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Immortals of New Orleans Box Set (Books 1-4)

Page 16

by Kym Grosso

  Sydney didn’t resist as Kade slipped out of her, pulling her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head, and Sydney contemplated what he’d just told her. I love you. She could hardly believe that within days of meeting Kade, she’d fallen so hard for him. A vampire. Surreal as it was, she couldn’t deny what was in her heart.

  “Kade?” she whispered.

  “Yes, love?”

  “I'm not sure how it happened, or what kind of a future we can have…but,” she began.


  “I love you, too.” Sydney buried her face into his chest, surprised at the words that had spilled from her lips.

  Sydney’s heart raced as Kade lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes. He smiled in response, and she knew in that moment what he’d said was true, she’d forever be his.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Delightfully sore after making love with Kade in his office, Sydney sighed, reflecting on their night together. Her chest blossomed with the love she felt for this man. She couldn’t believe she’d told him she loved him. She wasn’t sure how it was going to work with her living in Philadelphia, but she decided not to dwell on the details.

  Nothing was going to put a crimp in her day, except for Simone. Damn Voodoo, vampire bitch. Sydney sobered with the thought that they were about to go bust a mage, one who could very well put their lives in danger with dark magic. The address traced back to a large, abandoned building in the Warehouse District. Going in at night would give them a greater advantage, since the vampires would have the full use of their powers. Sydney, on the other hand, knew she’d be at risk, given her many human frailties, like not being able to see in the dark. Luca had provided her with a pair of state-of-the-art, night goggles so she could see better, but she still lacked the speed and power of the vampires.

  After securing her hair in a neat French braid, Sydney pulled on a pair of black leather pants. The rugged fabric clung tightly to her finely toned figure. It might be a tad hot wearing leather on a warm, summer night in New Orleans, but her skin needed protection, given the abandoned building they planned on searching. She yanked a black cotton long-sleeved t-shirt over her head, but not before hiding a miniature curved sheathed Kerambit knife in a hidden compartment of her sports bra. Strapping on the bullet and stab proof Kevlar vest, she was almost ready to go. The clothing wasn’t very comfortable. Sydney added a lightweight concealer jacket, which sported several hidden pockets and compartments where she could stash her ammunition: stakes, darts and silver chains. She strapped on both waist and leg holsters, loaded them up and paced the room, satisfied with the weight of her trusty Sigs. Before lacing up her military boots, she shoved a small, sheathed push dagger next to her ankle. The arrow-pointed knife was small, but effective in hand-to-hand combat.

  Lastly, she pulled her pistol crossbow out of her backpack, checked and counted the wooden darts. Confident everything was in order, she strapped it across her chest, and it slung behind her back. Lifting the night goggles off the bed, she sucked in a breath, letting courage run through her veins. It was time to go kick some mage ass, and hopefully get one step closer to capturing Simone.

  Entering the great room, Sydney steadied herself, taking in the sight of the vampires towering above her. They were also dressed in black combat outfits, ready to fight. In the doorway, she was surprised to see a large black wolf with amber eyes staring at her. She was tempted to ask if someone brought their dog, but thought better of it, realizing it was Tristan. Sydney didn’t think he’d appreciate the dog joke, so she just nodded at him, not sure of what to say to his wolf. He yelped in response, and padded over to her side, rubbing against her leg.

  When Kade entered the room, his presence dominated the space, and the air shifted. The wolf retreated away from Sydney, sensing Kade advancing directly over to her. Her body tingled in response to the sight of him. Dressed in black leather, he approached her. Looking dangerous and formidable, he was an animal in pursuit; hot, menacing, enticing. Sydney’s pulse raced as if she and Kade were the only two people in the room.

  He leaned toward her and captured her soft lips. Releasing her, he whispered in her ear, “You are ravishing in all that leather, love. It makes me want to take you upstairs and show you how very much I appreciate your outfit.” He kissed her once again, asserting his claim on his woman.

  “Seriously, you guys?” Dominique snorted. She flicked her long red nails which had been filed into fine points. “Enough with the lovey-dovey crap. It’s time to go kill some bad guys. I’m looking forward to finding that little bitch who silvered me to the table and drinking her dry.”

