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And Then There Were Three

Page 6

by Renee Lindemann

  “This is my fault isn’t it?” Sabrina said tears spilling over like a waterfall.

  “No sweetheart this isn’t your fault,” I explained pulling Sabrina in for a hug. “We should have been honest with you from the beginning.”

  “Sabrina, this was all me. I just wasn’t paying much attention to eating. I was so focused on the showcase that I forgot.” Nicole tried to convince with words but Sabrina was not having any of it. Sabrina pushed away from me.

  “I told you and dad to stop seeing her and look at her mom. This is my fault. Do not think I don’t hear you crying or see how sad dad is every since I told you not to see her any more. Miss Nicole you seem so unhappy even with the big showcase coming up.” Sabrina walked over to the lone chair in the room and plopped down defeated. I rushed to her side dropping to my knees. “Sabrina this isn’t your fault. You have every right as our daughter to demand that we do everything to protect our marriage. We did this not you.”

  “But you and dad love Nicole don’t you?” Sabrina looked resigned as she spoke. I dropped my head down not because I was ashamed but because I didn’t know how to explain this to my then fourteen-year-old daughter. This was not a situation children should be dealing with but there was nothing I could do about it now. I held my head up with as much pride as I could muster, “We do love Nicole very much.”

  “I knew it. Then be with her mom, do not let me stop you. If this will not hurt our family, by all means stay with her.” Sabrina said finding enough strength for a smile. I looked into her eyes not wanting to rush to excitement. I needed to be sure that she felt the courage of her words.

  “Sabrina, I would never want to do anything to hurt you or Celeste or Junior. If this relationship with Nicole could do that then I would rather we back out now.”

  “Nicole, do you love my mom and dad?” Sabrina asked looking past me to Nicole. The vigorous shaking of her head indicated the fluids were helping her to regain her strength. “I truly do love both your parents but your mom is right. If this would affect you guys then we have to end this.”

  “I think my parents’ marriage is very good. I guess I was just worried what other people would think. I just do not want to see Nicole sick or my parents so sad.”

  “Sweetheart, I want you to think about this before you make this decision. We do not want to hurt you in any way because there will be plenty of people who disapprove of this relationship,” I made clear.

  “I am sure mom I promise,” she replied looking at Nicole. The smile on Nicole’s face was hard to miss. I gave Sabrina one last look before making my way to Nicole’s bedside. I didn’t want to traumatize my daughter so I gave Nicole a chaste kiss. Just being this close to her made me feel better. I could see the happiness working wonders on her health as well. Mark entered the room hurriedly with a worried look on his face. He greeted Sabrina first with a kiss to her forehead before making his way to Nicole’s bedside. Like me he stood a respectable number of feet away from her bed.

  “Nicole, are you okay?” Worry raised his voice a few octaves higher than normal. Nicole shook her head in the affirmative extending her free hand to Mark. He hesitated to take it looking first to me and then to Sabrina. Sabrina gave a hearty nod that it was acceptable to take the proffered hand. When I added my own comforting smile he moved to the free side of her bed. Mark placed a soft kiss on Nicole’s forehead before taking her hand.

  “We have been talking dad and I can see that you really love Nicole. I can also see that she really loves both of you too. I am okay with this,” Sabrina added.

  “Brina, you do not have to say that because of this situation. Your mom and I understand how weird this has to be for you. You, Junior, and Celeste are the most important people in our life,” Mark explained as I had previously.

  “Dad, I know this and I know that you and mom have a strong marriage. It’s okay really.” Sabrina got out of the chair heading straight for my purse. Without asking she reached inside to retrieve my wallet. “Can I have money to go to the vending machine, I am starving?” I extracted a few bills, which she kindly took and left the room. Mark and I exchanged glances before we plied Nicole with simultaneous kisses.

  “We have missed you so much,” Mark whispered softly.

  “I have missed you both,” Nicole replied, huge smile plastered to her face. Nicole placed her hand on my cheek before doing the same to Mark’s cheek.

  “Please do not ever let it get this bad Nicole,” I begged.

