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Time After Time

Page 3

by Melody Foster

  “I don’t get it, Cadence. Where are you coming from with all of these weird ideas? Shouldn’t you be hurrying up and finally getting the man of your dreams? I saw him anxiously waiting for that moment. Rom is such a great man for you. I feel that he will love you forever. The way he cares about you, talks about your future together, and the dozens of kids he wishes for, always gives me a shiver…”

  “I know what I am talking about, Becca. Just to give you a heads up, one of the Rom’s cousins, handsome and single, is looking for you already.” She gave Becca a dreamy-eyed look and sighed seductively. What a talent the stage had lost!

  “How on earth do you know that?” asked Becca.

  “I just put the two and two together! My brother, who just left a moment before you came in, told me that some guy—Austin, I believe his name was—is looking for you. And what I know about that man from Rom spells h-o-t a-d-v-e-n-t-u-r-e,” she almost hissed into Becca’s ear. “You are way overdue for that, Becca!”

  Cadence started to babble like the thirteen-year-old, Becca used to know and adore. They’d spent countless nights together talking about boys. Cadence was always falling in and out of love in her teens. Becca had never thought to admit this to anyone, not even to Cadence, whom she treated like her little sister and closest friend.

  She found herself saying in a spur of a moment, “You don’t know about Austin Stevens. I do. He is not a very good idea for me. It will never work. I never wanted you to know this but I see no escape right now. We were in love once, at least I was. He left without a trace seven years ago. It’s a long story. But, it is just a story from the past.”

  Cadence put her hands firmly on Becca’s shoulders and turned her around where she could face the floor-to-ceiling mirrored wall. Cadence looked as serious as she could be in her wedding dress. Becca had never seen a more a determined look on her friend’s face.

  “You are beautiful, smart, and fun to be around. Go and use it today. I want you to—very, very much…” Cadence gently pushed her forward, “And do not forget to thank me for it tomorrow!”

  “I am afraid I won’t see you tomorrow, after Rom locks you in that bridal room he bragged about. He asked me to put a lot of silk ribbons on the bed posts, as a decoration,” Becca said with a wicked smile. “I love you, my baby girl!” she added softly patting Cadence’s cheeks with motherly warmth.

  It occurred to Becca, that Cadence was thinking about her well-being at a time when she was perfectly justified in being selfish and completely absorbed with her own emotions and feelings. And even though she could still feel the heat all over her after sharing her deep secret with Cadence, she told herself it was the right thing to do. She could trust anything to this girl. Cadence was a truly unselfish friend, the kind of friend others would envy. Becca felt blessed and empowered by her friend’s tender presence. Wasn’t she the one who was supposed to take care of Cadence today? If there was one thing Cadence needed to know about Rebecca Lawson, it was that she never lied to anyone—including herself.

  Wasn’t she the one who’d promised Roman to keep his half-brother at a distance, without even knowing the true reasons behind such a request? Becca’s heart stuttered in her chest at the thought of just how unrealistic her promise had been. How could she possibly do it? What was she going to say to Austin? And how stupid would she look after rushing away from him this morning?

  Of course she wasn’t ready to face him today. Would she ever be ready? She tried to convince herself that she was totally unconcerned about what he would think of her. Besides, she would do anything for Roman’s sake. She would not be shaken by this totally secret revelation of the blood connection between the two men! She could always think about that later. The shocking truth was not going to go anywhere now.

  She joined the group of bridesmaids, chatting and laughing on the veranda filled with tropical flowers and candles for tonight.

  She was hoping that, somehow, she would come up with a plan. She must. It wasn’t a choice. If only she knew how to think straight!


  Austin stopped just in front of his hundred-and-fifty-foot luxury yacht moored not far away from the villa. Deep in thought, he had not realized where he was heading. He could hardly believe that he was actually here on this island, at his brother’s wedding, looking like a lonely wolf, running away from his own life, filling his time with mindless activities just to kill the loneliness. He was not an orphan after all.. He’d had the satisfaction of knowing his father before the man died.

