silent for a moment.

  “I hope it works this time,” she said morosely. “For you and for me. You know, I still think of Miranda sometimes,” she said in a quiet voice.

  There was silence for a moment.

  “Thanks for handling that,” I growled. “Appreciate it.”

  Pam sighed again.

  “Most relationships aren’t based on paper,” she began slowly. “You know that. I know that. It doesn’t matter if that thing was signed in blood with a pinkie shake topping it off. Some things just can’t be captured by a document.”

  I nodded my head.

  “Yeah, tell me about it. But Pam,” I paused. “It’s different this time. And I’d like this to stay between us.”

  Pam raised an eyebrow. “Like every dirty secret you have? Sure, I’ll shove it into one of the case files.”

  I chuckled, knowing full well that she was going to do just that. Because even when she knew about it, Pam never judged nor did she say anything against it. Sometimes she would bump into a submissive when she met me at my place, but the woman was completely discreet. There was no glance of recognition, just a smooth, professional smile.

  So Pam took care of my business in more ways than one. She got my subs onto birth control. She got them the morning after pill if it was needed. She got them counseling, and in the end, Pam was the one who wrote the Dear Jane email too. Sad, right? I didn’t even write it myself, my secretary did my dirty work.

  But this wasn’t about Miranda anymore. This was about Minnie.

  “Thorn,” Pam’s voice shook me from my memories. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  How to answer this? Things were already out of control, even early on. So I went for the blunt truth.

  “She’s different, I swear. Minnie’s real different.”

  But Pam knew me too well.

  “Oh god, Thorn,” the woman hissed. I could almost see her eyes roll with exasperation. “If anyone finds out, this will blow up. Everything will blow up and yes, your empire will burn with it, Thorn. You’ll lose everything. It’ll be the fall of Rome.”

  I closed my eyes and rubbed my face tiredly.

  “Don’t you think you’re overreacting?”

  “No!” was her vehement reply. “Literally the fall of Rome. Why would you do this? You have a network of academies at stake. You have so many assets that people want to get their hands on. You have enemies. So why would you make yourself vulnerable by taking up with a student?”


  Because Minnie was irresistible, creamy and beautiful, with the natural instincts of a sub. But I couldn’t say that. So instead, I bowed my head.

  “I know, Pam. I know. But nothing really happened. I didn’t fuck her.”

  “But you want to,” Pam retorted immediately. “Don’t even pretend otherwise. Look, I don’t want to comment on your sex life, Thorn. You pay me to work for you and that’s what I do. But a piece of advice from an old friend. If you’re going to ruin everything, make sure that she’s worth it and not some hooch that has your dick in a vise.”

  Trust Pam not to mince words. I had to chuckle at that one.

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” were my dry words. “How’s Kathy by the way?”

  I could almost hear her rolling her eyes at me.

  “Don’t think that asking about my daughter will get you off the hook, Thorn, but she’s fine. She’s excited for the trip we’re going on soon.”

  A smile made its way to my face, the image of a baby Kathy flashing in my mind once more.

  “That’s good then. Did she get the present I sent?”

  Pam snorted. “She loved it. I swear, Thorn, get my daughter one more gadget and we will be having a serious talk. You know how their generation is these days.”

  “Hey, I’m just the uncle who’s job is to spoil his niece. You know you guys are like family to me.”

  Pam’s voice got softer.

  “I know, Thorn, I know. And Kathy appreciates it, as do I. But I want you to watch out, okay? Don’t go off the deep end. It’s not worth it. No woman is worth the consequences. Especially when you have so much at stake.”

  I nodded.

  “Gotcha boss.”

  She sighed into the phone once more.

  “Anything else, Mr. Thorn?”

  “Naw, that’s all,” were my words.

  Pam just shook her head, like I was a recalcitrant fifth grader.

  “I’ll email you the rest of the things that you need to sign then,” my secretary informed me. “Look for it in your inbox. And please, please, please Thorn, think before you act. I don’t want to witness your ruin.”

  “You won’t,” I assured her.

  Her expression was rueful.

  “Somehow, I wish I could believe that, but you always do what you want to do.”

  Alright, this was getting out of hand.

  “Bye Pam,” were my final words. “Talk later.”

  And with that the phone clicked. Finally. Sometimes I felt like my secretary was more of a mom than an assistant, nagging me about this or that. I had this under control. The Minnie situation wasn’t gonna get too crazy. I just wanted to experiment a little, explore what the girl had to offer. This wasn’t going to be another Miranda situation. Not even close.

