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Banco de Portugal
Bank of Canada
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Bank of Thailand
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Danmarks Nationalbank
Dipartamento del Tesoro (Italy)
Direccion General de la Deuda Publica (Mexico)
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Page numbers for entries occurring in boxes are suffixed by a b; those for entries in figures, by an f; those for entries in notes, by an n, with the number of the note following; and those for entries in tables, by a t.
Agénor, Pierre-Richard, 401n3, 402n27
Aguiar, Mark, 77, 398n14, 400n5
Alesina, Alberto, 137, 401n9
Allen, Franklin, 393n2
Allen, Robert C., 37, 176t, 177t, 178f, 296t, 297t, 298t, 299t, 305t, 306t, 396n8
Arellano, Cristina, 399n4
Australian Office of Financial Management, 330t, 335t, 340t
Austrian Federal Financing Agency, 330t, 335t, 340t
Baker, Melvin, 82b, 398n16
Baliño, Tomás, 401n1
Banco Central del Uruguay, 334t
Banco Central de Reserva (El Salvador), 331t
Banco de España, 325t, 333t, 338t, 343t
Banco de Portugal, 333t, 338t, 343t
Bank Indonesia, 324t, 332t, 341t
Bank Negara, 324t
Bank of Canada, 330t, 335t, 340t
Bank of England, 70b, 79f, 323t
Bank for International Settlements, 160t, 212, 217f, 245f, 324t, 325t, 404n24, 405n29
Bank of Japan, 332t, 337t, 341t
Bank of Mauritius, 337t, 342t
Bank of Thailand, 325t, 334t, 339t, 343t
Banque Nationale de Belgique (BNB), 307t, 330t, 340t
Baptista, Asdrúbal, 40, 301t, 310t, 396n15
Barro, Robert, 65, 250, 252, 253f, 254f, 347t, 397n19, 397n23, 399n7, 400n9, 402n33, 402n37, 407n6, 407n7, 407n14
Bassino, Jean-Pascal, 298t, 308t, 309t
Bazant, Jan, 328t, 329t, 332t, 334t, 337t, 342t
Berg, Andrew, 408n1
Bernanke, Ben S., xliv, 146–47, 209, 211, 212, 213, 351t, 352t, 358t, 361t, 362t, 364t, 365t, 367t, 369t, 370t, 372t, 374t, 377t, 379t, 383t, 386t, 390t, 393n6, 401n7, 401n9, 401n10, 404n11, 404n23
Bertin, Rose, 275
Blanchard, Olivier, 256, 407n11
BNB. See Banque Nationale de Belgique
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, 323t
Bolivar, Simon, 93b
Bonney, Richard, 89f, 395n7
Bordo, Michael, 12, 74f, 148t, 150t, 151t, 153t, 156f, 159, 205f, 212, 241–42, 252f, 299t, 348t, 349t, 350t, 351t, 352t, 353t, 354t, 355t, 356t, 357t, 358t, 359t, 360t, 361t, 362t, 363t, 364t, 365t, 366t, 367t, 368t, 369t, 370t, 371t, 373t, 374t, 375t, 376t, 377t, 378t, 379t, 381t, 382t, 383t, 384t, 385t, 386t, 388t, 390t, 391t, 392t, 394n5, 401n2, 402n23, 404n24, 406n3
Borensztein, Eduardo, 397n10
Borodkin, L. I., 300t
Boughton, James, 78f, 323t
Brady, Nicholas, 83b
Brahmananda, P. R., 40, 308t, 396n15
Braun, Juan, 302t, 315t
Brock, Philip, 117, 399n11
Broner, Fernando, 397n18
Brown, William Adams, 353t
Buchanan, James, xliii, 393n3
Bufman, Gil, 403n11
Bulow, Jeremy, 56–57, 62, 395n14, 396n26, 397n7, 397n8, 397n9, 397n15, 399n2
Bundesbank (Germany), 331t
Burns, Arthur F., 262, 405n2, 407n14
