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Tactical Bear (P.O.L.A.R. Series Book 4)

Page 11

by Candace Ayers

  “That’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about. I want a family with you. I want everything with you. I never wanted any such thing—never even thought about it—until I met you, but I do now. And, if it’s important to you to have little rabbits, we can do that. I looked it up. There are ways. There’s artificial insemination—with a donor.

  “You looked it up? You’d do that? Are you serious?”

  “I don’t need our kids to have my DNA, Bunny. I just need you.”

  “I-I…” I hadn’t expected her to fall into a puddle of sobs against me. I wasn’t sure if I’d said the right thing or the wrong thing, but I scooped her into my arms and held her while she cried. As she tried unsuccessfully to compose herself, I carried her into the house, and—surprise, surprise—she let me. She didn’t even struggle to get away when I settled us on the couch with her on my lap.

  “I didn’t think you were going to turn out to be the good guy.” Her voice was small, ashamed.

  “I’m the best guy.”

  “And still arrogant.”

  I stroked her hair away from her face and sighed. “Have you been getting any sleep?”


  I stood up with her still in my arms, and carried her to her bedroom, the only other room in the house. I pulled back her blanket and placed her in bed before crawling in behind her and drawing her against my chest. Tucking the blanket over us, I buried my face in her hair and blew out a content sigh.

  “What now?” She wiggled against me, her little body butting up perfectly.

  I grunted and gripped her hip to keep her still. “Just rest, Bunny. You need some sleep.”


  I held her tighter. “Sleep, little bunny.”

  She sighed, but her body relaxed against me almost instantly and within seconds she was fast asleep. I smiled into her hair and let myself relax. It’d been so long since I’d been able to fall asleep without feeling like there was a deep empty hole in my chest. Having my mate in my arms filled up that emptiness. I fell asleep nearly as fast as Parker, and for the first time since meeting her, slept hard.

  At some point during the night, I came awake with a start to the feeling of Parker sliding down my chest. She stopped only when she got to the top of my pants.


  She looked up at me and gave me a slow smile before sitting up and pulling her top over her head. She unhooked her bra and tossed it aside. “I had a dream.”

  Wide awake now, I reached for her, but she pushed my hands away. I growled as I watched her unbuckle my belt and pull the zipper down.

  “In my dream, you told me that you’d gotten my petition signed and that you’d be willing to have rabbit children with me. Even more, you told me you wanted to have a family with me. Long term, big commitment, children and family.” Her voice broke as she got emotional, but she blinked it away. “Only me? For the rest of your life?”

  I sat up, ignoring her attempts at being in charge, and flipped her over so she was under me. Staring down at her, I grinned wickedly and shook my head. “I don’t know how fate decided that I deserved a woman as fine as you, but I’m not asking questions. It’s you and me, forever. I’m all yours, Bunny.”

  “I’m all yours, too.”

  I dipped my head and kissed her. “Mine.”

  She arched her body into mine and batted those beautiful amber eyes at me. “Are you going to do something about it? I’ve never heard of a shifter male bringing his woman home to nap.”

  My bear growled from within me, rising to the challenge. “Is there ever going to be a time with you don’t push my buttons?”

  “Doubt it. Can’t handle it?”

  I extended my claws just enough to rip through her jeans and panties, taking them off in one swipe. Having her bare in front of me, I sat back and marveled. “Spread your legs.”

  She kept her thighs closed and narrowed her eyes at me. “Those were expensive jeans.”

  I gripped her thighs and pulled them apart, exposing her sweet sex to my hungry eyes. She hissed at me and tried to squeeze her legs shut. I just smirked, watching as she struggled in vain against me. “I’m in charge tonight, Bunny.”

  “That’s not fair.”

  I moved my right hand up enough that I could run my thumb over her wet folds. Her sharp intake of breath told me she was ready. “I’m in charge.”

  A beat passed. Then another. Then, her legs went limp and she dug her hands into the bedding under her. It was the only sign of submission I was getting.



