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Lamy of Santa Fe

Page 60

by Paul Horgan

  Arroyo de los Indios Ibid., 237


  El Chorro Ibid., 201


  (Zubirίa, born Sonora) Chavez Ar., 187

  (Zubirίa, appearance) Portrait, Twitchell; portrait, Read

  recalled with gratitude Bartlett, I, 147

  expressly ordered by Rome TCA, Blanc to Odin, New Orleans, 23 Jan 1849, French

  conversed in Latin Darton, 44


  (Zubirίa had written to Lamy, et seq.) VPF, Zubirίa to VPF, Durango, 1 Nov 1851, Spanish


  had written in protest VPF, Baltimore Council to VPF, Baltimore, 1852, Italian, (summary)

  “I knew nothing about it” Salpointe, 198–99

  what had caused the confusion VPF, administrative memo, 1853?, Italian (printed document)


  (discussion of territory) VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Santa Fe, 28 Dec 1859, French


  (Zubirίa’s letter to Vatican on territory) VPF, Zubirίa to VPF, Durango, 1 Nov 1851, Spanish


  (Durango, aspects) Ruxton, 162–64; Gregg, 282


  Lamy impressed Emory Emory, Report I


  Rio Grande dry Ronquillo

  expected him home RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French

  (Lamy reached Santa Fe 10 Jan.) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1852

  speaking wretched Spanish RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French


  some of the people Salpointe, 196, 197

  “incapable or unworthy” L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 28 Aug 1851, French (summary)

  the “greatest number” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1852

  “good face” Ibid.

  submit by force Ibid.

  the pastor of Pecos Ibid.

  restoring the Castrense RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 29 Sept 1851, French


  natives were promised Darton, 44

  (Third Order of Penitence) Horgan, GR, 376–77; LaFarge, 149–50

  Zubirίa had been horrified Zubirίa, in Chavez, My Penitente Land


  (Machebeuf retreat) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1852

  Navajos at peace Ibid.

  doing “pretty well” Ibid.

  “ten little boys” Ibid.

  on this visit Ibid.

  on 5 February 1852 Ibid.


  seeds, animals, commodities CIN/ND, Martίnez to Zubirίa, Taos, 28 Aug 1851, Spanish

  none of such tribute P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1851, French (tr.)


  (personal misbehavior) VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French

  gentle admonitions Howlett, 191

  “like spring” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1852

  Father Roothaan Garraghan (summary)


  council in Baltimore CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1852

  (rich Frenchman’s house) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Peña Blanca, N.M., 31 May 1852, French

  took to the road Ibid.


  Vicario Andando Howlett, 239

  (hopes to see Murphy 1 May) SLU, Lamy to Murphy, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1852 (copy)

  “pleasure trip on the plains” Meriwether, 147

  stage service Darton, 47


  “instead of becoming settled” Horn, 30

  (stages of plains travel) Davis, 6

  P. J. De Smet SLU, De Smet to Lamy, St Louis, 11 Nov 1851, French

  no continuous rail travel Dunbar, 1088ff


  council convened Darton, 49

  “decided humbly to ask” VPF, F. P. Kenrick to Pius IX, Baltimore, 19 May 1852, Latin

  the geographical matter VPF, Baltimore Council to VPF, Baltimore, 1852, Latin

  “three small parishes” VPF, Odin to Barnabo, Galveston, 1 Sept 1852, French


  the twenty-ninth VPF, Baltimore Council to VPF, Baltimore, 1852, Latin

  (wrote to the Lyon office) L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, New York, 29 May 1852, French


  his niece Defouri, 36

  set out on 26 June 1852 Barbour, 29

  rollope observed Trollope, A., 386

  Marryat Marryat, 216ff Thackeray Thackeray, III, 594ff


  his first concern L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, St Louis, 1 July 1852

  with courage P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, St Louis, 1 July 1852, French (tr.)

  put his trust Ibid.

