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Who We Could Be

Page 18

by Chelsea M. Cameron

  “You know,” I said, licking my lips, “you only ever kissed TJ.”

  She grimaced. “Don’t remind me.”

  “What I’m saying is, you should have the opportunity to kiss someone else. Someone who actually gives a shit about you.”

  She tilted her chin up. “Do you have any suggestions?”

  “Me,” I said. “You can kiss me.”

  Monty closed her eyes and took a trembling breath and stopped moving. Her eyes opened.

  “Okay. Kiss me.”

  “I’m only doing this for practice,” I said, bringing my face closer.

  “Right. Practice.”

  The only other person I’d kissed was Gus, and even though we’d probably kissed hundreds of times, I didn’t think I actually knew how. How did you kiss the person that meant the most to you?

  “It’s just practice, Cin,” she said. One hand reached up and raked my hair back. “It’s nothing.”

  “Right. It’s nothing.” So why was it taking me so long to kiss her? As I wondered what to do, she made the decision for both of us.

  Montgomery Ford pressed her lips to mine and the entire world changed.

  She fit our bodies together, our lips like two puzzle pieces locking into place. As if they’d just been waiting for us to put them together.

  Her lips fluttered for a moment before she inhaled and pushed herself more firmly against me. The longer we stayed connected, the more I wanted. I parted my lips without losing contact and went for it.

  Monty made a sound in her throat and then I felt her fingers on my face. Pulling me closer.

  I wasn’t sure how it happened, but it was as if we ignited.

  She kissed me harder and I pulled at her hair and fought to breathe in between trying to kiss her harder as she kissed me back and made little wanting sounds in between gasps of air.

  She yanked her head back and her lips were red, her cheeks bright, and her eyes wild.

  “That was more than a practice kiss,” she said. My chest heaved as if I’d just run up the stairs. I could barely stand with my knees shaking so badly.

  “I don’t know, it was pretty good practice.” I could taste her on my lips.

  “Do you think, we could maybe practice kissing without having to stand?”

  I nodded “Reclined Kissing. Very advanced. We should definitely cover that.”

  “Come on then.” She stepped away from me, but kept my hand as she led me back to her bedroom.

  I’d been in here countless times. Thousands of times. This felt like the first time.

  Monty closed the door behind us and faced me.

  “You know, before we try Reclined Kissing, we might want to warm up with Door Kissing.”

  She made a face. “That sounds like you’re going to make out with the door.”

  “Well, you come up with a better name for it.” She was just about to speak when I kissed her instead, stealing her words. This time I used my height to push her into the door. Full body contact. This made her moan, and I took note. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, but I followed my instincts.

  She was the one who stuck her tongue in my mouth first, though.

  Gus and I had attempted kissing with tongues, but it always felt way too awkward and we stopped pretty quick. I just chalked it up to being something I just wasn’t into.

  Having Monty’s tongue in my mouth was something completely and entirely different. She moved with purpose, with determination. As if she’d made a list ahead of time.

  I clasped her hands and, on a whim, put them over her head. She made a little startled noise and I pulled back immediately.

  “ that okay? I don’t really know what I’m doing.”

  “No, it’’s good. I like it.”

  I drove my hips into hers and her eyes rolled back in her head.

  It was definitely time for Reclined Kissing.

  I pulled her off the door and pushed her backward to the bed until she fell backwards with a little gasp of surprise.

  Monty pulled herself up on her elbows and looked at me.

  “What are you waiting for?”



  Kissing Tess wasn’t anything like kissing TJ. Those two actions weren’t even in the same category. As far as I was concerned, tonight was my first kiss. Everything that came before it melted away into nothingness.

  I could feel that she wanted me. I wanted her too. I wanted her hips against mine, her hair in my face, her chest against mine. As if our bodies had been made to fit together as a set.

  I’d never been so desperate for something in my entire life as I was waiting for her to make her next move. The anticipation might kill me.

  Tessa took her time, as if she knew. As if she knew it would push my buttons. I hadn’t even known I had buttons. Until now.

  Gently, she lay down beside me on the bed and rolled on her side to face me.

  “Are you ready?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I said.

  With utmost care, she moved until she was completely on top of me, the two of us melding together.

  “Are you okay? Is this too much?” she asked.

  “No, it’s not too much.”

  It wasn’t enough.

  Tessa kissed me again, and the warmth that spread from the tips of my fingers to the ends of my toes was enough to scorch.

  She burned me with her tongue and her hands, one sneakily pulling the hem of my dress higher and higher.

  I wound my arms around her, holding her so she wouldn’t go anywhere.

  She made a sound of frustration and rolled off me.

  “What happened?” I asked, my heart sinking.

  “I’m hot,” she said, ripping at her shirt and then going for her pants. We’d both taken off our shoes, but she still had socks on. In a frenzy, she tried to take off all her clothes at once and didn’t get anywhere.

  “Let me help.” I sat up and reached for the top button on her shirt. Since it was cut so low, the first button was actually below the little space between her breasts. I undid the first button and waited.

