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Something About Eve (An Eve Sumptor Book 1)

Page 20

by Jourdyn Kelly

“Good. Thank you, Steve. You were great with the boys. I bet they’d love to be taught how to fly this thing.”

  Eve’s plane was another private sanctuary that she rarely shared with anyone and it mystified her that she was sharing it with Lainey? What made things so different with her than with Adam? And why was it that being this open with Adam scared her? Eve joined Lainey, sitting next to her in one of the four seats surrounding the table. The boys were situated on the couch in front of the entertainment center eyeing the game console.

  “Have they ever flown before?”

  “No, and I haven’t been on a plane in years. I’m a little nervous.”

  “Don’t be nervous. I’m here with you,” Eve told her with a smile. “I’ll be right back.” She got up and went towards the boys. “Seatbelts on,” she told them, getting down on her knees in front of them, helping them. “Your mommy tells me you’ve never flown before. Are you scared?”

  “No. I think it’s going to be great!” Darren told her.

  “I’m not scared, either,” Kevin said, sounding unconvincing.

  “Hmm. Okay, well, listen, do you like rides?” she asked Kevin.

  “Yeah, they’re fun.”

  “This is just one big ride. In the beginning, when we’re going up, it’ll feel a little funny here.” Eve patted Kevin’s stomach with her hand. “But, once we level out you won’t even know we’re moving, okay?”

  “Okay.” Kevin nodded.

  “If you start to feel sick at anytime for any reason, there’s a bag on the side of the couch right here, that you can use. But I think both of you are going to be just fine. You’re going to love the ride. Keep your seatbelts on until I’ll tell you it’s okay to take them off, alright?”

  “Okay,” they answered together.

  “Once we’re settled, someone will be out here to get you drinks and snacks and you can play that game you’ve been eyeing.”

  “Can we go up there again?” Darren asked gesturing to the cockpit.

  “Of course. If that’s what you want,” Eve said as the plane began to move. “I have to go sit down now and put my own seatbelt on.”

  “You’re really great with them,” Lainey told her.

  “They make it easy. They’re great kids. Are you ready?” Eve asked as she snapped her seatbelt together.

  Lainey let her breath out slowly. “I think so. Is there an airsick bag on my seat, too?”

  Eve chuckled. “Please don’t get sick. I can handle just about anything but that.” She took Lainey’s hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. “Everything will be fine. Just relax. It’s a little different than being on a commercial airline, because it’s a little steeper on the ascent. But, don’t think about it.”

  “What am I supposed to think about?” The plane began to move faster and Lainey’s grip on Eve’s hand tightened.

  “Well, let’s talk about those three questions,” Eve told her. “Let’s see, your first one was do I own this plane. The answer is yes, I do.”

  “Exactly how rich are you?” Lainey asked in disbelief.

  “Don’t waste one of your three questions on a question I won’t answer. Are you okay?”

  Lainey closed her eyes and tried nodding but couldn’t move. She didn’t remember being this terrified of flying.

  “Kevin are you okay over there?” Eve called.

  “No sweat!” Kevin said with glee.

  “How about you, Darren?”

  “This is fun!” Darren said and clapped his hands together.

  “Good. The remote to the TV is right next to you. You can go ahead and turn it on if you want.” Eve turned her attention back to Lainey. “Baby, are you going to be sick?” she whispered.

  Lainey shook her head weakly. “Talk to me. Get my mind off what’s going on.” She felt Eve switch hands under the table and thought it was because Lainey was squeezing the life out of Eve’s left hand. But, as she squeezed the right hand, Lainey felt Eve touching her thigh and moving up. Lainey’s eyes flew open.


  “Shh. They’re watching TV and they can’t see under the table. Relax.” Eve moved her hand more until she was at the hem of Lainey’s shorts.

  When Eve slipped a finger inside her shorts, Lainey was thankful she had thought to change into them. Of course, she had only been thinking about what a wonderful day it was outside, but now, she was thinking so many more wonderful things were happening inside. She muffled a moan as Eve’s fingers worked her up.

  “I bought the plane because I’m spoiled,” Eve said suddenly.

  “What?” Lainey began moving her body slowly, looking over to make sure they weren’t being watched.