  I growled as I lowered myself in front of Parker and pressed an open mouthed kiss to her inner thigh. She trembled under me, her body tense. I wanted to take my time and devour all of her. I wanted to taste and touch and learn every inch of her body. I rubbed my nose over her the sensitive folds between her thighs listening as she growled back at me.

  “Dammit, Maxim. Do something.”

  Feeling like I was entering the hottest, most satisfying battle I’d ever took part in, I lightly flicked my tongue over her core tasting her deliciousness. She tasted sweet and spicy like carrot cake and the way her body reacted, the way her voice broke as she called my name, I’d never experienced anything so thrilling.

  Parker wasn’t giving up control that easily, though. She couldn’t help herself. She dug her fingers into my hair and yanked, trying to get me where she wanted me, but I didn’t give in. I moved where I wanted to, drawing out and prolonging her pleasure. I sucked and nibbled and flicked my tongue everywhere but where she wanted me.

  When she screamed my name, I finally focused on her clit and nibbled gently until she cried out—spasming and shaking, orgasming on my face as her body twisted and writhed.

  I wasn’t done with her, though. I’d waited so long for this, there was no way I’d let her rest already. I dragged my shirt over my head and tossed it away before sitting back on my knees to work on my pants.

  Parker sat up with a growl and, in a flash, my pants were in shreds around us. I looked down at them, at my naked body and hard cock jutting forward, and dragged a rough breath into my lungs. My little mate wasn’t anyone’s sweet little innocent. She was just as rough and wild as I was. I had a feeling my little bunny just might kill me before the night was over. If so, I would die a happy man.


  I swore and grabbed her to me, kissing her passionately. I wanted everything with her and wanted to give just as much of me back. She was a lovely contradiction of sugary sweetness and stinging bite. Curvy and soft, but with plenty of nails and teeth. She sank those teeth into my chest and raked her nails over my back, heightening my pleasure.

  Desperate and starving for each other, we were both just as fevered and just as needy as the first time we’d tried this, in her kitchen. I spread her thighs and slid into her in one solid thrust. She screamed and pulled at my hair before arching her back and rolling her hips.

  “Fuck me, Maxim.” She stretched out under me like a fucking siren, luring me to my death. There was no going back from her. There never was. And I was all-in.

  I pulled out of her temporarily and flipped her over so she was on all fours in front of me before slamming right back home. Holding the back of her hair, I pumped and growled loud enough to shake the walls. We’d slipped into animalistic rutting, but it was what we both needed. I felt every part of myself connecting with her, imprinting myself onto her, just as she was tattooing her very essence on my soul.

  Loud, sweaty, rough, we slammed our bodies together again and again. I pulled her hair, dug into her hips, smacked her ass. She grabbed the headboard, her head thrown back, my name a constant on her breath.

  When I felt her body start to constrict around me, I tried to hold back, but feeling her come undone under and around was too much. I brushed her hair off her shoulder and sank my teeth into her neck, marking her as mine for all the world to know. She came with a wild scream, her hands turning into little claws as she r
ipped the bedding and bent the metal headboard.

  I followed her over the edge with a roar, my fingerprints bruised into her hips. I released my seed in her in warm jets and when she collapsed under me from weakness, I went down with her.

  I panted, trying to catch my breath while listening to her do the same. It’d been rough and fast and probably nothing like what a claiming should be, but I was so filled with happiness that I couldn’t even remember my own name.

  When I was starting to put too much of my weight on her, I rolled to the side and pulled her with me. On my chest, curled around me, her arms and legs hugging me, my heart was full.

  I stroked her hair and back and did everything I could think of to let her know how much she meant to me without having to speak and ruin the moment. She let me hold her there for so long I’d been convinced she’d fallen asleep when she finally spoke.

  “So. That happened.”

  I grinned. “Yeah, it did. You okay?”

  “Is that a real question?”


