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Lamy of Santa Fe

Page 61

by Paul Horgan


  a gratifying response CIN/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 29 Nov 1855, Spanish

  twelve older boys Darton, 68

  begin their Latin studies CIN/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 30 June 1855, French

  Casa Americana Barbour, 33


  friend who never failed him CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 Dec 1855

  “most likely Rev. Mr Machebeuf” Ibid.



  infirmities of age SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 28 Jan 1856, Spanish

  chalice of silver Ibid.

  nights were greatly distressed Ibid.


  “obliged to resign” Ibid.

  huge bill of complaints VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1856, French

  “perhaps the legislators” Ibid.

  (Martί;nez’s appearance) Twitchell (portrait)

  “]e suis alors” P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 30 June 1855, French

  gave him a letter VPF, Lamy to Pius IX, Santa Fe, 1856, French


  written again to Barnabo VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1856, French

  “several bishops and archbishops” Ibid.

  “financially embarrassed” VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 March 1856, French

  a general document DEN, Santa Fe, 1 March 1856, sig. Lamy, French

  pay the travel expense P/SPF


  (Machebeuf eastward) RA, Machebeuf to sister, on board Sultana, 12 April 1856, French


  Sultana blew up Drago, 31–32

  hard winter CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 April 1856

  “pretty well repaired”; schools were improving Ibid.

  high cost of transporting Ibid.

  secretary of the Territory wrote Davis, 58–59


  “trying all they can to embarrass” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 Dec 1855


  “had the humility” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 April 1856

  Martίnez wrote again CIN/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 22 April 1856, Spanish

  Lamy, moving swiftly CIN/ND, Lamy to Martίnez, Santa Fe, 5 May 1856


  enlisted six seminarians Ussel, in Howlett, 212

  in both cities VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Lyon, 7 June 1856, French; P/SPF/TCA, Machebeuf to P/SPF, Paris, 16 June 1856, English (tr. copy)

  sent Lamy’s documents ahead VPF, secretary VPF to VPF, Rome, 25 June 1856, Italian


  (Gallegos letter) VPF, Gallegos to Pius IX, Washington, D.C., 24 April 1856


  catalogue of charges VPF, N.M. legislators to Pius IX, Santa Fe, 31 Jan 1856


  to work on written refutations VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Rome, 1856, French


  devastating sketches … Ortiz, Salazar, Lujan, Gallegos, Martίnez Ibid.

  Clementi in Mexico City VPF, secretarial minute, Rome, 25 June 1856, Italian


  had never been acknowledged VPF, VPF to Lamy, Rome, 24 July 1856, Latin

  new county named Dofiana VPF/L/SPF, Machebeuf to L/SPF, Lyon, 7 June 1856, French


  soldier recorded his view McCall, 135

  Zubirίa had given Martίnez SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 1 Oct 1856, Spanish


  “does not behave well toward me” Ibid.

  “only human thing” SF/ND, Taladrid to Lamy, Taos, Oct 1856, Spanish

  abused Martίnez’s reputation SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 1 Oct 1856, Spanish

  “I know how to hit hard” Ibid.

  had Lamy’s letter to prove it Ibid.

  published an open letter Ibid.

  a difficult road McCall, 129, 135

  “as a heretic” SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 1 Oct 1856, Spanish


  a private oratory Ibid.

  “worse than these two together” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 3 March 1857, English, French

  one Cárdenas SANTA FE GAZETTE, 3 Sept 1853

  “we ask the people” Ibid., 22 Aug 1853


  (Gallegos’ speech to House) CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, 34th Congress, 1st session (House), 23 July 1856, 17306:


  (Otero’s speech) Ibid.


