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Forever and a Night

Page 27

by Lana Campbell

  “My turn,” he said, then grabbed the tail of her dress and pulled it over her head, tossing it on the floor. “Oh shit,” he muttered, his gaze skimming over her. She hadn’t been wearing a damned thing underneath. “You’re naughty. I love it.”

  She let out a wicked chuckle. “I intend to get even naughtier.”

  She proceeded to show him, lightly running her nails across his chest and stomach, exploring with her eyes too as she went. The second her fingers touched the part of him, rock hard and aching to have her, he grunted and his whole body quivered for a second. He sucked in a steadying breath for her explorations which did get very naughty. Finally, he could take it no longer. He grabbed her wrists and laid her on the bed, pinning her arms over her head as he settled on top of her.

  “My turn.” He started working on her with some sizzling kisses that soon had her squirming beneath him. She managed to free one leg and wrapped it around the back of his thigh, which afforded her the mobility to torture him with little arched hip movements.

  Both lusts were pounding in his brain like a jackhammer and he couldn’t decide which one to give to them first. He broke the kiss, braced himself on the bed and pulled back, breathing hard as he stared into her eyes. She looked as drugged with arousal as he. “I want to taste you,” he growled.

  “No need to hold back,” she whispered and turned her head, exposing the uninjured side of her neck.

  Nathan marveled that she trusted him to drink from her when it was the very thing that had unraveled their relationship. Not so surprising, maybe. She’d given into the lust herself. Thank God, because he didn’t think he could live without that aspect of marriage.

  His gaze slid to the other side of her neck bearing Isabella’s scar. He wasn’t so sure about this. He would know instantly if bad memories entered her mind because everything she thought and felt would be open to him when he drank from her. This was the most important night of their lives. Their wedding night. He couldn’t risk anything spoiling it.

  Apparently, his hesitation made her curious. Her eyes filled with frustration, and she said, “Nathan, I trust you and I’m in no mood for delays. So get busy. I’m so damned horny, if you don’t, I’m going to attack you.”

  She never failed to surprise and delight him. He laughed and rolled over onto his back, pulling her on top of him. “Well, then attack.”

  She did, starting with some kisses, then a few nips and bites across his neck, that had him breathing hard in seconds. She straddled him and continued the hot, sweet, torture across his chest and stomach.

  He saw in her mind what she had in store for him next. The visions in her head had him sucking in a re-enforcing breath before her lips ever touched the head of his cock. When she took him deep inside her mouth, he cursed from the raw, vicious pleasure. He’d never experienced this sort of sexual torment in his life, but then he’d never been in love before. He growled and grabbed a handful of her hair, forcing her to stop before he embarrassed himself.

  She sat up and sighed, her expression feline-like. “Problems?”

  He snorted. “A few. Damn, you’re a handful.” Before she could answer, in vampire swift movements, he had her onto her back and spared only a second to locate the pulse spot that fluttered wildly in her throat.

  She let out a little grunt when he sank his fangs into her neck. Her arms fell to her sides when his venom hit her bloodstream. The temporary paralysis sparked no fear in her heart as it had before. Nathan felt her getting as swept away in the intimacy as he.

  His pleasure became one with hers and hers with his. Their mixed passion tore through his head and body with the intensity of a hurricane, causing him to literally shake.

  He wanted to make her his in every way but not while she remained in the thrall of venom. He forced himself to stop, rolled onto his back and pulled her on top of him again. They sucked in air like they’d sprinted a hundred yards in mere seconds. He could hear both of their pulses hammering wildly and neither spoke while their bodies recovered.

  Finally, she let out a couple of weak groans, then pushed off of him and sat up, her mouth agape as she stared at him. “Oh, my God, Nathan. That was more insane than the previous times, like some sort of second way of making love. What’s the real thing going to be like?”

  He grinned. “Your guess is as good as mine. Let’s find out.”

  He knelt in front of her and pulled her head forward, fusing their lips, stroking her hair with one hand while his other explored her breasts, teasing the nipples into hard points. Through it all, her pants, sighs and the shudders wracking her body, caused a great deal of trembling in his own.