  “Yes, I’m okay. I feel like butter someone left out in the sun. I could melt right off of you and puddle on the floor.” She sighed. “I can feel you.”

  “I hope you can.”

  She snorted. “Not like that, idiot. I can feel you in here.”

  When she tapped my chest, I grunted. “That’s just gas.”

  Laughing, she sat up and pulled me up with her. Straddling my lap, she pressed her forehead to mine and kissed me. “You are a good guy.”

  I made a face. “You know I can feel you, too, right?”

  She made a face back at me. “I’m just as mushy as you, right? We’re pathetic.”

  “Absolutely disgusting.”

  “We should probably do this all again, just to make sure it sticks.” She shrugged. “Maybe slower this time? I feel like the first time is supposed to be romantic.”

  “Am I not romantic enough for you?” I grinned, poking her and enjoying it fully. “I already went to dinner with you twice. That’s just about as romantic as I get.”

  “What?! You did not go to dinner with me! You showed up and ruined my dates.”

  “Damn right! And I’d do it again! You should be glad, woman.”

  She bit her lip and rocked her hips against me. “Let me show you just how glad I am.”



  Two weeks of rolling around with Maxim and bearing permanent rug burn later, two weeks in which I’d taken and given pleasure every which way, and I was head over heels in love with the big, cocky bear. He’d proven that he was so incredibly sweet and patient with me when I needed him to be. He was also infuriating and purposely did things to drive me crazy just because he liked to see me get angry. Of course, make up sex was extra wild during those times. No denying that.

  He was amazing. And frustrating. And amazingly frustrating. I wanted to push him down stairs at times, and jump his bones at others. The whole thing worked for us. We were each better with a little bite to us. Too much mushiness and we both tended to get a little over emotional.

  My rabbit had really come into her own with him, too. She was bossier than ever and had taken to nipping at his heels on our midnight runs down the beach. If anyone ever saw us, they’d think they’d gotten a bad batch of something, because a giant polar bear being chased and messed with by a small rabbit must have been a sight to see.

  The only problem I had was that a part of me that felt like I’d let down my rabbit shifter community. I felt as though I’d turned my back on my social activism and abandoned what I believed in. I hadn’t, not in my heart, but it was hard to find a balance. I had no doubts I was meant to be with Maxim, my angst was all about failing to do anything concrete to save my species.

  There was no way I was going to agree to artificial insemination to ensure I had a rabbit baby. No way. I wanted Maxim’s child. But, Maxim’s offer had touched my heart in a huge way. Knowing that he was willing to honor me enough to do whatever it took for me to have a rabbit child, even if it meant that he wasn’t the biological father, was selfless. I didn’t want that, though. Fate did a pretty good job of pairing us up and I would let fate handle our future as well. Whatever was supposed to happen would happen. If our kid was a rabbit, I’d be over the moon, but if it was a polar bear, I’d be equally as happy.

  I still wanted to save rabbits and, after wracking my brain, I thought I had come up with a pretty good way that combined my activism with a new business idea. It was something I’d been giving a lot of thought to—a way to make a difference without me having to buy rabbit sperm.

  “You’re deep in thought.” Laila pulled back the palm leaf from my hiding spot in Latte Love and grinned at me. “You picked a pathetic leaf today. I spotted you right away.”

  I smiled at her and shrugged. “I was wondering how you found me so fast. I’m working on a new business venture.”

  “Oh, it wouldn’t have been hard to find you, even if you’d been behind the biggest leaf in the place. You smell.” She wagged her brows at me.

  I scoffed. “What the hell does that mean?”

  She grabbed my hands and leaned in. “My nose is working better than ever today. I can smell you so clearly.”

  “Oh, gross.”

  “You smell like rabbit, polar bear and… a little something extra.” She winked when she said that last part and her smile stretched wide across her face. “That little something extra is going to make me cry.”

  “What?” My heart leapt to my throat, not sure if she was hinting at what I thought she was hinting at.

