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Forever and a Night

Page 28

by Lana Campbell

  “That was a rush!” she exclaimed, giggling as he caught her around the waist and lifted her again. She glanced around. “Where did the dolphins go?”

  He nodded and Mia turned her head, then gasped. Two, a mere thirty or forty feet away swam directly toward them. Moments later they stopped, close enough for Mia to reach out and touch them. They began chattering and bobbing up and down in the water. Mia clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle her giddy laughter, afraid she’d scare them off. Nathan’s face was sober as he stared at them. A moment later, one swam up right beside them.

  “Go ahead. Pet her,” Nathan said.

  Mia complied, amazed by its’ smooth, slick skin and the fact it actually let her pet it.

  Her? He was obviously in the creature’s mind and he proved it a second later when he hoisted her onto its’ back. Mia let out a little whine of excitement and clamped her legs around her body, like a horse. She bobbed with the waves and Mia wasn’t quite sure where to hold on with her hands. A second later it took off and she grabbed the sides of her head, which got Mia a spray of water in the face from her blow hole.

  “Nice, dolphin. Whoa, girl. Slow down.” It did so immediately and Mia wondered if it understood her or if Nathan controlled her. She connected to his thoughts and found the answer to be both.

  Nathan was laughing when the dolphin he’d mounted swam up beside her. “Having fun yet?”

  “A blast. They’re kind of slippery and hard to hang onto, though.” She brushed the dolphin water off her face and grinned.

  “It’s about to get even more fun. Lay across her, but scoot back a little bit and don’t cover her breathing hole.” Nathan showed her how to straddle the thing, then Mia copied him. “Hang on tight and hold your breath when you go under. If you get scared, just pop off. I’ll get you.”

  A second later both dolphins took off at high speed, dipping into the water, leaping up and out, then down again, repeatedly. Even with vampire strength, it was all Mia could do to hold on and quickly wore out. After several minutes, her arms and legs were shaking so bad, on it’s next bolt out of the water, Mia jumped off. Nathan was right beside her when she bobbed to the surface.

  “Dear God! That was insanely fun,” she exclaimed, and wrapped her arms around his neck. The two dolphins swam around them in a wide circle making figure eights patterns, chattering in their cute way, making Mia giggle from the pure enchantment of the moment. “I love you, Nathan. I’ll never forget this day as long as I live.” She couldn’t see his eyes, but she could clearly see his heart and the passion and love for her residing there.

  “I love you too and I will forever.” He leaned forward and kissed her as waves splashed across their bodies and waves of rapture engulfed them.

  Chapter 21

  “Rise and shine, Mom,” Dannie said, grinning as she, Chelsie, Tiffany and Julia entered her room. Julia carried a tray with breakfast, beaming with as much excitement as her girls. This was her and Nathan’s traditional wedding day and her bevy of bridesmaids and matron of honor were on the case.

  “Morning, guys.” Mia forced a smile for them and sat up. She’d been awake for about fifteen minutes, but hadn’t been able to haul herself out of bed because she was sick as a dog, nauseous and miserable. She’d been like this for the last two days, and had done everything in her power to hide her misery. She’d succeeded with everyone but Nathan because of their life-mate bond. Their parting last night to separate rooms in their New Orleans home had been strained. He’d been so worried about her, he’d threatened to call Christian.

  She didn’t need Christian just yet. It had been about twenty one years, but Mia had a pretty good idea what ailed her. Keeping the truth from Nathan hadn’t been easy, but she now knew how to block her thoughts from him when she wanted.

  “Good morning, my darling. The start of your wonderful day will be breakfast in bed,” Julia chimed, situating the tray over Mia’s lap.

  Mia glared at the steaming plate of eggs, bacon, beignets and juice and clamped a hand over her mouth and nose. The scent of the food was like an olfactory knock out punch in the face. She was going to loose it. She pushed the tray aside and ran to the bathroom.

  Mia felt much better by the time she returned, but all four of the women in her wedding party wore expressions of concern, although Julia’s was tinged with knowing. “I guess I can’t hide it much longer. I’m not a hundred percent sure, but I think I’m pregnant,” she announced.