  “This wasn’t a cry for help. I am sorry. I really just didn’t think about eating. I thought I was doing just fine especially since the crying had finally stopped.”

  I pushed the stray brown hair from her face pinning it behind her ear. Even sick she was still very beautiful. I would never get over this woman. I knew that in my heart and judging by the look on my husband’s face he felt the exact same way.

  Nicole was released from the hospital the next day with orders to take it easy for the next few days. Mark and I were vigilant in our care of her taking turns to sit with her. Sabrina volunteered to stay with Nicole to make sure that she was well enough. It also gave her extra practice time for her solo.

  “Can I ask you something Nicole?” Sabrina asked while they sat eating dinner.

  “Sure Sabrina, ask away,” Nicole, responded. It took Sabrina a few minutes to muster the courage to ask her questions.

  “Have you always liked women? And do you really love my dad or are you just pretending so that you can be with my mom?”

  Nicole took a few minutes to process this set of questions. When she spoke she made sure that her voice was strong to convey exactly how she felt. “I have always known that I like both men and women. I find men and women attractive. I love your dad very much. He is a very handsome and sensitive guy. I love the way he loves your mother. They are beautiful people and I am not just talking about looks, although they have that in abundance as well.” Nicole took a spoonful of her soup in anticipation of the next onslaught of questions. Sabrina took more time to ponder her response and formulate her next set of questions. Nicole could see the curiosity was in full force.

  “Have you had many relationships with other couples?”

  “No I have never been in a relationship with a couple before. Your parents are very special to me Sabrina and I will not come between them. I love them both equally and I know this doesn’t seem normal but I can’t help how I feel.”

  Sabrina seemed satisfied with this answer and went back to eating her soup. Nicole gave a silent prayer to the question gods and resumed eating her dinner. The rest of the evening went on with out another round of twenty-one questions. Later in the car Sabrina brought up her discussion with Nicole.

  “Did you know that Nicole has always known she was bisexual?” Sabrina said nonchalantly. I gave a slight cough as this caught me off guard.

  “Yes she did tell me that she has always known that. You know that I have never been with a woman before?” Sabrina gave a nod of her head, “I know mom. I was just curious if Nicole only dated couples but she has never done that before. She really loves you guys.”

  “We love her too. This isn’t just about sex or trying to keep our marriage together Sabrina. We really have taken the time to get to know her. She is an amazing person.” I wasn’t trying to sell my daughter on this situation. I just wanted her to know that this wasn’t some fad or passing fancy.

  “Mom, you and dad have been married for a billion years. I know that you have a good relationship. It’s just I never pictured dad with another woman or you for that matter. The good thing is I see that you all love each other.”

  I reached my hand out to my daughter grateful for her understanding.

  “You can ask all the questions you want regarding this Sabrina. I am really grateful that you are being so mature about this situation. If dad and I could have found a way around this we would have.”

  “Nicole is great. It would be hard to just ignore her,” Sabrina assured me. The
recital took place the following day and a slightly recovered Nicole was there to guide the student performances. Mark and I sat in the audience beaming with pride as our daughter and the other dancers wowed the audience. We had to contain our jealousy as father after father flirted with Nicole. Several fathers brought her flowers and plied her with accolades, much to the chagrin of the mothers. Mark and I happily stole Nicole away to the small dressing room for much needed kisses. She was still weak but the kisses improved her countenance.


  Once Nicole was fully recovered we resumed our dating. Several times a week my husband or I would go out with Nicole. Mark Jr. and Celeste were still in the dark about our dealings with Nicole. Sabrina was very good at keeping our secret. We planned to tell Celeste and Mark Junior soon because it was getting much more serious. That increased exponentially after we had our first legitimate sexual encounter. I had never been with a woman before and will probably never be with another woman again. That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the experience immensely but no other woman would ever do for me but Nicole.

  Nicole’s bedroom was done in tasteful blues with pictures highlighting her love of all things dance. The three of us had a lovely evening dining out while the kids were spending a weekend with Mark’s parents. Nicole looked especially beautiful in a black slip dress. As soon as we entered her bedroom she tugged excitedly at the material of my silk blouse and skirt. Mark took the only seat in the room at a vanity mirror.

