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Something About Eve (An Eve Sumptor Book 1)

Page 19

by Jourdyn Kelly

  “I’m over at Eve’s house.”

  “I wanna be at Eve’s house, too! Daddy said you didn’t come home. Why not? Did you want to have a sleep over with Eve?”

  Lainey looked over at Eve who was watching her as she ate. “Something like that, honey,” Lainey told him.

  “We don’t got to go school Monday, Mommy. Are you going to be here?”

  Lainey heard the uncertainty in his voice. “I’ll be there, Darren,” she promised him. “Or, you can come to work with me. Would you like to do that?”

  After all, she told herself, Eve had told her to bring them any time.

  “Yeah! I wanna go! Okay. Do you want to talk to Daddy?”

  “No. I want to talk to you and Kevin, honey. Is your brother there with you?”

  “He’s upstairs. Do you want me to go get him?” She heard him drop the phone before she could answer. “Kevin! Mommy’s on the phone! Here he is, Mommy. He told me to stop yelling at him.”

  Lainey realized that, although Eve had taken up nearly every waking moment for the past twenty-four hours, she had still missed the boys with all their clamor, all their enthusiasm. And love.

  “Tell him I asked him to get on the other phone, please.”

  “Where are you?” Kevin demanded. “Daddy said you didn’t want to be here so you left. What happened, Mom? Did we do something wrong?”

  Eve watched Lainey slam her hand to the wall and was immediately up and beside her, taking Lainey’s hand in hers.

  “No, honey. You didn’t do anything. I’m not upset with you, either of you. Darren are you listening?”

  “Yes, Mommy.”

  She squeezed Eve’s hand for support. “I want to talk to you both about what’s going on, but not on the phone. So, Eve and I wanted to know if you guys would like to do something fun today. We could all hang out and talk. Just be together. Would you like that?”

  “Yeah!” Both boys yelled in unison. “Is Daddy going to?” Darren asked.

  “No, honey. Just you two.”

  “But, Eve will be there right?”

  “Yes. Is that okay?”

  “Yes! I wanna see Eve. Kevin, don’t you wanna see Eve, too?”

  “Yes. I don’t mind if she goes, Mom. I like her.”

  “Can we stay the night at Eve’s, too, like you?”

  Lainey laughed. “Well, I don’t know. Let me ask.” She moved the receiver away from her mouth. “They want to know if they can stay the night at Eve’s, too.”

  Eve smiled that devastating smile of hers. “Of course,” she said, and then dropped her voice to a whisper. “As long as mommy stays, too.” She ran a finger down the front of the nightshirt, between Lainey’s cleavage.

  Lainey closed her eyes, her heart pounding. She grabbed Eve’s hand to stop her, but ended up bringing it to her wetness between her thighs. Lainey covered the mouthpiece of the phone again and moaned quietly. Don’t stop, she mouthed to Eve, then cleared her throat.

  “She said yes.” Lainey held the phone away from her ear and chuckled when both boys shouted in delight. “Why don’t you boys go and pack...”

  “Make sure they pack a bathing suit,” Eve whispered, her hand still working Lainey slowly.

  Lainey frowned slightly, confused, then shrugged. She was having a hard time concentrating on anything but Eve’s fingers.

  “Eve said to make sure you pack your bathing suits.”

  “We’re going swimming?” Darren asked, his voice excited.

  “I guess so. Go pack and we’ll be there to pick you up soon. Don’t tell your daddy where you’re going. I’ll tell him when I get there. I love you both.”

  “Love you!” They said together, then hung up and ran to get packed.

  Lainey hung up the phone and arched into Eve’s hand. “More,” she whispered.

  Eve pushed Lainey back against the wall and drove her up, making her cry out as she came. She brought her lips to Lainey’s and kissed her gently. “Mmm. Wonderful.” She stepped back. “Why don’t you go up and take a shower. I’ll clean up down here.”

  “You have a maid, why don’t you come up with me,” Lainey said, reaching out to tug Eve back to her.

  “I’d love to, but she knows my habits. I think she would have a heart attack if she saw two plates and the remains of breakfast. I wouldn’t want to do that to her.” She kissed Lainey again, longer and deeper. “I’ll be up soon. I promise.”