  “I’m spoiled.” Eve repeated thinking of how good Lainey felt. “I hate flying commercial and being surrounded by so many people, and the food, disgusting. I was flying to Europe and around the country so often that I decided to buy my own plane. In the end it’s well worth the investment.” She probed deeper, stifling a moan herself. “What’s your next question?”

  “I can’t think,” Lainey whispered.

  “Sure you can,” Eve replied quietly.

  “Um. Oh God. Uh, okay, why...God, Eve!” Lainey bit her bottom lip to keep from crying out.

  “Why what?” Eve’s fingers moved faster inside Lainey. She felt the plane begin to level out. “Go over, baby,” she whispered to Lainey.

  Lainey brought her hand to her mouth and bit her knuckle to stay quiet. She closed her eyes tightly and came.

  Eve removed her hand and brought it up to her lips. “Why what?”

  “You expect me to think after that?”

  “Did I take your mind off of flying?” Eve asked her.

  “Yes. I couldn’t think about anything but what you were doing to me,” Lainey responded quietly.

  “Good. We’re going to have company soon, so stop smiling like that,” Eve said with a wink.

  “Company? And, I’m not smiling.” Lainey giggled.

  Eve laughed. “The flight attendant. She waits until the plane is airborne before putting in an appearance. It’s a requirement of mine.” She glanced over at Lainey. “And, you’re still smiling.”

  “You guys can unbuckle your seatbelts now,” she said to the two boys who were sitting quietly on the couch watching cartoons.

  “Good morning, ma’am. Your coffee.” A young, strawberry-blonde appeared next to Eve and set a tray in front of them. She wore the same black and white uniform as the captain with a black scarf around her neck.

  “Thank you, Rachel,” Eve said to her.

  “I can see why you’re spoiled,” Lainey teased Eve.

  “Ah, so you were listening,” Eve teased back and grinned at Lainey. “You never did ask me that second question.”

  “Can I save my last two questions for when we’re alone?” she said in a low voice.

  Eve smiled. “Absolutely.”

  “Where is she?” Tony pounded his fists on the desk in front of him. The morons, he thought. Ask them to do one simple thing and they botch it.

  “We don’t know, sir,” one of the men sitting in front of him answered nervously. “She got on a plane this morning with a woman and two kids.”

  “Where did she go?” Tony pronounced each word precisely. The two goons in front of him were sweating and that was the way he wanted it. It had been his experience that fear was better than respect any day.

  “We don’t know, sir.”

  “You keep saying that. I can’t stand ignorance. I don’t want to hear the words ‘we don’t know’ coming from your mouth again. Do you understand? Now, find out what her destination is! It can’t be that hard to find out where the goddamn plane is going.”

  “But, sir, it was a private jet. They won’t give us that information.”

  “A private jet?” His rage came to the point of boiling over as he picked up a crystal vase full of white roses, Eve’s roses, and threw them across the room. The bitch, he thought. She thinks she can just get away with using
his money like that? He would show her what it’s like to have nothing soon. Very soon.

  “Find her,” he snarled. “I don’t care what you have to do to get the information, but find her. If you don’t, you will deal with me, and I won’t be in a good mood. And where is this Katherine woman? She couldn’t have just disappeared off the face of the earth.”

  The two henchmen looked at each other.

  “Don’t tell me. You don’t know.” He leaned forward, tapping his fingertips together. “I suggest you find her, too. She has information that could hurt me. And if I get hurt, you get killed. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yes, sir. We’ll find them both, sir.”

  “You better, and I want more information on Eve’s guests. Get out.”

  When they were gone, he picked up a sheaf of photos of Eve taken at her gallery opening. “You think you can hide from me, little Eve? Think you can just spend my money any way you want? Well you’re wrong, my pretty. I’m going to enjoy punishing you.”

  The flight was smooth and uneventful, thankfully. The boys enjoyed playing games and received flying lessons from Steve. Lainey was given a tour of the jet by Eve. She was amazed by everything she saw, from the bathroom of gold and cherry wood with a full shower, to the bedroom that sported a queen size bed. Seeing the bed, she found herself wondering if she’d get the chance to become a member of the ‘mile high’ club, and even after the night she just spent with Eve, the thought shocked her.