  So turning back to my computer, I clicked through my emails, working through this godawful to-do list. There was a bunch of shit to get done, the regular stuff. Checking on the financial status of my other schools. Hiring a new administrator at Mountain Meadow. Bringing in a new extracurricular for the students Penny Base. It kept me occupied, mind chugging away.

  But the images wouldn’t stop.

  Minnie with my dick in her mouth.

  Minnie bent over, naked and chained to the windowsill.

  Minnie screaming my name, gasping with pleasure.

  Her moans filling up the cabin, breathy a
nd tortured.

  I slammed my hand on my desk, rubbing my temples in frustration. I had to stop thinking about Minnie period. She needed discipline, and I was here to give it to her. That’s all. None of this moaning and panting, distracting me from my work.

  But unfortunately, with Minnie it was different.

  She lured me in with that figure. Those curvy Double Ds and her tantalizing hips. The way her curves jiggled tantalizingly, creamy and lush.

  And it was more than just the physical. It was the burning passion she had for her would-be profession, how her face lit up from within each time she spoke about it. How she spoke about her dreams, her commitment to making it come true. The redhead was animated, confident and beautiful, success a given.

  And yet there was hurt there too. Bewilderment that her father sent her here. Nursing a wound that was private, something below the surface that I could glimpse but not see clearly. There were layers to this girl that pulled me in, making her an intriguing mystery.

  So what to do now? Minnie loved our sessions, that was for sure. She wanted it just as much as I did, but did that even matter? She’s a student at Forest Hills. Untouchable. Placed here under my guidance.

  And yet I was crossing every boundary. More than crossing, busting through these things like they were nothing but flimsy paper tape. There were real consequences like Pam had said. Maybe not on the scale of the fall of Rome, but yeah, I could lose a shit ton.

  But what’s done is done, right? I’d already gone so far. I’d chained her and cuffed her. I’d blown my seed on her body and let her taste my dick, all under the pretense of “therapy.” So why stop now?


  Choices, man, choices.

  And the thing is I knew exactly what was going to happen.

  It wasn’t even a question.

  Because the girl loved every second. She’d spread my seed on her chest, lathering and massaging it on her breasts and putting her finger onto her mouth and sucking, tasting my essence. She had closed her eyes then, as if my semen was her favorite delicacy, licking those pink lips like a cat lapping at cream.

  So yeah, it wasn’t even a choice.

  There was truly something about Minnie that I couldn’t pinpoint. There was something about her that lured me in, like a lion to a lamb. Delectable and sweet, ready to be devoured.

  And I was gonna eat.

  I wasn’t gonna let her get away, hell no.

  Not when it was this good.

  There are gambles in life, and I was taking this one. I was gonna fuck my little student, even if it cost me my livelihood. Even if they took my fortune and put me in jail.

  So maybe Pat was right all along. Maybe Minnie was trouble in a way I didn’t anticipate. Because with the way my mind was going, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself. Hell, I didn’t even want to stop myself. It might fuck up my life. It might have long-term consequences that I’d regret later on. But for now … the girl was my submissive, and that was that.



  All of my life as a student, I’ve never gotten grades higher than a B. It came to the point that I’ve considered getting a B+ as the equivalent of an A. But here at the reform school, where I was surrounded by troubled girls trying their very best to be better people, I was blooming into a straight A student.

  But maybe that was because of a certain blue eyed headmaster.

  “Good job on your essay, Minnie,” Miss Darcy said to me with a smile, as she handed me my paper about the Second World War. “You’ve been doing tremendously well. Your parents will be pleased.”

  I’d rather please Thorn than my father. But I didn’t say that out loud. I smiled back at the instructor. “Thanks, Miss Darcy. I try my best.”

  “Wow another A,” Nicole mused from behind me. “Keep that up and you might boot Keira as the valedictorian.”

  The thought made me smile. Who would have guessed? But I turned to face her with a serious look.

  “I’m not aiming for that,” I said. “It’s all good.”

  And that was the truth. I really wasn’t aiming for academic honors. All I wanted was for Thorn to be pleased with my performance. It was funny how I’d only known him for what, three or four weeks? But I couldn’t get the dominant alpha out of my mind.

  And he seemed to be everywhere. The man owned this place after all. There was the time when he came in to our classroom and disrupted class to announce something. Every girl had stared, mooning like cows at that handsome form. There was a moment when I wondered why he was the headmaster. Why not a CEO? Why not a corporate titan? Someone who raided banks and got rich?

  But I didn’t care about that. All I cared about was what passed between us. Because before Thorn left, he caught my eye and smiled knowingly.

  I gasped, chills running up my spine.

  Had anyone seen that smile?