  Eve waited until Lainey was out of hearing range before picking up the phone. “Hi, it’s Eve,” she said in a low voice. “Get the plane ready. I’ll be there with three guests in about an hour. Destination is Orlando. I know I don’t have to tell you that discretion is key. Oh, and make sure there are fun snacks on the plane, and some video games.” She hung up and turned to look at the dishes and thought of Lainey, naked in the shower upstairs.

  “What am I? Insane?” she asked herself and, forgetting about the dishes, she ran up the stairs.

  Eve pulled her Jaguar into Lainey’s driveway and cut the engine. “Are you ready for this?” she asked Lainey, glad that her uneasiness was hidden behind her sunglasses.

  Lainey took a deep breath. “I think so.”

  “How do you think Jack is going to take this? You and the kids staying with me?”

  Lainey let out a cynical laugh. “Not well. Now, ask me if I care. I need this, Eve. To be with my sons. To be with you.” She wanted so much to reach over and take Eve’s hand. Instead she opened the car door. “Let’s do this,” she said.

  Eve followed Lainey to the house determined not to let her emotions show, especially to Jack.

  “Prepare yourself for getting jumped on,” Lainey warned her as Rufus began to bark.

  “Mommy!” Instead of Rufus, Darren ran up and jumped into Lainey’s arms. Rufus had his sights on Eve again and bounded towards her.

  “Hi, honey!” Lainey planted a kiss on the top of Darren’s head while Rufus attacked Eve. “Should we help her?”

  Darren giggled. “Nah. Eve can take care of herself, Mommy. She’s so cool.”

  “Why thank you, Darren,” Eve said, taking Rufus’s ears in her hands and giving him a little shake.

  “Where do you think you’re taking my sons?” Jack came up behind Lainey and gave Eve an unhappy look.

  “Now they’re your sons,” Lainey murmured before turning to face her husband. “I’m going to spend the weekend with them, Jack,” she said. “Do you have problem with that?”

  “Yes. If you want to spend time with them, then you can do it here. At home.”

  “Honey, why don’t you go upstairs and get your stuff for this weekend,” Lainey told Darren and set him down.

  “Daddy wouldn’t let me pack. He says we’re not going anywhere.”

  Lainey gave Jack a nasty look over Darren’s head. “We’re going, honey. Go upstairs and tell your brother to get ready, too. Okay? I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” Darren looked up at his father with uncertainty, but seeing that Jack wasn’t paying any attention to him, he made a break for it and ran upstairs. Lainey waited until Darren was out of sight before turning on Jack.

  “How dare you undermine me and tell the boys they’re not going with me?”

  “How dare you make plans for this weekend without asking me first?” Jack countered. “I will not discuss this while we have - company.” He inclined his head to Eve.

  “We will not discuss this at all!” Lainey hissed. “I’m taking the boys and we’re spending the night at Eve’s house. We’re going to have fun spending time together, and then we’re going to talk about what is going on between us.” Spinning on her heel, Lainey started upstairs just as Jack caught her arm.

  “What is going on between us, Lainey?” he said angrily. “Ever since you started working with this woman, you’ve changed. What’s happening to you?”

  “Careful, Jack,” Lainey said with quiet fury. “Let go of me.”

  “You’re not taking them.”

  “I am! L
et go, Jack! You’re hurting me!”

  Eve put her hand on his arm. Her touch was light, but he could feel the heat radiating from her. And there was rage in her eyes.

  “I’m parched, Jack,” she said, her voice expressionless. “I don’t suppose I could trouble you for a glass of water.”

  For a moment he looked as though he might say something none of them would ever forget and then, releasing Lainey, he slammed his way into the kitchen.

  “Go get ready, honey,” Eve said softly. And then, as Jack appeared holding a glass, “Why don’t you keep me company while Lainey gets ready?”

  “This is all your fault,” Jack told her. “She would have never done something like this. Everything was fine before you came along.”

  “If that were true, Lainey wouldn’t be so desperate to change now.” Eve moved closer until her face was inches from his. “If you had made Lainey happy, Jack, she wouldn’t have come to me.”