  Austin was not poor anymore either—far from it. The hard evidence was shining at the marina in front of him. That baby had cost a fortune and it took another one to maintain it.

  Austin heard the distinct sound of a gong coming from Villa Grande. He presumed that was to let the estate guests know that the wedding ceremony was about to start. Without setting foot on his yacht, he turned around and rushed back to the villa.

  He hadn’t met Rebecca face to face just yet. He sure hoped she remembered him.

  What the hell was she doing here, housekeeping at Roman’s villa?

  Housekeeping, even Villa Grande keeping, was not something he would imagine Rebecca doing. How long had they dated back then? Three weeks! It seemed like ages. Obviously, it hadn’t been long enough to learn about the person, her interests, and aspirations—especially with all those hormones rushing through their systems. They could kiss forever, feeling euphoric and drugged. That was the only time in his life when he held someone’s hands with passion, dizzy from the sensation of her skin on his. Unfortunately for him, Austin had never believed in being ‘in love’. Not until now, at least...

  How on earth could she be the best friend of a bride? Austin tried to twist his brain into solving that question. He couldn’t come up with anything better than: It was one goddamn coincidence!

  Entering the commotion of the wedding, Austin did not feel particularly welcomed by his father’s family. But he would not pity himself. Those “poor me” feelings were reserved for wimps, not for level-headed, tough men like him. At twenty-seven, Austin Stevens was long past that stage.

  Roman’s mother, Lidia Blackstone, on other hand, was something else. The woman seemed to like him a lot. She sincerely flattered him once, telling that his impressive muscular figure made her feel so feminine and young next to him. She was a very good looking forty-two-year-old woman. One could attribute her looks to her polished manners, or to a perfect outfit and grooming. But she also had her share of feminine beauty. If he had met her somewhere else, she would definitely have caught his sharp, experienced eye. Austin had to admit, she was out of his league, though, if he wanted to build any semblance of good relationship with his half-brother. Lidia was attractive and it wasn’t illegal to fantasize, was it?

  That was not the only reason he’d accepted the invitation from Lidia. He had his own agenda for coming to this island. He was sitting on a big chunk of money in his Cayman Island bank account. He was looking for the opportunity to invest in some tropical paradise real estate venture.

  Austin always welcomed the opportunity to combine pleasure with business. In fact, he was convinced that this was the only way to enjoy work and to succeed.

  Austin caught sight of Roman, surrounded by his groomsmen. They were trying their best to lighten up the moment. If it had been up to him, he’d have been walking in the opposite direction right now. He had nothing against Roman. He’d welcome the opportunity to get to know him better. But Roman seemed set on hating him and he wasn’t shy about expressing it openly. Austin did not want any unwelcome scene right now. He did not hate his half-brother. There were no real reasons to. But he did not like him very much either.

  “Guests of the groom’s family sit on the right, Austin,” Lidia’s hand touching his elbow jolted him out of his thoughts. He was standing behind the crowd on the left side of the endless rows of chairs, unsure if he wanted to be seated or continue to be invisible.

  “Would you like to join me?” S
he was cheerful and friendly.

  “Thanks, Lidia. This is the first wedding I’ve ever attended.” He was not joking. Austin hated organized, formal events. He longed for a nice ratty party right now, with a lot of booze and easy women.

  Holly shiiiiit!

  His heart stopped cold. His feet became a bit unsteady when his eyes met Becca’s burning gaze for the first time in YEARS. It felt so much like her. He was pushed and carried along by an force beyond his control.

  Damn it! She is even more alluring and sexy in her late twenties than she was in her teens! And her dress is killing me. It should be illegal to wear anything in public but drab on such a gorgeous body.

