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Page 6

by Unknown

  “If only you knew how much I want you, how ...” He pushed himself away from me. “Why did he always end up doing this to me?” Maybe it was fate that kept pushing us away and then pulling us in again like some sort of cosmic joke.

  I picked up my bag fuming and started walking away, because I had suddenly had enough of his games. I was over it.

  He grabbed me around my waist and I could feel myself flying my head spinning. I had no idea what was happening. Daniel held me close and jumped onto a tree. “You can fly?” I asked worriedly feeling him closely. “No I'm just fast,” he said as if it was the most normal thing in the world. “So am I Daniel, but I don't fly up trees.” He pushed me against the tree stump “Shut up already,” he said belting out a small laugh. Then he kissed me. It felt like a million times better than anything I had ever experienced. His lips were soft and I put my hands in his hair and felt a jolt of electricity go through me.

  “Who are you?” I said softly kissing him again.

  “I'm a vampire,” he blurted out.

  “A vampire?” I was still in the moment and then I realized the intensity of his words and I pushed him away, slightly. “How could you be a vampire?” I asked skeptically. “It's who I am.” I looked at him for a second and then without any hesitation or doubt in my mind said “I don't care, I know how I feel.” I tucked my hands into his jersey pockets and pulled him closer. I could feel him intensify as I traced my finger across his lips, beckoning for him to come closer.

  He kissed me softly at first and as the moments passed I could feel his kiss intensify. He was my hero and whatever he was or wasn’t I wanted to be with him and I never wanted the moment to end. There were two things I was more than sure of, I was head over heels in love with a vampire and secondly not even death could keep me from being with him.

  Daniel held me close and jumped to the ground.

  “Time to go home young lady, let me make sure that you get home on time.”

  “When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before.”

  Mae West

  Chapter 8

  The witch of Davenwater


  A cold rush of frustration and anger swept over Aliana’s face. It had been the most disappointing day that she had survived in over 700 years. She walked towards the opening in the woods and saw Daniel with Fleur. She whispered his name over and over again. “Daniel … Daniel … Da-ni-el” like a curse she repeated every syllable of his name. She hated every second. Daniel was supposed to love her not some mortal.

  “How could you?” she shouted but there was no answer, clenching her fists into small little balls she glared at the scene in front of her. A tree branch rattled above her head and she could feel herself, her body out of control wanting to attack.

  The truth was she had never been able to get him to express his feelings over her, but that barely stopped her from trying. She had been so close to getting exactly what she wanted and now within a split second it was all taken from her. She waited for Daniel as he flirted and played with his new mortal friend and the pain got worse by the second.

  She had to confront him.


  Daniel felt something deep and permanent for Fleur that he was certain off, what he would do about it was another thing. He also knew that if Aliana or his brother would find out, that there would be complications. He walked towards the vampire compound that had been erected two hundred years before in the hope that humans and vampires could life in peace.

  He could feel a presence around him, a presence he knew extremely well.


  Daniel could feel a cold rush go down his spine. The earth had suddenly turned to ice, he knew this was one of her specialties. He couldn’t see her, she always did this when she was mad and irritated with him. He had known her for a few centuries and her games were getting old.

  “Aliana , I know you’re out there!” his voice echoed in the wind.

  There was no sound around him and if he didn’t know better, his mind would be playing tricks on him, but he knew never to trust the silence. “Come on Aliana, don’t do this.” Something irritated him about her games and made equally worried simultaneously.

  He could feel something moving behind him. When he turned around there was nothing.

  “Up here!” Aliana taunted him.

  “Yea okay, well when you have the time to stop being a seven hundred year old child, let me know.” Daniel was annoyed and he knew if this type of attitude wouldn’t get her to stop, nothing would.

  “Spoil sport.” She stuck her tongue out at Daniel and froze when she saw his stern look of disapproval.

  “Cut to the chase Aliana. What is this really about?”

  “About? Hmmm who says it’s about anything.” She said seductively.

  Daniel could feel her close to him, so close that he could feel her body pressed strategically close to him. He jumped away from her. She chased him playfully through the woods and then caught him in what was similar to a spider’s web. She closed in and penned him onto a tree with her arms.

  “Funny, Aliana but this isn’t funny anymore.”

  “Do you feel something for me Daniel?” she said with an urgent voice

  “Of course I do.”

  “What do you feel?”

  “I love you as a sister Aliana.”

  Aliana became angry and her eyes turned a bright red. Daniel knew that this was not the answer she was looking for. He also knew that she felt something for him but he would never be able to return that feeling. You simply can’t choose who you fall in love with.

  Aliana trashed her hand into the tree stump and tore out the massive tree from its stump. She was a half breed, meaning she was half wolf, half vampire. She was one of the only ones of her kind. Daniel knew never to mess with her.