  “Hi, Eve!” Kevin said, jumping from the third step to the bottom of the stairs.

  “Hi there. You all set to go?”

  He glanced quickly at his father then back at Eve. “Yes. Hey, where are we going?”

  “Yeah! Tell us!” Darren chimed in, shifting a small backpack on his shoulders. They were both dressed in chino shorts and t-shirts, and looked ready for fun.

  “Ah, ah, ah. That’s a surprise,” Eve told them. “Wait and see.”

  “Aww, come on!” Both boys chorused.

  “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise,” she winked. “Your dad was just telling me that he hopes you have a great time.”

  “Really, Daddy?” Darren squealed as he ran to embrace his father’s waist. “You’re not mad anymore? You won’t be angry at me because I wanna go with Mommy?”

  Jack looked at Eve, taken aback. “Of course I’m not going to be angry with you, Darren,” he said.

  Lainey came down stairs, carrying to small suitcases in time to see Jack sink to his knees in front of Darren.

  “Kevin, come here, please.” He waited until Kevin joined his brother. “I’m not mad at you. I was just – well, I was upset that I wouldn’t be spending time with you this weekend. But, Eve is right. I hope you have a wonderful time with your mommy, and I want you to tell me all about it when you get back. Okay?”

  “Okay. I think we’re going swimming!” Darren said with a giggle.

  “Really? Well, be careful.” Jack hugged both boys. “I’ll see you when you get back. How long will you be gone, Lainey?”

  “I’m not sure. I’ll call you later, or have the boys call you.” Lainey paused on the way to the door. For the first time in her twelve-year marriage to Jack, she was leaving him and, to her surprise, the thought was more than a little daunting. When she turned to look at him, she found she didn’t know what to say. “Goodbye, Jack,” she finally murmured.

  It sounded so final that Jack’s heart sank as he watched as his family walked out the door.

  “You guys ready for an adventure?” Eve asked looking at the boys in her rearview mirror.

  “Yeah!” they yelled in agreement. Kevin and Darren had never been in a convertible before and made sure Eve knew just how awesome her car was.

  “When are we going to find out where we’re going?” Kevin asked. “Will you tell us, Mom?”

  Lainey looked back at them. They looked so happy being there with her and Eve, the top down, the wind blowing their hair as they drove down the rural street. It almost made her forget everything else. Almost. “I don’t know. Eve won’t tell me either. All she will say is that it’s a surprise.”

  Eve gave all of them a beguiling smile and said nothing.

  “I bet we’re going to the zoo!” Darren guessed.

  “No. We’ve gotta be going somewhere with water. Eve told us to bring our swimsuits, remember. Are we going to the beach, Eve?”

  When Eve just shrugged her shoulders, both boys laughed.

  “You’re not gonna tell us anything, are you?” Kevin shouted.

  “I’m sure wherever Eve takes us will be fun,” Lainey told them. “Where are we going?” she asked as Eve turned onto the airport access road.

  Eve only grinned as she turned on to a street that led behind the terminal.

  “Where are we going, Mommy?” Darren asked, his little voice getting more excited by the minute. “Wow! Look at that one over there!” Darren pointed excitedly to one of the small planes.

  “No, look at that one, squirt!” Kevin cried. “It’s awesome!”

  All Lainey could do was look around in complete bewilderment. When Eve came to a stop in front of a Boeing Business Jet, she let out a gasp.

  “Wow!” both boys said in amazement and Darren added, “Are we getting on that?”

  A man wearing black slacks and a white shirt with pilot’s wings clipped on the left pocket approached them as Eve got out of the car. “Good morning, Ms. Sumptor,” he said. His eyes were hidden behind dark sunglasses and his thick crop of brown hair was topped with a captain’s hat.

  “Good morning, Steve.” Eve smiled. “The bags are in the back.” She popped the trunk for him and turned to Lainey. “Surprise.”

  “I don’t understand. Kevin! Darren! Stay here with me!” she called to the boys who were already out of the car running around, wild with excitement. “Where are we going?”

  “Steve. Could you take the boys on board and show them the cockpit? Is that alright Lainey?”

