by Paul Horgan
“parlor boarder” DEN, Sister Evangelista
silk dresses Ibid.
Sister Mary Francesca Barbour, 34–35
convent reached twenty-six CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 Jan 1860
as a saint LO, Sister Evangelista
“our little schools” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 16 Jan 1859
curriculum Barbour, 43
(Hilaria and the devil) LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 23 Nov 1858
“smart and fine young lady” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell (fragment), Santa Fe, 1859
(schools prospering) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 21 Jan 1861
three hundred pupils … effect on parents P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, St Louis, 30 June 1861, French (tr.)
convent property Barbour, 35; LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 10 Sept 1861 year before the arrival VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 19 Oct 1858, French
“adobe hut with four walls” 75 Years, 53
presented them with a contract Defouri, 51–53
“pretty good school” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 Jan 1860
“cleanly, joyous, little fellows” NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 13 Feb 1864
need for a seminary L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1858, French (copy)
“war in the west” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 Jan 1860 mail service Machebeuf, in Howlett, 243
communications cut off CIN/ND, Lamy to Perché, Santa Fe, 7 Jan 1861, French
twenty men Ibid.
“reign of terror” L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 25 Feb 1861, French
Navajos descended from Welsh Hollister, 146
effects of a drought P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, St Louis, 30 June 1861
need for a hospital Ibid.
fainted at the altar LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 19 Oct 1859
stove in the chapel LO, Santa Fe Annals, 1858
picnic at his ranchito LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 21 Sept 1860
still opposition L/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1 Feb 1858, French (copy)
would rather help CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 30 Jan 1860
Peter’s Pence VPF, VPF to Vatican treasurer, Rome, 27 Aug 1860, Latin
repayment by installment L/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 25 Feb 1861, French
the tithing regulations VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, St Louis, 12 May 1861, French
on St Francis’s Eve CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 20 June 1859
“some amelioration” CIN/ND, Lamy to Perché, Santa Fe, 7 Jan 1861, French
tin cup Darton, 98 reception was festive Salpointe, 239
(Lamy to St Louis via Denver) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, St Louis, 10 May 1861
realigned the boundaries Darton, 104
“when I arrived here” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, St Louis, 10 May 1861, French
torn by massacres CIN/ND, Lamy to Perché, St Louis, 12 May 1861
tension was running high VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, St Louis, 12 May 1861, French
Anthony Trollope Trollope, A., 387–88
“troubles” in New Mexico CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, St Louis, 10 May 1861
to Father Sopranis SLU, Lamy to Sopranis, St Louis, 12 May 1861, French (copy)
a forced march P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 30 July 1861, French (tr.)
“troubles” on two fronts L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 1861, French
Gazette asked editorially SANTA FE GAZETTE, 11 May 1861
New Mexico spoke out Horn, 85
conscription SANTA FE GAZETTE, 14 Sept 1861
“put slavery” Horn, 100
he sent Ussel Ussel, in Howlett, 298–99
quickened his recovery RA, Machebeuf to brother, San Miguel (del Vado), N.M., 14 Jan 1862, French
these and other troubles CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 27 Jan 1862
filed a claim Espinosa et al, 119
Mother Magdalen was dismayed LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 7 May 1862
(Civil War, New Mexico) Horgan, GR, 819–30
on the same day Horn, 102
six days later SANTA FE GAZETTE, 26 April 1862
feared for their convent LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 7 May 1862
one day a Texas soldier Ibid.
seize all funds SANTA FE GAZETTE, 26 April 1862
keys of the printing office Ibid.
“Mr Parker” Ibid.
troops were billeted Museum of New Mexico, exhibit caption, Palace of the Governors
Sibley was pleased Conard, 374–77
“piratical bunting” Hollister, 136
on 25 March SANTA FE GAZETTE, 26 April 1862
“regular demons” Hollister, ch. x.
“soldiers, I am proud” Rittenhouse
its audacity Hollister, 117
passing all night long LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 7 May 1862
the sick and wounded Texans SANTA FE GAZETTE, 26 April 1862 Texan army left Barbour, 36
measured the bishop’s church Hollister, 213–16
raised the national flag SANTA FE GAZETTE, 26 April 1862 led her sisters and pupils LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 7 May 1862
rumors persisted Pettis, 1 Dec 1862; 24 Dec 1862; CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 29 Dec 1862
resumed pastoral visits P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 2 March 1863, French (tr.)
effects in Utah Howlett, 320
weekly mail service CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 29 Dec 1862
Machebeuf was “well” Ibid.
thousand Catholic voters RA, Machebeuf to brother, San Miguel, 14 Jan 1862
England was on the verge Ibid.
“unhappy condition” VPF, secretarial minute, Rome, 12 July 1863, Italian
suddenly good news TA, Bosco to Lamy, Santa Clara, Calif., 18 Aug 1862, Spanish
another letter from California SLU, Villiger to Lamy, Santa Clara, Calif., 28 Jan 1863, Latin
another missionary bishop Talbot
a letter from Denver Defouri, 756: passim
leave for Denver Salpointe, 236–37; Howlett, 309–10
writing to Purcell CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 20 Sept 1863
“pray always” DEN/RA, Machebeuf to sister, Denver, 13 Feb 1867, French
Connolly declared Horn, 104
the general said Ibid., 105
Carleton defined Ibid., 106
Martin … was murdered P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 2 March 1863, French (tr.)