  “Hey Dominique, how are the wrists? Your nails look great, love the color.” Sydney smirked at the sight of a badass vampire girl worried about how her nails looked when she was about to go into combat.

  “Thanks, Syd. Wrists are great. Amazing what a little blood can do.” She laughed and held out her hands, showing off her polished talons. “The color’s Sanguine Red. Want to make sure I look my best when I tear open Rhea…if that’s even her real name.”

  “Okay, then. Good plan.” Sydney raised an eyebrow at her, grinning. She didn’t ever want to be on Dominique’s bad side. “Can’t say that I blame you after what she did to you yesterday. Hopefully we’ll find her there tonight.”

  Kade moved to the center of the group, commanding attention.

  “So, here’s the deal. We are going downtown to the Warehouse District. Even though the building is abandoned, the area is active with humans, so keep a low profile. That means no killing within sight of others. Keep it in house.” His lips tightened. “All we know so far is that Asgear is the mage who purchased the Van Van oil. So it is a good possibility that he is the one who is helping Simone. Asgear may be harboring dark magic, so no going it alone…stay together. Watch your step for traps. We’ll be partnering up…Luca and I will go in first, then Xavier and Sydney. Dominique and Etienne, you bring up the rear. Tristan will be monitoring the outside, making sure we don’t get any surprises while we’re in there. If possible, we need the mage alive so we can get Simone’s location. Got it?”

  A sea of nods erupted, and Luca coughed. “We need to take two vans so we have enough room for all of us when we bring Asgear back to the compound. As for Simone’s fledglings, my advice is to stake them and put them out of their misery. They’ll be unable to give us any information because of their blood tie to Simone. That’s about it. Everyone stay safe tonight.”

  “Let’s go,” Kade ordered. As the sober group filed out the door and into the vans, Kade prayed they’d all be coming back tonight.

  The abandoned building was located on the outskirts of the Warehouse District. Sprinkled with restaurants, galleries and bars, the 'SoHo of the South' bustled with people on summer nights. Luckily, the address was located a little off the beaten trail, far enough away from most activities, reducing the risk of human interference. From the outside, the two-story, large brick building appeared desolate, with indecipherable graffiti painted on the walls. Sydney noticed all the front windows had been boarded over, some with new plywood and some with old. Perhaps a recent tenant had made the repairs?

  As they circled the block, Kade pointed to the front doors, double steel with small square windows that had been spray painted over in black. There was another single door lower down, which looked like it could possibly lead to a basement. Driving around to the back of the building, they parked the vans. Kade, Luca and the others silently exited, seeking an entrance. Sydney guessed the vampires might have been telepathically communicating, as they appeared well synchronized, quickly locating and shimmying open the rusted locks on the rotting, wooden warehouse door.

  A rush of stale air choked Sydney’s lungs as the door swung open. Many of these old buildings had been abandoned in the late 1800s, outliving their usefulness as factories or mills. But this building stank of stale blood, decaying bodies, urine, and garbage, smells she was all too familiar with, working the city streets of Philadelphi
a. She may not have been a vampire, but she was certain recent activity had happened in this place. A chill ran up her spine as she remembered the vampire who’d attacked her in her home. Were there more just like him waiting here for them?

  Total darkness descended upon them as they entered the dark hallway. Sydney flipped on her night vision goggles, and swung her pistol crossbow to her chest. Looking behind her, she saw Dominique and Etienne moving in stealthy silence. A confining, steep staircase led to a gray steel state-of-the-art security door. Pivoting around to face the group, Kade silently signaled his intent to breach the door. Muscular vampires would have no difficulty breaking it down. Bracing himself for impact, Kade raised his fingers. One. Two. Three.

  Sydney crouched as dust and debris flew ubiquitously throughout the stairwell. Coughing up dust, she charged after Kade. At least twenty vampires flew at the doorway, fangs drooling and snapping at Kade and Luca. Immediately, a fight ensued in the spacious area. Sydney backed against a wall and systematically began picking off vamps with wooden darts to the heart. She was a good shot and ashes flew as they disintegrated on the spot.

  “Remind me to stay on your good side, woman. You’re damn good with the darts,” Luca commented, sidling up next to Sydney against the wall. “Kade and I are heading toward the basement. Etienne and Xavier are taking the second floor. Now! Cover me!”

