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TORN: A Billionaire Romance Series (Contemporary Romance Novel)

Page 124

by Love,Michelle

  “Sabrina, please do not make me nervous. I am dead scared,’ said Holly almost in tears.

  “Hey come on. I was just kidding. Go ahead and if you do not come back in half an hour, I send a search team, okay,” said Sabrina giggling.

  “Come on Sabi,” said Holly rolling her eyes upwards.

  Holly went up to the 20th floor, a bundle of nerves. Sabrina had been right. As she stepped out of the elevator she felt as if she was in another world. A beautiful and elegant office lay before her eyes and an equally elegant secretary although in her forties, walked up to her smiling.

  “Hello Holly, Mr. Lorenzo is expecting you,” said Bella in a friendly voice. Holly had taken a liking to Bella, although they hardly cross paths. Actually everyone at Lorenzo Conglomerates was kind and nice to her.

  Holly tapped softly on the door.

  “Come in,” said Bernardo.

  Holly opened the door and entered the room. She actually gasped at its elegance. Her high heels sank deep into the plush carpet as she walked across to where Bernardo sat.

  “Hello Holly. I hope you are settling down,” said Bernardo with a smile, indicating the plush upholstered chair in front of him.

  Holly looked nervously at Bernardo. He was handsome and her thoughts were confirmed.

  “Yes Mr. Lorenzo. Everyone in the legal department has been so kind to me,” said Holly smiling.

  “Holly do you live with your mother?” asked Bernardo.

  Holly nodded.

  “Like I told you at the interview, Mr. Lorenzo, my father left my mum when I was very little and it was my mum who brought me up and educated me,” said Holly.

  “Yes I remember you telling me,” said Bernardo.

  Holly looked at him. Why did he want her to meet him? He still had not told her.

  Bernardo looked straight at Holly. What was happening to him? She had almost cast a spell on him when she came for the interview.

  “Holly the reason I called you to my office, was to welcome you to Lorenzo Conglomerates. You are young and the company does need young blood,” he said.

  ‘Thank you Mr. Lorenzo, I hope I will be able to fulfill the needs of the company,” she said.

  “You sure will Holly,” said Bernardo.

  “You can leave now,” continued Bernardo.

  Holly got up to leave and while she was walking up to the door, her heel got embedded in the carpet and she went sprawling.

  Bernardo was kneeling next to her in seconds, lifting her up. Holly’s dress had ridden up and exposed a part of her panty.

  Bernardo held Holly and looked down at her eyes. She was beautiful.

  He covered her mouth with his in a deep tongued kiss. Holly just gave herself up to him kissing him back.

  “Oh Holly, I wanted to do this to you ever since I saw you in the elevator,” groaned Bernardo.

  Holly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and kissed him back.

  “Oh God what was she doing,” thought Holly, but she could not leave. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

  Bernardo knew what he was doing was crazy. He could not do this in his office. Should he take her to his apartment at the top of the building?

  “Holly listen, I want to make love to you badly, but it cannot be done in this office. I have an apartment at the 25th floor of this building. If you are up to it and want me too, will you be there at six this evening?” asked Bernardo.

  Holly eyes softened as she looked up at him.

  “I know this is crazy, but I want you too,” she said.

  Giving her one more kiss, Bernardo released her. Holly felt she was wet between her legs and saw that Bernardo wanted her too, as his bulge gave him away.

  Holly rearranged her skirt and straightened her hair, as she left Bernardo’s room, with one last look of longing.

  Leaving the elevator Holly walked back to her cabin, as she was on air. Sabrina winked at her as she passed, but Holly gave her an innocent smile which did not give anything away.

  At lunch Holly was quiet.

  “Hey what’s up Holly, you seem very quiet,” said Sabrina.

  Holly smiled and looked away.

  She called her mother and said she would be late that evening. When she rang off she was shocked at herself. By telling her mother she would be late, hadn’t she brought it on herself that she was meeting Bernardo that evening?

  When it became five in the evening, Holly was a nervous as she scanned the file she was given that morning. Lucky for her the file was quite large.

