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Page 7

by Unknown

  His eyes looked desperate and apologetically at me. Then I felt his teeth sink into my neck. It was a feeling of death and finality that came over me. I was sure that this was the end.

  “Sometimes running is the only thing that keeps us from fighting a battle we never had the guts to face in the first place.”

  Chapter 10


  I could feel him watching me with an intense gaze pleading with me not to move, but I couldn't help it and let out an excruciating scream. I could see him holding himself back. I didn't want him to help, I wanted to be dead. Anything to get me away from the pain.

  I could see Aliana holding onto his arms trying to contain him. His eyes changed from green to yellow to gold to a deep red. Even though I was being ripped apart, I couldn’t help but focus on his eyes. Somehow it was the only thing that kept me sane, that kept me alive. I knew his eyes told a story of hopelessness and revenge. He was struggling to break free from her grip and another vampire had joined in to contain him.

  Eventually I heard a noise, something that I can hardly explain and then I saw that he broke free from their grip and stormed the pack like a lion whose territory had just been invaded. As if they were scared for their lives they scoured away. He growled at Zach.

  He grabbed me and ran, he jumped trees and eventually he settled my bloody body in front of Martha and Oscar’s store. I knew I would never see him again, because his eyes told me that it was the end. I tried to say something but again I was numb. I begged him with my eyes, but he just kissed my head and left. I could feel my heart dying not because of the wounds that was inflicted on me physically, but because I knew he was gone.


  It wasn’t until spring was in full bloom that I managed to make my way outside again. This was the second time that I had to be saved and nursed back to health by the William’s family. The more they tried to help me out of the mess that I was in, the more agitated and violent I became towards them. I loved them like you would a father and mother, but there were times that I wanted them dead and I had no idea why I felt that way.

  Since the day that Daniel left me lifeless and alone on their front steps I never saw him again. Oscar was overly protected and he forbids me to never go into the forest again. I yelled and screamed, but they kept being over protected for months for my own safety.

  It wasn’t because they were mean or anything like my aunt or Miss Madison, they were really just trying to look out for me. They wanted to simply make sure I wouldn’t go to him again. Obviously they had no idea what really happened that day in the woods, but I did.

  I knew that it wasn’t Daniel who tried to kill me and that he was in fact the one who tried to help me. I also knew that Aliana, a jealous and crazed vampire was responsible for breaking the pact. Oscar had every vampire either hunted or chased away after my incident and Martha’s explanation of the entire story was that I was mesmerized by Daniel and his magical charm. That part she got right as for the rest I hoped that they wouldn’t hunt Daniel and that by some off chance, some miracle, I would get to see him again.

  In the beginning I could feel small changes take place in my body, for instance I became very impatient towards the usual customers and I would snap at them without warning. I took it as a simple agitation because of my circumstances, but I could see that it was upsetting Martha.

  I continued to work in the shop and helping customers and I kept reading every newspaper article from the United States that I could find about my sister.

  She was the only reason I had to keep going. I had to find her if it was the last thing I did in my life. I tried to explain this to Martha and Oscar, but they felt like I was living in a fantasy world. On the one side I could understand their point of view in the last couple of months we had become a family of our own. Even though they didn’t understand my relationship with Daniel, they were the closest thing to family that I ever had.


  I contemplated leaving numerous times and one day I packed my bags and left the home that has been my safe haven. I knew that Martha and Oscar would try and stop me, so I left a letter explaining why I needed to leave. I took my small bag and looked at the scene around me. I would miss them so much and I nearly stayed.

  I walked into the forest one last time, over my favorite stream and to the place where Daniel and I use to meet.

  “Daniel!” I screamed my voice agonizing over the echo.

  “Daniel!” somehow I hoped that he would appear the way he did before.

  Zach emerged from the side of the woods. At first I felt frightened, but I knew that he had tried to save me after Aliana had tried to kill me. If he had intended at all to kill me, he would have killed me, he had chance and opportunity. Instead my own idea and recollection of the events was that he sucked the poison out of my veins that Cedany had given me.

  “He isn’t here.”

  “I need to find him Zach, to tell him the truth that he wasn’t responsible. That you weren’t…”

  “It won’t help Fleur, he’s gone, and he left a few days ago.”

  “But you have to have some indication of where he is? You’re a vampire for goodness sakes!” I could feel my body become weak from shock.

  “He didn’t leave because of me, he left because?”

  “Because….” Zach couldn’t say the words.

  “Tell me damnit! I need to know!”

