Book Read Free

Time After Time

Page 4

by Melody Foster

  “Earth to Austin,” Craig smirked, elbowing him as he passed by them.


  Becca did not even slow down. They kept walking in complete silence until they were in a quiet place at the far end of the veranda along the ocean side of Villa Grande. The view of the ocean and private marina, with various sized boats, was breathtaking. Becca had decided to act as if she had just reconnected with a good friend. But her heart beat so loudly that she was afraid he could hear it.

  She was also well aware of his instant response to her body. But, she regarded it as nothing out of ordinary. She was not going to flatter herself. She was aware that normal men reacted to her touch exactly like that. It was not meaningful to her. It was simply an animalistic male response to any attractive woman.

  Most men are like him anyways! Do not flatter yourself.

  She was doing this crazy act of pretending to be indifferent to Austin for the sake of her friend. She had promised Roman to keep his half-brother out of his sight. They would simply catch up on their lives and move on. That was her cool plan. That would keep Austin distracted and away from the unfolding wedding for a while. And that was exactly what Roman needed…

  But there was another reason for her to leave after the formal part was over. She simply wanted to get away from Joe, who had some ridiculous assumption about her. He was making bold, pushy moves with a lightning speed.

  Who would appreciate that? She felt like if someone had told him how easy and fast she was. Liars!

  Assume whatever you want, bastards! She had no intention of explaining herself. So she had simply left...with Austin.

  He looked down at her. She was still gripping his hand, as if she were holding on to it for dear life.

  “You haven’t changed at all! Trying to be in full control…” His words had a sexy undertone as if they were implying something else aside from fact she was instinctively squeezing his hand.

  Becca slowly let go of him. Did he want to remind her of the night she had played a dominant with him? That had been merely a childish experiment… As her hand untangled from his, her fingers curled into a tight fists.

  “But oh, God, Rebecca, you’ve also become the most beautiful, elegant and sophisticated woman I’ve ever seen!” Austin finally regained his composure and spoke as if he had just become aware of the need to temper his awe. He compensated for it with this boldness.

  “Good,” she said. “Then you can see that I am not a silly, little girl anymore.” Her crisp sharp words were supposed to act as a shield. But despite the intention, they were sounding like an accumulation of years of hurt. Her eyes shot daggers in his direction.

  “You never were a little girl to me, Rebecca. I always remember you as a beautiful woman.”

  Her eyes went wide open, glistering with a look of betrayal. She was no longer able to fight her true feelings. Becca lifted her chin slightly and turned her face away from him, unable to look directly into his eyes that were burning into hers. She hated herself for this weakness. She hated him for seeing it. She felt all wounded and was trying to mask it. Her anger quickly evaporated as he gently smoothed her overheated cheek with his thumb and trailed it down to the corner of her mouth. She frowned at him.

  Then she turned toward the ocean gazing over the horizon, where the water met with the sky. Weren’t their lives just like that? No matter how close to each other they were, they never actually connected. Her initial intention to be cool and friendly had failed her miserably. Instead, she was weak and melting under his soft caress. She was infuriated with herself for being so needy around him. That must had been the effect of the so well-guarded memories he evoked. His smoldering good looks and his sultry deep voice saying those words had penetrated deep into every cell of her body.

  If she ever was going to get him out of her system, she had to stop this right now. The moment she felt his touch leaving her face, she crossed her arms in front of her.

  “Listen, Austin, this was a big surprise to find you here. I have no idea why or how you ended up being here, but I am pretty sure you are not one of the most welcomed guests. I would really appreciate if you’d just leave before the wedding speeches are over.” Austin’s eyes went wide with surprise. She felt as if she just physically slapped his face.

  That did not sound like a polite way to show anyone to the door. However, Becca could not allow herself to melt again. She needed him to leave, and she wanted him to take the shortest road to the exit. She did not care if it offended him. Today was her best friend’s wedding and she wanted to be next to Cadence—as soon as she was done with this awkward situation.

  Austin pinned her with the look so sharp it almost hurt. “You have no idea why I am here, Rebecca, do you? I was surprised to find you in this place too! It is not something that’s very easy for me to explain, but you should know at least that Roman is the only family I have left. He is my half-brother and I am here to do something right in my life for once, Rebecca.”

