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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

Page 123

by Love,Michelle

  “Thank you Aunt Margie, Uncle Benedict, Derika and Denham for looking after Kathy and Josh for me. I appreciate it very much and will never forget your kindness,” said Bernardo, with a break in his voice.

  They landed in Italy that night. Giovanni was there to welcome them, as they drove to Bernardo’s apartment.

  That night as Kathy lay in Bernardo’s arms naked, she looked up into his eyes and knew that her Italian’s Hot Pursuit had not come to an end, as he had found the love he needed and the son he wanted. Sighing she fell asleep in his arms, as he stroked her head.

  Chapter 7

  One morning Kathy woke up nausea welling in her throat. She rushed to the bathroom and threw up into the wash basin. Bernardo was near her in seconds.

  “Honey what is it? Did you eat anything that may have upset your tummy?” asked Bernardo.

  Kathy shook her head.

  She washed her face and brushed her teeth, but went back to bed. As she lay entangled and naked among the satin sheets, Bernardo stood looking at her with love. She looked so beautiful. Her firm breasts and pink nipples embedded in satiny aureoles, which were a darker pink, gave him an instant erection.

  Kathy looked at his erection and held out her arms to him. He walked up to Kathy and immediately she took him in her mouth and sucked him, running her tongue over the head of his cock. Bernardo threw his head back and fucked her mouth, while Kathy drank in his juices. She loved it when Bernardo let her suck him.

  He got between her legs and pulled her thighs apart revealing a wet clitoris which beckoned to him from under its hood. Bernardo dived between her thighs and sucked her. Kathy bucked and squirmed as she shot her juices into his mouth and he drank it eagerly.

  They showered together and made love once more in the shower. Bernardo soaped Kathy and when he reached her mound he rang a finger through her lips slowly massaging her. Kathy sank into the bathtub and Bernard inserted his cock into her in a slow fuck amidst the rippling water of the bathtub.

  Bernardo was insisting she see Dr. Benson, as she had thrown up that morning. Kathy smiled knowingly.

  “You know honey, you might be heading to be a father once more,” she said.

  “Oh are you sure darling? Now that is the best news I have had and so much so we need to see Dr. Benson immediately,” he said hugging her.

  They drove to Dr. Benson’s clinic and as Kathy predicted, she was indeed pregnant. Dr. Benson said she was two months pregnant.

  On their drive home, Bernardo stopped at Cartier and they walked hand in hand inside the plush setting of the jewellery store.

  “Oh Bernardo, you should not,” said Kathy

  “But I must,” he said winking at her.

  The sales assistant who served them was a girl in her twenties and she could not take her eyes off Bernardo.

  Kathy pinched him on the leg and indicated with her eyes, looking at the girl as she turned to take out another set of boxes which contained exquisite rings.

  Bernardo opted for a blue sapphire encircled in diamonds, embedded in a platinum band. It was beautiful and Kathy just could not contain herself. Reaching up to Bernardo she kissed him deep. The shop assistant cleared her throat.

  “Madam seems elated at the gift,” she said and Kathy caught a hint of jealousy and envy as well.

  “Madam here is my wife and she is two months pregnant,” said Bernardo.

  The shop assistant stopped talking and continued to serve them as she punched in details for the receipt.

  They drove back home and Kathy kept admiring her ring all along.

  As the elevator opened to their spacious penthouse, Kathy took a deep breath as the beauty of her home and the view of the city, she always loved.

  Bernardo cap to stand behind her and cupped her tummy.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “I love you, Kathy. You and only you. Since the day I took you to bed, there has never been another woman for me. You are my lover, my friend and the mother of my children. Most of all you are my wife and I love you,” he said hugging her close. Kathy was near to tears at this declaration of love from Bernardo.

  She stared up at him, unable to breathe.

  “Oh Bernardo…”

  He gave a ragged intake of breath. Kathy stopped him from saying anything with a kiss. When she pulled away, Bernardo looked dazed, as the kiss she gave him was out of this world.

  Bernardo sank on to the sofa bringing Kathy on top of him.