  “Keep going,” she said, so I did. I kept going until there was one strip of creamy skin, dotted with freckles, visible.

  “Did you tape yourself in?” I asked.

  “No,” she answered.

  As if she’d gained some courage, she pulled the shirt off and sat in front of me.

  Tessa and I had never really been naked in front of each other. I’d seen her in a bathing suit countless times, but never completely topless, and never like this.

  “You’re so beautiful, Tessa,” I said.

  “You can touch me. If you want.”

  I did. I’d never wanted anything more.

  As slow as I dared, I let my fingertips float along her collarbone. I had touched Tessa millions of times, but this was brand new. This was revelatory.

  She watched as I traced unknown patterns across her skin, moving lower to her breasts and her nipples, which stood out in the light. Her chest was smaller than mine, and it was perfect. One finger slipped along the underside of one breast and she closed her eyes, her breathing harsh.

  “I like that,” she said, and it was almost a question. As if she was surprised at her own reaction.

  I tested touching one of her nipples and her eyes flew open. “Can you...” she trailed off.

  “What do you want, Cin?” The nickname in this context made it into something darker, sexier. More intimate.

  Instead of telling me, she grabbed my hand and used my fingers to pinch her nipple, her head rolling back in pleasure.

  “Is that what you want?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Yes.”

  Figuring two hands were better than one, I tested the other nipple and she moaned.

  “More,” she said.

  Going on instinct, I leaned forward and took one of her nipples into my mouth. The skin was so soft and warm. I sucked and then used my teeth to nip her slightly as I worke
d the other with my hand.

  “Fuck,” she said. “Fuck, that’s good.”

  The position was uncomfortable, so I stopped after a few moments.

  “Can you lay down?” I asked, and she complied.

  I had her spread out in front of me and I’d never seen anything more stunning.

  Now that I had a better angle, I could use my mouth however I wanted.

  So I did. I kissed her shoulders and her collarbone and the undersides of her breasts and the spot right above her belly button. Her pants prevented me from going lower.

  My exploration took me back to her breasts and I paid them ample attention, until Tessa was writing and pulling at my hair.

  “Stop,” she said, and I sat up.

  “Sorry,” I said as a reflex. “Did I hurt you?”

  “No. you didn’t hurt me. But this date is about you, remember? This was supposed to be your practice. So let’s practice.”

  I got off the bed and she stood behind me and unzipped my dress, letting it fall to the floor. I had a slip on underneath.

  Tessa reached down and slid the silky fabric upward, until it came all the way off.

  “Before you do anything, can I just hang the dress up?” I asked.

  She laughed softly, the sound sending shivers down my back.

  I hung the dress and slip on the back of a chair and faced her.

  “You’re so fucking sexy.”

  I hadn’t worn anything particularly alluring, but that didn’t seem to matter to Tessa. Her eyes were wide as she looked me up and down.

  The two of us were on the threshold, poised on the tip of a blade. Tip just a little bit, and we’d fall over the edge.

  “Can I see you?” she asked, and I knew what she meant. I unhooked my bra and pulled that off, and before I could second-guess, I pulled off my underwear as well.

  I was naked. I was completely naked in front of my best friend in the entire world, and she was looking at me as if she’d never seen anything so beautiful in her life. She sat back on the bed.

  “You have perfect everything, Ford.”

  I wasn’t so sure about that, but I didn’t argue. I took steps toward the bed so she could reach out and touch me. Her hand stroked up and down my waist, causing shivers to break out. She leaned forward and kissed my belly, and the sensation jolted me.



  Tessa stood up and made her way around me, dropping a kiss here and there, with me not knowing where each one would land. It was sweet and it was torture.

  Her pants rustled while she moved, and the next time she came around to face me, I pulled at them.

  “Take them off,” I said.

  “Bossy, bossy,” she said, flicking the button of the pants and then letting them fall. I hadn’t really given Tessa’s underwear much thought before. She wore black boy shorts, and they looked so good on her. I almost didn’t want to take them off, but I saved the mental image as she pulled them down.

  There we were. Two naked best friends.

  “Come here,” she said, and I went to her. Tessa put her arms around me and kissed me hard. Skin slid against skin as we reveled in each other. In having nothing between us.

  Each touch was a bright little burst of ecstasy.

  Somehow, we moved to the bed and I lay down on my back. Tessa poised above me, looking down.

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “I’m scared,” she said.

  “Scared of what?”

  “Of this. Of not knowing what the fuck I’m doing. Of you.”

  I sat up and kissed her. “Don’t be scared. I don’t know anything either. Let’s learn together.”


  I had never been so terrified in my life. She was everything and I didn’t want to mess this up. I couldn’t mess this up.

  She kissed me and pulled me close. As my heart pounded so hard I could feel it reverberate through my entire body, she took my hand and slid it down her body.

  Our tongues twisted together as I reached a warm and sacred place. She gasped into my mouth at the first brush of fingers.

  Above all else, I wanted this to be good for her. I stroked her again, coating my fingers in her dampness. The fact that she was wet sent a rush of desire and a similar response in my body.

  She wanted this. She wanted me.

