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And Then There Were Three

Page 7

by Renee Lindemann

  “Oh God Mark!” Nicole moaned as her legs shook with her climax. Mark pulled out of Nicole and motioned for me to join them once more. When I took my position next to them they both dipped their heads between my quivering thighs. I cannot and will never be able to describe the sensations I was feeling at that very moment. Nicole took to kissing my mouth as Mark slid effortlessly into me. Holding out for as long as he could Mark let the omnipresent orgasm release inside me as I clenched around him screaming his name. Three bodies on Nicole’s bed intertwined and kissed before finally sleeping peaceably.

  Time was truly relative as Nicole woke to Mark and I making love. At some point in the night as I lay on my side Mark slipped inside of me. Tenderly he kissed the back of my neck as he moved in and out of me. I lifted my leg slightly to give him more purchase as he increased his speed slightly. Our soft moaning awoke Nicole who took the before mentioned seat and watched. Mark gripped my breast as he pushed deep inside me. I placed my hand on his muscular thigh encouraging him to move faster. Our lips found each other as he brought my body to pure ecstasy. Applying his weight to my body forced me to my stomach as he continued to move inside me. I grabbed the pillow as he plowed into me before pulling me to my knees. With my ass high in the air he kept up his assault. When Mark was ready for round two he was ready to go all night. I looked over to Nicole who was touching herself as she watched Mark pound relentlessly into me.

  “Get over here and get some,” Mark commanded. Nicole rushed to the bed as Mark dragged her down. Mark and I took turns tasting her as she practically begged for mercy. Uh-huh it’s that intense!

  “Get on your knees,” Mark commanded once more. Nicole did as she was told and I knew where this was headed. Mark pound into Nicole but with a little less effort than he bestowed on me, unsure whether her demure frame could handle the assault.

  “Fuck me Mark,” she bellowed, much to our joined surprise.

  “You heard our woman, fuck her Mark,” I instigated. Slipping off the bed I went into Nicole’s bathroom to run a bubble bath. I knew that Mark was going to want to come after he had thoroughly given us both the business. The sound of Nicole and Mark’s moaning, as their flesh slapped against each other was so fucking hot. I finally separated my two lovers and we reconnected beneath the bubbles. Nicole took her place on Mark’s lap and began to ride him slowly. Mark and I kissed as Nicole’s free hand massaged my special spot. Mark pinched and pulled on my erect nipples as we neared our climax. Mark released his hold on me to grip Nicole’s hips as he spilled into her for the first time. I stood in front of Nicole as she licked my spot into absolute submission. The three of us sat under the bubbles completely sated.

  “That was fucking amazing,” I responded first. The other two shook their head in unison. With that admission the conversational floodgates opened and we talked about the lovemaking. We had a pretty good idea of what we liked and what we wanted. Once that business was settled we washed, with casual conversation as we changed the destroyed sheets on Nicole’s bed. Eventually we settled down for sleep. The children were at their grandparent’s house for the weekend. We planned to use this time to make sure that we were not only sexually compatible but that we wanted to make this official on some level. Mark and I were struggling with introducing Nicole to our other children and slowly incorporating her new role in our life. The thought of seeing her a few times a week neither appealed to us nor would sate our appetite to be around this woman. After tonight we would want more, not just sex, but as our equal partner.

  Early the next morning Nicole and I were in her small kitchen making breakfast. If I am being honest we were making out more than we were making breakfast. Mark leaned against the wall enjoying the visual of his two women making out in the kitchen.

  “Good morning beautifuls,” Mark said smiling broadly. I have it on good authority from my husband that what happened the previous night was much more than sex. It confirmed his feelings for Nicole without interrupting the long-standing feelings he had for me. Nicole and I were practically beaming with lust as we both invited him to join us. Mark provided us with individual kisses and then simultaneously caressed our cheeks.

  “I love you both,” he retorted easily.