  Dirk passed her cabin and saw the light on. Stopping by he saw Holly concentrating on the file as she read a page. Smiling he tapped on the cabin and Holly looked up smiling at him. “It’s past your working hours Holly,” he said.

  “Oh sorry Mr. Mason, I was so engrossed in this that I did not notice,” said Holly preparing to leave.

  “Take your time Holly. Goodnight!” Dirk waved as he went on his way.

  Holly sighed with relief. She looked around, picked up her handbag and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

  Holly came out of the bathroom and looked around. The entire office was dark, except for a night light, which was on.

  She walked up to the elevator and pressed the button numbered 25. The elevator rose rapidly and in seconds she was standing outside a plush apartment. Bernardo, walked up to her and holding her hand led her into an even more elegant apartment.

  “Are you nervous,” asked Bernardo.

  “A bit,” smiled Holly.

  “Don’t be. No one saw you taking the elevator up here?” asked Bernardo.

  Holly shook her head.

  Holly placed her handbag on the table and looked around. It was a beautifully appointed apartment.

  She stood by the glass windows and looked out at the scenery. The entire town had come alive and colored lights flickered in the distance.

  Bernardo stood behind Holly and put his arms around her, kissing the nape of her neck. A shiver ran down her body, as she felt his lips on her neck.

  Bernardo quietly turned her towards him and looked into her eyes. Her big blue eyes stared back at him and she looked nervous as a rabbit.

  His lips travelled along her jaw and captured her mouth in a deep kiss. Holly moaned and clung to Bernardo, as she felt his erection push against her stomach. She molded her body into his as Bernardo continued to kiss her.

  “Bernardo,” she moaned.

  He felt her nipples stand out like bullets as he pressed into her and rubbed his bulge over her stomach.

  Bernardo carried her across the sitting room to his room and placed her on his bed. Holly shivered as the satin sheets caressed her bare legs. Bernardo sat on the bed and began to remove the buttons of her blouse, exposing her luscious creamy white breasts, where he could see the dark nipples thrusting through the lacy bra. He almost ripped the bra from her body as he continued to remove the rest of her clothes. Holly was like a porcelain doll, against the black satin sheets. She looked so erotic and Bernardo had to tear his clothes off him.

  Holly gasped when she saw his erection. She longed to take it in her mouth and suck on to it.

  “Bernardo,” whispered Holly.

  “Yes sweetheart,” said Bernardo.

  “This is my first time,” she said.

  Bernardo looked at her in surprise.

  “Do you want to me to be the first to fuck you?” he asked.

  Hearing the word spoken by him, made her juices trickle down her thighs.

  Holly nodded. “Yes I want you to fuck me and I want to feel you inside me,” she said grabbing Bernardo’s erection.

  Bernardo let out a grunt and growl, as Holly guided his hardness into her mouth. She took him deep, kissing, sucking and licking his erection, until Bernardo could hold back no more. With a shout he shot his juices into her mouth and she drank it in greedily.

  Holly opened her legs to him and he could see her engorged clitoris shining with her juices, as it peeked out of its protective hood. Bern
ardo dived between her legs and latched on to her clitoris, sucking and licking. Holly bucked and squirmed, as Bernardo continued his assault on her clitoris. She screamed and shuddered, as an orgasm hit her full blast, squirting her juices on to Bernardo. He felt and massage her mound, turning her on once again, as he inserted his manhood into her.

  “Oh……….Bernardo…….mmmmm, you are so good,” she moaned.

  Holly was tight and Bernardo was careful not to hurt her. After he had made love to her did it strike him that he had not used a condom, but he dismissed that thought away.

  “It’s pretty late Bernardo,” said Holly.

  Bernardo looked out of the window, standing naked, his body silhouetted against the darkness of night, resembling a Greek God.

  Holly padded towards the bathroom and took a long hot shower. She felt elated and fulfilled, as she showered.

  Putting on her clothes and combing her hair, Holly emerged from the bathroom. Bernardo had used the other bathroom and he was dressed in a denim trouser and t-shirt.