  Austin stepped out from behind the crowd just as the wedding march started up. Everyone cheered, charmed by the cute little girls tossing white and purple petals into the air while skipping down the aisle ahead of the bride.

  He finally could take a good, unobstructed look at Rebecca Lawson without being watched. The woman in front of his eyes was absolutely stunning! Austin had to blink a few times to make sure his vision had not betrayed him. His body was quickly following his mind. Precisely, going insane and hardening all his muscles at once. He was ready to spring and drag her away, somewhere far from this place, where the two of them could be alone. He practically felt the sensation of her smooth soft skin on his palms, on his lips. Her sensual mouth was so inviting, exactly the same as the last time he had kissed it. How was he going to make it through the wedding—especially now, when all of his self-control was evaporating much faster than he expected?

  Unlike him, Rebecca seemed calm and confident, nothing like the emotional mess he was. Did she really hate him the way she appeared to? Austin was about to find out very soon.


  Just as Becca had expected, everybody was gathered in the courtyard of Villa Grande for this big day. Her eyes were scanning the place frantically, searching for Austin.

  “Becca?” Lidia walked toward her looking surprised. “I thought you would be with Cadence right now! Are you sure she can manage without you?” Lidia’s huge blue eyes were blinking with fake disbelief.

  This woman will never relax! And she does not really like me.

  But it was understandable. Roman was her only child. And Becca was a very attractive young woman. That usually spells danger for mothers. Lidia and Roman were very close—especially after Roman’s father had passed away. Lidia still treated her son as if he were a little boy, never giving him enough room. Roman was very open about his relationship with his mother. Becca was fond of him for trusting her. He was upset with Lidia for inviting Austin here to his wedding. But, he knew she meant no harm to anyone by doing this.

  Who knew that the guy she called her friend and whom she worked for would have Austin Stevens as an unwanted guest and an unexpected half-brother! What a crazy twist of fortune—about as realistic as a TV soap opera.

  Becca finally came back to her senses and gave Lidia much-needed reassurance that everything was under control and going according to the plan—Lidia’s plan, nevertheless.

  “Craig wanted to take some time with Cadence before they start walking down the aisle. You know, he is the only close family she has…until after the ceremony!”

  And I need to find Austin to keep your son content! Becca added silently.

  Becca always loved big weddings. A while ago, she had stopped dreaming about her own. This wedding was so close to her heart. She could not help but get drawn into Roman and Cadence’s life and watch their romance unfold.

  Of course, Villa Grande was the most glorious wedding venue she’d ever seen. And she’d experienced a lot of weddings during her years of running ‘Amorous Tours’ – a wedding destinations company. It was hard not to fall in love with this place. Love and romance were literally in the air. The love between Roman and Cadence was blossoming with the speed of tropical flowers. One day you saw the buds. The next day, they were in full bloom, breathtakingly beautiful.

  Rom’s best friend, Joe Snowden, was doing a very fine job officiating the wedding. He was a successful lawyer on a quickly rising career path. Giving speeches for him seemed as natural as breathing. Joe looked like he was enjoying himself. His voice was steady. His face looked calm but happy. He was not showing any signs of the nervousness many people would in his role.

  Joe’s increasing attention to Becca from his arrival on the island was obvious. He was attractive in a very traditional way. Tall, a little bit too big for her liking. A few years older than she was. Joe was on the way to becoming a partner in a very successful law firm. He exuded stability, comfort, and safety. Just the things Becca would like to have in her life. She also wished that her man would love children. She had a soft spot for a man who loved little kids. It was her litmus test for the quality of a potential husband. She knew that Roman was crazy about children. He and Cadence planned on having at least three.

  What it would feel like to have a man like Joe Snowden in her life? Becca wondered.

  But presence of Austin in the crowd in front of her made her heart beat a little faster. What if that man was Austin Stevens? She found herself caught in this romantic moment, longing for love, for affection from the imaginary man she could maybe, just maybe, also call a husband.

