My Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance

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My Beating Hart_A Vampire Rockstar Reverse Harem Romance Page 5

by J. L. Ostle

  “They said not everything will be as it seems, don’t give up, always believe, and be strong. The words were repeated over and over fifty times before it just stopped. If I was in a horror movie, I’d swear it felt like there was a ghost close to me,” I try and joke.

  “You and your horror movies,” Zeke laughs. “Do you follow them like a bible?”

  “If we are ever in a haunted house, I will be our best bet in getting us out safely,” I say matter of factly.

  “Can you trust the whispers?” Kayleigh looks at the guys then back at me.

  “When I first heard them, it was when they told me to turn a very powerful old vampire into a human. The next time was when we first came to this hotel, back when it looked like a dump. They said to keep them safe; they wanted me to have a place to keep people like us safe. After that this whole place was turned into this amazing hotel.” I reassure her.

  “Wow, so it sounds like we need to listen, but it sounds like a riddle.”

  “Not everything will be as it seems, that isn’t much of a clue. Don’t give up, that I can do. Always believe, I think it’s too late not to. And be strong? I feel like they are trying to give me a pep talk.” I think over the words and hope they are all positive and not negatives as I feel something is coming, something bad.

  “You never know; it might come clearer if we get any more clues,” Slate says.

  “That reminds me, Kayleigh mentioned something about a dark power, that her mom believed that as there is light, there is also dark, darker than those any of us has seen. Maybe the dark is after Kayleigh, after people with certain gifts.”

  “But why now?” Rush asks.

  “It might not have been now; it could have been happening all along, but no one knew. People go missing all the time and never get seen again. Some could be because they had a certain gift. I have just become the source recently. Before that, there was no one for a very long time, so it could be that; my gut is telling me it is. Once she mentioned the word dark power, something inside me recognized it or something,” I babble on.

  “We’ll get Finn to come, and we can ask what he knows about a dark power. But I think you really should get some sleep. You are going to need your energy.” Slate gives me his hand to take.

  “Kayleigh, make yourself at home. This is your room, and you can do with it as you wish. If you need me, just dial one, and it will go straight to my mobile. Press two if you want food sent to your room; there’s a menu near the phone, but we do have a restaurant downstairs if you feel up to it.”

  “Okay.” She looks around the room, looking a little lost.

  “Oh, and the TV has Netflix, which has like hundreds of movies and TV series, think you will enjoy that?” First time since I met her that she truly smiles.

  “Thank you.” She finds the remote and gets comfy on her bed.

  We all head back up to the apartment. I have to admit I am ready to pass out. I am glad Kayleigh will settle in. Once Finn is here, hopefully, he can answer some of the million questions I have.

  I tell the guys I’m going straight to sleep. I kiss each of them before telling them goodbye. I strip down and climb into bed, pulling the sheet over me. Once my head hits the pillow, I’m out like a light.

  Chapter 5

  A Vision

  I look behind me, sweat dripping down my face, but I can’t stop. My heart is beating frantically against my chest; it is beating so hard, it’s almost painful. I don’t see anything, but I know it would be stupid to stop.

  Turning the corner, I notice a few of the lamp posts bulbs are broken, putting most of the place in darkness. My imagination starts playing havoc with me. I’m sure the shadows are moving.

  I stop for a second, gathering my strength. This current runs out of me until a blue orb is in front of me. “Find me safety,” I tell it, and it starts to move. I run after it; it guides me to a few doors ahead of me, and I run to them, trying the door handles until one opens. I rush in, slamming the door closed behind me. Leaning against it, I catch my breath.

  The orb floats in front of me. I stretch my arm out, turning my hand so my palm is facing upward, and the orb lands on it before it vanishes, going back in my system. “Thank you, blue,” I say out loud. It’s what I call my gift.

  I know without it, I wouldn’t have made it this far.

  I take a step forward, looking around me to see if I can use anything to block the door and see a worn looking couch. I use the last of my strength and push it toward the door. I take a seat, tears that I have been holding in start to run down my cheeks.