  “I’m crazy about you darling,” he said.

  She kissed him again. They became entangled on the sofa, and as things heated up they headed back to their room to the comfort of their bed, where they made love and lay together feeling very bless to have each other.

  End of part 3

  The Alpha Billionaire’s Intern Law

  Book 3

  By: Michelle Love


  Kathy sighed as she waddled like a mother duck across the living room to where Josh was playing with Grace, her nanny. Bernardo had insisted on hiring a nanny as Kathy was now eight months pregnant with their second child. She looked even more beautiful than before and Bernardo never got tired of looking at his beautiful wife.

  “Mama, I want cookies,” said Josh in his baby voice.

  Kathy’s heart went out to him as she hugged her little son. Grace, his nanny smiled at Kathy as she sat down in her rocking chair.

  “Mrs. Lorenzo, are you sure you are not having twins?” asked Grace.

  Kathy nodded, “I am sure. But the doctor has not said anything,” she smiled.

  Grace smiled and shook her head.

  “I think its twins. Wait and see,” she said smiling as she walked to the table to get cookies for Josh.

  Grace was a kindly woman with a thick mop of salt and pepper hair and she dressed gracefully, just like her name.

  Josh came over to her and hugged her tummy.

  “Baby sister,” he said, tapping Kathy’s tummy and getting the shock of his life when the baby decided to stretch one of its limbs.

  “Ooh Mama,” said Josh with a look of surprise.

  “Aha, there you are, your baby sister knew that her little brother tapped her and so she woke up,” said Kathy.

  Josh grinned and rushed to the door, as he heard Bernardo’s car in the driveway.

  “Daddy is home, Daddy is home,” he shouted.

  Bernardo swept little Josh into his arms and he could not wait to tell Daddy that his baby sister kicked him.

  “How are my favorite girl and boy?” asked Bernardo.

  “One is not a girl anymore, but a waddling mother duck,” said Kathy raising her face up to Bernard for his kiss.

  “Daddy baby kicked me,” said Josh with a grin.

  “Oh did she indeed. Let’s see what she is up to okay honey,” he said handing Josh back to Grace, so she could give him his evening bath.


  Celina, one time lover of Bernardo, who tried to trap him into wedlock, by saying that Adriano was his son, was one woman who would never accept defeat gracefully. She was furious with Bernardo for having married Kathy and bringing her over to Italy. Moreover, she was angry because Bernardo had gone to extremes in proving that Adriano was not his child. She would get even with him.

  Bernardo stood at the window of his expansive boardroom, looking out at the panoramic view that blended with the interior décor of the room. He turned when his phone buzzed as it spun on its own on his table. He thought it was Kathy calling, but found that it was an unknown number.

  “Hello,” he said.

  “Hi Bernardo darling. I called to congratulate you on your marriage to that little tart,” said Celina.

  “Celina watch your words. Please do not call me again. I have nothing to say to you. You and I are finished and if you refer to Kathy in that manner, I am warning you, you will be sorry,” he said, switching his phone off and flinging it across his table.

  Celina was furious. How dare Bernardo speak to her in that manner? Ka
thy was the woman to blame. She is the one who came in between Bernardo and herself. She was bent on getting even with Bernardo.

  Celina’s circle of friends was the villain type and she was so angry with Bernardo, she talked to Merrick about it. Merrick was Celina’s latest catch and gave her high blown sex, which Celina lapped up like a hungry dog.

  “Cel, darling. Don’t worry about things like this. Remember if we get involved in something adverse, like harming Kathy or her kid, all hell will break loose and if we are caught, it will be a life sentence,” said Merrick.

  “Oh Merrick. You are not a novice at things like this,” said Celina pouting her luscious lips at him.

  “Well that’s true sweetness, but remember who Bernardo is and what he can do. He will ruin our lives, if we are caught,” said Merrick, who was not too enthusiastic to pursue this case.

  “Well who is going to get caught? Neither you nor me,” said Celina firmly.

  “Think about it Merrick darling and let me know. If you don’t, remember our hot steamy days of sex will be no more,” continued Celina.