  “You didn’t know that you’re pregnant?”

  I screamed. Full out, blood curdling, send people scrambling for cover. I screamed and then I jumped up, knocking over the puny potted palm and scaring everyone in the place. “No!”

  Laila was right there with me. “Yes! You’re pregnant!”

  I screamed again and grabbed my hair. “Holy shit! Holy shit!”

  Laila clutched at her chest. “I’m going to be an aunt!”

  I laughed. “I’m just so excited! I’m having a baby! You’re sure? You’re absolutely sure?”

  She nodded, tears in her eyes. “I’m sure. You’re having a baby, Parker.”

  “I’m having a baby.” I gasped. “We’re having a baby! I have to go find Maxim!”

  “Wait, what about this super important new business venture?”

  “I’m going to start a better online dating site for shifters!” I hugged her hard. “I’m going to match other rabbits together. That’ll be how I make my difference with my own species. Of course, it’s for all shifters, not just rabbits. I’ll match any kind of shifter, but it’s going to be updated and nice. Not some sleazy hook up site or something that shifters balk at.”

  “Online shifter dating, huh?” Laila smiled brightly. “Okay, I’m game. Sign me up.”

  “I have to go! I’ll tell you more later!”

  I ran out of there like a maniac and ran straight to the P.O.L.A.R. office. I’d been to the office plenty of times since mating Maxim and I’d met all the other women mates and found myself excited to tell them, too. Maxim, first, though. Hannah was the only person in the office when I bounded in. She jumped up, startled, and stared at me wide-eyed.

  “Where’s Maxim?”

  “At West Beach. Something’s going down with a rogue female snake shifter.”

  I thanked her and ran back out. I hurried to the beach, panting and sweating by the time I got there.

  Maxim was easy to spot. He was the one with the snake coiled around his leg. He was trying to shake her off and very obviously trying awkwardly not to hurt her. I didn’t think twice about running straight to him, grabbing the head of the snake bitch and squeezing until she let out an awful hiss and let go of my mate. She was fine, just a little shaken, but whoever it was would get an earful from me later.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?!”

  I put my hands on my hips, still holding
the snake a little too tightly, and scrunched up my face at him. “Is that any way to talk to your pregnant mate?”

  He stumbled. “What?”

  Serge came up beside us and cleared his throat. “Maybe you should drop the damned snake, Parker?”

  “Yeah, and you guys out here cursing in front of me. That’s got to stop.”

  Serge looked confused. “The cursing?”

  “Yeah, you boys are going to have to watch your language now.” I cocked my head. “Cause of the baby.” I rested my hand on my lower abdomen.

  Serge’s eyes widened. He looked at me and then at Maxim who was grinning from ear to ear like a fool. “You’re pregnant?”

  “I’m pregnant!”

  Maxim grabbed me and yanked me into his chest and as he did, I tossed the snake at Serge. It immediately locked itself around him.

  “Are you sure you’re pregnant?”

  “How many times are you going to ask that?” I grinned. “Yes, I’m pregnant.”

  He lifted me in the air and buried his face between my breasts. “I’m going to be a daddy!”

  “Someone should really help Serge.” Alexei shrugged. “But congrats, kids! I can’t wait to be an uncle!”

  I wrapped my arms around Maxim’s neck as he peppered me with kisses. I’d never been happier in my life. My future wasn’t unfolding exactly as I’d envisioned it. It was so much better!

  Maxim was the best mate I could’ve ever dreamed of and we were beginning to grow our little family. While Serge was slowly getting eaten by a snake.

  Serge was getting eaten by a snake! I gasped and pushed against Maxim’s chest. “Max, you better help him!”

  He grinned down at me, refusing to release me from his grasp. “Naw, those guys can handle it. I’m taking my pregnant mate home for a little alone time, just the two of us.”

  Then, smiling at one another, we both corrected his statement at the same time.

  “Just the three of us.”



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