  Luca dashed across the room with unnatural speed, catching up with Kade who was already at the basement door. Sydney took aim at a vampire lunging after him. Pop! The hit to the leg slowed him down, but Luca was struggling to shake him off. She didn’t want to come off the wall just yet, but two more vamps were descending on Luca and Kade. Where the fuck are they all coming from?

  Hoping she’d be fast enough, Sydney sprinted across the room, nearing Luca. In a last minute decision, she leaped onto the vamp’s back and shoved a silver stake deep into its heart. Luca struggled to his feet. Grabbing Sydney’s arm, he pulled her up with him. Sydney shook off the ash and backed against the doorjamb next to Luca.

  “Going old school?” Luca asked with a small grin. “I appreciate the save, but don’t get reckless. Kade will whip both our asses if something happens to you. Looks like he’s already headed downstairs. Let’s go with him. Stay close. I go first,” he ordered.

  Kade was already three quarters of the way down the stairs when Luca and Sydney started after him. The air hung heavy, an audible hum resonated from the basement walls, yet no apparent source could be seen. Illuminated in candlelight, a thin wiry man, who wore a glowing crimson robe, sat perched upon a stone pedestal. Asgear.

  Kade attempted to maneuver toward him, but slammed against an invisible barricade. Dark magic. Asgear released a wicked laugh.

  “Foolish vampire. Did you really think it would be that easy to capture me? My Mistress has anticipated your every move thus far. And while I’ve had great fun playing with you, the time grows near. She will ascend. You will be no more.”

  “Your Mistress, Simone, was banished over a hundred years ago. She has no right to be here and will soon be exterminated as punishment for her crimes. Give it up, Asgear. Tell me where she is. I will be fair meting out your sentence,” Kade demanded.

  “You’re an arrogant vampire.” Asgear ascended from the pedestal, floating across the room toward Kade, his feet never touching the floor. “You know nothing of the strength of my magic. I’ve been honing my craft for decades. Now, my power is growing exponentially every day as does hers. Soon, you’ll be begging on your knees in agony as she drains the blood of your whore!” His eyes shot daggers at Sydney.

  Luca and Kade pounded their fists against the barrier seeking a weak point, but it was unyielding. Attempting to kick at the invisible blockage, Sydney unexpectedly penetrated it, falling to her knees. Her hands scraped the concrete floor and began to bleed. Asgear laughed maniacally, amused by how easily the spider had caught the fly.

  “Ah, Sydney. Welcome to my inner sanctum. We have such plans for you. You will serve a greater purpose. We have almost perfected the ritual.”

  “You must be out of your fucking mind if you think I will be part of any plans you have. I’m gonna bring you down. There are a few girls back in Philly who have a message for you and that bitch you call a Mistress. Now, do you want to come willingly or are we going to do this the hard way? You should know that I'm more than pissed, and could care less which way it goes,” she spat at him. Sydney aimed her dart at Asgear, guessing a few holes would loosen his lips.

  “Tsk. Tsk. Must you be so vulgar? You’re less than nothing, a simple harlot, one who will serve nicely in our next Voodoo ritual. The Mistress seeks revenge for taking her husband. She’s going to consume your spirit as you writhe in pain. Oh yes…your life force will add to her power quite nicely. The spirits will reward her greatly for the ritual. Now, come to me, Sydney, the portal awaits…we will take hedonistic pleasure at the palace of Voodoo. The spirits will bless us!”

  Asgear’s demented, Sydney thought. A portal? Hedonistic pleasure? What the hell is he talking about? Fuck that. She had no plans of going anywhere with this psychopath, let alone to some pleasure playground for dead people. She caught a glimpse of Luca and Kade, who were still pummeling against an invisible enemy. Sydney drew her pistol crossbow and fired twice, score. The darts tore through Asgear’s leg and shoulder. He tumbled to the ground, spitting obscenities at her. She went to approach him, but he rose off the floor wickedly grinning at her, unharmed.

  “Did you really think a few darts would hurt me? You stupid, stupid little whore! I am done playing. This game is over!” He lifted his hands into the air, mumbling chants that Sydney couldn’t understand.