  The shock for Lainey didn’t end with the aircraft. When they stepped out of the plane, a stretch limo that had Kevin and Darren oohing and ahhing, was waiting. Eve’s lifestyle was unquestionably different than what Lainey was accustomed to, but Lainey found she enjoyed being waited on hand and foot. Then, another shock came when they got out of the limo in front of a huge house instead of a hotel. It was a white stucco mansion with dual pillars framing the entrance of the expansive home and was bordered by splashes of color from beautiful roses of multiple shades.

  “Is this yours?” Lainey asked Eve, though she already knew the answer.

  “Wow! Mom, are we staying here?” Kevin asked in wonder. Darren couldn’t speak, he just ran ahead of everyone looking at everything in sight, the palm trees that lined the driveway, the impeccable green lawn that seemed to go on forever, and the magnificent rock pond that featured a small waterfall.

  “Yes,” Eve said. “To both questions.” She winked at Kevin and chuckled at Darren who was too interested in the fountain that centered the roundabout driveway to pay attention to anyone. She walked up to Darren and handed him a penny. “Make a wish,” she told him.

  “Yeah?” Darren looked up at Eve and gave her a toothy grin.

  “Yeah.” She grinned back and watched as Darren closed eyes tightly making a wish and threw the penny in.

  “You wanna know what I wished for?” he asked Eve, taking her hand as they walked to the house together.

  “Well, if you tell me, it won’t come true,” Eve told him. “How about this? When you get your wish, then you can tell me all about it. Deal?”

  The massive white double doors opened and a gray haired woman, wearing a navy and white uniform greeted them. “Thank you for having everything prepared, Alison,” Eve said after she introduced them. “That’s all. I’ll take care of everything for the next three days.”

  “Welcome,” Eve said and bowed, extending her arm to gesture Lainey and the boys in. “You can put the bags here.”

  It was like stepping into paradise, Lainey thought. The home was done in intense white, just as Lainey might have expected. White marble with hints of gold flecks covered the floor of that front entrance until it reached the spacious living room where it turned to white plush, sculpture carpeting. The furniture reminded Lainey of the furniture that decorated Eve’s New York home, all of it looking luxurious and comfortable. Beyond the living room was a spotless sliding glass door that spanned the length of the room and opened to a beautiful, unusually shaped pool with crystal blue water glittering in the sunlight. A white Baldwin baby grand piano, adorned with elegant candles in soft pastel colors, sat in the far corner of the living room, forming a striking picture with the pool as the backdrop. Everything was so flawless that Lainey was worried about the boys messing something up.

  “It’s beautiful, Eve,” Lainey said quietly. Kevin and Darren had already made their way across the house to look out at the pool. “Every time I see white, I think of you now.”

  “Is that the only time you think of me?” Eve teased.

  “Can we go swimming, Eve?” Darren asked as he stared out at the pool with wide, excited eyes.

  “If it’s okay with your mom, yes,” Eve answered and laughed as Darren ran to his mother.

  “Mommy! Eve says we can go swimming if it’s okay with you. Can we?”

  “Yeah, Mom! Can we?” Kevin demanded.

  Lainey realized suddenly that she couldn’t remember having been happier. Her sons were in heaven and so was she. And the woman who was responsible for it all was looking at her with desire in her eyes.

  “Yes. After,” Lainey said over their ‘hoorays’, “you put your things away. And, we have to eat.”

  “But, Mom...” The boys complained.

  “No buts,” she told them and turned to Eve.

  “I’ll show you to your rooms,” Eve said reading Lainey’s mind. She put her arms around each of the boys. “So, do you guys want separate rooms or would you rather bunk together?”

  “Together!” they said at the same time.

  “Perfect. I don’t have a room with two beds,” Eve told them apologetically. “But, I can give you a room with a huge bed. Is that all right?”

  “Yeah, we don’t mind. Do we squirt?” Kevin told her trying to look as grown up as possible. He knew that Darren was always scared in new places and that he would end up in his room anyway. It was just easier to do it this way, he thought.

  “Nope,” Darren said cheerfully.

  Eve grinned at both of them. They walked up the curved staircase and Eve stopped in front of one of the first doors in the long, open hall. “Here we go then,” she said and opened the door. The room was huge, and in the center stood a colossal bed with a white goose down bedspread. For color, Eve had had the room accented with bold, deep red throw pillows. The view was of the fountain and gardens surrounding them. It looked, to Lainey, like a beautiful painting.