  Chelsie, Dannie and Julia offered happy smiles and congratulatory statements.

  Tiffany said, “Oh dear God, more vampires in our family? Great.” She wore a smile too as she said it and Mia knew she was being her usual silly, sarcastic self.

  Julia said, “Mia, this is wonderful news! Nathan will be so happy.”

  “Lord, I hope so,” Mia said, sitting on the bed. “We’ve never talked about kids, really.” They had only been married four weeks and three of those had been packed full of the planning of two weddings. Dannie and Dominic’s which had been day before yesterday, then theirs today.

  They’d rushed both weddings mainly because of Chelsie. She’d be leaving for medical school on Sunday. Mia knew she would be so busy, the family would be lucky to see her come Christmas. Plus Dannie didn’t want to wait to marry Dominic and neither of their weddings would have been the same with Chelsie absent.

  Julia took her hand and squeezed. “Trust me, cher, he will be very pleased. Have you taken a test?”

  Mia shook her head. “I bought one, though. I was fixing to do it this morning.” She gave Julia a worried look. “Will it work? I never stopped to think about that.”

  “Oh, yes. Female vampires produce progesterone just like humans when we become pregnant.”

  “Okay. Guess I’d better go do it then.” She offered a smile to her girls and noticed Dannie chewing on her thumb nail. “Dannie?”

  “I was going to wait to say something, because this is your day, Mom, but I’m pregnant too.” She smiled shyly.

  “Oh, Dannie, I’m so happy for you. You’re going to be a wonderful mother.” The news blessed her so much. Dannie was very young, but Mia knew her kid’s heart. She’d adjust to motherhood with no problems whatsoever.

  “That is so awesome,” Chelsie said and gave her sister a hug.

  Tiffany rolled her eyes. “God help us. We’re going to be overtaken with vampire rug rats.” She looked at Julia and said, grinning, “They aren’t born with fangs are they?”

  Julia giggled and so did Mia.

  Mia sobered and stared between Julia and Dannie. “Getting pregnant never crossed my mind because Christian said, female vampires have trouble conceiving.” She gestured toward Julia. “You’re case in point.”

  “True, but apparently, he failed to tell you, turned females are most fertile during the first few years after their turning. But this is so wonderful for both you and Dannie. I’m going to be a grandmother again.”

  Dannie was beaming and Mia was so happy for her. The girl was crazy in love and Mia knew her child would have an amazing life. Mia had no doubt hers would be too. They had all gone through hell and back to get where they were now, but the fiery trek had been well worth the heartaches.

  A short while later, Mia returned to the room with a positive pregnancy test in hand. She smiled at the eager gathering and said, “Girls, it appears you are going to have a brother or sister.”

  Everyone began chattering excitedly, even Tiffany. Mia stared at the white wand and scratched her head, imagining Nathan’s reaction. As she thought about it, she realized Julia was right. He’d be thrilled.

  Julia approached her and asked, “When are you going to tell him?”

  Mia had been pondering that question herself. She also had been pondering a wedding gift for him. Men were always hard to shop for, but when that man was a billionaire, impossible. She grinned and arched a brow. “When he opens his wedding present from me.”

  The ceremony began at dusk in the back yard, which Juli
a transformed into a fairyland for both her and Nathan’s wedding as well as Dannie and Dominic’s. The woman was a creative genius when it came to events. Julia and Dimitri’s present to both couples had been the organization and execution of the enormous list of details that went into creating the nuptial dreamland she, Nathan and their friends and family now enjoyed.

  Mia stood beside Nathan, who spoke with Christian. To her amazement, the men’s conversation, now steeped in big game hunting excursions, was quite pleasant and cordial. More amazing still, Nathan had given her no grief when she’d told him she wanted to invite Christian to both weddings. She’d gone even farther and told Nathan she wanted Christian to be a part of their lives. She owed Christian so much and she loved him dearly. There was such a streak of loneliness in him, which broke her heart. He needed friends and a big, extended family and she intended to provide them when she could.