  I’m sure my parents are worried about me.

  Why did I have to go to that stupid party?

  I should have listened to them, and now I don’t know if I will ever see them again.

  I wipe away the tears. I stand up; I am still alive. I can’t give up now.

  I check out each room in the abandoned home. I need to find something I can use as a weapon. Each room is worse than the last.

  The kitchen has dirty dishes that have maggots and flies covering them; it smells like someone died in there. When I find the bathroom, I gag at the smell; there is no way I will be using that.

  There are two bedrooms upstairs, empty mattresses in each one, and dirty clothes and sheets lying around. I slowly walk to the closest window. I peek out without trying to be seen.

  Whoever was chasing me, it seems like I lost them.

  For now, anyway.

  The sun should be coming up in a couple of hours, hopefully, that’s when I can try and get home.

  I sit down, pulling my legs toward me, hugging them.

  My eyes feel so heavy, but I need to stay awake and alert, it’s just for a few more hours.

  Images of being at home enter my head. Being in my mom’s arms, her telling me that I’m safe. A tear falls down my cheek, but I wipe it away. I am looking at the sky out the window when I hear a noise.

  My whole body is on alert. I see a fork on the floor; it’s the best weapon I can find, but if I use all my weight, I can stab whoever it is enough for me to get away.

  Each step I take, I hold my breath, not wanting whoever it is to know I know that they are here. I hear movement again; it is coming from what I assume is a closet.

  I could hit myself for not checking them.

  Raising my arm, I place my other hand on the handle and take in one deep breath before I pull the door open, ready to stab whoever it is when a young girl with messy blonde hair screams, her body shaking, tears falling down her cheeks.

  Her eyes are wide in fear as she looks at me. I don’t blame her. I lower my arm, kneeling down, so we are eye level.

  “Hey,” I say softly. She continues looking at me, hugging her body to herself. “I’m Amber; I’m not going to hurt you. What’s your name?”

  “Serene,” she whispers.

  “That is such a pretty name. Why are you hiding?”

  “Bad people are after me.” She starts to cry. Someone is after her as well. Maybe it’s the same person.

  “How long have you been hiding here?”

  “Two days. I was with my babysitter Elmarie, coming from a birthday party, and this man hit her, so I ran.” She sniffs. “Are you here to save me?” She looks at me all hopeful.

  “I am going to try,” I tell her.

  She moves, her arms wrapping around my neck. “I miss my mommy.”

  “I miss mine too.” I hug her. “Why don’t we stay in here, as it is a really good hiding place until the sun is up. Then we will take you home.”

  Her lips turn up in a smile. “Really? Once the sun is up?”

  “Yup, but we need to be safe and keep on alert.” We step into the closet and sit down, and I close the door behind me. Her head lays on my shoulder.

  “It’s a little dark in here.” Her voice is quiet.

  I close my eyes for a moment, and when I open them again, little blue is in front of me. “We need the light,” I tell it.

  “You do magic too?
” Serene asks in awe as she reaches for the orb. Except her fingers go through it.

  “You have a gift?” I ask her.

  “A gift? Is that what it’s called? I don’t like mine; they can have it back,” her voice becomes a little sterner, her fingers still trying to play with my orb. “It only happens if I really try; my parents say when I’m older, it will be easier to control.”

  “Control what?”

  “A wolf. I can turn into a wolf.”

  My mouth hangs open in shock. A wolf? “Like a werewolf?”

  She giggles. “No, a werewolf is when they get bit. I was born like this. It started after my thirteenth birthday. I was angry, and the next thing I knew, I was a wolf. My parents say that I’m special, that I should be proud of who I am, but who wants to turn into a wolf?”

  I listen to every word she says; she seems calmer now. I think me being here and her attention on my orb, which is swirling around her hand, playing with her, has made her feel safer.