  He’d imagined this moment a hundred times and had well laid plans to drag out the passion for hours. Fantasy and reality often differed and it sure as hell did now. The frenzy of need vibrating between them made waiting impossible. They had both waited long enough.

  He urged her onto her stomach and covered her body with his, then slid down to tease her back with his tongue and fangs, discovering many more sensitive spots of pleasure. The sexy noises she made were confirmation, not that he needed them. Her thoughts told him everything. He exploited all those sweet points until she was panting and writhing, begging him to end the exquisite torture.

  Nudging her legs apart, he positioned himself, lifted her hips slightly and she arched for him as he joined her. The submissiveness of her gesture inflamed him. Desire and possessiveness pulsed through his system with brutal ferocity, but he tamped it down, concentrating on what he needed to do to bring her desire to fever pitch.

  Slipping his arms around her waist and chest, he sat back on his heels, taking her with him, settling her legs on the outside of his to open her wider for his touch. While one hand caressed her breasts, his other hand slid down her belly, into the swollen core of her pleasure.

  Inside her mind, he knew what she needed and gave her the perfect attention in exactly the right spot. When he bit her, he needed to have her entirely sensitized and nearly mad with the need for release. Like he was right now, his aching shaft buried inside her to the hilt while the teasing strokes of his fingers caused her internal muscles to contract with each spear of rapture he created for them. It was a wicked circuit for them both, causing him such erotic pleasure, he could barely concentrate. His skin was slick with sweat, and his heart felt near to exploding. She did little better. He could feel the approach of her orgasm; the vicious tension building, agonizing stabs of pre-ecstasy, each of her little pants of breath, the involuntary shivering of her muscles.

  He swept her hair from her shoulder and began a series of nibbles and fang scrapes in the juncture of her neck and shoulder, gradually increasing the pressure to ready her for his bite. Her body shuddered harshly with the additional sensations.

  As soon as she began to crest, he sank his fangs into her shoulder, shoved them both forward, and using his free arm to brace them, began to pound into her hard and fast while releasing his venom. She let out a strangled cry, but he knew she felt no real pain, only pleasure, because in that moment, all sensations become one through the beauty of the mating bond heightened exponentially by their physical joining. In conjunction with his own pleasures and sensations, he could feel all of hers—the throbbing in her shoulder, radiating through his own muscles, her body absorbing each thrust from his. And in the midst of it all, the most powerful, delicious waves of sensation built higher and higher pushing them both toward climax.

  When it burst, it was like a super nova, pure light, pure power, an all consuming, supernatural force. Pinpoints of white and black sparkled in front of his eyes and hers. He felt them both diving downward, physically and consciously, and had just enough presence of mind to fall onto his side and pull her beside him, before they both slipped into darkness.

  Chapter 20

  Mia released a sleepy, little groan and opened her eyes. She glanced around the room. Sunlight filtered through the vertical blinds covering the balcony doors, telling her it was morning. Sof
t snores, drew her attention to Nathan, sleeping beside her.

  She sat up with cautious movements because she didn’t want to wake him. She wanted to study him because she’d never seen him asleep. And dear God, he was H-O-T, hot. He sprawled over the majority of the king bed, on his stomach, one arm curved over his head, the pillow resting beneath. She glanced over the little section she inhabited and wrinkled her nose at him, realizing her husband was a major bed hog.

  They were married! Mia smiled as her gaze raked over him. The comforter rested sideways across his lower back, revealing half of one, rock hard butt cheek. She was tempted to stroke it, but refrained. Aside from just enjoying the view, she wanted to go to the ship’s galley and make him breakfast. She had plans for them to enjoy it outside on the little deck. After that…well a whole lot more love making.

  Her smile widened into a grin. Ah, but this was fun for now, watching him sleep. The man was as beautiful as she imagined a real angel might look like, almost innocent in slumber. However, the things they’d done last night until the wee hours of the morning had been far from innocent.