  “I do love you Aliana, but vampires shouldn’t fall in love.” He lied.

  “What do you call your little rendezvous with Miss Mortal then? I saw you!”

  ‘It was nothing, it is nothing.”


  “It’s Zyochal business.”

  “Don’t take me for a fool!” She tore his jersey off his back and scratched his chest with her paw. Daniel tried to control himself, he knew that he couldn’t attack her she was stronger and even if he won it would cause great division in the order. Zach could hear the commotion a mile away. It was one of his traits, he was fast and he could read peoples minds. He had impressive agility and speed and he was closer to Daniel than he had expected to be. He stopped first and surveyed the situations he couldn’t risk getting Daniel killed. Aliana was a lunatic when it came to the likes of Daniel. Borderline obsessive wasn’t the word. He could hear her rambling on about Daniels mortal girl. “She’s was probably losing it,” he thought. He knew it was a bad idea to allow her to join their camp. A wolf should never be allowed in the presence of a vampire. Filthy creatures.

  “Whose there?” Aliana screamed, she could feel someone was there.

  Zach casually walked out of the bushes and tossed Daniel an apple that he had in his pocket.

  “Just me Aliana, tell me what all of this fuss is about?”

  Aliana knew that Zach was a force to be reckoned with and he knew exactly how to deal with her.

  “Ask your brother he’s in love with a donor.”

  Zach looked at his brother with a disapproving look.

  “It’s not like it’s the first time…”

  “Daniel go home, I’ve got this covered!”

  Daniel jumped onto an adjacent tree and into the blazing sun. Zach and Aliana were left alone.

  “Why can’t he love me Zach?”

  Zach couldn’t answer this, he knew nothing about love, he never did and it did not interest him.

  “I will stop him from seeing her. It’s against our rules anyway, that’s all I can do.” He said coldly and left.

  Aliana sobbed tirelessly. She wanted him
to feel something for her, she was certain he would’ve if only the donor hadn’t come around and changed his life around. She knew that there would only be one way to get Daniel to love her and that was to stop the human girl who had bewitched his heart.


  Aliana knew there was only one person who could help her and it wasn’t anyone in the order. She had been living with them for centuries and what did they ever do for her? She was sick of having to live by their silly rules and idiotic ideologies. Now she had to do something to get revenge on the brothers Daniel and Zach. They had always been way to understanding of the humans and this was the last she had of that.

  She walked up the stony path to the witch of Devonwaters house. The witch of Devonwater, Cedany was once one of England’s finest medieval countesses, she was suspected to be a witch by many and she was sent to be burned at the steak. Many believed her to be dead, but she had cheated death and won immortality in a sinister way. If anyone could cause Fleur’s destruction, it was Cedany . Aliana walked to the front of the door. The stony brick house looked sinister and dull. She knocked on the door, her white blonde hair blowing in the wind. Her violet eyes were calmer and the red had subsided but the artificial dark make-up lined her face. She touched her eyes and tilted her head to the side wondering if there was in anyone inside the cottage. A door opened only slightly.

  “Whose there?” a creaking voice said.


  “We don’t want any homeless people.” The person on the other side shut the door abruptly. Aliana knocked again.


  “Look lady I am not a homeless person and you know it, I need your help. Now are you going to give it to me or not?”

  Cedany smiled, exposing her rotten teeth. “Well, why didn’t you say so in the first place.” Opening the door for Aliana to go inside.

  “Crappy place you’ve got here.”

  “We try.”

  Inside there was a cauldron with green slime spewing over. It smelled rotten.

  “That pot smells as bad as my love life.”

  “Stop insulting ...”

  Aliana knew instinctively that she needed to keep quiet.

  “You want revenge.”

  “How did you…”

  “Know? I know everything.”

  “I don’t know, maybe we should kill her.”

  “I don’t kill people, contrary to belief, but I do make them wish that they were dead.”

  Cedany walked towards her stove and picked up an old rusted kettle. “Green tea?”

  Aliana nodded. “There must be something you can think of doing; I mean you’re the expert here.”

  “Yes I am and I have the perfect plan.”

  Aliana smiled wickedly

  “Good, then we have a deal.”

  “Love me tender, love me right, love me until I die.”


  Chapter 9

  Final Moments

  Daniel was the one thing in my life I was sure of. There was nothing I wanted more than to be with him every waking moment. I anticipated every second of every living day to see him when he wasn’t with me. The old clock in the store moved too slowly, I could see the customers talking but I couldn’t hear them. It carried on like this for a while. “Okay fine, it was like this every day since that day, since we reconciled and openly admitted that we felt something for each other. The only thing on my mind was Daniel. I could see Martha and Oscar’s disapproval and their constant worried chats behind my back about how bad Daniel was. I didn’t care; they didn’t know him like I did. In any case, I knew deep down that even though he thirsted for my blood, that he would never hurt me.