  “That is a special gift. I am sure what I have read in books is that people who can turn into wolves are here to protect people. You are going to be a hero.” The books I have read are all fiction, but now I’m thinking they must have come from somewhere.

  “A hero? Me? Why could I not have magic like you?”

  “We never ask for our gifts, but they are given to us for a reason.” I think back when I realized I had a gift.

  My dad’s best friend was a little too drunk, and he was all over me; he was lifting my dress, pinning me to the floor, and I desperately needed help. This feeling rushed over me, and this blue light came out and then it was gone. Gone to get my parents.

  The light came back, and my dad was so angry he punched his so-called friend and called the police. I remember us talking about the orb and at first, it wouldn’t appear when I wanted it to, only when I used a deeper emotion. I have learned how to summon it and the things it can do.

  I did research on gifts. One day, during my research, my laptop beamed this white light and showed me a site about people with gifts, where to go for safety. There was a picture of an attractive woman, the leader of the supernatural council.

  I tried to find that site again, but it’s like it disappeared, or I dreamed it all.

  Time goes by, and Serene falls asleep on my lap. I keep an eye on little blue, telling it that if there is danger in the house to give me a signal, or to let me know when the sun is up. My eyes are feeling heavier, but I keep my eyes open; it’s not just my life to protect but Serene’s too.

  Little blue turns yellow, looking like a little version of the sun. I smile, knowing we made it, we made the night. I wake Serene, and I smile when I open the door, looking out the window. I take hold of her hand, and we walk back downstairs.

  “I like your blue light,” Serene says, giggling at it when it dances around her hair.

  “I call it little blue; it keeps me safe.” It comes over to me and lands on my palm. “I can’t imagine not being with it.” It floats back to Serene.

  “Little blue, I like it.”

  I push the couch out of the way; it scrapes along the wooden floor. When I get to the door, Serene calls out to me. I turn to see the orb has turned red. “Serene, run,” I order her, but it’s too late. The door slams open, and I am dragged out of the house.

  Pushed to the floor, I see the same guy who was at the party, the one who tried to hurt me and who chased me to here. “Hello beautiful, missed me?” He smiles at me. The smile that I thought was breathtaking a few hours ago.

  He said his name was Sirrus. I should have known he was too good to be true. All his attention at the party was on me. He looks like a model, with his flawless skin, light, thick brown hair, and big brown eyes.

  I am not ugly; I have wavy red hair, green eyes, pale skin, and a curvaceous body. I have been told I have more of a girl next door kind of look.

  In other words.…


  “If you hurt that girl, I swear…”

  He interrupts me. “You will set your blue light on me?” He pretends to act scared. He bends down, his fingers stroking along my cheek. “You are beautiful, too bad they want you.”

  “Who wants me?”

  “That’s for me to know.” He stands back up.

  I hear Serene screaming and kicking; a man with big muscles, a bald head, and dark red eyes come out, dragging her with him.

  “Serene,” I call to her. I try and stand up to go to her, but Sirrus pushes me back down.

  “Stay,” he orders me like a dog. I glare at him.

  “Amber,” Serene calls to me.

  “I swear…”

  “Stop threatening me; we both know there is nothing you can do to me.” He nods at the bald guy, and I cry out when he punches the young girl in the stomach, making her double over. “Again,” Sirrus tells him. The guy kicks her, and the girl cries out before her body morphs into a beautiful white wolf. “There’s our girl, good job.” He walks over to the guy and pats his shoulder.

  I crawl over to her. She looks at me, and as I look into her wolf eyes, tears fall down my cheeks. “I am so sorry I couldn’t protect you.” I stroke along her back. My orb goes to her, like it wants to hug her.

  I scream when my hair is pulled. I am dragged along the dirty floor; my hands reach for my hair, then to the bald guy’s hands. I swear it’s like he’s trying to rip it out.

  “Now, we have a job to do.” Sirrus smiles at me. I notice his eyes turning black, veins starting to surround his eyes. His fangs make me scream for help. I scream as loud as I can when he backhands me. “Don’t make this even harder than it has to be.”