  “head and front of his offending” Othello I, iii, 81 (paraphrase)


  (Gallegos unseated, Otero seated) CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, 34th Congress, 1st session (House), 23 July 1856, 173


  Doñana problem VPF/TCA, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Oct 1856, French (copy); VPF/TCA, secretarial minute, Rome, 1 Oct 1856, Italian (copy)

  “excessive” language SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 17 Nov 1856, Spanish

  writ of suspension CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 3 March 1857

  Martίnez defied even this SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 12 Nov 1856, Spanish


  (Machebeuf and party, France to U.S.) RA, Machebeuf to sister, on board Alma, 20 Aug 1856, French


  (Chateaubriand at Niagara Falls) Chateaubriand, Atala, 95–96; Voyage en Amérique, 696–97


  (Machebeuf and party plains crossing) Ussel, in Howlett, 212–18


  on 3 November RA, Machebeuf to brother, camp near New Mexico, 3 Nov 1856, French

  written permission to sell VPF/TCA, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Oct 1856

  wrote to congratulate GUL, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Dec 1856, French (copy)

  to thank him for his confidence Ibid.; VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Dec 1856; French

  “I hope also” Ibid


  on 12 November SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 12 Nov 1856, Spanish

  his manner of expression SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 17 Nov 1856, Spanish


  probe old injuries anew SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 27 Nov 1856, Spanish

  pour out his troubles CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 3 March 1857, French


  “war to the death” P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 5 March 1857, French (tr.)

  (Machebeuf back at Albuquerque) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Albuquerque, 28 Feb 1857, French

  another enormous missive SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 13 April 1857, Spanish

  Martίnez wrote to Machebeuf SF/ND, Martίnez to Machebeuf, Taos, 2 May 1857, Spanish

  it was no wonder Taladrid (Un Observante), GACETA DE SANTA FE, issue 42–43

  tensions in Taos SF/ND, Martίnez to Machebeuf, Taos, 2 May 1857, Spanish

  he set in motion Darton, 73–74; Howlett, 230–33


  mounted a guard SF/ND, Martίnez to E. Ortiz, Taos, 22 June 1857, Spanish


  (excommunications of Martίnez and Lucero) Howlett, 230–33


  a curious tale to tell SF/ND, J. E. Ortiz to Lamy, Taos, 23 July 1857, Spanish


  proposing creation of a chapter VPF, VPF to Pius IX, Rome, 27 Sept 1857, Latin; VPF, secretarial minute, Rome, Jan 1858, Italian


  Lamy wrote to Barnabo VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, Jan 1857, French

  “please note” Ibid.

  Barnabo replied VPF, Barnabo to Lamy, Rome, 11 Feb 1857, Latin

  again, in May VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 May 1857, Spanish

  in his opinion VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 11 Aug 1857, French

  he returned to Santa Fe LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 20 July 1857

  (procession of Corpus Christi) Ibid.

  on the following day LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 17 July 1857


  (Machebeuf eastward 1857) Machebeuf to sister, in Howlett, 221–22


  he thought Indians RA, Machebeuf to sister
, Kansas City, 8 Sept 1857

  met with a disappointment CIN/ND, Machebeuf to Purcell, Louisville, 26 Aug 1857

  Lamy’s niece Marie Ibid.

  (description of Marie Lamy)

  LO, daguerreotype

  gardener from Versailles RA, Machebeuf to sister, Kansas City, 8 Sept 1857, French


  (Machebeuf trip westward 1857) Ibid.


  whose commanding officer CIN/ND, Machebeuf to Purcell, Louisville, 26 Aug 1857

  strange news from Mexico CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Sept 1857

  might travel to Mexico CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 3 March 1857, English, French

  (kept bread, crackers “el bendito frijole”) Warner, 280

  ten thousand men CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 3 March 1857, English, French

  conversions P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 15 March 1857, French

  “no slaves here” Ibid.

  paid what he could CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 Sept 1857

  in his old church of Covington Ibid.

  a thousand francs per year P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 June 1857, French (tr.)