  Unrealistic, she nudged herself.

  Joe’s huge friendly smile spread across his face when his eyes met Becca’s. Standing with the bride as her maid of honor, Becca felt the entire universe stopped spinning just to listen to this perfect proclamation of love: “I pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor, as I join my life to yours.” Her heart tightened and a tear slipped down her cheek. Cadence and Rom were exchanging the rings amid silent anticipation from the guests. The moment Joe pronounced them husband and wife, the crowd broke into excited cheering and laughter, watching them kiss like they had never kissed before.


  Austin was paying little attention to the actual wedding. He could not take his eyes off Becca, standing next to the ridiculously young and beautiful bride.

  Roman has a very good taste. But how can he be ready for family life at such young age?

  The tiny pang of jealousy hardened his face. It was ridiculous! He almost pictured himself standing next to Rebecca, holding her delicate hand and looking into those sweet misty eyes he remembered.

  The groom and the bride were exchanging the rings already as Austin stood there struck stupid, imagining unbelievable things. He felt like his heart was expanding, ready to explode under this immense pressure of regret that suddenly engulfed him. Was there an unthinkable connection between today and the last time he had seen Rebecca? Would those eyes, full of hopes and love, haunt him forever, making his life miserable until he did something about it? He knew how big an asshole he looked in her eyes. She would be right to hate him still.

  He also knew that it was better if she loathed him forever, rather than have him return to her life just to ruin it. She might have settled already with some guy like Joe or Craig. He could not help but notice Joe’s hungry eyes on her. The fact was: Austin knew nothing about the Rebecca Lawson of today.

  His mind was telling him to stay away from Rebecca. If that meant using someone as a diversion, he was ready to do it. He would use his very well polished and practiced way of charming one fine willing single woman from the crowd of guests away to his yacht.

  He decided to steer clear of Rebecca, Roman, and Lidia. He’d distance himself from people. That was not a big problem. No one would really notice his absence—unless someone had told Rebecca about him already. That definitely was going to complicate everything!

  Fortunately, the official part of the ceremony was over. With lots of guests roaming around, it was a breeze to get away until the formal dinner and toasts started.

  As he was plotting his escape he noticed Becca walking right towards him. Her steps were brisk and determined. Her long, chocolate-brown hair fell in gentle waves on her firm small cleavage. Austin lapsed into his triple-X-rated day
dream. Just looking at her, he forgot all about his grandiose plans for escaping unnoticed. He imagined how he would cup those delicious little buds in his palms.

  Women should not be allowed to be this hot, Austin thought, clenching his jaws.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he had had such thirst for a woman. Life must be playing some cruel trick on him.

  While he was standing there, losing his last coherent thought, Becca approached him, spreading her arms wide, ready to embrace him.

  “Well, Austin,” she said cheerily, “you haven’t said hello to me, yet.” She pouted coquettishly, pretending to be hurt.

  Her slightly husky voice brought him to reality. Austin’s jaw dropped and he could not pull a word out of his mouth.

  “No hug for an old friend?” Becca’s firm body collided with his and almost made him explode like a nuclear bomb.

  “You?” He expelled the question with the quiet growl.

  He did not have any time to will himself to relax. That damn instant hardness must have been obvious to her in such close proximity to his overheated body. He had an overwhelming urge not to let her go, ever again. Blood pumped through his body furiously. He was at her mercy, utterly and totally speechless.

  To hell with the good manners! He vowed to remain silent.

  Play cool, sucker! he reminded his member.

  Before he even had a chance to say anything, Becca grabbed his hand and pulled him away from all the other guests. Millions of crazy, baseless thoughts careened around in his head.

  Was she willing to take his unspoken desire for her to the next level?

  How was she able to act like she was in total control and he was just a toy in her hands? He had never let the woman dictate the course of events. Not even her. Not even then! But now? She was certainly in control of his cock now!

  Life as I know it is about to end! he thought.


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