  “Wow!” Darren whispered and ran to jump up on the bed.

  Lainey took Kevin’s arm to hold him back and bent down. “Thank you,” she whispered in his ear. She knew what he had done for Darren and loved him for it. Kevin shrugged a little and grinned.

  “Why don’t you guys get unpacked while I show your mom to her room?” Eve suggested. “You can put your stuff in any of the drawers in the dresser. The bathroom is right through that door and if you need anything else, just let me know. Oh, by the way, the TV is hidden.” Eve picked up a remote and pushed a button. Like magic a screen appeared at the foot of the bed.

  “That’s neat!” Darren squealed. “Did you see that, Kevin?”

  “Yeah! Cool! What did you press?” Kevin asked Eve.

  “Just press this button here,” Eve showed him. She looked over at Lainey. “They can put their suits on right? We’ll change, too, and if you guys like cheeseburgers, then we’ll have that for lunch.” Eve smiled.

  Eve led Lainey further down the hall and stopped in front of a door on the opposite side of the hall than the boys’ room. There were double doors at the end of the hall.

  “Your room?” Lainey asked with amusement.

  “How did you guess?” Eve replied as they entered a room even bigger than the boys’.

  “It’s amazing.” The bed was covered with the same goose down comforter with hunter green accents. A beautiful landscape painting by Sisley made the room even warmer. Lainey’s view was of the screened in pool below and a walkway that led beyond the picturesque flowering trees. “I can’t wait to see yours,
” she said quietly to Eve.

  Eve shut the door softly behind her and turned the lock. “I’ve been wanting to do this for the longest time,” she said, turning Lainey to her. She lowered her mouth to Lainey’s and kissed her gently.

  “The boys are...”

  “In the other room unpacking and changing,” Eve finished. She tucked Lainey’s hair behind her ear. “But, I’ll stop if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  “No,” Lainey told her. “I’ve been wanting to do that for the longest time, too. Kiss me again, Eve. More,” she said against Eve’s lips. Eve’s tongue mingled with Lainey’s and, in that moment, both of them knew they wanted nothing more than to lose themselves in each other.

  It was Eve who finally broke the kiss. “I should leave you to unpack now,” she said softly. “I’ll see you downstairs. If you need anything, you know where my room is.”

  “Careful, Eve. You’re not alone here with Lainey,” she whispered to herself, leaning against her bedroom door. Eve’s room was decorated exactly like the one in New York. All of her homes were decorated alike. It gave her a sense of belonging, a sense of stability she had never known before. No matter where she went, she was home. The only thing missing here was Eve’s secret loft full of paintings and photos. Her sanctuary in Florida was the pool and the complete solitude. Changing out of her jeans and t-shirt into a white bikini and sarong, she went downstairs to join her guests.

  “Why are you just sitting in the hot sun?” Eve asked as she joined them by the pool. “Go swim.”

  “Can we, Mom?” Kevin asked. She had told them that they had to wait until after lunch, but it was hard waiting when all they wanted to do was swim.

  Lainey lifted her hand to shield her eyes and lost every thought she had in her mind. Eve was simply magnificent, her tanned body a spectacular contrast against the sheer white of her bikini and sarong. The exposure of the swells of Eve’s breasts down to her toned stomach was almost too much for Lainey to bear. The only thing Lainey found disappointing was that the sarong covered most of Eve’s amazing legs.

  Eve caught the desire in Lainey’s eyes and felt every inch of her body heat. She was thankful for the dark sunglasses she had on because not only was she aroused by Lainey’s reaction, but also by Lainey’s appearance lying, as she was, on the white lounge chair, her arms above her head, one of her great legs stretched out with the other bent at the knee. Lainey had chosen a sleek black one piece. The neckline dipped low, giving Eve a great view of Lainey’s cleavage, and the right side was cut out to expose half of her waist and back. Though only a moment went by, it seemed like they had been staring at each other for eternity. Eve glanced over at the boys who were still waiting for an answer. “Lainey?” She smiled. “Is it all right for the boys to swim while I make lunch?”


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