  good stroke of business SLU, Lamy legal instrument, St Louis, 10 July 1852


  (orders and purchases) SLU, De Smet record of account, St Louis, 1852


  Father Pendeprat Fifty Years, 102

  steamer Kansas Defouri, 37

  to teach Spanish Barbour, 31

  travelled only by daylight Drago, 125

  anchoring for the night Ibid., 153


  cholera was aboard P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Independence, Mo., 28 July 1852, French

  (account of journey to Independence) Ibid.; NO/ND, Lamy to Blanc, Blue River Camp, 6 Aug 1862; P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Missouri, 28 July 1852


  before moving on Barbour, 30

  westward again on 1 August Ibid., 30

  8 August Ibid.

  Lone Elm Davis, 8


  wild life, prairies Abert, 6–10

  buffalo Salpointe, 203

  three hundred Indians Ibid.


  (Spiegelberg episode) Warner, 293–94


  14 September Barbour, 31

  Las Vegas Ibid. Santa Fe on 26 September Ibid., 31

  “grand reception” SLU, Lamy to De Smet, Santa Fe, 1 Oct 1852, French (tr.)



  church fees SF, pastoral letter, pamphlet, 25 Dec 1862, Spanish


  pastoral letter Ibid.; GACETA DE SANTA FE, 1 Tan 1853


  certain scandals Ibid.


  on reading Lamy’s words VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French

  deed to the rectory Ibid.

  all his close friends. Ibid.


  did his best to propitiate VPF, Lamy to VPF, Santa Fe, 1852, French


  (Salazar) VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French

  (Lujan) Ibid.

  sending Machebeuf Ibid.

  (Baca and Otero) Ibid.

  (Ortiz inflamed) Ibid.

  refused his services CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 10 April 1853, English, French


  the first onslaught VPF, parishioners to Lamy, Santa Fe, 1853, Spanish


  Lamy instantly responded VPF, Lamy to parishioners, Santa Fe, Jan 1853, Spanish

  “not quite understood” VPF, Baca to Lamy, Santa Fe, 16 Jan 1853, Spanish


  Lamy replied promptly VPF, Lamy to Baca, Santa Fe, 18 Jan 1853, Spanish

  a few days later VPF, Lamy to Baca, Santa Fe, 22 Jan 1853, Spanish if this last statement VPF, Baca to Lamy, Santa Fe, 28 Jan 1853, Spanish


  “seemed to be quite opinionated” VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French

  temperament being as it was VPF, Baca to Lamy, Peña Blanca, 9 Mar 1853, Spanish

  felt obliged to report VPF, Baca to Lamy, Santa Fe, 2 Feb 1853, Spanish


  another powerful antagonist VPF, Machebeuf to Martίnez, Santa Fe, 3 Feb 1853, Spanish

  “I remain satisfied” VPF, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 21 Feb 1853 Spanish

  notarized depositions VPF, citizens’ depositions, Taos, 9 March 1853, Spanish


  half the population Davis, 64–65

“policy of Spain” Ibid.

  “slight change for the better” Ibid.

  “school of the sisters” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 10 April, 1 June 1853

  (convent school opened) Barbour, 36

  pupils were instructed Davis, 41–42

  “signs of ecclesiastical svocation” P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Annual Report, 1853, French

  prospects for missions Ibid.


  (appeal for Jesuits) SLU, De Smet to Lamy, St Louis, 6 Feb 1853 dun the bishop Ibid.

  last year’s subsidy CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 10 April 1853, English, French

  “borrow” two priests CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 June 1853

  in Easter week CIN/ND, Lamy to Zubirίa, Santa Fe, 15 April 1853, Spanish

  wrote also in detail CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 10 April 1853, (summary)

  Purcell would, he hoped Ibid.