  Little blue is in front of me and it’s glowing white. I have never seen it turn white before. Sirrus starts to reach out for me again but I start scrabbling backward. When I get to Serene, she is a wolf and lying on the floor.

  “Get away from us,” I cry.

  “Can’t do that, Red.”

  I look into his dark eyes; they make my blood turn cold. I hold onto Serene, and when Sirrus’ hand reaches for me, I scream.

  Chapter 6


  Seeing an arm reach out, I wake up, screaming, my heart hammering in my chest. A massive white light surrounds the room. After a second, the light fades, and I wrap the sheet around myself. I stand up slowly and walk around the bed. When I see a girl and a wolf, I scream again. So does the girl.

  The door bangs open; Rush and Slate come in. Their eyes are on me before they see the girl and the wolf. I look back at the girl, and I recognize her.

  I just dreamed about them.

  How can they be here?

  “Are you Amber?” I ask, and the girl with red hair looks up at me.

  “How did you know that?”

  “Ivory, do you know her?” Slate asks, coming to my side, putting his arm around my waist.

  “I just had a dream about her; another man with red eyes was after her, a vampire was there too.”

  “You dreamed about what happened? You dreamed about me? I recognize you too; you are part of the supernatural council.” She hugs the wolf more.

  “She is the head council,” Rush says, coming over to my other side.

  “How did you get here?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. Sirrus was about to grab me again; this white light surrounded me, and then I was here.”

  “Sirrus,” I whisper, and an image of him comes instantly in my head like I just watched a movie and he was one of the characters. It doesn’t feel like it was a dream.

  “He said he had a job to do and that someone wanted us. Are we safe now?”

  “You are safe,” I tell her. She hugs the wolf that was the young girl, the girl that man assaulted. I walk closer and bend down, and the wolf moves away from me. “I can help,” I tell her.

  “Serene, we are safe; she isn’t going to hurt us.”

  “Amber, right?” She nods. I move toward Serene, and I place my hands over her stomach and, like always, an unexplain
ed current runs from my toes to my hands, and a white light shoots out, healing the girl. Slowly, she turns back into the blonde girl I remember from my dream.

  “You have a gift too,” the girl says, her hands against her stomach.

  “I do. You are the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. You are my first shifter, but you are still very beautiful.”

  Her cheeks flush. “Thank you. Where are we anyway?” She looks around my bedroom.

  “This is my home. Well, my boyfriends’ and my home, and this is my bedroom.” I hug the sheet tighter since I am wearing nothing underneath.

  I wasn’t expecting visitors when I went to sleep.

  “Boyfriends?” Amber asks, then her eyes are on Rush and Slate. “Holy shit, you are the band Beaten Hart. I have all your albums.” She shakes her head. “Holy crap, I almost die and then I am seeing the greatest band ever. Am I in heaven?” She then asks worriedly.

  “No, you’re not in heaven,” Slate chuckles.

  “But we are the greatest band ever,” Rush adds.

  I roll my eyes. “Anyway, we need to find out what Sirrus wanted with you both and if he is after any others.” I look back down at my sheet. I could use my magic to get dressed but I don’t like taking advantage of it. “I just need to freshen up and get dressed. Guys, can you take them for something to eat and drink; I am sure they are hungry.”

  “Sure thing.” Slate comes over and kisses my cheek.

  “Great, we are on babysitting duty.” Rush slaps my ass, giving me a wink before they all leave.

  I quickly grab a shower and get dressed. When I head to the kitchen that is opposite the living area, Serene and Amber are at the breakfast island eating pancakes and eggs. Zeke is leaning over the counter, interrogating them.

  “Can we see your blue light?” he asks.

  “It’s called little blue,” Serene says with a mouth full of food.

  “Can I see little blue please?” He pouts at them.

  Amber raises her palm, and a blue light appears; it dances around them both. I can feel the vibrations from the light. Like it knows I can sense it, that I can feel it, it comes over to me, landing on my palm.


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