  “We love you too husband,” we responded unanimously. Breakfast reconvened as we talked about our day. The kids were in need of some specific clothes for school so we decided to do some shopping after getting dressed.

  It was hard inside the expansive mall to not hold hands with both my loves. I would hold Mark’s hand for a while and then hold Nicole’s hand. Sometimes they would hold hands while I perused a rack of clothes. Nicole and I decided to make Mark watch our fashion show as we tried on different outfits in a boutique. Mark was in heaven when we tried on leather dresses. Nicole selected a white leather sleeveless dress with a black front leather panel over her breasts. The short length of the dress accentuated her long dancer’s legs. I walked out of the dressing room with the contrasting leather dress. The black long sleeve leather dress hugged my curvaceous figure with a white panel revealing my ample cleavage.

  “Sold,” Mark exclaimed pulling out his wallet. We both giggled as the saleswoman looked at us trying to figure out our situation. In the end she shrugged it off this looked like a three-figure commission. We settled on the leather dresses, two pair of shoes, and several other outfits courtesy of my husband. It was funny when men would try to hit on us how Mark proudly claimed us both. A few men shook his hand or shook their heads in disgust, more at his greed than the situation. Mark was not comfortably stepping into his role as pimp either, if that’s what you were thinking. These were the only ladies he had ever loved in his life and he wanted men to know they were both off limits.

  “Excuse me you are Nicole right?” A tall attractive man asked Nicole while she searched for dancing gear. Mark and I were in another store nearby getting the kids clothes.

  “Um yes. Who are you?” Nicole asked looking around nervously.

  “My daughter Danielle is in your dance class. I am her father Marcel,” he replied extending his hand. Marcel dropped his daughter off a few times, taking in the lovely Nicole but usually he was in such a rush he never had time to make proper introductions.

  “Oh Mr. Hunter, so nice to see you.” Nicole shook his hand remembering the busy father.

  “I was looking for the blue leotard for Danielle that you requested for the next performance.” Nicole held up her hand to indicate she had purchased several of those very leotards. Nicole pointed out where the leotards were located in the store before making her way to the stocking section. Once she made her final selections she took her place in the short line. Mr. Hunter was behind her with the blue leotard and dancing tights.

  “I hope this isn’t too forward of me Miss Nicole, but I was wondering if you would have dinner with me sometime?” Marcel asked his voice a bit shakier than normal. Since his divorce he had no problem asking and receiving dates with women. Nicole gave him a pleasant smile before indicating she did not think that would be a good idea.

  “I am very flattered Mr. Hunter but I am currently seeing someone,” Nicole said giving him a bright but direct smile. Nicole has since relayed that had he made a move on her before I walked into her studio, she would have gladly taken his invitation. Mark and I watched this exchange and together we wondered if we were holding her back from finding her happily ever after. Neither of us made a move to go inside the store, as we both felt bad for loving her so much and wanting her to ourselves. When she exited the store we both plastered fake smiles on our faces.

  After scoring the things the kids requested we walked around the mall before hitting the food court for lunch.

  “Alright you two what is going on?” Nicole asked lifting a fork of lettuce to her mouth. Mark and I both shrugged like children not wanting to admit the source of our discontent.

  “We do not want to stop you from finding something uh normal,” Mark managed to speak before I was able.

What do you mean? This is what I want. I want both of you.” Nicole smiled giving both our hands a reassuring pat.

  “We want this too but we saw the obvious attraction between you and Danielle’s father. We do not want to begrudge you a chance to find a man or a woman for that matter.” I said those words and did not mean those words at all. Jealousy coursed through my veins at the very thought and I fought to shake off the green tinge.

  “He is attractive but after last night if you two think that I could find that elsewhere you are both sorely mistaken. I want you Eva. I want you Mark.” Nicole said with an icy edge to her voice that meant the matter was closed. Mark and I shared a quick look and went back to our food. The matter was closed. We were free to thwart any incoming romantic interests. I cheered in my mind and the very thought brought a less green color to my face. Polyamory was our new way of life.

