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Fallen Angel: Broken Saint Duet Part Two

Page 5

by E. M. Gayle

  "We were together. Are together. This is just a temporary setback."

  "A setback?!" I whirled to him, renewed anger filling some of the emptiness inside me. "Are you kidding me?"

  I barely had the question out when the full visual impact of him hit me in the chest and knocked the air from my lungs.

  He was so beautiful. In a rugged, strong, and impossible to resist kind of way. His features were honed to perfection. From the color of his eyes, the broad nose that fit the shape of his face instead of being too big or too small, to the full ruddy lips that threatened to scramble my brain just from looking at them.

  His hair had grown out quite a bit since the night we'd met, the ends brushing the shell of his ears and it looked like he'd not bothered to shave this morning because the lower portion of his face had a thick growth of stubble that enhanced the strong set of his jaw. But it was the sight of his mesmerizing green eyes I knew were flecked with tiny bits of gold that captured my attention most. I hadn't braced for the full impact of seeing him again, and now I wasn't sure how long I could hold up under that kind of pressure.

  "Maybe not the best choice of words, but I'm not feeling particularly eloquent today. I haven't had a lot of sleep and too many people are getting in my way today."

  "Boo fucking hoo. We all have problems, and yours are not mine and mine are not yours. I gave you what you wanted and now all I expect in return is for you to leave me alone."

  He smirked. "That's not going to happen."

  I sighed, throwing up my arms. "What the hell..?" I hesitated. "This is ridiculous. I don't even know what to call you now. Agent Reed?"

  "I'd prefer if you called me Rock. Well, technically I'd still like to hear Sir come from your beautiful lips again, but for now, Rock will do."

  Shaking my head, I crossed the room in the opposite direction of him, putting some much needed space between us. "I can't even with you. I am surrounded by men with egos as big as this hotel, and it's infuriating."

  He smiled. "Our egos are the last of your worries, sweetheart. It's our intentions you should focus on."

  I narrowed my eyes, not sure how to take any of what he said. "And what are your intentions, Agent Reed?" Calling him Rock felt too intimate at this point, and it would be a cold day in hell before he heard Sir from my lips again.

  "I've come to move you to a safe location. I believe you have been compromised and that your life is in danger."

  His perfunctory, cryptic statements were starting to give me a headache. I took two fingers and pressed them to my forehead to relieve the throbbing behind my eyes. "Why would I be in danger? That doesn't even make sense. "

  "I have reason to believe that your father has learned you took the diamonds. If he comes for them, and realizes you no longer have them in your possession, I don't think he'd be very happy. And he seems to have a hair trigger lately. There have been new reports of violence from within his organization. So, we have a safe house I can escort you to, where I can be certain you are secure. At least for now."

  The blood drained from my face at the idea my father knew about me and the diamonds. If that were true, it wasn't just me in danger.

  "That can't be right. I was careful. The few people who know would never tell him." My mind raced as I tried to find something that made sense.

  "He doesn't need someone to tell him. Apparently, there's an airport surveillance video that may have told him for you."

  "Oh shit." I thought I had covered all my bases. I'd researched the camera locations ahead of time, and made sure I avoided all of them. It had to be a mistake. This stupid nightmare was getting worse at every turn. What the hell had I been thinking? A marriage to Ronin suddenly sounded a hell of a lot easier than untangling this web of lies.

  "Exactly," he said. "However, if we go now, I might be able to contain this before it grows out of control. There's a time limit, though."

  I blinked at him. "I'm not going anywhere. I have too much to do here. I only have a few days left."

  "What the fuck, Nova? Did you not hear what I just said?"

  "Of course I did. But I have made promises and people are counting on me. I can't run out on that. Whatever is going to happen, it's going to have to wait until this show is over. I only need a little more time and then I can figure this out."

  He looked like he wanted to throttle me. His face turned dark and his eyes flashed with anger. "We can't wait that long."