  He wasn’t allowed near the store or anywhere near me, but not even that could keep us apart. I used every excuse in the book to see him. If I wasn’t at the library then I was at the movies with Lilly, a girl I had met at the church that Oscar and Martha attended. They never questioned my whereabouts openly, but I knew they had a hunch that I was lying.

  I set out on the same path that lead up to the forest that had become so familiar to me the last few months. Daniel had told me that Zach is his brother and that still worried me.

  It was a clear and sunny day, something that was rare for Cornwell. It was always either foggy or wet, but today the heat was overwhelming. It was as if the flowers had bloomed overnight, their little faces turned upward to the sky. I approached our usual meeting place, but Daniel was obviously late because I couldn’t see him anywhere. I sat in the middle of the forest staring at the open sky – it was beautiful.

  I waited for a long time and eventually I could see the daylight turn into twilight. Daniel never came, but someone else did.

  Aliana looked at me with gross hatred.

  “Fancy meeting the little donor here,” she said in a sarcastic tone.

  “Who are you? Do I know you?”

  “She wants to know who I am?” Aliana said pulling her face at me.

  She was obviously a vampire. That much I was sure of. I tried to keep my composure, but my tongue got the better of me. “Look I have no interest in you, so just leave me alone and go bite some dogs.”

  “Oooh, so she’s feisty.” She walked towards me and I could feel her breath all over me. It smelled like old soil. I felt sick to my stomach. From the side I could see four other vampires approach me. “Where is Daniel?” They were obviously thirsting for my blood.

  “So I see you have met Daniel?” she said smiling at me. “No, yes.” I had no idea how to answer.

  “Daniel, our Daniel knows how to possess a woman. I mean he had me fooled and he had the girl before you fooled. But we all know he’s a sucker for hot blood. Don’t we girls?” Aliana looked at the other vampires and smiled.

  “I wish I had his skill,” she said sarcastically

  I could hear the other vampires laugh. I felt like their plaything or a mouse waiting to be hunted and killed by an ever alluring cat. I knew that if I said something they would attack, there was only one way out and that was Daniel and he was no where to be seen. I could see his face beckoning for me in the distance to preoccupy them, to play the game, to stall for time. I doubt that I had it in me to stop four flesh eating vampires.

  “Other girls? Tell me about them.” I said playing for time.

  “Don’t count yourself special. He’s had a thing for humans before. Enough talk precious, I think its time to show you what we are made of, don’t you?”

  I saw them approaching, there was no need to run or fight. I had to face that the end was in sight.


  One tore at me from behind and ripped my back pack off my shoulders. They were ready to kill. Their teeth were sharp and pointy and the one on my right hand side drooled on her shirt. It was disgusting. Cedany, the witch, approached me, her long black hair enfolded her face. I knew she was a witch because the Aliana girl had mentioned something in passing. The witch laughed at me, she reminded me of my aunt.

  “Come here child, drink a little. Don’t be scared. Come to mama.” She said with her rotten green teeth smiling at me. I wanted to hurl, not from the potion that she kept in front of my nose, but because her breath smelled like feces. Two female vampires grabbed my arms and held my arms behind my back. I couldn’t move, it felt like someone had injected me with a muscle relaxant. The witch forced my mouth open and dripped the horrid warm liquid down my throat. It burned like hell. It felt like I had eaten eight chillies whole. The pain was excruciating. The vampires were getting impatient and I could see they were craving my blood. One couldn’t stand my smell anymore and her teeth gnawed at my arm. I screamed out in pain, but I couldn’t say a word, I was paralyzed, but I could feel everything. Aliana stood laughing joyfully enjoying my predicament.

  Why would she do this to me? What had I ever done to deserve this punishment? I wanted to be dead more than anything else.

  Out of my right eye I could see Zach. I wanted to scream “Help me Zach, please,” but I couldn’
t. I heard his voice saying “Aliana what do you think your doing? What you have done is punishable by death!”

  “I’m not one of you anymore and stop being so holier than thou, as if you didn’t try to such her life giving blood from her,” she said.

  Zach looked over at me in shame and then I heard him make a whistling sound. It was as if the world had stood still for a moment. Hundreds of vampires rushed to the scene. I had never seen so many in my life. They were all thirsting for blood. And I was sure it was my blood they were after. The vampires that were busy with me stopped what they were doing and a battle erupted between the vampires. I could see Zach running towards me, trying to get me out of the spell that Cedany had placed on me.


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