  Zach shook his head. I could feel a violent streak erupt in me.

  “Tell me why!” I said scaring myself.

  Zach grabbed both my arms as I tried to fight against him. Something strange was happening to me, I felt like I wanted to rip his head off.

  “Stop it! Focus, look at me Fleur!” his gaze intensified and I tried eagerly to control myself by focusing on his eyes. They were strangely green, similar to Daniel’s, but something lay in them. Something undiscovered.

  “Fleur the reason Daniel left ...” I wanted him to say it, to make me understand.

  “He left because; you’re not human any more Fleur.”

  “What? Off course I am, don’t be ridicules.”

  “Can you stomach food? Human food?”

  I felt stunned.

  “I thought so, Aliana changed you into a vampire.”

  “She did what? But how is that possible?”

  Zach let go of my arms and I fell back against the nearest tree. “Daniel blames himself for everything, off course he believes I had something to do with all of this. There is a group that can help you settle into all of this.”

  “I don’t want to settle into anything! I want my life back!”

  “That will never happen again, unless the rumor about the Message is true.” Zach tossed me package. “Everything you need is in there; I have already sent word to the Van Der Aar vampire order in London. They will be expecting you within the next few days.’

  “I’m going to New York to find my sister…”

  “I wouldn’t advise being around humans right now.”

  “What about Daniel and what about Oscar and Martha?”

  “You know the answer to that Fleur, otherwise you wouldn’t have packed.”

  I nodded. Everything made sense for the first time in months. We had nothing more to say to each other.

  “Thanks for everything. Do you think there is any truth in the rumor?”

  “I don’t know, maybe you can find out when you are in London.”


  I took the package and gave Cornwell a final glance. I didn’t know if I would ever see Cornwell or its occupants ever again.

  To be continued...


  Delicious Trilogy #1

  By Isabella Kruger

  Copyright © 2011 ISABELLA KRUGER

  All rights reserved.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people livin
g or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Chapter 1


  This totally sucks Bridgett looked at her new room and hated it. “No! no! no! nothing fits !”. The designer passed Bridgett a catalogue, she hastily flipped through it “Nope not that…hate that...” as she flipped through every picture in the catalogue the designer was showing her, her face turned more and more disgusted .

  “Everything is so Kim and Chloe, I mean seriously my name is Bridget Ranner not Paris Hilton! That bitch can totally learn something from me!”. Bridgett glared at the designer…some talent, Anne must have been smoking something to refer her to me…

  Bridget waved the catalogue in front of the small blonde designer. “Redo the whole thing in 24 hours, if I hate it your gone”. The designer looked at Bridget in awe she was one of Vogues top designers and this was the 1st time someone hated her ideas.

  Bridget walked out of her room and took her pink rhinestone blackberry out of her 1st edition Proenza bag and dialed Josh’s number. He wasn't answering and it bugged the hell out of her . Something strange was up with Josh she hadn't seen him for a week.

  His excuse was that his dad was introducing him to some political types. Bree was sick of his excuses, a queen needed a king or at least a hot guy to show off and right now everyone at Hudson’s was gossiping about her Josh. How am I suppose to stay on top ?

  She looked at her penthouse everything, sucked the interior and her love life. She hoped to God that delicious wouldn't get a hold of this little situation ... If she did it would be complete social suicide... She desperately needed to go shopping to kill the mood she was in. Where the hell were her midget interns? She dialed Kylie Smith’s number “Kylie where the hell are you ? I need a soy latte as in yesterday”.



  Chloe looked out of the airplane window and traced the lines of the clouds with her finger. It had been 6 months and 2 days and 96 minutes since she had left New York for boarding school in Italy. She left at the dead of night so that Josh would not try and follow her. It killed her inside to think that Josh would hate her for leaving but she knew it was better for him to hate her then for him to know what she had become. A flight attended past with a tray interrupting her thoughts. “Can I offer you something to drink mam ?”

  “ No thanks” Chloe mumbled she returned to her thoughts and wondered what would life be like back in New York, how would Bridget and Josh and the rest of Hudson high deal with her return. Whatever the verdict was she would soon find out...


  Welcome to the most scandalous blog on my mother earth…I cant promise you want have a heart attack or two . If I mention your name it’s a shame but I guess that’s my middle name. Feel to browse around –Delicious

  About Moi Scandal of the week Pls don’t wear that

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  Saturday, March 26, 2011

  Hello darlings it's moi again and I've just heard a little birdie tweet that a special someone is back in town... 10 guesses to who she is oops did I just spoil the surprise ? Until you figure it out I'll always be here .