  "Why not? What's a few more days in the grand scheme of things?"

  "Do you think your father really gives a shit about your responsibilities? He won't wait."

  "Even my father isn't going to try something here. Gabe has every millimeter of this building covered with security. My father is a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. He's not going to risk getting caught."

  Before Rock could answer, his cell phone dinged, and he fished it out of his pocket. The string of curses that came from him then nearly blistered my ears. I'd never seen him so upset, and I wasn't sure how to take it.

  "We're leaving now." He started toward me.

  I scooted away. "No. We are not." Although I had to admit he was scaring me, and I did not want my father anywhere near me again.

  He was on me in three strides, and there wasn't a chance in hell I could win against the tight grip he wrapped around my arm.

  "Let me go, right now, or I will scream assault."

  That must have gotten his attention because he stilled, his fingers still digging into my arm. "You wouldn't. I don't think you want to die today, Nova."

  A shudder worked down my spine. I know he referred to my father, but they came out like vicious claws meant to rake through my soul. Every syllable hitting a nerve. Rock Reed was just a man doing his job. This wasn't about me. He would do exactly the same for any other person in this situation. Only he had not been that to me. He wasn't just a hot fuck pitstop on the road to a job well done. Those weeks we had spent together meant something to me. They had changed me.

  If I couldn't find a way to preserve those memories, how were they going to sustain me through the coming nightmare?

  As much as I hated to admit it, I was stuck in a dark place. Unable to forget, or even set aside, the fact that he'd used me. I'd been nothing more than a source of information. How was I ever going to see past that?

  "Let me call Ronin," I whispered, knowing I had no choice, even if the decision to do so was going to hurt us both. I could trust neither of them, but I believed Ronin had the power to stop my father. Made men were not restricted by something so common as laws or right and wrong. They were ruthless.

  A heartbeat later, his grip loosened, and he took several steps away.

  "I can't believe you just said that." His voice came out cold and quiet, which was at least half of how I felt inside.

  "He's my fiancé," I reminded him, determined to see this through no matter what it took or cost me. "He knows how to handle my father."

  "You do know how he handles things, right?"

  I kept my face impassive, but I knew. Ronin killed people for a living. The details on his exploits were sketchy, but his reputation was strong enough to put the fear in anyone who considered crossing him. That might extend to Anthony Cullotta if Ronin was inclined to make it happen.

  "He's my only chance."

  "Is that what you really believe?" His narrowed blue-green eyes turned glacial.

  I hesitated.

  "Alrighty then." He shook his head and backed away farther. "You don't want my help? Fine. I won't force you to do anything—for now. But don't say I didn't warn you."

  I don't know why, but something about that outburst made me bite back a smile. He was acting like a petulant child who had his favorite toy stolen by the class bully. Of course, that made me the toy in that story and it didn't sit well at all.

  "You think this is funny?"

  I pressed my lips harder together for a few seconds more until I was sure I wouldn't break out in a fit of giggles. My fe
ar had morphed me into an insecure teenager all over again. However, he was right, and there was nothing funny about this situation. Although maybe a bit of levity wouldn't hurt either.

  "Not really, but it still feels weird having you here, trying to protect me from my own father. You might be overacting." I didn't think so, but it was still difficult to admit out loud that my asshole of a father cared so little for me that he would kill me over a handful of diamonds. I didn't want to believe it even though I knew it was true.

  How exactly had things gotten to this point? And what did this mean for my sister? If he was actually planning to use her as leverage like he'd insinuated, then this whole situation was going to get really ugly and possibly bloody.

  I really needed to talk to Ronin about my next step. Waiting for the legal system to do its thing was not a viable answer.

  "Ronin Kavanaugh cannot be trusted. I might be the only one who is truly on your side in all of this."

  Fresh anger rose again. “It's rather conceited of you to make that kind of assumption. And if that's truly the case, does that mean you are going to return the diamonds, so I can hand them over to my father in exchange for my life?"