  Peter Hart CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 17 July 1857


  aows closed direct trail RA, Machebeuf to sister, Albuquerque, 28 Feb 1857, French

  “schools are going on” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 3 March 1857, English, French

  given the Lorettines LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 10 July 1857

  “good Mexican pony” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 10 July 1857

  too much to hope SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 27 Oct 1857, Spanish

  wrote also to Ortiz SF/ND, J. E. Ortiz to Martίnez, Taos, 12 Nov 1857, Spanish

  Ortiz replied indignantly Ibid.


  “money, money, money” SF/ND, Martίnez, in GACETA DE SANTA FE, n.d., Spanish

  “profaned the sacred temples” Ibid.

  “one hundred thousand dollars” SF/ND, Martίnez, tract, Taos, 24 Sept 1859, Spanish

  a “fanatic” SF/ND, Martίnez, tract, 12 April 1860, Spanish

  “this century of light” SF/ND, Martίnez, tract, Taos, 18 June 1860, Spanish

  repudiated the bishop Ibid.

  simony; “acting against the laws” SF/ND, Martίnez, tract, Taos, 10 Aug 1860, Spanish

  “ravening wolves” SF/ND, Martίnez, tract, Taos, 22 Sept 1860, Spanish

  St Thomas Aquinas SF/ND, Martίnez, tract, Taos, 1861, Spanish



  La cour de Rome RA, Machebeuf to sister (en route westward?), 26 Sept 1858, French

  affair was under study VPF, secretarial report, Rome, March 1858, Italian


  Martinez wrote from Taos SF/ND, Martίnez to Lamy, Taos, 29 March 1858, Spanish

  “all the mischief he can” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 June 1858

  “Utahs, a powerful tribe” Ibid.

  “very hard Spring” Ibid.

  spent four months travelling P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1858

  Ortiz … died suddenly CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, Jan 1858

  (a necrology) Newberry Library, “Some Friends,” Santa Fe, Jan 1858


  sent for Machebeuf RA, Machebeuf to brother, Santa Fe, 16 July 1858, French

  series of loving protests Ibid.


  to mark Lamy’s departure LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 22 July 1858 “used to such travelling” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 1 June 1858

  first Colorado parish Conejos, Colo., historical marker


  Bishop Spalding … told Purcell ND, Spalding to Purcell, Louisville, 24 July 1858

  celebrated the Mass VPF, minutes, 2nd Provincial Council, St Louis, 1858, Latin

  voted to petition VPF, VPF to Zubiría, Rome, 9 Feb 1859, Latin; CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, St Louis, 13 Sept 1858

  the Vatican, on 10 June VPF, VPF to Zubiría, Rome, 10 June 1858, Latin

  papal decree VPF, decree of VPF, Rome, 7 June 1858, Latin sent with the letter VPF, VPF to Lamy, Rome, 10 June 1858, Latin a nice technicality CIN/ND, Zubiría to Lamy, Durango, 28 June 1859, Spanish, Latin


  “last August third” VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 19 Oct 1858, French

  (Father Avel poisoned) Howlett, 239–43; P/SPF/TCA, Machebeuf to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1858, French (tr.)


  Vatican decree granting him VPF, secretarial minute, Rome, Dec 1858, Italian

  another in the same month P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, Feb 1859, French

  relieved Machebeuf Defouri, 56

  appointed Father Eguillon Ibid.

  wrote to the vicar general VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 19 Oct 1858, French


  “I have received a decree” CIN/ND, Lamy to R. Ortiz, Santa Fe, 1 Sept 1858, Spanish

  (Machebeuf’s journey to El Paso and Sonora) RA, Machebeuf to sister, Santa Fe, 28 April 1859, French


  “do you remember” Howlett, 290

  Vicario Andando … Camino Real Ibid., 239

  usually took along Ibid., 238


  only surviving mission Defouri 57–58

  “half the buildings” Hine, 67–68

  when a bishop of Sonora Howlett, 249

  (Arizona miners) Browne, 20–22

  “headquarters of vice” Ibid.