  “I will drive you home,” said Bernardo.

  Holly nodded.

  “But sweetheart, we need to use the back entrance, that leads to the underground car park,” said Bernardo.

  “I understand,” said Holly and Bernardo detected a sense of sadness as she said it.

  In matters of this nature, things could not be done in the open. Everything that took place between them had to be confined to the walls of a bedroom and he knew he could not take Holly into the open. He had Kathy to think of and his daughter Josh, not forgetting the baby who was on the way. He had not told Holly yet about his family.

  They took the service elevator that ran down to the underground car park. Bernardo looked around and found no one. He quietly used the remote to open his car and Holly got into the passenger seat, while Bernardo went around the bonnet of the car and got into the driving seat. Bernardo thanked his lucky stars that his car was tinted and no one could see who was in it.

  Ralph lifted his hand, as Bernardo drove through the gates of the building. Once he was out on the road, Bernard sighed in relief.

  “Where do you live?” asked Bernardo, taking Holly’s hand in his.

  “I live down Merry Cross Street, which is around two miles away from here,” said Holly.

  “Am I taking you out of your normal route home?” asked Holly.

  Bernardo shook his head and turned to smile at her.

  “Where do you live?” asked Holly.

  A few miles from where you stay,” said Bernardo in a matter of fact manner.

  Holly knew better than to pursue her questioning and lapsed into silence, as they drove along.

  They reached Holly’s home, which Bernardo thought was a lovely little house, with a picket fence painted white. He reached out to her and kissed her on the mouth.

  “See you tomorrow Holly,” he said as he drove off.

  She stood on the pavement, as he drove off.

  In bed that night Holly thought of their love making and sighed. She knew very little about Bernardo, as no one in the office spoke of his personal life. It was sought of a taboo subject in office. She would ask Sabrina, very subtly tomorrow. She fell asleep dreaming of Aston Martins and plush apartments.


  Bernardo reached home and parked his car. He stood for a while in the garden taking in the beauty of his house, when the front door opened and Kathy stood. Her stomach was huge now and Dr. Benson had said that her dates were quite close.

  “Hi Bernardo,” said Kathy.

  “Hi sweetheart,” he said kissing her on the forehead.

  They both walked into the house hand in hand. Bernardo felt guilty like hell, but he dismissed it.

  ‘Where is Josh?” asked Bernardo.

  “She tried to wait up for you, but her eyes did not let her,” laughed Kathy as she watched Bernardo enter the bathroom.

  After dinner, they both sat on the patio taking in the coolness of the night. Kathy noticed that Bernardo was in deep thought.

  “How is the office?” she asked.

  Bernardo’s head snapped up, but he took control of himself and smiled.

  “Hectic,’ he said smiling.

  “You work too hard darling,” she said

  ‘Let’s go to bed. I am fagged out,” he said.

  This was a cue to Kathy that he would not make love to her that night.

  Kathy was in no mood for it either.

  Kathy fell asleep no sooner her head hit the pillow, as she did nowadays. She felt very tired at the end of the day.

  Bernardo lay awake as he thought of Holly and her beautifully carved body. She was exquisite and her breasts were worth dying for. He felt a hard on, but quickly dismissed the thought of Holly, as he fell asleep, dreaming of her body.

  Towards morning, Bernardo awoke and he thought he heard Kathy moaning. He switched on the bedside lamp and found Kathy writhing on the bed.

  “Honey, what’s the matter? Is the baby coming?” asked Bernardo.

  “Darling my water just broke and the contractions have been coming pretty fast,” moaned Kathy.

  Bernardo was out of the bed in seconds as he quickly pulled on a pair of trousers and t-shirt. He rushed down the corridor, banging on Grace’s room door as he went. Grace was out in seconds.

  ‘I think Kathy is in labor. Bring her to the front door,” he shouted as he rang along to the garage.

  They were driving to the hospital in next to no time. Bernardo was on the phone to Dr. Benson and the doctor said he would alert the hospital and be on the way himself.