  planned to go to Europe CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, Aug 1853

  wrote in similar vein VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 31 July 1853, French


  he wrote also to another Darton, 58; Lamy to F. P. Kenrick, Santa Fe, 31 Oct 1853

  full status of a diocese VPF, memorandum, Rome, 18 July 1853; Salpointe, 206

  Ortiz, at Durango, had sent VPF, Rubio to Marini, Durango, 21 July 1853, Spanish

  “coldly received” Darton; Lamy to F. P. Kenrick, Santa Fe, 31 Oct 1853


  (issue of tithes) VPF, Lamy to Baca, Santa Fe, 17 May 1853, Spanish; VPF, Baca to Lamy, Peña Blanca, May 1853


  the vast majority CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 10 April 1853

  “give the last blow” BALT, Lamy to F. P. Kenrick, Santa Fe, 31 Oct 1853


  “imposing ceremony” Meriwether, 155 “most deservedly popular” Ibid., 161

  great deal of hostility Ibid., 165

  battle against Apaches Salpointe, 192–93

  Meriwether officially recommended Meriwether, 165 (note by Griffin)

  a recent event P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 30 June 1853, French

  “the Great Captain” H. Lamy


  (details of Santa Fe life) Davis, 47,48, 49, 88, 89

  scandalized an Anglican bishop Talbot

  territorial assembly asked CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, 32nd Congress, 2nd session (Senate), 10 Feb 1853, 551


  there is great talk CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 June 1853 Sunday within the octave Ibid.


  plans to go to Europe BALT, Lamy to F. P. Kenrick, Santa Fe, 31 Oct 1853

  place enraptured Machebeuf DEN/RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 28 Jan 1854, French

  (word of the elevation) NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 3 Dec 1853, Spanish

  pastoral letter announced new status CIN/ND, Martίnez, tract, Taos, 10 Aug 1860, Spanish (tr.)


  “dullness of Santa Fe somewhat broken” Davis, 126–28

  two promising Mexican youths RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 22 Jan 1854, French


  (second pastoral letter) Newberry Library, pastoral circular, Santa Fe, 14 Jan 1854, Spanish

  “exaggerated” VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French

  (Gallegos affair) Ibid.


  Martί;nez wrote Lamy VPF, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 7–8 March 1853, Spanish

  (Armijo, 950 citizens) VPF, Armijo and parishioners to Lamy, Albuquerque, 15 March 1853, Spanish

  “rehabilitation” VPF, Lamy to Armijo, Santa Fe, 17 March 1853, Spanish

  Armijo protesting VPF, Armijo to Lamy, Albuquerque, 30 April 1853, Spanish


  “don’t want to threaten” VPF, Lamy to Armijo, Santa Fe, 24 May 1853, Spanish


  (Machebeuf vs. Gallegos) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe or Albuquerque, 1854, French


  (Gallegos—appearance) Twitchell (illust.)


  observing the customs RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 22 Jan 1854, French

  so complete was the union Ibid.

  “did not lack ability” Ibid.


  (Gallegos candidate) Meriwether, 158

  (Gallegos—campaign) Ibid., 166–72

  lection was close Horn, 48

  (Gallegos’s credentials) CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, 32nd Congress, 2nd session (House), 19 Dec 1853, 62–63

  (victory to Gallegos) Ibid., 33rd Congress, 1st session (House), 24 Feb 1854

  to bring an interpreter Ibid., 27 Feb 1854,492

  it was another aspect BALT, Lamy to F. P. Kenrick, Santa Fe, 31 Oct 1853

  Zubirίa his prelate CIN/ND, Gallegos to Zubirίa, Washington, 2 June 1854, Spanish


  (description of said) Abert, water-color sketch facing 41

  refused to abandon it VPF, Machebeuf to Zubirίa, Albuquerque, 11 May, 30 June 1854, Spanish; RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 30 Nov 1854, French


  present a pipe organ Howlett, 205–06

  “Apostolic Prelate … class of heroes” CIN/ND, P. R. Kenrick to Purcell, St Louis, 7 March 1854

  (promise of some sisters) Darton, 59–60

  sailed on 29 March CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Paris, 16 April 1854, English, French

  in Birmingham Ibid.