  What was to take place between Nicole and myself was in deed sex. Not just sex but we were about to make love. Having Mark in the room gave me a sense of safety and clearance to freely express myself with this woman. I will do my best to recant something so personal to me in these next few pages. It's not meant to be the voyeuristic prose with which I write my love stories. No this is different. This is a glimpse into a very personal experience. I want so badly to convey and convince you the reader that this wasn't a passing fancy. No I am in love with this woman and in no way does that love undercut the love I have for my husband. I can't stress how much I want you to gather from these pages that my marriage was in no danger of falling apart nor were we trying some kinky couples stuff to get out of some perceived sexual rut. No, this beautifully tanned creature before me was the real deal. I had fallen in love with a woman and even as I type these words I am still in a state of disbelief.

  Nicole took a more aggressive lead, which was to be expected given her previous experience with women in the past. I allowed her to lead me to the bed. We didn't immediately get in the bed instead we took our time slowly undressing one another. It was a sensual show for my husband as I heard his breath hitch a few times. With tenderness I slipped the dress over her head careful of the long flowing brown locks flowing down her back. Nicole's nimble fingers undid the buttons on my blouse. Every time a button slipped open I felt the temperature of my body rise. When she let the shirt drop to the floor she placed soft kisses on my shoulder. I groaned as her lips made their way to my neck. My hand instinctively began to massage her breasts still nestled in a lace pink bra. Touching another woman's breasts in this very intimate fashion was the most erotic thing I had done to date. Now I was poised to go much further.

  What I hadn't anticipated was the level of arousal I would feel. My body responded as if she were my husband. I was ready to snatch her underclothes off with a renewed fervor but I let her continue to lead me. Nicole slipped my bra straps down one at a time before undoing the clasps. Once my breasts were fully exposed with her eyes locked on me she cupped each breast allowing her fingers to rub gingerly over my nipples. I cried out just as I heard the zipper on Mark's slacks come down. The thought of him touching himself as he watched dampened my panties. I was beyond ready to have this woman do whatever she was going to do. I reached behind me unzipping my skirt letting it drop to the floor. Nicole unsnapped the front clasp on her bra releasing her perky breasts. I bent my head immediately to take a nipple into my mouth. I am not quite sure were this came from but it was what I wanted to do. Her hands sought purchase in my hair as I continued to gently suck first one then the other nipple. I loved the sound of her voice moaning so close to my ear. My hand encircled her waist as I continued to nibble at her breasts.

  We both stood in barely there panties taking each other in before we lay together on the bed. I appreciated the softness if her skin and the tautness of her dancers abs. I couldn't fathom this creature wanted to make love to me. I thought you got lucky once, which I had with my husband. Now this woman was looking at me with lust filled eyes and I gladly returned her gaze. Nicole ran a hand down my face cupping both my cheeks in her hands as she kissed me tenderly. Our breasts touched, casually brushing across each other generating what I can only describe as the most pleasant lightening experience ever on record. The feel of those sparks would later pale in comparison to what we would generate in a very short time.

  After reading my rough draft of this particular section, Nicole wanted to add something from her perspective. So here is what she was thinking during this time.

  I have been with other women in the past but never like this. Eva is giving her side of what happened, which given this is her novel is appropriate. However she is selling herself a little short on the description. So I will do that for you the reader. When we had our intense stared down I couldn't believe that this lovely creature that stood before me not only wanted me but also wanted me even though she had this amazing husband. The fact they both wanted me is a level of love and excitement that I can't convey in words.

  We were the antithesis of one another. Where I was, too me, small breasted she made up with ample succulent breasts, that drive me crazy in case you were wondering. The contrasting color of her darker colored nipples with the brownness of her skin was breathtaking. I have been a dancer most of my life so I do not have the voluptuous curves she possesses. I am talking about something to really hold on to in the heat of the moment. I enjoyed holding her hips in my hands feeling our pelvises touch on this our first sexual encounter.