  Later on that night we went out to dinner and dancing. We refrained from any intensive lovemaking after the shopping trip. We were all severely sleep deprived. Nicole and I put on our new leather dresses. Nicole rocked black high-heeled shoes and I rocked the white high-heeled shoes. We both pulled our hair into neat long ponytails. Mark insisted we pose for several pictures to keep on his cell phone. Nicole and I goofily posed for our impromptu photo shoot taking some sexy and silly pictures. Mark chose the picture where we had our arms around each other’s waist looking directly at him as his screensaver. In a black and white Polo shirt and black jeans with his signature Kenneth Cole loafers, Mark was looking delectable. Nicole and I knew we would be beating the ladies off our man tonight.

  The looks were a most entertaining aspect of our evening. During dinner we ordered three different entrees and wasted no time, sharing our individual entrees amongst each other. Restaurant patrons were busy trying to figure out our relationship dynamic. I figured we might as well get used to it, because we were bad at pretending not to be in love. It was infectious the feelings of love we generated as we fell into easy conversation.

  “Try not to hurt us too bad on the dance floor,” I implored as Mark helped us both into our light jackets.

  “Oh I am not buying that. You seem to have forgotten that I have dance with Mark. I know for a fact he can move on the dance floor. And if the bedroom is any indication, I am sure you will keep up just fine Eva,” she said giving me a knowing wink.

  “We have taken a few dance lessons over the years Nicole. Don’t buy this phony baloney act from Eva. We can cut a rug,” Mark said as I try to shush him. Laughing we waited at the valet for Mark’s truck to be brought around. Standing there Mark snaked a hand around my waist and then Nicole. We stood waiting as the remaining valet’s took in the scene. When the truck arrived Mark opened the passenger front and back door for us both. He quickly tipped the valet who expressed, “Some men have all the luck.” Mark did his best to stifle his laugh as he slid behind the wheel.

  Inside the small nightclub frequented by urban professionals Mark took us to the dance floor immediately. Together we gyrated and danced on Mark as he worked his smooth moves on us. A few people took notice but no one said anything untoward. At the bar we managed to wrangle three seats at the end. Mark sat in the middle initially with Nicole and I both placing a protective hand on his thigh. I loved the feel of this thigh muscles tensing as we both touched him.

  “Behave ladies,” he instructed as we feigned innocence. The female bartender dressed in a barely there shorts and tight t-shirt noticed Mark immediately. When she blocked Nicole and I out of existence both our hands moved up his thigh. Mark quickly straightened as he included us in the drink conversation. His eyes implored us to stop the travel to his groin area. We placed our drink order as the female bartender made a big show of mixing our drinks. Nicole and I both exchanged glances before sliding off our seats.

  “We are going to dance. You have an audience,” I cooed to my husband, who watched our retreating backs. Upon seeing our departure the female bartender went into overdrive trying to get Mark’s attention. Unfortunately for her, Nicole and I took to the dance floor grinding and gyrating against each other as the music blared. We had no problem rocking our pelvises in unison as Mark’s mouth dropped to the floor. Several times guys tried to interrupt our dancing adding their own moves. We would usually move around them reuniting together holding hands.

  “That will be forty-two fifty,” the irritated female bartender barked to Mark. The three drinks were sitting beautifully in front of our barstool when we returned.

  “I can see you two got this.” The female bartender retorted with a wink taking someone else’s drink order. To say we danced the night away would be an understatement. Mark moved with each of us to various songs before we moved as a threesome.

  “Um mark, is that you man?” A slightly overweight but still attractive man inquired. Nicole and I were sitting next to each other at the end of the bar and turned to face Mark who was standing. Mark had a hand on each of our knees as we talked. When Mark turned to face the man I recognized him as Jovan, a man that worked in an old architecture firm. Mark immediately took his hand off Nicole’s leg but she did not scoff at this.

  “Hey Jovan, how are you,” Mark said as the two men embraced quickly retreating.