Bussiere, Matthieu, 408n1
Butlin, N. G., 296t
Cagan, Philip, 124, 126f, 183t, 184t, 185, 187t, 400n7, 403n5
Calomiris, Charles, 401n1
Calvo, Guillermo A., 74, 222, 230, 245, 393n2, 398n9, 398n13, 399n6, 400n11, 405n6, 407n6
Cameron, Rondo E., 380t
Camprubi Alcázar, Carlos, 394n6
Caprio, Gerard, 10, 74f, 148t, 150t, 151t, 153t, 156, 156f, 205f, 216t, 252f, 348t, 349t, 350t, 351t, 352t, 353t, 354t, 355t, 356t, 357t, 358t, 359t, 360t, 361t, 362t, 363t, 365t, 366t, 367t, 368t, 369t, 370t, 371t, 372t, 373t, 374t, 375t, 376t, 377t, 378t, 379t, 380t, 381t, 382t, 383t, 384t, 385t, 386t, 388t, 390t, 391t, 392t, 394n5, 401n17, 402n30, 404n26
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique, 53
Carlos, Ann, 70b, 397n4
Carter, Susan B., 79f, 163f, 229f, 230f, 268t, 269t, 300t, 301t, 310t, 323t, 395n5
Castaing, John, 37
Ceauşescu, Nikolai, 51–52
Central Bank of Kenya, 332t, 337t, 341t
Central Bank of Sri Lanka, 333t, 339t, 343t
Central Bank of Tunisia, 334t, 339t, 343t
Centre d’études économiques de la Kath
olieke Universiteit Leuven, 307t, 330t, 340t
Ceron, Jose, 402n26
Cha, Myung Soo, 308t
Cheng, Linsun, 124f, 315t, 330t, 357t, 394n6
Chuhan, Punam, 398n13
Cipolla, Carlo, 69b, 397n2
Clay, C. G. A., 329t
Cole, Harold L., 397n9
Colliers International, 324t
Colosio, Luis Donaldo, 108b
Commerce Department, U.S., 207f
Conant, Charles A., 348t, 349t, 350t, 351t, 352t, 353t, 355t, 356t, 359t, 361t, 363t, 364t, 365t, 367t, 368t, 369t, 370t, 373t, 374t, 375t, 377t, 378t, 379t, 380t, 381t, 382t, 383t, 384t, 387t, 388t, 389t, 390t, 391t
Condoide, Mikhail V., 318t
Contraloria General de la Republica (Colombia), 330t, 336t, 340t
Cooper, Richard, 211, 404n20
Correlates of War, 46t
Course of the Exchange, 37, 302t, 303t, 304t
Cowan, Kevin, 330t, 331t, 332t, 333t, 335t, 336t, 338t, 339t, 340t, 341t, 342t, 343t, 396n24, 399n1
Crisp, Olga, 329t, 333t
Curcuru, Stephanie, 404n22
Danmarks National Bank, 331t, 340t
della Paolera, Gerardo, 243t, 349t
de Maddalena, Aldo, 298t
Demirgüç-Kunt, Asli, 156, 270, 271f, 401n2, 401n16, 407n22, 408n1
Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadistica (Colombia), 324t
Detragiache, Enrica, 156, 270, 271f, 401n2, 401n16, 407n22, 408n1
Diamond, Douglas, 59, 145, 393n2, 397n11, 401n5, 401n6
Diamond, Peter A., 399n8
Díaz, José B., 296t, 297t, 298t, 299t, 300t, 307t, 308t, 309t, 311t, 330t, 335t, 340t
Diaz-Alejandro, Carlos, 271, 271f, 407n25
Dick, Trevor, 297t
Dipartamento del Tesoro (Italy), 332t, 337t, 341t
Direccion General de la Deuda Publica (Mexico), 332t, 337t, 342t
Dooley, Michael, 211, 398n13, 404n19
Dornbusch, Rudiger, 125, 222, 230, 245, 398n9, 400n8, 403n12, 405n6
Drazen, Allan, 136, 401n8
Drees, Burkhard, 401n16
Dutch State Treasury Agency, 332t, 337t, 342t
Dybvig, Philip H., 145, 393n2, 401n5, 401n6
Eaton, Jonathan, 55, 57, 58, 65, 397n4, 397n6
Economic History Data Desk, 36, 395n5
The Economist, 78f, 323t, 404n10
Edvinsson, Rodney, 300t, 309t, 396n11