  Given how much I danced I was almost all muscle in certain areas but Eva was the perfect combination of muscle and soft delectable skin. I enjoyed spending copious amounts of time exploring these wonderful areas with my mouth and hands. Every opportunity since I first kissed this woman I love running my fingers through her long black hair. The soft texture, for me was a precursor for my adventures a little further south. I want you to understand that she has written a great deal of detail about my perceived beauty, it pales in comparison to Eva. I was about to make love to the total package, brains, beauty, and dripping sexiness. Whew! I'm going to turn the story back to Eva. Is it hot in here now?

  By the time we actually made it on the bed we were both completely naked. Mark quietly moved his seat closer to the bed but remained a neutral party. Nicole was on top of me kissing my mouth as our bodies collided against each other. Eventually her hand drifted south and I nearly screamed as she explored me as only my husband had the last eighteen years. Expertly she moved her fingers around me and inside me. My body quivered with each new sensation. Two thoughts occurred to me, even though she was for sure giving me the business. One, what must my husband be thinking? Two, is this what I am supposed to reciprocate? I peeled my eyes open to catch a glimpse of my husband. My husband was slowly stroking himself but oddly enough his eyes were locked on me, not what Nicole was doing to me. I would later learn that watching my ever changing facial expressions was driving I'm crazy.

  Nicole took the kissing a step further as she traveled the length of my body. I was ready to detonate at any given moment, however I was waiting for what I am not sure. I was definitely waiting and then it happened. I felt her warm tongue touch my most intimate of spots. I recoiled instantly but she was surprisingly strong as she forced my legs open. It was all down hill for me from there. I didn’t need any further directions on how to please my woman. Nicole brought me to a most fantastic orgasm. I gripped the sheets tightly as I let go.
As I think about it right now, you would never know I had never been with a woman. I allowed my tongue to run the length of her body before giving her no-no special place a cursory inspection. I went for it and the sound of Nicole’s keening was enough to spurn this novice into action. The sweet juices emanating from her center was what I craved since the first day that I met this enchanting woman. I could hear Mark’s voice directing me with a stammer. He was so into this and as Nicole found her release we decided it was time for him to join us.

  “Come to us,” I said as I covered Nicole’s lips with mine. We lay entangled with each other as we motioned for Mark to join us. He undressed slowly driving us both crazy. We needed him to touch us immediately. Mark removed the last remnants of his clothes and slid onto the bed placing his hand on my back. I was atop Nicole as we pulled him to join us. We plied him with kisses laced with our comingled juices as he moaned appreciatively. I slithered to one side and Nicole remained on the other side. His head moved feverishly back and forth kissing us both. Our soft hands took possession of his arousal, alternating our now familiar rhythm. Mark’s body lifted several inches off the bed as we took turns stroking him. As if rehearsed, and it most certainly wasn’t, we both lowered to have our way with him. Together we sucked, licked, and teased his hardness as he, I am sure, died and went to heaven. We managed everything between his legs as he begged us to slow down. The look of pure lust permeating our faces indicated we would not be begrudging him this request.

  “I want you to feel my husband inside you,” I demanded. I instructed Nicole to sit down on my husband’s impressive erection. Nicole straddled Mark and my anticipation was greater than his. I wanted another woman, without my violent streak, to confirm what I have known these eighteen years. My husband is a fantastic lay! Nicole mewed as she lowered herself onto Mark. He grabbed at her hips, as her primed body, slid easily down his hardened shaft. Taking a seat in the chair I gave them their moment as Mark had done so kindly for me. Not one surge of jealousy or anger coursed through my body as I watched my husband make love to Nicole. I will say that I wanted so badly to join them but I knew we had to each have our uninterrupted turn. It was some kind of kinky confirmation that this was really real. Watching them switch positions had me practically dripping wet. Mark lavished copious amounts of attention on her body. It occurred to me that this was how he made love to me. He truly loved Nicole, as he loved me. The smile spreading across my face was laced with love and happiness.


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