“My dear Wife” Pettis to wife, Fort Craig, N.M., 24 Aug 1863
(Lamy to California, Arizona, and back) Defouri, 80ff; Salpointe, 240
good rider Salpointe, 206
as he wrote to Paris ANN ALES, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1866, French
he doubted NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 23 Jan 1864
“stopped a day with us” HARTFORD EVENING POST, correspondent, 20 June 1864
“city of mud boxes” Browne, 129–30
“Apaches range” Ibid., 135
a soldier reported Pettis to wife, Tucson, 26 May 1862
baptisms and confirmations TA, cathedral records, 27 March 1864, Spanish
“scarcely damaged” ANNALES, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 8 May 1864, French
“powerful medicine men” Balthasar, 79
“a splendid monument” Browne, 140
an old boiler Ibid.
“ruin and desolation” Ibid., 149
now its farm buildings Ibid.
at La Mesilla Pettis to wife, La Mesilla, 1 Sept 1862
28th day of April LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 12 Sept 1864 welcoming him home NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 7 May 1864
learned in August Defouri, 61–62
“miserable priests” VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 8 May 1864, French duly
noted VPF, secretarial minute, Rome, as of 8 May 1864, Italian in another familiar matter VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 8 May 1864, French
“he asks that” VPF, secretarial minute, Rome, as of 8 May 1864, Italian
new churches and chapels VPF/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 1864–65?, French (tr.)
“more like a cathedral” Ibid.
“still greater need” Ibid.
wrote to Mother Josephine Defouri, 102ff
expected a group BALT, Lamy to Spalding, Santa Fe, 1 March 1865
Father Ussel CIN/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 18 June 1864
Machebeuf, lame but busy Howlett, 314
gave him papers DEN, Lamy to whom it may concern, Santa Fe, 25 July 1864
asked Rome to excuse him VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 1 Aug 1864, French
in the same letter Ibid.
sudden mortal strikes BALT, Lamy to Spalding, Santa Fe, 12 Sept 1864
travelled in company Cremony, 209
eight thousand Navajos Keleher, 504
four hundred soldiers Cremony, 209
“schools to civilize” P/SPF/TCA, Eguillon to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 13 March 1864, French (tr.)
sent a priest P/SPF/TCA, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 14 Aug 1864, French (tr.)
“Go it citizens!” NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 31 Jan 1864
“the happiest people” Keleher, 407
“this is a terrible place” Pettis to wife, Fort Sumner, N.M., 26 Feb 1864
“must be clothed and fed” Keleher, 371
(beginning of the cattle trains) Horgan, GR, 832
“beautiful Indian fort” Cremony, 199
three thousand Indian children Horgan, GR, 832
reservation was relinquished Keleher, 459
“interesting, intelligent” BALT, Lamy to Spalding, Santa Fe, 12 Sept 1864
“the top of the mountain” 49th Congress, 1st session, Executive Document (House), 14; Keleher, 502
excused by Pius IX VPF, VPF to Lamy, Rome, 21 Oct 1864, Latin assured him Ibid.
“a little at a time” CIN/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 29 Dec 1865, French (copy)
no public schools LaFarge, 20
five hundred pupils L/SPF, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 8 May 1864, French
had to enlarge LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 12 May 1863
his order for school books BALT, Lamy to Spalding, Santa Fe, 24 July 1865
“confidence of the community” NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 13 Jan 1864
decorous advertisement NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 18 Nov 1865
colonized Mora, Taos, Denver Barbour, 36; LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 20 Dec 1863; LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 12 Sept 1864; LO, Hayden, Santa Fe, 14 March 1865
“very creditable” Wallace, W. S., 49
schools for boys SPF, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 29 Oct 1865, French encouraged when Ussel L/SPF, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 7 March 1865, French
could not adequately tell Ibid.
he was obliged to write VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 12 March 1865, French
Lamy hesitated Defouri, 62
one could not be spared Salpointe, 241
on the back of a letter DEN, Dougherty & Bro to Machebeuf, St Louis, 7 March 1864
“weekly mail” BALT, Lamy to Spalding, Santa Fe, 30 April 1865 Santa Fe paper regretted NEW MEXICAN, Santa Fe, 23 Jan 1864
arrived in Santa Fe CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 9 Oct 1865
away when they appeared Ibid.
had come by rail Segale, 84–85
“imagine,” she told Ibid.