  Now it was Becca’s turn to be genuinely confused. Roman said he hated him. But, Austin was saying that he intended to do something right. Of all the people in the world why did Austin Stevens and Roman Blackstone have to be half-brothers?

  “I am thrilled to find you here, Rebecca. And I don’t want to lose you again. Not now. If you want me to leave because you do not want me here, I will understand. But something tells me that’s not true. Something is not right.” He placed his hand on her shoulder, “Tell me. Do you want me to leave?”

  She was silent for a long moment. “You and Rom?” she whispered.

  “Yes,” Austin confirmed. “We had the same father. Did you have a chance to know him? Because I did not. I only met him during his last days in a hospital. As much as I hated to get to know him at first, it turned out that he was a decent man. I want to know my brother better, Becca. I always wanted to have a brother! And I want to make it right. I want him to give me a fair chance.”

  Becca felt that Austin was deeply hurt, vulnerable even. The words hit her like a hurricane. This changed everything! One moment she’d been trying to push this man away. She thought she still loved him. He’d hurt her beyond repair. The next moment, she wanted to keep him in her arms and understand him, protect him, and help him with his own pain. That was too bizarre to comprehend!

  “You’re right, Rebecca,” he agreed. “I should probably leave now. There is no point in making Roman and his young wife uncomfortable with my presence. He almost showed me to the door when I arrived this morning. So, yes, I know how he feels about me. I thought he would be more willing to get to know me—especially at this happy moment. I was wrong. The only time we saw each other was at our father’s funeral. It did not go smoothly, as you can imagine.” Austin swallowed heavily. His voice became more coarse and dry.

  Becca realized that those words were not really meant for her to hear.

  “But I cannot promise you to disappear from your life this time,” Austin continued gaining control of his raw emotions. His eyes were exploring Becca’s full breasts exposed by the deep cut of her cocktail dress. It was almost more than she could stand.

  He winked at her, trying to make the moment less heavy. He was genuinely sad and sincerely open with her, as if she was only one in the world who could understand him without judging. Trusting her with his pain without any reservation, willing to remove the fake mask of the strong man was so different and revealing to Becca.

  Dare she hope something might come of this relationship?


  Austin was frustrated and angry with himself for responding so readily to Rebecca’s sweet curves, for wanting her so much.

  Holy hell! She was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman! She was sexy, yes, but not a hint of slutty. She wasn’t that young and innocent anymore. She had her own life and there was no way she could be single.

  He could not blame himself for running from her then. But, damn it! There was no other man who was good enough for her, either. His mind was racing
. He could not stop himself from creating shockingly sensual pictures of her. She did not seem attuned to him as well as he imagined when her hot body met his hard-on in their embrace.

  Why did she have to look so sexy, so different from the sweet girl he remembered?

  Austin did not want anything to be screwed up today. After all, it was his brother’s wedding. He had never seen himself in the role of older brother. He never expected this to happen—especially now, when he was almost thirty years old. Some sense of responsibility, some kind of internal longing to be a decent person overcame him. This wedding had become more meaningful to him than he ever thought it would be. And the heart wrenching remark Rebecca made, calling herself a silly girl with a pathetic crash on him? That didn’t sound right. They were both part of what happened. He was the big asshole part and she was the innocent and sweet eighteen-year-old, foolishly believing that she could fix him, that she could love and trust him with her feelings. If only she had known better. If only she had been able to see his darkest side, she would never have fallen for him—not even close!

  But now, now was a different game. She was a mature and utterly sensual woman. She was the kind of independent woman he wanted to conquer. This woman knew much more clearly what was good for her. So he hoped.

  “Do you want me to walk you back? The speeches are probably about to start and you need to be there, I would guess.”

  “Okay, you are right. It wouldn’t be fair to Cadence if her maid of honor did not show up,” Becca said, looking a bit concerned.

  “Do you have a place to stay, Austin? We can meet after dinner. I realize now how much I’ve missed you. I don’t want you to think otherwise. It wouldn’t be true.” She gave him a friendly smile that almost melted his heart. He was a sucker for this girl.