  Dang, he was a skilled lover. Mia lost count of how many times they’d made love. Each time had been an explosive force of nature, ending with them both passing out. No wonder vampires mated for life. The sex alone would keep you tied to your mate, she thought.

  The potency of their lovemaking went so far beyond explanation or comprehension, she still wasn’t sure she understood the full extent of what had occurred between them. They’d not only experienced each others thoughts and feelings like they did when they fed from one another, but after he’d marked her, they’d experienced each others feelings and emotions simultaneously, making it seem as if it were all happening at once to one individual. It had been intense, powerful, beyond incredible.

  She smiled and fingered the mark on her shoulder, still tender from the night before. There had been no pain because Nathan had skillfully mixed it with pleasure. Every time after that, their lovemaking had been exactly the same—explosive—with the exception of the marking. Once that occurred between mates, it was forever binding. Mia knew beyond a shadow of a doubt, whatever link had been created between them, really had been marriage for vampires and only death could sever it.

  Her gaze swept over him again and she sighed. A swath of black hair, overlaid his cheek, which sported a serious five o’clock shadow. His full, delicious lips, which had given her such pleasure throughout the night, were parted and he sucked in steady, even breaths. She inhaled deeply, scenting him.

  All vampires had their own unique smell, always pleasant, but Nathan’s was aphrodisiacal and she felt her blood begin to heat with desire. Automatically, her hand reached out to touch him, but she reigned in the urge, then crawled out of bed and quietly made her way to the bathroom.

  After a quick shower, she headed to the ship’s galley. She found Caleb at a stainless steel prep table, dicing up a bunch of basil with knife skills that made her envious.

  He glanced up and smiled. “Good morning, Ms. Peebles. Would you like some breakfast?”

  “Yes, and some coffee, but I can make it if you’ll show me around your kitchen.”

  He laid his knife on the cutting board, then approached her, his gaze honing on her neck. Mia knew Isabella’s bite scar looked horrible and it embarrassed her. Christian had offered her plastic surgery and Mia intended to take him up on it as soon as possible.

  Caleb gave her a pleasant smile and said, “That’s not necessary. Give me about thirty minutes and I’ll have whatever you want delivered to your stateroom.”

  Mia offered him one in return, then said, “I appreciate that, but I’d rather fix it myself.” Depending on the kitchen’s supplies, she intended to prepare a gourmet breakfast, she felt certain Nathan would enjoy.

  Caleb indulged her. Together they executed a morning feast; Eggs Benedict, homemade biscuits and gravy, a fruit compote, bacon, sausage, grits, beignets, chicory coffee and Mimosas. He was a very talented chef and a nice young man. She shared with him her culinary background as they worked and told him she’d been Nathan’s personal chef. That news gained a very curious stare from him at the time. He’d also sported a few of the same at the huge rock adorning her left hand, so she’d confessed that they were `engaged’.

  The news obviously shocked him and Mia suspected the whole crew would know in short order. Mia was so happy, she didn’t care if the news leaked to the entire world. It would soon, she was sure. Nathan Davenport’s engagement would be national news and fodder for every rag print and t.v. station in the country.

  The thought of being shoved into the public eye unnerved her, but she was determined to suck it up and accept this aspect of life with Nathan. For that matter any aspect of life with Nathan. She was his wife, so whatever that brought, good or bad, she was down for it.

  Caleb followed her back to Nathan’s stateroom with the bounty they’d prepared. Just as they arrived, the door opened. Nathan glanced over them and the trays they both held. He was bare from the waist up, wearing his shorts from the night before and a scowl.

  “Where have you been?” he demanded.

  Mia just rolled her eyes. If she hadn’t been able to read his thoughts now that they were mated, his attitude might have pissed her off, but what rifled through his head was crystal clear. He’d awoken just minutes ago and thought he’d dreamed the previous night. Mia felt his fear. This life-mate thing was bizarre, but she loved the complexity.

