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Reclaiming Love

Page 29

by Vicki McElfresh

  Kevin stared. A nice woven rug covered the center of the living room floor, and drapes hung over the windows now. Connor's computer desk had moved to a different corner to make room for an old steamer trunk that served as a TV stand, and above the desk were shelves and bins for Connor's office supplies. Kevin could finally see the top of the desk. There were pictures on the walls now, some family photos, others pieces of abstract art. The couch was covered in a green fabric that was soft and luxurious. Kevin stopped his staring and looked at Connor.

  "You let Keith go shopping again, didn't you?"

  Connor shrugged. “I didn't exactly have a choice.” Connor helped him up. “Come see the bedroom."

  Kevin expected to find the place decorated with the finest furniture and luxury bedding, but Connor's bed was covered with a rather plain green quilt. A few decorative pillows had been thrown onto it. The night tables Connor had bought sat in place on each side of the bed, along with the lamps. Kevin gasped when he noticed bookcases sitting on either side of the room's window. His books sat on the shelves. Connor urged him to sit. “Your things, other than your furniture, are here. Everything has been moved out of your apartment, and the lease has been taken care of. Dave moved in with Lilly. Your furniture is now in Nicki's basement."

  Kevin's eyes filled with tears.

  "No one wanted you to go back there, sweetheart.” Connor gently touched his cheek.

  Kevin took a deep breath, trying to control his tears. “I don't know what to say."

  Connor's warm smile lit up his eyes. “You don't have to say anything. All you have to do is heal. Your friends are just relieved that you're alive."


  "We're going to have a little party later. It was supposed to be a surprise, but I think I should tell you. Keith said something about chocolate cake."

  Kevin laughed, and a tear slid down his cheek, only to be wiped away by Connor's thumb.

  "I love Keith's special chocolate cake.” He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself.

  "So he said.” Connor moved around to pull the covers down on the bed. “Now, I think you need to rest a little before the party tonight. My parents are coming, so maybe you can talk to them without falling asleep."

  Kevin kicked off the sandals he'd been wearing and moved slowly around the bed into Connor's arms. As best he could, he wrapped one arm around Connor's waist and tucked his head under Connor's chin.

  "If you need anything, I've got a fully stocked refrigerator. Or I can go out."

  "Would you rest with me? I know you're tired."

  Connor held him a little gingerly. “For a little while. I was going to cook something for tonight."

  "Do you know where that card is? The one Karen gave me?"

  "For the counselor?"

  Kevin nodded. “I think that might be a good idea."

  Connor kissed the top of his head. “I agree, but we can worry about that when you can stay upright for longer than a few minutes."

  Kevin laughed a little.

  "Let's rest now."

  Kevin managed to find a position against Connor that didn't hurt. He had one leg over Connor's waist, and his cheek on Connor's chest. He was half on his side, and already half asleep when Connor's fingers raked through his hair.

  "I love you, Kevin."

  Kevin smiled, content. “I love you.” For the first time, the words came easily with no taint of pain about them. He repeated them one more time, just to enjoy the sound. Connor's arms closed around him, and Kevin smiled, certain he'd be saying those three words for a long time to come.

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  Kevin felt ridiculous. He sat on the bench near the window of Left Bank Books and pretended to read his latest book, the sequel to Cupid's Arrow. He wasn't really reading. He thumbed through the pages, pausing to read a paragraph on occasion, and squirmed in his seat. Anticipation of what was to come kept him from concentrating. One of the book's steamier scenes did engross him long enough that he forgot why he was in the bookstore in the first place. Of course, the erotic scene had a predictable effect on his body, and he shifted uncomfortably, thinking of what he had planned for Connor when they got home.

  "Good book?"

  He smiled when he saw the figure leaning against the bookshelf. Connor still looked as much of a god as he had when Kevin first saw him a year earlier—tall, well built, each golden hair neatly in place, and his reading glasses perched on his nose. At the moment, he looked serious, but he was biting his lip, though Kevin wasn't quite sure if he found this idea funny, or if he also imagined what the rest of the day would bring.