  From the corner of her eye she saw Chelsie and Tiffany approach. She turned and smiled at her girls, who returned happy ones of their own. Dannie and Dominic were behind them and joined their circle.

  “Dang, Mom, I know I said it before, but you look great,” Tiffany commented, glancing over her Taylor Harrison wedding gown.

  Chelsie added, “And thanks for not choosing hideous bridesmaid dresses.” She tugged at the rose, tea-length skirt of her own Taylor Harrison gown and made a little twirl.

  “I couldn’t have my girls looking anything but beautiful.” They did. Mia’s smile widened remembering the day all of them flew to New York to meet with the fancy designer, who Julia claimed to be the best in the world.

  The only reason she’d gained an audience with the woman, let alone a wedding gown in mere weeks, had been due to the fact she was the fiancé of Nathan Davenport. When the news of their nuptials hit the press, along with chosen photos, Mia had promised the woman that she would repeatedly tout the maker of the stunning gown she now wore.

  She glanced at her husband still speaking to Christian. Hey, she said mind to mind, and his attention riveted her way.

  Hey, back. He grinned and faced her. “Have I told you how remarkably gorgeous you look?” He leaned down and gave her a kiss.

  “As usual, it was almost all Julia’s doing. Why the woman hasn’t become a stylist or an event planner is a mystery to me.”

  Mia looked around the back yard, aglow with all sorts of soft lighting, paper lanterns, ornate tiki torches. Somehow she’d strung thousands of twinkling, white Christmas lights overhead between the house and trees. An arbor topped the dais, woven with a roses of every color. Ivy and wisteria entwined the lattice structure. It was a work of art. Then there were the ice sculptures—melting now in the Louisiana heat—and so many flowers that Mia felt certain Julia had decimated half the supply in New Orleans for these two events.

  “I agree,” Dannie said. “Julia needs to be a wedding planner.”

  “Did I hear my name being spoken over here?” Julia asked as she and Dimitri joined their little group.

  Nathan grinned at them. “You were getting high praises for your decorating efforts. We can’t thank you both enough for putting this together for us. It’s beautiful. But we’ve all come to the conclusion, you need to be an event planner.”

  Mia added, “Actually, we’re serious, Julia. Nathan and I have been talking about me opening a catering company. I can cook, but I wouldn’t have the first notion how to put any sort of event together. I think we need to go into business.”

  “Oh, yeah, the two of you would take New York by storm,” Dannie said, her eyes sparkled with the notion.

  “Ew. New York City,” Tiffany snarled. “I know this guy is like a disease to you, but I still can’t envision you living there, Mom.” She smiled at Nathan, who just laughed in return.

  Tiffany had developed an affection for him and for that Mia was grateful. The girl loved giving him a hard time though, and Nathan fired back with both barrels, which had gained Tiffany’s respect.

  “Well, cher, that does sound like a lovely idea. I certainly wouldn’t mind living in New York near my wonderful son and new daughter-in-law.” She smiled sweetly at Dannie. “However, until the babies are born, I think we will have to, as you American’s say, place the notion on the back burner for now.”

  Nathan gave Julia a curious look and Mia frowned at her. The woman was a horrible vampire. Their kind’s lives were one of secrecy and she couldn’t keep a secret to save her life.

  She wrinkled her nose, apparently realizing her error, then just smiled brighter and looked at Dannie. “I am going to be a grandmother,” she announced.

  Nathan’s eyes widened with understanding and delight. “That’s wonderful news! Congratulations, Dannie, Dominic.” He shook Dominic’s hand and gave Dannie a hug.

  While he was busy, she pursed her lips at Julia and shook her head. Both she and Dimitri chuckled and returned knowing looks. Of course Julia had told her husband. Mia suspected she’d mind transmitted the news the moment Mia had walked out of the bathroom this morning with that positive pregnancy test.

  Christian walked up with a couple glasses of champagne. “When are we going to do this toast thing, Dimitri?”

  Dimitri grinned. “Now is fine with me.”

  “Oh, then let me tell the serving staff it is time for the toast,” Julia said, then trotted off to the banquet area.