  Monty was so soft and so sweet, and I couldn’t get enough of touching her and drinking in her responses. I got bolder, slipping one finger inside, which was easy. She drove against me, begging for more. I adjusted the angle and used the heel of my hand to add pressure outside as well as inside. Worked her as I had worked myself so many times. Just a different angle.

  Feeling her get closer and closer was intoxicating. The power of getting her off was incredible. I was giving this to her. Me.

  I thrust my fingers harder and faster and knew the moment she started to come by how her body squeezed my fingers. She also made the most beautiful sounds that I’d ever heard come from her mouth.

  She pulsed and moaned and I soaked up every second of her pleasure as my own. Fuck, she was so gorgeous. Especially now.

  Her eyes opened and she looked at me. I held up my hand and waved my fingers at her.

  “Guess I do know what I’m doing.”

  She tried to hit me and missed, still completely wrung out from her orgasm.

  “You’re too sure of yourself sometimes, Cin.”

  “Never,” I replied, and kissed her.

  She pulled back after a moment and I could feel like she wanted to ask me something.

  “What is it?” I asked. I hoped she wasn’t regretting what we’d done. I didn’t. Not for a second.

  “I want to try something.”

  “Okay. What do you want to try?”

  She hesitated a second before she answered. “I want to taste you.”

  I almost slid off the bed. “That is the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever heard in my entire fucking life.”

  Monty smiled. “You just said ‘fucking’ twice.”

  “It was warranted.”

  Now it was my turn to lay back on the bed as Monty got to do what she wanted with me. I would happily submit myself to her. She deserved to get what she wanted. Always.

  All of this was so new and still scary, but I didn’t want to stop. Monty gave each one of my boobs a little bite reminder before sneaking down my body. I parted my legs and let her look at me. I’d never felt more vulnerable in my life, but this was Monty. She was my safe place.

  She stroked the curls of red hair between my legs and I kicked myself for not grooming better, but I hadn’t known that I would need to.

  “I’m sorry, I should have shaved,” I said, feeling my entire body go red.

  “You don’t have to apologize for anything, Cin. You’re beautiful, just as you are.”

  Instead of giving me time to protest, she scooted down further until her glorious ass was up in the air, and I was completely distracted. Advantage: Monty.

  Her lips touched my lower belly and she left little kisses as she went lower and lower and lower...

  The first touch of her lips was so unexpected and so good that I had to force my hips down so I didn’t break her face.

  She looked up at me in alarm.

  “I’m okay, please continue,” I said in a strangled voice.

  Monty grinned. “If you insist.”

  I most certainly did.

  Her hair fell in her face as she kissed me again and I figured I should at least be somewhat helpful, so I gathered it up in one hand.

  “Hey,” she said as I tugged a tiny bit.


  “No, it’s not a bad thing.” I pulled lightly again, and she made a little moaning noise.

  Interesting. Very interesting.

  I let her get back to her task, but I kept her hair held tight in my fist.

  Moments later, I ascended to a new plane of existence as Monty set to work with her lips and her tongue. I could tell she was a li
ttle nervous at first, but after a few tries, she grew more bold. Her tongue traced a path up and down my entrance, paying special attention to my clit, but hitting other areas as well. It was good. It was all so, so good.

  I was lost. Utterly and completely to Monty and her mouth. Then she added a sneaky finger as well, stroking me inside with the perfect rhythm.

  I’d never had anything like this. The heat of her mouth, the insistence behind her touch, it was all for me. I knew when I was close and pressed on the back of her head to let her know and she increased her pace and I came so hard that my entire universe shifted. There was nothing before now, nothing after. Only this moment.

  Waves of pleasure rolled through me like thunder, each one more intense than the last, until the storm started to abate, to calm. With a few last pulses, I opened my eyes and looked down to find Monty wearing the most satisfied smile I’d ever seen.

  She licked her lips and leaned her head on my thigh.

  “You’re so hot when you come. And I’ve decided I like oral sex now. At least giving.” I still had her hair in my hand, and I used it to bring her back up so I could kiss her mouth, which was wet from me.

  “How do you feel about receiving?” I asked.

  “I don’t know yet,” she said with a mischievous grin.

  “Do you want to find out?”

  “Hell yes.”

  “FORD?” I SAID A WHILE later, after we had tested whether or not Monty liked receiving oral (a resounding yes, which I was still pretty smug about). Her head rested on my chest and we’d been quiet, just letting the sweat dry and our bodies rest.

  “Mmmm?” she said, lifting her head to look at me. Her hair was a complete mess, and she’d never been more stunning.

  “I don’t think I’m heterosexual.”

  She tried to stifle a laugh. “I mean, you could still be. This doesn’t have to mean anything.”

  That was the point, though. This did mean something. Tonight meant everything.

  “No. I’m not. I’m definitely not. It never made sense before. I never got it. I couldn’t see it. Holy shit, Ford.”

  So many thoughts exploded in my head like it was the Fourth of July and they all overlapped, but they had one message: I was NOT heterosexual. I liked women. I liked one woman in particular.


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