  Today he had on a red sweatshirt and faded blue jeans. Kevin resisted the urge to leap from the bench into Connor's arms. He tossed the book aside and stood. “Absolutely.” He reached for Connor's hand and pulled him into a corner out of sight of the rest of the store. He made certain no one was watching when he wrapped his arms around Connor's neck and stared into his sparkling eyes. “Let's go home now."

  "You aren't playing along.” Amusement tinged his voice.

  Kevin pulled his head down for a searing kiss. “Take me home. I wanted to spend the whole day in bed, but you wanted to pick me up."

  The green eyes sparkled, and one large hand touched Kevin's jaw, cradling his face in a gentle grip. “We're celebrating, remember?"

  Connor kissed him, and desire jolted through him. He bit back a moan.

  "Valentine's Day. I know. I fucked up the last one. I still hate Valentine's Day."

  Connor laughed softly. “We're celebrating life.” He snaked a hand between them to tug at one of the nipple rings through the heavy fabric of Kevin's sweater.

  Kevin gasped and pressed against Connor a little more. “And what better way to celebrate than to go home and fuck each other senseless."

  "You're incorrigible."

  "You said I was the most intoxicating creature you'd ever met."

  "I called you a little demon this morning when you sneaked into the shower."

  Kevin shifted so Connor could feel his arousal. “My horns are starting to grow again. You better take me home or I'll do something naughty here in the store."

  Connor kissed him one last time. “You would.” He pushed Kevin away and took his hand. “Come on then, Little Demon. Let's save you from yourself."

  Kevin had the sudden urge to skip, but he followed Connor past the counter. Mark shook his head when they walked by, obviously amused by their little game. “Is he going to be able to walk at the party tonight?"

  They were hosting a Valentine's Day housewarming party later that evening. Kevin looked forward to that, but right now he had to give Connor his present. He was certain it would be one he would never forget.

  "Of course. How else will I get to my bed tonight?"

  Connor tugged his hand. “Come on, Little Demon."

  "Later, Mark."

  "Have fun."

  Kevin intended to, and he planned to make certain Connor enjoyed his surprise.

  Connor drove them home. He felt odd riding in his own car, but Connor had insisted on driving. He didn't really care. Connor drove him to work half the time these days. Connor spent a lot of time spoiling him. Kevin smiled, certain the happiness he felt had to be a crime.

  Four months earlier they'd moved from Connor's little flat to a spacious loft in the revitalized downtown area. The building had been a factory once, but now it housed gorgeous living quarters. Kevin had fallen in love with the place as soon as he'd stepped inside it. Their loft had two levels. A warm glow infused the lower level from a combination of golden, hardwood floors and large windows that let the sunlight shine inside. There was a sleek, modern look to the place, but they'd tempered that with color and a combination of modern and antique furniture. An iron staircase spiraled up to their bedroom and Connor's office. The loft had lots of space, and it had become their home. They'd bought it together, decorated it together, and now they were making happy memories

  Kevin pinned Connor to the wall before he'd taken more than a few steps inside. He pressed their lips together in a fierce kiss and slid his hands under Connor's shirt, wanting to feel hard muscles, not soft fabric. “Off.” He tugged on the shirt.


  "But you love me."

  The shirt came off, and Kevin pulled his off as well, craving the feel of skin against skin.

  "Oh, that I do.” Connor looked down, no doubt staring at the scar just below Kevin's shoulder. It had faded from angry red to pink. Connor grew thoughtful for a moment, but Kevin didn't want to talk. He wanted something else entirely.

  He wrapped his arms around Connor's neck. “Then take me to bed, Mr. McCann.” Kevin laughed when Connor scooped him up and carried him up the stairs to the bed and gently laid him down. Kevin pushed him back when he leaned down for a kiss. “Strip."

  "My little demon isn't being very submissive.” Connor tried to sound stern, but Kevin both saw and heard his amusement.

