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Fallen Angel: Broken Saint Duet Part Two

Page 6

by E. M. Gayle

  "Okay, call him. But tell him I need him to run point with Gabe. I can get her out of here, but not without hitting camera surveillance."

  "Can do, but don't worry about the cameras, Tel is already locked and loaded at his computer and can fix that shit. We'll meet you in the parking garage."

  "I hope you're right." I disconnected the call, because there wasn't time for more talk. I lifted myself from the floor while steadying Nova in my arms. I'd seen her in all kinds of situations, but never so vulnerable. She looked as beautiful as ever, but I missed the fire in her eyes when she looked at me. Whether in lust or anger, it was always there. The idea that her father wanted to take that away from her angered me all over again. And where exactly was her supposed fiancé? I didn't need him in my way, but he needed his ass kicked for letting this happen on his watch.

  Which was exactly why I'd refused to leave.

  Reluctant to let her go, but knowing I couldn't just waltz out of here without telling her staff something, I placed her gently on the couch in the corner of the room. I brushed the hair out of her face and rubbed my finger across her lips. "Don't worry, baby. He'll only get to you over my dead body, and trust me, I'm not going anywhere."

  I rushed out into the hall and clicked the door closed behind me just in time. A woman with a headset stood just on the other side, a confused expression planted on her pixie like face with matching spiked hair with purple on the ends. One of Nova's people I presumed.

  "Uhm," she hesitated looking at me from her all of five-foot frame. I towered over her. "Where is Nova? The press is waiting for her."

  "I'm afraid they will have to wait. Another day, perhaps." I hadn't meant to sound so harsh, but the circumstances had me on edge. Cullotta could send someone else back here any second and I didn't relish anyone else getting hurt tonight. There were too many people and too many possibilities.

  "That's impossible." She tried to maneuver past me to Nova's door. "I'm sure Nova would agree."

  "Nova is sick. She needs a doctor, not a room full of predatory press."

  "What? Oh shit, I knew something was wrong. She told me—" When I moved to block her entry into Nova's dressing room, the little sprite froze, blinking up at me. "Who are you?"

  The fact we'd kept all our time together a secret didn't do me any favors now. And it had become public knowledge that Nova had a fiancé, so I couldn't claim boyfriend status without raising some eyebrows. "A friend," I said, reaching into my jacket pocket where I kept my badge.

  Her eyes widened as she followed the direction of my hand, relief sagging her face when she saw me pull out a wallet instead of what? A weapon? These people might be right to be cautious, but they were really paranoid, too. I flipped the folio open and showed her my badge. She grabbed a pen from her clipboard and proceeded to write down my information. Paranoid and efficient. I liked this woman and could see why Nova had hired her.

  "Okay, Agent Reed. I don't know what the FBI has to do with this, but if Nova isn't able to attend the press conference, I've got to make alternate arrangements. But how bad is it? Should I call for an ambulance or a car to take her to the hospital?"

  "Actually, a car would be perfect. I don't think she'd agree to an ambulance or emergency personnel running through the remnants of her party."

  The woman nodded her head. "You're right about that. She could be at death's door and she'd probably kill me if I didn't do everything I could to keep this quiet."

  Good girl.

  "Sounds like you know exactly how to handle this," I said, turning back to Nova's office. If the assistant took care of the show as efficiently as I expected she would, then maybe Nova would be less likely to kill him when she woke. Considering what I was about to do, I highly doubted that. But that was a risk I was willing to take.

  "Can you text me and let me know how she's doing?"

  "I think she'll be fine."

  "Still. I'd feel a lot better if I got confirmation after the doctor clears her."

  I nodded.

  "Perfect." She held out her hand, which I stared at without immediately understanding. "Give me your phone, and I'll add my contact info. My name’s Trina by the way."

  "Of course it is." I handed her my phone, she tapped the screen a bunch of times, and then handed it back. "There you go. All set. There should be a car waiting downstairs in the garage by the time you get there. I'd prefer if you took her through the back and away from the front entrance. Nova is a very private person and she won’t want anything to end up in the press beyond whatever statement I make. Okay?"

  She had no idea just how okay that was. Nova's need to keep her private life under wraps worked into my plan perfectly. Maybe I wouldn't even need Houston to run interference for me with Gabe. Considering how much the manager seemed to dislike me, I kind of doubted that.

  After Trina left to go and deal with the press, I wasted no time getting Nova the hell out of there. The longer it took, the more likely others would come looking for her. However, by the time we got to the garage entrance my nerves were shot.

  How the hell did kidnappers get away so easily? This kind of work was stressful.

  A black town car sat idling at the curb, the driver standing at the ready by the rear passenger door. When he saw me come through the revolving glass with Nova in my arms, he didn't bat an eye. "Agent Reed?" he asked.

  "Yeah," I grunted as he rushed to open the door, and I placed her as gently as I could in the back seat.

  "I'm afraid I'm going to have to terminate your services here." I said to the driver. “This is official business, and I can't take you with me.”