  “Yeah, can we go, Mommy?” Darren jumped around her, tugging on her shirt.

  Lainey hesitated and looked at Eve then back down at Darren. “Okay, but don’t touch anything and be good.”

  “Yes, Mommy! C’mon, Kevin!” Both boys took off like a shot, Steve following them, carrying the bags, including the Gucci suitcase Eve had managed to put in the trunk without Lainey seeing her before they left her apartment.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on now?” Lainey asked Eve when they were alone.

  “Honey, I just wanted to do something special for you and the boys. I thought taking them to Disney would be fun.”

  “Disney? We’re going to Florida?” Lainey asked incredulously. “Eve, we can’t just fly to Florida on a whim.”

  “Why not?” Eve answered calmly. She hadn’t expected this reaction from Lainey and was a bit disappointed.

  “Why not?” Lainey tried thinking of a good reason why they shouldn’t be going to Florida, and found she couldn’t. She had already told Jack that she didn’t know when they were coming back. The boys did have Monday off of school. And this would be fun for them.

  “There’s not a damn reason why not,” Lainey said quietly. “I’m sorry, Eve. I was surprised and I overreacted. This was the last thing I ever expected you to do.”

  “It’s fine,” Eve said, clearly relieved. “I suppose I should have cleared it with you first. But I wanted to surprise you. To do something spontaneous, you know?” It was difficult, she discovered, to be in a situation where she couldn’t do the natural thing and touch someone she cared about. If this had been Adam, nothing would have prevented her from showing her affection.

  “You don’t have to do this, Eve,” Lainey reassured her. “I don’t need to be impressed. You’ve already impressed me enough.”

  Eve laughed. “I’m not trying to impress you, honey. Honestly, I just thought the boys would have fun, and we could just get away from everything for a couple of days. I need a vacation,” she said, thinking of the multiple times she had tried to call Jackie’s parents, to console them and offer them help, only to be turned away. “What better way to spend a weekend away than with you and the boys?”

  Eve tucked Lainey’s arm in hers as they walked towards the plane.

  “Who knows, if you’re lucky maybe I’ll impress you some more this weekend.”

  Lainey grinned. “I won’t forget you said that. I just have three questions.”

  “Well, good thing today is your lucky day. I’m in the mood to answer you.”
br />   “Just as long as I’m not using up that luck for these answers,” Lainey said, laughing as followed Eve into the plane.

  “Oh my God,” Lainey said as they entered the plane. The carpet was plush, a rich ivory color that matched the leather of the luxurious seats. There was a couch on the far right side, and on the left, four extremely large, extremely comfortable looking seats surrounding a cherry oak, gloss finished table. The entertainment center included everything from a DVD player to the latest in video game consoles. Lainey could only imagine what the rest of the plane looked like.

  “Do you own this plane?” she asked Eve.

  “Is that one of your three questions?” Eve asked her playfully.

  “Mom! You gotta see this!” Kevin popped out of the cockpit and tugged on his mom’s arm. “C’mon. This is so cool!”

  “I’m coming. Wow,” Lainey said in awe as she looked at the highly complicated control board. “This is very cool. Darren you’re not touching anything are you?”

  “No, Mommy. Steve said we could come up here when we’re born in the air!”

  “Airborne, dummy,” Kevin corrected with a sigh.

  “Kevin. Be good and be nice to your brother. This weekend is for nothing but fun. Okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Sorry, squirt. This is so great, Eve. Are you going to tell us where we’re going?”

  Eve smiled back. “How about you’ll see when we get there. Now, why don’t we go get seated so Steve can take off? I’m sure he’d be happy to have you come back later.”

  “I sure would, ma’am. We’re clear for takeoff any time you’re ready,” Steve told her.

  “Great. Let’s go. Go pick a seat, guys.” The boys filed back into the cabin, so excited they could hardly see straight.

  When they were out of earshot Eve turned back to the pilot. “No one is to know where we’re going,” she said in a low voice. “Is that clear?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Your destination is not being released to anyone,” Steve told her. In fact, Eve knew that only the crew on the plane and Christine, who had taken her original call, knew the destination and that she could trust all of them. Otherwise they wouldn’t be working for her.


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