  A laugh forced its way past Kevin's lips. “He's not feeling very submissive either. Strip."

  Connor laughed and obeyed the order, and when Kevin had Connor pinned underneath him, he stared into the green eyes and gently kissed the man.

  "I love you."

  "I love you, too."

  Kevin reached above Connor for the ropes he'd tied there earlier and slid a knotted cuff over each of Connor's wrists.

  Connor's breath hitched. “Where did those come from?"

  "I put them there.” The ropes weren't all that tight, and no doubt Connor could escape if he tried. “I have a surprise planned for you.” He kissed Connor again, and when he pulled away, Connor's eyes were dark and hooded. He slid back and reached for the ropes tied to the foot of the bed. He slid a cuff onto each of Connor's ankles, leaving him helpless on the bed.

  "And just what are you going to do now?"

  Kevin smiled when he left the bed to retrieve a blindfold. He slid that over Connor's eyes and studied him for a moment.

  "You look absolutely delectable.” He took a few more items from the drawer of the bedside table. He trailed an ostrich feather across Connor's jaw, then down his neck and across his nipples, smiling when the dusky skin grew taut and changed color slightly.

  "What is that?"

  Kevin chuckled and shifted again, moved the feather lower, over Connor's flat stomach, up the inside of his thighs, across the head of his cock. “Guess.” He started the motion over, this time tickling down to Connor's feet and laughing a little when he twitched.

  "Your silly cat toy.” He meant the fur flogger.

  Kevin laughed. “No. It's a feather. Do you like it?” He started his motions again, and Connor moaned softly, squirming, but unable to escape.

  "I'd like something else better.” He gasped when the feather ticked the underside of his shaft.

  Kevin laughed. “All in good time.” Connor's hips thrust up a little when he teased the erect cock again, and this time he bent to swirl his tongue around the dark head, sucking gently. Connor struggled against the bonds and whimpered when Kevin pulled away.

  "Tease,” he gasped.

  Kevin put the feather aside and kissed his lover. A long, searing kiss full of tongue. “Don't worry. I'm going to do more than tease.” Moving off the bed, he removed the rest of his clothing and picked up the condom and lube he'd gotten out with the feather. Connor looked so beautiful bound and spread, and so turned on he squirmed and whimpered without being touched. Kevin almost forgot what he'd planned to do.

  "Where did you go?” Connor tugged at the ropes, but they didn't budge. “Kevin?"

  Kevin laughed softly, stalking back onto the bed. Reclamation, he reminded himself. He was reclaiming the broken pieces of his life, one by one. He still cringed when the phone rang, but he could answer it now. He was still cautious in crowds, but he and Connor had gone a few times to a dance club he'd once frequented. His counselor, Elizabeth, told him he was doing fine. Recovery took time, and Kevin needed to stop pushing himself. But there was one thing he'd not been able to reclaim, and he wanted to. He'd been planning this moment for weeks.

  Connor shivered and laughed when he scraped lightly along the inside of the creamy thighs with his nails. “There you are, Little Demon."

  He drew another gasp from Connor when he closed his mouth around his cock again, engulfing him.

  "God, Kevin.” His hips thrust upward again, and Kevin laughed a little as he sucked and licked his way back to the head before pulling away. Connor growled in frustration. “Stop teasing."

  "I'm going to,” Kevin promised and tore open the condom package. “I promise.” Connor had gone very still and quiet while Kevin rolled the rubber down his shaft. He opened the lube, wincing when the sound of the cap opening seemed incredibly loud. He said nothing as he slicked Connor's shaft. He'd imagined this very scene for days, waiting for today, waiting to be able to actually play it out. He changed positions, moving from between Connor's legs to straddle his waist.

  "What are you doing?” Connor's voice was still thick with desire, but there was concern there now. Kevin responded with another searing kiss and reached behind him to slide a lube-slicked finger inside himself.

  "Surprising you,” he said and positioned himself over Connor's cock.