  "But, but—I can't leave the car," he stammered.

  "Sure you can," a voice from the shadows reassured him before stepping into the light. JD in his dark clothes, black leather cut, dark beard a few inches past needing a trim, and a swollen and bruised right eye emerged, looking every bit of death one would expect from him in a dark garage.

  The fear from the driver as he looked between me and JD would have been laughable if they were under different circumstances. JD reached into his pocket and I thought the poor guy was going to piss his pants on the spot. To his obvious relief, JD pulled out his wallet and plucked out a handful of bills. "Go home early. We'll take this from here and I'll even make sure the car gets back to the agency before it's missed."

  The guy didn't look like he believed him, but as the rest of the club roared into the parking garage and surrounded the car with their bikes, he must have decided no job was worth this kind of trouble. I would have agreed, except that my job led me into the shittiest places at the worst times, and I kept going back for more.

  The driver took the generous donation JD was making to the cause, and headed into the hotel. "Keys are in the ignition," he called out just before he disappeared.

  "Just like old times," I stated with a frown. "Scaring the locals and assuming money will solve all of their problems."

  "Money nearly always works. It's the international symbol for getting whatever the hell you want."

  I rolled my eyes as I rounded the car. "I've got this from here."

  "We'll escort you. I wouldn't put it past Cullotta to make a move. Which he might be less inclined to do if the club is with you."

  I wanted to argue, but I didn't have time. I also had this undeniable need for no one to know where I planned on taking her. My apartment was one thing. I kept that on the down low, but it was the place I was willing to sacrifice. The other not so much.

  "You can follow me to the city limits. After that I go the rest of the way on my own. I'll call you tomorrow and discuss what your hacker found out."

  "Where are you going?"

  I didn't answer. Instead, I slipped into the driver’s seat and started the car. This wasn't a negotiation. Only time would tell if I'd done my job well enough to hide my refuge from his hacker.

  I looked into the rear-view mirror at the woman in the backseat. She seemed to be sleeping peacefully, but I had a feelin
g when she woke there would be nothing peaceful at all. She was about to learn that I would do anything to protect what was mine.


  Chapter 9


  * * *

  "Where is my fiancée?"

  JD Monroe glanced up and looked at me as if I was a fucking piece of gum on his shoe. "Why would I know where your fiancée is? I don't fucking know you."

  I seethed. When I wanted answers, I expected answers. "Because she is with your son.” I wasn't sure how I felt about the fact that I'd learned that Rock Reed had grown up within a motorcycle club that had dealt in nearly every illegal operation you could imagine.

  "Ahh" He leaned forward and placed his elbows on the table, steepling his fingers in front of his face. "You must be Kavanaugh. I believe my son may have mentioned you."

  "Well, that's great, but I'm not here to have fucking tea. My fiancée was last seen with Agent Reed giving out some bullshit story about taking her to the hospital because she was sick. Now, they are nowhere to be found."

  Monroe lifted his shoulders. "Are you calling my son a liar?"

  I sighed, and then took a deep breath. There wasn't time to add a new player to the game.

  I could only imagine the depth his father’s life added to Reed’s job as a Federal Agent. The extra layers made him a slightly more interesting opponent for sure. However, I would still win. Nothing less would be acceptable.

  "I could attribute your son with many labels and it wouldn't matter. He has taken what belongs to me, and I expect her to be returned to me immediately."

  Monroe leaned back in his chair, crossing both his arms and his legs. "Last I checked, this was still a free country. We don't own women anymore. Or did your family not get the memo?"

  "Oh, an enlightened motorcycle club president. Just what the world needs." His amusement at my expense went beyond annoying. I crossed my arms over my chest. "My family is none of your business. At least, not yet. However, if I do not get what I want immediately, then this situation could escalate from a nuisance to conflict. I highly doubt you want to go there."

  "Is that some sort of threat? You should probably know that I don't take those well." He clenched his meaty hands into fists and I imagined all the barbaric ways someone like him might use them, none of which phased me in the least.

  "It's simply facts. You give me what I want and tell me where I can find Agent Reed, and we can both get back to our respective business." Although I couldn't help but wonder what business brought the entire motorcycle club so far from home. I highly doubted it was a simple family visit. A father and son reunion did not need an entire club to happen.

  Not to mention the fresh wounds on Monroe's face and arms. And the stitches on his arm looked homegrown versus hospital grade. A clear indicator that his injuries were the kind he didn't want to report. I made a mental note that after this meeting I would get my team to investigate. If there was more to be discovered, I needed that information sooner rather than later.

  "Sounds like you need to mind your own house more than mine. If your fiancée prefers the company of my son more than yours, then you have a much bigger problem than your current lack of information."

  I clenched my teeth and felt the strong pulse of the muscle in my cheekbone that ticced with every heartbeat. I could see that Monroe intended to antagonize me, much like his son.

  I took the empty seat across from him. The big biker in his leather vest covered with patches, black button-down shirt, and worn in jeans was about as out of place as possible in a hotel such as this. And yet, the air of confidence and fuck off expression on his face made him fit in more than he should.