  Christian handed off the glasses to her and Nathan. “Well, again, congratulations, you two. And to you two as well.” He smiled at Dannie and Dominic.

  “Thank you,” Dannie said, beaming. “I guess I’m going to need a doctor, huh?”

  “That you will, darlin’. I know a real good one of our kind currently practicing in New York City. Dr. Noah Langston. I’ll connect you with him.”

  “That would be great,” Dominic replied and took Dannie’s hand.

  A short while later, Dimitri began the toast. Mia pretended to drink the champagne, but Nathan didn’t seem to notice. After that, they cut the cake and spent the next couple hours socializing. The reception had been amazing. The entire day had been a dream, but Mia was exhausted and so glad when she and Nathan were finally alone in their room.

  After he shut the door, he approached her, his eyes glittering with hunger. “How does this thing come off?” he asked, then reached out and fingered one of her off the shoulder sleeves. “I’m dying to get underneath.”

  Mia rolled her eyes. “Hold your horses, Mr. In A Big Hurry. I haven’t given you your wedding present yet.”

  “I’m sure I’ll love whatever you bought me, but as far as I’m concerned, you are my wedding present and I’m more than ready to unwrap you.”

  He made another attempt to capture her, but Mia just chuckled, spun away and left to retrieve the gift from her room. When she returned, he held a little blue box bearing a silver ribbon and bow.

  “Oh! You got me something too. You shouldn’t have.”

  He extended it to her. “Well, I did, now open it.” Mia sat her gift to him on the end of the bed, then got busy unwrapping his. Her mouth popped open with shock when she saw the contents. It was a double heart necklace. In the center of the entwined hearts was an enormous rose stone. The gold was rose colored too, just like her ring. “Oh my God, Nathan, this is beautiful. What kind of stone is this?”

  He stared at it. “A rose diamond. Seven carats. And it just about took an act of Congress to have it created by our wedding day. Currently, it’s the largest diamond in the world.”

  “God, Nathan, I can’t even imagine what that thing must have cost.”

  He chuckled, took the box from her, then placed the heavy jewel around her neck. “It’s perfect,” he announced, then stood back and admired it.

  Mia turned to the bed, then handed Nathan her present. He grinned like a kid on Christmas Day as he opened it, but once his gaze fell on the white wand inside, his smile faded into confusion. He looked at it for several more seconds, then reality must have sank in. His eyes widened like saucers and his jaw dropped. />
  Mia pressed a shaky hand to her lips and nodded.

  “You’re pregnant?” he whispered, his voice tinged with awe.

  “So it would appear. I think those things are pretty accurate these days. Julia assured me they work just as well on vampires as humans.”

  He sat the box on the end of the bed. “Shit, Mia. When did you find out? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Obviously, I wanted to surprise you. It’s a good surprise, I hope?”

  He swallowed hard. “The best ever. I can’t believe it. We’re going to have a baby?”

  “Yes. It appears our entire family is embarking on a whole new generation. First Julia, Dannie and me. I wonder what Jazerra would think about moving to New York. With that many vampire kids running around, we all might need a little re-enforcements.”

  Nathan chuckled. “She’d make a great nanny. And I don’t even have to say you’ll make a great mother because you’re an amazing one. I’m so happy, Mia.” He stepped back from her and let out a long breath as he raked a hand through his hair.

  His happy countenance faded and Mia grew worried. He stared at some arbitrary spot on the floor, his brows knit, one hand propped on his hip. Mia remained silent and watched him, expecting him to say something. When he didn’t, she dipped into his head. What she viewed there made her feel like an intruder because he prayed. The gist of that prayer revolved around the notion of why had God blessed him when he was so obviously unworthy of anything good from Above?

  Mia felt bad. This moment was between him and the Lord. She wasn’t even sure as his wife she deserved this ringside seat, yet she felt compelled to stay in his head.

  God, apparently chose to respond with scripture and she heard familiar verses echo through his mind.

  For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Begotten Son, that whoever believes on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

  For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith, and not of yourself, but a gift of God, lest any man should boast.


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