  She knew she had hit a sensitive spot with that last jab.

  Merrick smiled at her. “Let’s see what we can do,” he said, pinching her bottom as she walked passed him to the kitchen.

  That night Merrick made steamy love to Celina and she gave him her all.

  “Oh Merrick,” she moaned. “You know how to please a woman,”

  “Only one woman,” said Merrick, playing with her now hardened nipples. He ground his thumbs on both nipples and sent Celina spinning in ecstasy. She squirmed at his touch and reached for his erection, as she pulled and tugged at it so she could insert it into wetness. Merrick obliged by entering her in one thrust.

  Oh…Oh…mmmmmm Merrick, faster darling faster,” she screamed as they both rode the waves of pleasure together. Merrick slumped on top of Celina, as he was spent.

  Celina’s life was a carefree one. If she wanted a man in her bed she had him. She had the unique ability to lure men into her bed and they suckled like bees to a flower in bed with her. Merrick was not the only man she slept with and he knew that. But he was the latest man in her life and he intended staying that way. She was so gorgeous and a top sex symbol.


  Holly had just graduated from Law School and was looking for an internship. Her eyes caught an advertisement in the Sunday newspapers, calling for junior attorneys, to work under senior counsel at Lorenzo Conglomerates. She was enthusiastic and applied for the position.

  Half expecting them to ignore her application, she was stunned when Sabrina, Dirk Mason’s secretary, at Lorenzo Conglomerates telephoned her, scheduling an interview for her the following day.

  Dirk was a senior attorney in the legal division of Lorenzo Conglomerates and a respected person.

  The following day Holly dressed carefully and putting on the least makeup, she drove to Lorenzo Conglomerates. Parking her car, she stood in the car park and looked up at the expanse of building that soared high. She prayed the job would be hers. Her mum Clarice had gone through a lot of trouble to educate her at Law School and it was her turn now to look after Clarice. Clutching her file of certificates and her handbag, Holly walked up to the reception.

  Even the receptionists were dressed impeccably. She gave her name. Jean the receptionist smiled at her kindly asking her to sit. Jean then called Sabrina. A few moments passed and Jean led Holly to the elevator, asking her to get off at the 18th floor. Holly was shaking like a leaf as she rode the elevator.

  The elevator stopped at the 10th floor and a drop dead gorgeous man entered. He was looking at a file and not looking where he was going, until he came slap bang into Holly who had nowhere else to back up.

  “Oh I am sorry,” said handsome face.

  “Oh that’s okay,” said Holly nervously.

  “Are you going up to the 18th floor?” he asked.

  Holly could only nod, when the elevator door pinged open at the 18th floor.

  “Ladies first,” said Mr. Handsome, showing her the way out.

  “Thank you,” said Holly and as Mr. Handsome turned to walk in the other direction, Holly stopped him.

  ‘Er… excuse me. Could you tell me where Mr. Dirk Mason’s office is please?” she asked.

  “I am going to Dirk’s office too. You can follow me,” he said walking ahead of her.

  Holly nodded and walked behind this gorgeous man. She admired his stature as he walked in front of her.

  “Good morning Mr. Lorenzo, Dirk is in,” said Sabrina.

  “Good morning Sabrina,” said Bernardo.

  Bernardo turned to look at Holly.

  “Sabrina, she is here to see Dirk. Can you take care of her please?” said Bernardo going into Dirk’s office.

  “Hello, you must be Holly?” asked Sabrina pleasantly.

  “Yes I am,” said Holly nervously.

  This was her first interview after graduation and she felt terribly nervous.

  “Mr. Mason, Holly is here for her interview,” said Sabrina into a machine, placed on her table.

  “Send her in Sabrina,” said a deep male voice.

  “Holly you can go in there and don’t look nervous,” she smiled.

  Holly liked her at once.

  Holly nervously opened the door and entered the room. She looked around and found no one, until a deep voice made her jump.

  “Holly, this way,” said Dirk.

  Holly turned and saw Mr. Handsome sitting at the head of the table and the voice which belonged to the man who spoke to her, sitting on his right.