  "Look, our families have no business together, but we also have no quarrel—for now. But this situation is riding a line that I don't believe you are interested in crossing."

  He leaned forward and retrieved a cigar from the case that sat in front of him. "You'd be surprised what I might be interested in. Take this cigar, for instance. Someone with only half a brain would look at me and probably assume I'd have no interest in or be capable of indulging in something this expensive or this frivolous. They'd be wrong, of course, considering this is my second case of these this month." He pulled out a silver engraved lighter and lit the cigar, closing his eyes and savoring the scent and the taste. "My point is, if you're going to make assumptions about people, take the time to look past the surface. You and I? We aren't as different as you might think."

  I couldn't be further from the MC president if I tried. However, I was curious to hear what else he had to say. "How so?" I asked.

  "We are both driven by family." he pointed out. "Yours more blood than all of mine. But family is not blood relation for everyone. Rockford is my blood, but he's not the only family I have. My entire club is my family. Honor is strong among my men, as is loyalty. It's the lifeblood for families like ours. Without it we are nothing."

  I signaled for the waiter as I let his words sink in. I had no plans to concede his point, even if some of what he said made sense. Our family lived like royalty amongst the richest men in the world. We did not simply occupy a small corner of the Pacific Northwest. We ruled entire cities.

  "I know what you're thinking."

  "I doubt that," I said, taking the glass of scotch the waiter had returned with. "The assumptions you make about me could be just as wrong as the ones I've made about you."

  A bark of laughter burst from the older man. "Well, hell. I guess you are right about that. I guess all that really matters is that we are going to have to agree that we don't like each other very much and move on."

  "I can get behind that."

  Monroe continued to suck on his cigar as I savored the twenty-three-year-old scotch that went down as smooth as melted butter with a little bite at the back end.

  "I'm not going to tell you where he is because I honestly don't know. But you need to know that even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. On paper, my son and I may not seem to get along all that well, what with him being a federal agent and all, but he is still my son. Nothing will ever break that bond."

  I mulled over his words. I believed he was telling me the truth. Whether he knew or not mattered little to him, but it meant everything to me. If the son had not divulged his location to his father, then he was taking all the precautions necessary to keep Nova safe.

  This gave me the time I needed to get further under Cullotta's skin without any interference or concern for Nova's involvement, at least until the moment was right. It was time to get to the bottom of my grandfather's death. JD was right about one thing. Honor was everything, and my grandfather's murderer had to deal with the consequences.

  "You're remarkably calm for a man whose fiancée is missing. Is there another reason you are here?"

  "Nothing that would concern you. I've done my homework, and I know what kind of club you run. On one hand I can commend you for your intriguing brand of vigilante justice—I am very much an eye-for-an-eye type of man. On the other, I can see that our business interests would not exactly align unless you chose to return to your roots in which case I'd be interested. However, in this case, it's better for all involved if you and your club sit this one out. Agent Reed has already overstepped his bounds, you don't want to compound that issue by getting involved."

  "While you've done your due diligence, I'll give you that, you clearly didn't get the message. We don't take threats well, even veiled ones. If you don't want us in your business, then you should take it elsewhere. Vegas is not your territory." He snubbed the burning end of his cigar down in the dish in front of him. "I also don't appreciate that you're ruining the taste of my cigar with your bullshit."

  Okay then, we were putting the false pleasantries aside. I could live with that. His insults meant nothing to me. "Don't get your panties in a twist biker. I have more than enough on my agenda for this trip, which will be over soon." I drained the remainder of my scotch and stood up. "Stay out of my way, and we won't have to see each other

  I knew my warning fell on deaf ears, but this meeting would get back to his son and if nothing else it would rile up the boy scout into making a move. Me and Nova, we weren't done. Not until I was satisfied my mission was complete.

  All of it.

  Chapter 10


  * * *

  "How big of a problem is it?"

  The sound of Rock's voice in the distance roused me. I tried to orient myself as to what was happening. I rubbed at my eyes that felt gritty and heavy, which were the hallmarks of an extended amount of sleep. I ran my fingers through my hair. That's when I felt the twinge in my neck. My hand snapped to the sore spot and I remembered the stranger standing in my door, sticking something in that exact spot.

  That was all I could remember. The panic that rose now resembled the fear I felt then at the lingering sensation of losing control. My vision had blurred, the room had spun, a loud, sharp noise had filled the small space a moment before my legs gave out and I fell. Seeing and feeling it happen in slow motion had been surreal and even now, goosebumps pricked at my skin.

  My eyes snapped open as I jerked forward to a sitting position. Where the hell was I?

  I glanced around the room, searching for familiar details that would tell me something—anything.

  "I've got to go. She's awake."

  Rock's voice again. Where? Was I dreaming?

  "Finally. You're awake. How do you feel?"

  One second I was alone in an unfamiliar place, and the next the man of my dreams was kneeling in front of me, his eyes filled with concern.


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