  "You surprise me all the time, and you don't have to—” The protest was swallowed by a gasp as Kevin slowly lowered himself onto the thick member. He paused frequently, but he'd chosen this position so he could be in control. Control was the reason he'd bound Connor like this. If he could do this, he wouldn't have to fear any games they might play. He wasn't as well prepared as he should be, so he relied on patience, on his partner's immobility, and a few times he had to pull away, drawing moans from Connor, before trying again.

  There was no pain, only pressure, and when he finally succeeded, he felt immense pleasure and satisfaction. He felt full and complete, as though he'd just accomplished something great and wonderful. He leaned forward and pulled the blindfold from Connor's eyes.

  He was crying. “You didn't have to do this,” Connor said.

  Kevin ran his hands over Connor's chest, still not moving, adjusting to the firm length inside him, and bent to kiss the full lips, shifting his hips just a little.

  "I wanted to."

  "After the last time—"

  He laid his fingers over Connor's lips. The last time had hurt, but that was the past. “I like this. You have no idea how beautiful you look, all tied up and buried inside me.” He followed the words with a kiss.

  Connor fought at his bonds again.

  "I want to feel you come inside me,” he whispered. He started to rock, slow and easy, sliding up and down Connor's shaft. “I'd forgotten how good this can feel.” He moaned a little, shifting so Connor's cock stroked his prostate. Sitting up, he slid his hands over his chest, pulling at the nipple rings. The added sensation drew a gasp from him, and he rose up, pulling Connor halfway out before sliding back again, slowly, moaning when waves of pure pleasure coursed over him. He clenched his muscles tight around Connor, and their cries of delight harmonized.

  "Untie me,” Connor whispered.

  Kevin shook his head, speeding up his rhythm. “I'm the top today, remember?” Connor groaned, and Kevin closed his fist around his own cock, pumping in time to the rhythm he'd set. They were both close. Connor's animal cry was building. Kevin could see it in the tight set of his jaw, the flush of his cheeks. “Come for me, baby,” he said. “I want to feel you come inside me.” He pulled back again before impaling himself and clenching tight around Connor's flesh. A low growl heralded the approach of Connor's orgasm, and then a sharp animal cry. The cock inside him twitched, and he felt the warmth of semen splash inside him through the walls of the condom.

  Kevin gasped. He loved to watch Connor climax, and the sight pushed him over the edge. He sprayed Connor's abdomen with his seed, coming silently, mouth open.

  He untied Connor and collapsed aga
inst him, not caring that they were both sweaty and would now both be sticky. He wanted to feel gritty and raw. Right now he felt powerful and strong, a feeling not diminished when Connor wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck and his legs around his waist, pinning him in an embrace.

  Their kiss was gentle. “How long have you been planning this?"

  "Days and days. Weeks. Months. A year.” He smiled. “I'd planned to try this last Valentine's Day."

  Connor's thumbs caressed his cheeks. “And how do you feel?"

  "Wonderful.” He smiled and kissed Connor, loving the satin rasp of Connor's lips against his. “And it was fucktabulous, wasn't it?"

  "Oh, yes,” Connor said. “That it was.” His accent had gotten a little thicker, and Kevin shivered, the sound arousing him. “Are there more surprises today?"

  Kevin grinned. “Loads of them.” He stared into Connor's luminous green eyes. “Now, where was I?” He drew Connor's arms up and pinned them to the bed, trying to decide what game to play next.

  Connor laughed and rose up to pull at one of the golden rings through Kevin's nipple with his teeth.

  Kevin's laugh turned into a moan. “Ah, yes. Happy Valentine's Day,” he said, at last remembering what he'd planned next.

  Connor shook his head. “No, love. Happy Anniversary."

  Kevin leaned down to kiss him. “That, too."

  The End

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  Author Bio

  V. L. McElfresh lives in central Missouri with her son, partner and a zoo of animals. She works in the computer industry during the day and writes every chance she gets. When not working or writing, she likes cooking, reading, knitting, and shopping for priceless antiques at the local flea market. She can be contacted at

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