  set out on 20 December Defouri, 66

  somewhere nearer Arizona L/SPF/ND, Machebeuf to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 May 1859, French (ms. copy)


  “a fitter location” Browne, 166

  a party of travellers Defouri, 66–74

  land of the Yaqui Browne, 243–44


  “miserable Mexican sea-port” Ibid, 244, 245

  his interim cathedral Almada, Diccionario


  he signed the paper TA, Loza (document), Alamos, Sonora, 16 Jan 1859, Spanish (ms. copy)


  a “half-fugitive” Almada, B., 39

  given a little house Salpointe, 224

  to build a larger church L/SPF/ND, Machebeuf to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 May 1859, French (ms. copy)

  one of the tribal elders Salpointe, 227


  (against the crime of murder) Defouri, 59–60

  he was guarded Salpointe, 227

  suffering from malaria Darton, 87

  “Tu capitàrn?” Defouri, 73–74


  24 March L/SPF/ND, Machebeuf to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 May 1859, French (ms. copy)

  “congratulated him heartily” Defouri, 74

  eighteen parishes Darton, 98

  sending Father Peter Eguillon P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, Feb 1859


  sending Eguillon CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 16 Jan 1859 (Christian Brothers for school) Ibid.

  (Eguillon at Clermont) Salpointe, 210–12

  (Eguillon and party West) Ibid., 212–18


  (Lamy receives Eguillon party) Ibid., 219

  young men had been spared L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 13 Nov 1859, French

  (Machebeuf to Arizona again) Howlett, 251

  Lamy kept him Ibid., 257–58


  began the repairs Darton, 85–86

  discoveries of gold Howlett, 286–87


  what Zubiría demanded VPF, Zubiría to VPF, Durango, 16 May 1859, Latin

  Lamy had assured him CIN/ND, Lamy to Zubiría, Santa Fe, 4 April 1859, Spanish (tr.)

  “I will be obliged” Ibid.

  in an angry reply CIN/ND, Zubiría to Lamy, Durango, 28 June 1859, Spanish, Latin

  astonishing rebuttal Ibid.

  strongly implied Ibid.

  again begged for a new decree VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 18 July 1859, French

  the exasperating affair VPF,
Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 22 Aug 1859, French


  the three small villages VPF, Machebeuf to VPF, Santa Fe, 28 Dec 1859, French

  inviting contrary interpretations VPF, VPF to Lamy, Rome, 24 June 1860, Latin

  “afraid I have tired you” VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, Sept 1861, French


  to ask Rome Howlett, 285

  no “desire to extend” VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 14 June 1860, French

  Vatican, at its blandest VPF, VPF to Lamy, Rome, 22 Aug 1860, Latin

  almost as an afterthought Ibid.

  Miège in his turn VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 20 Aug 1860, French

  agree, conditionally Ibid.


  thanked him “sincerely” VPF, VPF to Lamy, Rome, 9 Oct 1860, Latin

  “I see but one thing to be done” Howlett, 287

  appointed John B. Raverdy Ibid, equipage Ibid., 288

  wrote out two documents DEN, Lamy (To whom …), Santa Fe, 27 Sept 1860


  in his own administration Howlett, 288

  the first Mass Ibid., 289

  first sight of Denver LA SEMAINE RELIGIEUSE, 24 AUG 1889

  he was expected DEN, COLORADO CATHOLIC, news transcript, n.d.


  early Denver life Young, J. D., 140ff; Clark, C. M., 68–69; Howlett, 293–94


  pony express Young, J. D., 8–9, 21

  “most woeful appearance” Ibid., 123


  hundreds came Clark, C. M., 68–117, passim; Young, J. D., 43ff.

  “head of the family” RA, Machebeuf to brother, Denver City, 7 Sept 1861, French

  “in fine spirits” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 21 Jan 1861


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