  Newman in Birmingham Trevor, 51


  the Ursulines CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Paris, 16 April 1854, English, French

  with the Sulpicians Ibid.

  young New Mexican seminarians Ibid.

  the new Emperor Ibid.

  Eternal City was a meld Berenson, 18–36, passim


  (Gadsden Purchase; “Condado” controversy) Meriwether, 225, 233–238; Horn, 46, 47, 54, 55; VPF, Lamy to VPF, Santa Fe, 1854, Latin; VPF, Baltimore Council, Vatican Memo., 1853, Italian; VPF, Zubirίa to Barnabo, Durango, 22 April 1853, Latin, with duplicate of: VPF, Zubirίa to VPF, Durango, 1 Nov 1851, Spanish; VPF, VPF to Zubirίa, Rome, 17 June 1854, Latin; VPF, Rome, 1854, Vatican printed circular, Italian


  serious doubts VPF, VPF to Zubirίa, Rome, 17 June 1854, Latin


  in good health LO, Hayden to LO, Santa Fe, 21 Aug 1854

  acquired some paintings VPF, secretarial minute, Rome, 27 June 1854, Italian

  “open-mouthed only for visions” James, 109

  “capital fellow” Hales, 18

  a dove had repeatedly Ibid., 20


  the flagellant brotherhood SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 27 Nov 1856, Spanish

  (description of chalice and case) LO

  wrote from Civitavecchia VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Civitavecchia, 30 June 1854, French


  (names of new recruits) ANNALES, v 27, 1855

  agreed to lend L/SPF/ND, Paris, secretarial minute, 29 July 1854, French

  moved on to Lyon P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, 1854, French (tr.)

  to see his land P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Paris, 29 July 1854, French (file copy)


  planned to visit DEN/RA, Lamy to Soeur Philomène, Paris, 28 July 1854, French

  from Le Havre on August first Ibid.

  Machebeuf had sent CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, camp near West-port, 25 Sept 1854

  rainy weather Ibid.

  “while putting his gun” Defouri, 48

  “bearded stranger” Darton, 63–66


  spell of illness LO, Hayden to LO, Santa Fe, 4 Nov 1854

  (on 5 October, travel westward) ANNALES, v 27, 319–21, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 Jan 1855, French

  it was so notable SLU, De Smet to Lamy, St Louis, 17 Feb 1855


  (dragoons’ welcome to Lamy) Drown


  call of respect LO, Hayden to LO, Santa Fe, 22 Nov 1854

  (death of young deacon) RA, Machebeuf to siste
r, Santa Fe, 30 Nov 1854, French; P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 30 Nov 1854, French (tr.)

  (parish assignments) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 30 Nov 1854, French

  “mon cher Albuquerque” Ibid.

  (great cost of caravan travel) L/SPF, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 30 Nov 1854, French


  number of boxes SLU, De Smet to Lamy, St Louis, 17 Feb 1854

  left for the East CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 March 1855

  occasion to visit Fifty Years, 109

  aboard the Genoa Barbour, 32


  (westward journey, 1855) DEN, Sr. Ann Joseph to Howlett, Florissant, Mo., 28 Oct 1902; Howlett, 200, 201


  prayers “in time of war” SF, pastoral letter, Santa Fe, 18 Feb 1855, Spanish (printed circular)

  canonically installed Darton, 67


  (return of ex-Vicar Ortiz) VPF, Lamy to VPF, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1856, French; VPF, J. F. Ortiz to Zubirίa, Santa Fe, 24 July 1855, Spanish


  as far south as Tomé Tomé, N.M., parish records, 7 March 1855

  (report on return of Ortiz et seq.) VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1856, French

  “the bell was taken down” VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French


  withdraw the license; “not all roses” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 Dec 1855

  new pastoral circular SF, Santa Fe, Nov 1855, pastoral circular, Spanish (printed)

  discipline he had announced Ibid.


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