  Bernardo drove through the hospital gates and the hospital team was ready at the door with a stretcher. They efficiently put Kathy on the stretcher and wheeled her to the labor room. At that moment Dr. Benson drove in and parked his car behind Bernardo’s.

  Dr. Benson came out of the labor room smiling as Bernardo rushed to him.

  “Congratulations Bernardo, you have a handsome little son,” said Dr.Benson.

  Two days after his son was born, Kathy and the baby went home. Bernardo was elated as he had longed for a baby boy.

  He kissed Kathy passionately that night, as she fed the baby. Josh was over the moon. She had a little brother whom she could play with when he grew bigger.

  Holly walked into the office and she felt everyone was in good spirits, talking, joking and laughing. What had triggered this sudden change?

  ‘Hey Holly, come over here and have a piece of cake,” said Sabrina.

  “What’s the occasion, Sabi?” asked Holly.

  “Oh didn’t you know, Mrs. Lorenzo has given birth to a baby boy and the celebration is in aide of the happy news,” said Sabrina.

  Holly had to steady herself by leaning against the closest table. Mrs. Lorenzo? So Bernardo was married? He made love to her when his wife was heavily pregnant? Holly felt disgusted and declined the cake that Sabrina offered.

  “I do not feel too well Sabi,” she said, as she walked to her cabin on unsteady legs.

  “The bastard,” thought Holly. He let out his pent up emotions, by using her, as he could not make love to his wife in her condition. Holly felt bile welling up and rushed to the bathroom. Although she tried and tried to throw up, it did not happen. She was shocked and disgusted. She would tender her resignation today and walk out of the company, never to set foot on the very land it stood.

  Washing her face and dabbing it dry with a paper towel, Holly walked back to her seat and typed her resignation. She signed it and walked to Dirk Mason’s room. He was in good spirits too. Handing him the envelope, she turned to leave.

  “What’s this Holly?” asked Dirk.

  “My resignation, Dirk,” she said with no emotion at all in her voice. “I am leaving today,” she continued.

  “But why?” asked Dirk surprised.

  “My mum is not too well and she needs me Dirk,” she said tears welling in her eyes.

  “I don’t understand. Holly you could take at least two wee
ks leave and look after your mum,” said Dirk.

  “No Dirk. My mind is made up. Please let Mr. Lorenzo know that I have quit,” said Holly.

  She walked to her cabin and picked up her handbag. Ignoring the surprised faces of her colleagues, she walked out of the office and kept on walking until she reached the bus-stop. She hopped a bus home and Clarice was surprised to see Holly return.

  “Honey, what’s the matter?” asked Clarice.

  “Nothing mum. I quit today. The work is monotonous and I feel as if I am suppressed,” said Holly.

  Clarice was nice to Holly. She did not want to hurt her daughter’s feeling. They would work this out together. Holly would find a job pretty soon, as she was an intelligent girl and had learned a lot from Lorenzo Conglomerates in the one month she had worked there.

  Holly missed Bernardo very much. She could still feel his kisses and caresses which gave her a tingling between her legs. How was she going to live without him? She knew now he was married and his wife, Kathy had just delivered his second child. Why do men behave in this manner?

  Holly could not put all the blame on Bernardo, as she too was a willing partner. She could have rejected his invitation to visit his apartment in the office building, but she went. So didn’t that make her a willing partner?

  She then realized Bernardo had not used protection and she was not on the pill either. Goodness me, what if she got pregnant? How could she face her mother, who had done so much for her? Holly broke out in sweat at the thought.


  Bernardo was shocked when Dirk told him of Holly’s resignation.

  “But why did she leave?” asked Bernardo.

  ‘I don’t believe that it’s her mother’s illness, but I am sure it is something else,” said Dirk looking rather suspiciously at Bernardo.

  Ralph the doorman and one of the security guards had told Dirk they did not see Kathy leave the office building, but she was not in the office when they had checked the building, as they usually do.

  Dirk was suspicious that Bernardo had invited Kathy to his apartment, but who was he to question Bernardo?

  “Ralph did you see Mr. Bernardo leave the office?” asked Dirk.


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