“well and cheerful” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 9 Oct 1865
advertisement in the paper LaFarge 35
two of the nuns DEN, SANTA FE REGISTER, n.d.
their situation CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 9 Oct 1885 (memory of Father Avel) Segale, 86
Purcell had advanced CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 9 Oct 1865
population was generous Ibid.
voted a subsidy CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 5 Feb 1866 General Carleton offered Darton, 130
a benefit concert L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Santa Fe, 29 Oct 1865, French
to open the hospital CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 9 Oct 1865
stories of great suffering SANTA FE GAZETTE, 10 Feb 1866
“attempted murder” (In the Gazette accounts the dialogue passages appeared in indirect discourse. They are given here in direct discourse without changing word or sense.) SANTA FE GAZETTE, 30 Dec 1865
“will have written you” CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 5 Feb 1866, English, Spanish
impassive reminder VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Santa Fe, 4 Dec 1865, French
a new start Salpointe, 342ft
asked General Carleton SANTA FE GAZETTE, 17 Aug 1867
title of vicar forane Defouri, 62–63
had to abandon the place Defouri, 64
(fire and flood in Denver) Howlett, 315–16
Machebeuf busier than ever CIN/ND, Santa Fe, 18 June 1866 day’s work by buggy RA, Machebeuf to brother, Denver, 2 Oct 1866, French
took Lamy everywhere Ibid.
dismiss an Irish priest Ibid.
new bell CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 18 June 1866
cast for him in St Louis DEN, F. Salèr to Machebeuf, St Louis, 25 April 1865
restrained inquiry VPF, VPF to Lamy, Rome, 5 Feb 1866, Latin the mines “inspired” RA, Machebeuf to brother, Denver, 2 Oct 1866, French
discussed the matter Howlett, 334–35
River of Las Animas CIN/ND, Santa Fe, Lamy to Purcell, 18 July 1866
(troops at Fort Sumner) CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Santa Fe, 18 July 1866, English, French
travelled over 900 miles Ibid.
paused at Mt St Vincent Segale, 89
“doing well” BALT, Lamy to Spalding, Santa Fe, 11 June 1866 spoke several times Defouri, 106–07
sailed … 17 November Lamy, in Darton, 145
Brest in nine days CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Rome, 22 Dec 1866
a somber mood Fournier Conversation with author anxiously awaited CIN/ND, McCloskey to Purcell, Rome, 18 Dec 1866
uncertainty reigned Ibid.
proceeded with preparations CIN/ND, Lamy to Purcell, Rome, 22 Dec 1866
at the North American Collège Ibid.
beatification Ibid.
in the act of blessing Ibid.
his private audience Ibid.
“what beautiful things” Lamy, in Darton, 146
substance of the report VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Rome, 16 Jan 1867, French; P/SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 25 Aug 1866, French
Jesuits for Santa Fe VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Rome, 1 Jan 1867, French
at once assigned him Defouri, 107
chains of St Peter VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Rome, 16 Jan 1867, French
a Madame Bontesheim CIN/ND, McCloskey to Purcell, Rome, 26 Jan 1867
“a respectable scrape” CIN/ND, McCloskey to Purcell, Rome, 9 Feb 1867
recite his “experiences” CIN/ND, McCloskey to Purcell, Rome, 19 Jan 1867
“we miss very much” CIN/ND, McCloskey to brother, Rome, 26 Jan 1867
“very kind to him” CIN/ND, McCloskey to Purcell, Rome, 19 Jan 1867<
br />
certain critical comments VPF, Barnabo to Lamy, Rome, 24 April 1867, Latin
promptly replied from Paris VPF, Lamy to Barnabo, Paris, 6 May 1867
“the Roman piano, piano” CIN/ND, McCloskey to Purcell, Rome, 19 Jan 1867
“making hay” CIN/ND, McCloskey to Purcell, Rome, 9 Feb 1867 he had to appeal L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Lyon, Feb 1867, French; L/SPF/ND, Lamy to L/SPF, Lyon, 5 April 1867, French
“magnificent sail and steam vessel” TCA, MISSIONS CATHOLIQUES, Fr. M. J. Brun report, Lyon, 1868, French
(voyage of the Europa) Defouri, 107–08
left the seminarians DEN, Lamy to Raverdy, Leavenworth City, 10 June 1867
“remarkable” luxuries TCA, MISSIONS CATHOLIQUES, Fr. M. J. Brun report, Lyon, 1868, French
to lead the way West DEN, Lamy to Raverdy, Leavenworth City, 10 June 1867
also going along Defouri, 108ff
which trail to follow DEN, Lamy to Raverdy, Leavenworth City, 10 June 1867
“adieu to civilization” Defouri, 108ff
“river sadly famous” TCA, MISSIONS CATHOLIQUES, Fr. M. J. Brun report, Lyon, 1868, French
soon after that crossing Ibid.
“not unlike those wolves” Defouri, 108ff
almost all trains SPF/ND, Lamy to P/SPF, Santa Fe, 18 Aug 1867, French
travelled part-way with Lamy Defouri, 108ff
escort from Fort Harker L/SPF/ND, Defouri to L/SPF, Topeka, 22 July 1867, French
imposed a quarantine Barbour, 37 were shocked to read NEW YORK HERALD, Friday, 19 July 1867, Vol. XXXII, No. 200, p. 4
from Topeka Father Defouri L/SPF/ND, Defouri to L/SPF, Topeka, 22 July 1867, French
at Trinidad, Colorado L/SPF/ND, Vermare to L/SPF, Trinidad, Colo., 10 Aug 1867, French troops at that post Barbour, 37