  Kisses delicious.

  Posted by Delicious at 12:01 AM 2023 comments

  Loveit24 at 12 :06 am says OMW is she really back in town?

  Crazyrockernypd at 12:15 am says Delicious you vicious . I wonder if their getting back together?

  Bridgett read the notification on her mobile and her face turned red could it be? Could Chloe be the one that delicious was talking about? If it was her, life was about to get a whole lot more complicated and she wasn't about to give everything she worked for up for Chloe Evans.

  She had a plan and if Chloe thought that she would return as her former self as Hudson highs most popular girl she had another thing coming. Bridgette had to make damn sure that Chloe would never be one of the in crowd again ... ever.


  Josh sat on his bed staring at the notification on his phone . Could Chloe really be back? Patrick Turner opened the door and smiled at Josh .

  “Hey dude what have you been up to?” Josh asked. A young petite brown haired girl giggled from behind Patrick . She was wearing white underwear and an open robe “Ah, that explains it all “.

  “I've just been having a little bit of fun” Patrick slapped the girls ass “go make us some coffee will you?” the girl blew him a seductive kiss and walked to the kitchen.

  “Easy chicks are my vice dude ...”

  “Why the face?” Patrick asked as he leaned against the door frame.

  “ Have you seen delicious's latest tweets?” “No I've clearly been busy”. “Well Chloe is back in town” .

  “Oh mate that is bloody extreme” Patrick said in a heavy Australian accent. Josh tossed his phone whatever Chloe wanted he was over her and his life was now with Bridgette . Besides Bridgette was damn hot...what more could he ask for right?

  Patrick winked at Josh “if you ever wanna swap let me know ?” Josh tossed a cricket ball at Patrick “in your dreams buddy, in your dreams”. “Tchi tchi mate “ Patrick made a face and pointed his hand with a gun like gesture towards Josh. “Me you and some hunting tonight what do ya say?” “I SAY I’m gonna beat your Mammas boy ass...” “Bring it on yank” .


  Patrick and Josh both Sanguinarian Vampires would go on a hunt every second night . It was more of a sport than anything else and the boys loved the challenge. The game would begin every night at midnight when the humans were asleep. The challenge was to grab as many animals as they could and to consume them.

  Both Josh and Patrick were trained to get use to the taste of animals and not of humans but sometimes this task was hard and they would hunt humans usually gangsters or bad ass criminals but tonight the game was solely based on their animal catching skills .

  “I'll make you a deal mate” Patrick said...” A deal haha what kind of deal ?” “One night with sweet little Bridgett if I win this challenge” . “Not a chance!” “Ok then one night with Chloe Evans?”.

  “Yea whatever, you are on” Josh said but inside he was more than ready to win, there was no way he wanted Patrick near Chloe even if he still hated her.

  Patrick had an incredible sense of smell and this was his greatest advantage over other vampires. He could sense human blood miles away and animal blood was another one of his specialties. He was taught to hunt animals first by his father Colin and then by his mother Amber .

  His mother was a half breed and so was his father but surprisingly Patrick was a full breed vampire. His only problem was self control even though he had become increasingly use to animal blood, he sometimes lost all reason and gave into himself completely.

  He was cunning and violent and it was a part of him that scared him . His parents had moved him to Australia as a child to start over but there his quench for humans became worse by the day . They returned to New York when he was 10 . In New York he was introduced to the upper east side ,sex , drugs and woman became his new play ground.

  Josh on the other hand had a talent to hear his prey’s thoughts.

  Tonight he sensed that his prey was around the corner and as he spotted a deer on his right he jumped from the willow tree he was sitting in and leapt on the prey. He had amazing speed and fascinating agility. As he leaped onto the deer he used his teeth to cut through the flesh .

  The most important thing was to make sure that he cut his teeth through the artery . When he had finished he caught up with Patrick who had already killed nine other wild animals. “Welcome to my grave yard” Patrick said jokingly. Josh immediately lost his appetite for the game , food and Patrick.

  Patrick had won the challenge hands down and Josh was worried beyond belief. Why did Patrick always have to make everything so damn hard? He shrugged it off…what did he care anyway …Chloe was his past and Bridgette was his present. I have to go dude..See you at scho
ol tomorrow. What so soon? Yea I need to see my girlfriend. Good luck with that mate Patrick said sarcastically .


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