  Could they feel the electricity between us?

  But no one seemed to notice, so I just sank into my seat, cheeks hot.

  Get it together, the voice in my head screamed. Get it together, it was nothing!

  But I couldn’t help it. The effect this man has on me is devastating. He was the sole reason why I was doing well academically. I wanted to please him, so I got good grades. I would work my damn ass off if it made him happy. I would kneel at his feet for as long as he let me.

  And yes, I adored my therapy sessions with the Master. They were my lifeline to an existence where I mattered, where what my father said didn’t dictate everything. The last time I was with Thorn, he showered me with his cum, the gloopy hotness drenching my chin and chest, dripping to my breasts and even running all the way to my pussy.

  It’s demeaning right? Getting sprayed like that, my hair sticky with a man’s jism.

  But it didn’t feel that way. Or at least I didn’t feel that way.

  Because I loved it. My fingers massaged the bubbly liquid into my breasts, spreading it over and around my nipples, even circling my clit and getting it shiny.

  Because I was ready to cross any boundary when it came to Thorn. I was ready to go all the way with my Master. To follow where he led. To walk the fires of Hell, coming out unscathed on the other side.

  Did he know?

  Did he know what I was willing to do under his guidance?

  Did he realize that I was a virgin?

  Because it was the truth. Maybe I didn’t have a chastity or purity ring, but my body actually was chaste and pure. The right guy hadn’t come around yet, and I couldn’t just give it away.

  After all, the guys back at home, they were…well, boys. They smelled like pizza and had too much acne, oozing with pus.

  Thorn on the other hand, was the opposite. Hard. Commanding. A muscular body hiding beneath a perfectly tailored suit. He exuded masculinity and confidence, and that was exactly what turned me on. Well, that and the size of his dick.

  Oh yeah. Now that Thorn was here, everything was different. He’d flipped a switch within, waking the sleeping vixen.

  Suddenly, I was jolted from my dreams.

  “Minnie!” Nicole called my attention. I jumped up in my seat. She shot me a pointed look. “The bell just rang. It’s time for lunch.”

  I grinned.

  “Let’s go then.”

  In no time, we were in the mess hall. Because I have to admit, Forest Hills serves good food, hot and nutritious. No scary meatloaf made from Grade C beef or unidentifiable gray chunks spread on rice. So we helped ourselves to the food, and then found some seats at a table.

  Unbidden, my mind drifted back to the last session I had with Thorn. I remembered how he’d taught me how to suck his cock, how those blue eyes had gleamed watching me take his length. And oh god, today was Wednesday. That meant another session, and I couldn’t wait, giggling aloud.

  Nicole looked sharply at me.

  “What are you laughing about?” she asked, eyes curious.

  I shrugged and bit on my sandwich. “Nothing. I’m just happy about
the grade I got.”

  Nicole was silent for a moment.

  “That’s true. Why do you think it’s different here?” she asked. “Did you have a boyfriend at your old school who was a distraction? Was it your home life? My parents fought constantly, so I totally get it.”

  I paused for a moment. On the one hand, if this was Dina, I would have told her everything. Dina’s been my best friend for years, and we were as thick as thieves. But I didn’t know Nicole, not really, so I wasn’t ready to say anything about Thorn.

  Instead, I laughed it off.

  “No, no boyfriend back home,” was my reply. “And yeah, my home life sucks but I’ll deal. I guess it’s the fresh air here that helps me focus.”

  Nicole looked skeptical.

  “The fresh air?” she parroted slowly. “You really think it’s that?”

  I shrugged again.

  “I don’t know but it could be,” were my words. “My old city was pretty polluted, sometimes we had pollution days and people stayed home, believe it or not. They didn’t hold classes.”

  Nicole’s brows beetled.

  “Man it sounds like the apocalypse,” she said sympathetically. “I’m sorry to hear that, it sounds bad. But if you didn’t have a boyfriend, then did you date, Minnie?” she pressed. “You know, like going out with guys?”

  The question caught me off guard. Nicole never pried so this was strange. And where was this line of questioning going?

  “I dated some,” was my vague reply. “Why?”

  She was silent for a moment, looking at me speculatively.

  “Minnie, do you play for the other team?” were her slow words.

  What? What did that mean? We weren’t talking about sports.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, blinking and confused.

  Nicole shrugged. “You’ve dated but you’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m just asking if you might play for the other team. Like girls. You know.”

  My eyes widened and I shook my head. “No! It’s not like that, Nic. I just, the guys back at home are like, well, boys. They smell like pizza and acne cream and put too much gel on their hair.”


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