  "You know I can't."

  And just like that, the door closed on the glimmer of hope I'd allowed inside.

  One of these days, I would learn. The men in my life were never going to choose me first. I'd always come second, third or dead last. Whether it be money or power, or in this case, the law. If I was the kind of person who liked to discover what made people tick, it could be an intriguing case study. As it was, it was my life, and it was high time I figured my own shit out.

  I tried to think of something clever to say, and couldn't. The anger deflated as resignation settled in. Still, I waited a moment more for him to say...anything. The silence stretched as we stared at each other, until I was ready to squirm.

  "I've got to go," I finally said. "Everyone is waiting for me."

  I braced for the fight, or at the very least, the sarcasm, which never came. Instead, he nodded, and stepped aside. I straightened my spine and walked to the door. I had to get out and get out quick. As I passed him, he finally spoke.

  "Please be careful, Nova. I need you to stay alive."

  Hours later, after being put through what equated to a publicity gauntlet, I was ready to collapse. My feet ached in the four-inch heels I favored for public events, and I was pretty sure my facial muscles were going to ache tomorrow from all the smiling. Not that I wasn't thrilled with the turnout for our VIP pre-show. Thanks to my team, the hotel management, and Zia's amazing catering, everything had turned out perfectly. However, there were still two more days until the main event, and there were a lot of things that could go wrong.

  I pinched the bridge of my nose to stave off the headache that had been building over the last hour, but it was when I tried to take a deep, relaxing breath and couldn’t, I realized I had to actually take some action.

  "You okay?" Trina leaned in and asked.

  I nodded. "Yes. But with all this excitement, I need my inhaler."

  "Where is it?" she asked, looking extremely concerned.

  "Don't worry," I reassured her. "It's in my office backstage." For the last several weeks I'd operated out of a small makeshift office/dressing room while we prepared for the show. I normally kept my inhaler with me at all times, but wearing the form-fitting, short dress from my collection, I'd been forced to leave it behind.

  "I'll get it and be right back."

  I grabbed her wrist and stopped her. "Let me. I could use the five minutes to catch my breath and drink a glass of water. I'll be right back."

  She nodded. "Okay, boss. We'll hold down the horde while you do what you need. Although with the amount of food and drink being served, I doubt anyone is going to notice you are gone. Everyone seems really happy with the party. But if you need anything, seriously, anything at all, just call me. My cell phone is hooked up to these damn things." she tapped the headset still firmly atop her head.

  I laughed. "Okay. Thank you, I'm not sure what I would do without you."

  "Me neither." She laughed as I left the group and made my way to my backstage office.

  I still couldn't get that conversation with Rock out of my head. I needed to try and talk to him again and see if I could negotiate a deal with him about those diamonds. Knowing that my father was looking for me had shaken me and now I wasn't sure what my future held. If he thought I had his precious diamonds, he wasn't going to let that go. His and Luca's last visit now felt like a bad omen for something far worse and that creepy sensation of trouble coming crawled up my back.

  I might have to take Rock up on protection after all. I'd lied to him and myself about my belief in Ronin. Ever since he'd questioned me about that night five years ago, I had a sinking feeling I was missing something important.

  At my door, I entered the code, but so far I had not seen any of Ronin's supposedly beefed up security. Maybe they were so good they were present but unseen. It would be nice to get through the rest of the night without having to answer any more questions about the increased security. My bullshit story about a stalker had sounded reasonable enough when first asked, but it made me feel pretentious and petty.

  Since I had not been lying about the inhaler, I reached for that first and took several puffs to calm the restriction I felt in my chest. I wasn't sure there was much worse than that feeling I got when I couldn't breathe. It was a weakness that could be debilitating if I wasn't prepared, and I hated it. But it was also a fact of life. So I refused to indulge in more than brief self-pity over it. I was about to take a seat at my desk when a knock sounded on the door behind me. My head snapped to the side at the same time a sigh left my lips.