  “Calm down, Nathan. I was fixing us breakfast and coffee.” She strode past him and placed her tray on a small, round table a short distance from the door. Caleb did the same with the one he bore, then left.

  Mia faced him. “Hungry?”

  Nathan gave the food a cursory glance then pinned her with an edacious look. “Famished. Now get back in that bed so I can eat.”

  He reached out to take her arm, but Mia stepped back, evading him, a playful expression on her face. “Oh, no you don’t, you horny thing. Breakfast first.”

  He released a low, rumbling growl, then said, “Fine. Let’s make it quick.”

  He stepped forward, but Mia planted a hand against his chest. “I want to eat outside.” She nodded toward the balcony doors.

  His teasing expression faded. “Whatever you want, love.”

  Nathan retrieved their sunglasses from the dresser, then one of the trays and Mia grabbed the other, following him onto the little balcony which had a wrought iron table and two matching chairs. She sat the tray down and looked out across the blue/grey water, to which there was no end. She sniffed, smelling salt and realized, just as Nathan promised, they were in the Gulf.

  “It’s beautiful, Nathan.” She glanced up at him, now next to her at the railing.

  He smiled then pointed toward the front of the ship. “Look. Dolphins.”

  Mia gasped. “It’s like their following the boat!” She watched them nose dive into the water, then pop up, repeating the actions over and over.

  “They are. Sometimes they do that.”

  Mia palmed her face, delighted. “Oh, my gosh! Wouldn’t it be fun to swim with them?”

  “It’s loads of fun. Want to?”

  She turned her head and stared at him. “Are you serious?”

  He nodded. “I assume you know how to swim?”

  “Of course, but you mean like now? Here? Are you crazy?”

  He smiled. It was a bit secretive. “About you, yes, but I’m serious about joining the dolphins. If we were human, it would be dangerous, but we’re not.”

  Mia watched him walk inside and pick up the receiver of the phone on the nightstand, then a minute or so later, he gave Captain Davis orders to stop the ship.

  Oh my gosh! He was serious. Mia just blinked at him when he returned to her. He leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

  She stepped back and said, “I don’t know about this, Nathan. Will they bite or attack us? What about sharks?”

  He started laughing. Mia gav
e him a playful shove because she was worried. “Mia, it’s obvious you still have much to learn about being vampire. If a vampire can control the mind of a human, how much easier do you suppose it is to control one of an animal?”

  “Oh.” She got it, then grinned, excitement trilling through her. “What about the crew? Do they know about you?”

  “Yes and Dominic too. He uses this thing more than I do.”

  Mia bit her lip, wondering if the staff on board had figured out she too was vampire. She supposed they would soon enough since she and Nathan were `engaged’.

  “In the meantime, let’s eat. It takes a while to bring a ship this size to a halt.”

  After breakfast, they donned their bathing suits and some water goggles with black tinting, then headed to the lowest exterior deck. Nathan led her to the railing where a long, white plastic ladder extended down the side of the ship, at least thirty feet. Her stomach lurched, viewing the distance between the deck and the water, which looked far choppier than it had when they’d been moving. “Oh,” she groaned, having second thoughts. “I’ve changed my mind. Let’s just watch them.”

  Nathan chuckled, then hauled her into his arms. “Too late. Hold your breath.” In a single fluid move, he jumped straight up and over the railing. Mia screeched as they plummeted toward the water. She managed to suck in a deep breath right before they went under.

  She scrambled for the surface. When she popped up, Nathan tread water a few feet from her, grinning. The water was rough and waves slapped her in the face. This was nothing like the lake and she was more than a bit scared. Nathan swam to her, encircled her bottom and lifted her so the crests mainly hit her chest. She glanced around. “I don’t know about this. We should be wearing life jackets.”

  “We can’t. It slows the dolphins down. You’ll be fine. Quit thinking of your abilities to be that of a human. You can swim as fast as a dolphin and you can hold your breath much longer now too. Watch.” He let her go, then took off swimming, skimming the surface with uncanny speed. Not to be bested, she took off after him and to her surprise, quickly caught up with him.


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