  A rush of confusion washed over her as she began to feel dizzy. What was he saying? More importantly, how the hell did he get back up? Sydney started to waver as she desperately tried to retreat to Kade, but the pull of the air whirled around her, immobilizing her limbs. Shit. This can’t be good. She flailed her arms and legs, struggling against the air current, but it was of no use. The air spun around and around, stinging her face.

  “Kade! Help me! I can’t move! Please!” Screaming into nothingness, Sydney hoped Kade could hear her. She stole one last look at him before she faded into blackness.

  Kade and Luca choked on the stale dust as they rushed to Sydney, but it was too late. She was gone.

  “Shit!” Kade yelled, outraged. “She’s gone. She’s fucking gone. My God. Asgear took her. They must have transported through a portal of some kind. We’ve got to find her.”

  They quickly searched the basement, but found nothing.

  “There is no trace of her or Asgear,” Luca said. “Where would he take her?”

  “Let’s just think. He was babbling about Simone, her plans.” Kade plowed his fingers through his hair, frustrated. “Voodoo. Simone wants to use her as a doll. Something about using her spirit. But what she really wants is me. And power. She won’t be satisfied by killing Sydney. No, she wants more. Asgear and Simone both want more. They want control over all the supernatural beings in New Orleans.” He started to pace, trying to think where Asgear could have taken Sydney. “But where? This city is a hotbed of supernatural activity. They could summon spirits literally anywhere.”

  “She wants us to find her, Kade, so she can get to you.” Luca blew out a breath, as Tristan, Etienne, Xavier and Dominique joined them in the basement. “Asgear, he said, ‘palace of Voodoo’. A Voodoo museum? Maybe he meant the field where you burnt down the barn where Simone tortured the girls?”

  “The cemetery, St. Louis cemetery.” With ferocious intensity, Kade’s eyes met Luca’s. “Marie Laveau. Her mausoleum. It is the one place in New Orleans where even humans go to give sacrifices in the name of Voodoo. They could be anywhere on the grounds. Don’t ask me how she’s using the sacred cemetery to garner evil spirits, but that is where she’s going. I just know it.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Sydney moaned in pain, realizing her hands were shac
kled in rusted metal cuffs linked to a two-foot chain above her head. Her body, sans clothes, slumped against a cold steel wall. A surge of panic rushed through her veins as she struggled to remember what had happened. Asgear. Portal. Where the hell am I? She stretched her legs, thankful that she still had on her underwear. Unable to reach down to her torso, Sydney jostled, hoping to feel the Kerambit knife still hidden in her bra. Hello, baby, still there. Relieved she still had a weapon, she took a deep breath, but nearly gagged on the stench of urine and vomit that permeated the air.

  As her eyes adjusted to the pitch-black room, she sensed she wasn’t alone. Hearing a moan, she called out into the darkness.

  “Hey, is there someone in here with me? Who’s there?”

  “Over here,” a weak, feminine voice answered. “I’m Samantha.”


  “Please don’t hurt me,” she begged.

  “Willows. Detective Sydney Willows. I’m with the police. Listen, it’s okay. I won’t hurt you. How long have you been here? Are you injured?”

  “I’ve been here a few days. Lost count after being beaten. I think I can walk, but I'm bruised. The cuts are healing. It’s hard to see,” she whimpered.

  “You remember how you got here?”

  “I was taken. My friends and I went to Sangre Dulce for fun. I’m not even from New Orleans. I was at a computer conference. It was my first time at that kind of club. We were just dancing. Then I met him. James…he seemed so nice. He bought me a drink. I don’t remember anything else except for being here…him beating me. Oh my God. I'm going to die in here.”

  Sydney heard her crying. “Listen, Samantha, this is not your fault. There’re some sick people out there who do bad things. I’m going to get us out of here. If they take me, just stay calm, okay? I promise I’ll come back for you.” She sighed, knowing things were about to get worse before they got better, and she didn’t want to lie to the young woman. “I’ll be honest, I'm not sure how this is going to go down, but my colleagues are coming for me. I’m sure of it.” I sure as hell hope they come soon. “I need your help though, okay? Who else is here? Who have you seen since you’ve been here?”


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