  I'd only needed five minutes alone to gather my thoughts and get my head back on straight. Was that too much to ask?

  I opened the door to a man I didn't recognize, who wore a dark suit, a dark shirt and a scowl across his face. He looked like every other security guard Ronin had sent my way today. "Can I help you?"

  When he didn't answer right away, I tried to close the door, but he shoved a foot in my way. I then tried to take a few steps back—also unsuccessful. The stranger grabbed me around the waist, pulled me close against him, and lifted his arm to my neck.

  Before I could scream, I felt the prick at my skin, and the burning pain as something I was sure I didn't want was plunged into my neck. His other hand clamped across my mouth as I searched his face. Other than his heavy dark brows, crooked nose, and dark eyes there was nothing to give me even a clue who had sent him. But I knew.

  I knew.

  As my vision blurred and my limbs grew numb amidst the abject terror flooding through me, I realized my father had struck again.

  And this time, I was on my own...

  Chapter 8


  * * *

  Jesus Fucking Christ.

  I'd watched that needle go into Nova's neck from across the room and couldn't move fast enough to stop it. My heart seized as she collapsed against the man who dared to hurt her. Panic and rage flooded through me as I ran for her.

  Only seconds passed, but it could have been a lifetime. Thanks to all of the training and my time in the motorcycle club, I moved silently even at full speed. There was also a decent amount of noise coming from the rest of the backstage area to act as cover. He didn't see me coming. Not when I lunged for the door. Not when I grabbed the side of his head and slammed it into the door frame with a resounding crack—I didn't know whether it was the door or his head. I didn't care.

  He crumpled immediately, his hold on Nova releasing. As she collapsed bonelessly, I dove for the floor beneath her to break her fall. I managed to grab her arm before it was too late, but our heads butted each other and pain exploded through my skull. I landed on the floor with her in my arms, and for a few seconds, I simply sat there in a daze before I could shake it off and pull her into my arms. I checked for a pulse, relieved it beat ste
ady and strong beneath my fingers.

  Thank God. Watching her get injected had nearly stopped my heart. If they had killed her... I shook my head again, forcing that image out of my mind. If I went there now, I wouldn't be able to think and right now she needed me to not only think, but do something to get her out of here.

  I fished my cellphone out of my pocket and after unlocking the screen, pressed two numbers.

  The man on the other end answered on the first ring. "What's wrong?"

  "I need your help."

  "Shit. Tell me."

  "Backstage at the auditorium of The Sinclair. I have one man down and another injured. I'm going to need a path out of this hotel so we won't be seen. And a lot of fucking firepower to ensure we stay alive."



  "Good. Now I don't need another excuse to mess that fucker up." He was right about that. I no longer cared about the letter of the law. Not with Nova in my arms, unable to move. Ten seconds—hell, five seconds—later, and they would have taken her and I might have never seen her again.

  There was still one problem with JD and the club taking him down. It meant I couldn't make the fucker pay myself.

  "We're fifteen minutes out. Do you think you can wait?"

  "Probably not. Her preshow party just ended and we're going to be mobbed with press."

  "Well, that fucks things up."

  "Tell me something I don't know."

  "I'll call your brother. See if he's closer."

  I closed my eyes and silently cursed. I barely wanted to involve the MC, let alone Houston. When this op went sideways, and it would, I wanted to minimize how many people I put in the crosshairs.

  But the clock was ticking, and I needed to get her out of here before someone came looking for their man. Speaking of…I turned to investigate his condition and immediately assessed it as not good, based on the pool of blood gathering under his head.


  I didn't have time to get into the details of this once the guy was found. Hopefully, if I locked her door and told everyone she wasn't feeling well... Right, because Ronin was going to go along with that bullshit. Then there was the matter of the video surveillance in every inch of this hotel. I did need Houston to run point on that. He had a better relationship with The Sinclair manager and could likely hold him off.


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