  “I am good man. How are you?” Jovan said taking in first Nicole and then me.

  “You remember my wife Eva?” I get off the stool trying to maintain my modesty as I do. I extend my hand, “Hello Jovan. Nice to see you again.”

  Jovan shook my hand as two of his friends joined him at the end of the bar. Both men immediately went from me to Nicole.

  “Nice to see you too. You look very lovely tonight and so does your friend.” Jovan said nervously as he took in Nicole’s long legs. I could see Mark’s nostrils flare immediately and I placed a hand on his bicep to indicate he should rein it in.

  “This is our friend Nicole,” I offered as the three men shook her hand.

  “This is Damon and Raphael,” Jovan introduced as they shook my hand next.

  “Nice to meet you all,” Nicole said demurely. That dazzling smile was their undoing.

  “Uh Nicole would you like to dance?” Damon asked nervously as Raphael looked defeated he had been beaten to the punch. Nicole looked to me and then to Mark before accepting his hand. Raphael and Jovan watched Nicole and Damon hit the dance floor. Gone were the sensual moves replaced with standard dancing. Mark’s body calmed as he took in the scene enough to begin a conversation with Jovan. They talked about work while I sipped my drink. Raphael finally asked if I wanted to dance and we were off to the dance floor. Upon seeing me on the dance floor Nicole’s moves changed considerably. Raphael and Damon had no idea what was happening as Mark and Jovan watched the dancing, effectively ending the conversation. While the two men thought we were dancing with them, we were in fact dancing with each other. With both men behind us moving to the music, Nicole and I held hands moving closer together. Eventually both men realized we were totally into our fancy moves. They stood aside watching as we twirled each other around. I slipped my hand around Nicole’s waist bringing her closer. She took my hand spinning me around so that my back was to her front and we moved. Both men looked as if they were directing and starring in a very pornographic movie that included the two of us.

  “What the hell did I miss Mark? That is your wife right?” Jovan stuttered as he felt his crotch harden.

  “Yes that’s my wife and our girlfriend,” Mark said nonchalantly. He turned to order more drinks from the female bartender who took one look at us and smiled. Yeah we had this! As we walked from the dance floor with the two men we noticed that our little dance number was being viewed by most of the men in the room.

  “You have got to be shitting me. I didn’t know you got down like that.”

  “We don’t she is the first and the last. I love those two ladies right there.” Mark took a sip of his drink as we approached.

  “That was the hottest thing I have ever seen with two women fully clothed,” Damon sai
d still unaware that he had zero chances with Nicole. Mark snaked an arm around Nicole’s waist as I took my place by his side. The dawn of recognition was slow for the two friends. Jovan downed his shot of liquor and immediately asked for a refill. Mark had always been this married hardworking square, not the pimp he looked like right now. Sipping the next shot threw the straw Jovan turned to us, “So you three are um together? And Eva you are okay with this?”

  I nod my head vigorously. “Jovan I met Nicole first, never been attracted to women, still not actually, only her.”

  “Wait, what the hell!” Damon exclaimed as his brain caught up on current events. “You three are together. Isn’t this your wife man? That’s not shit you do with your wife. Or is it?” The look of confusion permeated his features as he tried to comprehend what was happening. Raphael immediately began to scout out other potential ladies to dance with. This was a done deal in his mind.

  “I love them,” Nicole chimed in looking at Damon. “I would never come between their marriage but I can’t help that I love them both.”

  “Y’all never seen that movie Trois, this almost never works out.” Damon insisted as Jovan just took in our differences.

  “I get it man you have two very perfect ladies. Play on player damn.” Jovan exclaimed finishing his second drink.

  “That was a movie, we are all educated and well aware of what we are doing,” Mark answered Damon’s query.

  “Tag a brother in if you ever need some help uh managing,” Jovan joked but not really. I could see he meant it if it was possible. There was no way in hell Mark would ever let, even a perceived friend, touch either of us sexually.


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