  “Come Holly,” said Dirk.

  Holly walked up to the table and sat on the left hand side of Mr. Handsome.

  “Holly, I would like you to meet Bernardo Lorenzo Chairman and owner of Lorenzo Conglomerates and I am Dirk Mason, Senior Attorney of the Company,” said Dirk.

  Holly could have died of shame. She became red as a beetroot and it did not go unnoticed by the two men seated at the table.

  “Oh I am sorry Dirk. I already met Holly in the elevator and it was a meeting I would call an accident,” said Bernardo his eyes twinkling.

  Dirk looked from Holly to Bernardo and back at Holly.

  “Oh I am sorry,” said Holly.

  “Don’t be it was really my fault. I walked into the elevator without looking and so came slap bang into Holly who was standing in it,” laughed Bernardo.

  The interview went off well, with questions asked mainly by Dirk as Bernardo listened and made notes now and again.

  “Tell me Holly. Are your parents working?” asked Bernardo.

  Holly looked down at her upturned palms and then back at the two gentlemen.

  Bernardo was sure he so a glint of sadness in her eyes.

  “I have only my mother. My father left my mother when I was two months old and it was mum who brought me up and educated me,” said Holly with a break in her voice.

  Both Bernardo and Dirk were sorry for her.

  “I usually don’t speak of my father and his leaving us when I was barely two months and there is one thing I would like to ask of you. Please, if you intend employing me, do not go on what I have told you about my father and how my mother educated me. I would appreciate if you would judge me on my intelligence and the fact that I passed out of Law College excellently,” said Holly.

  Now that was some speech.

  Bernardo and Dirk took an instant liking to this strong minded girl. She was very forthright and intelligent.

  There was a minute or two of silence in the room and then Bernardo spoke.

  “Holly can you start work tomorrow?” asked Bernardo.

  Holly’s head shot up and when she smiled, her eyes dazzled.

  ‘That means you take me on?” asked Holly.

  “Yes of course,” said Bernardo and Dirk nodded in agreement.

  Holly was all smiles and it was then that her dimple on her cheek showed. She looked very pretty and fresh.

  Bernardo felt
his groin tighten, but he let it pass.


  Clarice was overjoyed when Holly came home with the good news of her new job at Lorenzo Conglomerates.

  “I have heard of that company,” said Clarice

  Holly could not sleep. She kept tossing and turning. Was it nerves or was it, oh was it, Bernardo? Holly quickly dismissed that thought from her mind. After all he was going to be her employer from tomorrow and having an infatuation on him was ridiculous.

  That night she dreamt of Bernardo standing on a hill, while she ran up into his outstretched arms and deep kiss.

  Holly awoke with a start.

  She was sweating.

  “Oh my god I better get myself together. This cannot happen,” she chided herself.

  The following day Holly dressed carefully and bid her mother goodbye, as she drove to Lorenzo Conglomerates and her new job.

  She reported to Dirk Mason, who warmly welcomed and introduced her to the rest of the staff in the legal department.

  Holly was shown to her cabin by Sabrina, who became great friends with her from day one. Holly was grateful to Sabrina for literally showing her the ropes. This was her first job and she was indeed nervous.

  Holly had now got into the groove of her working environment and she was very good at her work, which pleased Dirk no end. She had just closed one month at Lorenzo Conglomerates.

  Around ten that morning, as she was going through a document Dirk had given her to study, the phone on Holly’s desk rang, Holly nearly jumped out of her skin. Picking up the receiver, she quietly said hello.

  “Hello, Holly this is Bernardo Lorenzo. Can I see you in my office now?” asked Bernardo.

  ‘Yes, Mr. Lorenzo, I will be right there,” said Holly.

  Before she left she told Sabrina that she was summoned to Mr. Lorenzo’s office.

  Sabrina’s eyes grew wide.

  Holly saw she was surprised.

  ‘It’s just that he wanted me to come to his office now,” said a frightened Holly.

  “You know where to find it don’t you Holly? Get ready for the big bad wolf,” said Sabrina.


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