  I’m a dead man now, he thought.

  “I have a place I call my home. I brought it with me, so I never feel homesick,” he told her. “I used her to sail here to the island. She is right there.” He pointed to the blindingly white yacht, peacefully rocking at the deep far end of the marina. The yacht was very impressive. It stood out among the other boats moored at the docks.

  “Oh! It is so beautiful! And so big! I can imagine how much fun it must have been for you to be on the water. I love the ocean very much too!” She gasped with delight and almost giggled like the little girl he used to know.

  “Having you on it would be the most fun I’d ever had,” he admitted. “So? Deal? I can show you the biggest, brightest stars in the sky if you join me after the reception, Rebecca. Please come. I promise to be on my best behaviour.” He look at her suggestively as if he was teasing her, promising her they’d spend a harmless, friendly night together on his yacht.

  Austin could not believe this turn of events. The whole day felt as if he was on an amusement park ride. He’d gone from chills to thrills, all in one place and it was all happening so fast!


  Becca was not sure if she wanted Austin back in her life. It was not like she’d been just sitting and waiting for him to magically reappear all this time. Rebecca had been in a few short-term relationships after Austin. One was a fling with her dentist. She was not proud of that. He told her he was getting a divorce from his wife but it turned out that she was simply out of town. It ended quickly and without any regrets. The last one was purely her choice. The man was clearly a one-night stand.

  She still hoped to find her Prince Charming one day. When she was alone, wondering about where her life was heading, she always used Austin as a measuring stick for her ideal man. In her dreams, yes, she could not deny that she was longing for him.

  She was not obsessed with Austin. But, she allowed herself to cherish these happy memories of him.

  In truth, Becca had not tried to move on after Austin had suddenly left her without any explanation. He had never given her any promises. But she had thought they had something…

  “Hard times only make you stronger,” her father used to tell her when she was a child. “They teach you to appreciate all good times you are going to have.” She learned that lesson very well. That’s why it wasn’t hard for her to switch from a sad to a happy mood.

  The reception was going so well. Everybody seemed caught up in this romantic moment. She could hear some sniffles from the groom’s mother and others.

  Becca reached for the microphone when it was her turn to give the maid of honor speech. All the guests instantly stopped talking and directed their undivided attention to her. She turned to face Cadence and Rom:

  “This is a big day for you, my dear friends! I’m not sure everyone here would have wanted to marry at age of twenty.” As the crowd smiled at her keen observation, she continued, “But for someone who is no longer with us, age would not have mattered at all.” Her voice broke slightly and she tried hard to keep the fact that her eyes were filling with tears from the audience.

  “Cadence and Rom, today when I looked at you as you were saying your vows, I came to realization, that it does not matter at all how old are you. I am sure that your fathers are here with us today …if only in our hearts. How happy they would be to see the two of you together.” Holding her hand over her heart, she paused to look at Lydia seated next to Rom. She was beginning to tear. Becca moved her eyes to focus on Cadence.

  “You look so beautiful together! And Cadence, my little sis, I have never seen you looking more stunning and feeling happier in the almost ten years I’ve known you. As Roman so smartly put it today, ‘To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.’ I think this is an understatement. I see how well he really understands Cadence. Roman knows her like no one else.”

  People chuckled. Some husbands nodded in agreement to their wives.

  “Cadence and I have been best friends for the last ten years, but more than that, we’ve been like the sisters. We love each other like sisters, but we never fight like sisters. She is the one person that makes me feel that telepathy is a real form of communication. She is an amazing friend and a soul mate to me, and I have no doubt that she will be an exceptional wife to you, Roman. Luck for Roman, I am willing to share her.”

  A quick round of applause filled the air along with cheering for Cadence.

  “Roman, I am so happy that you have found each other, that you and Cadence have a love the two of us used to talk about before you’d even met.” Roman gently squeezed his new wife’s hand and pulled her even closer.

  “With all my heart, I wish you the best for your life together. And years from now you will look back on this day, your wedding day, as the day you became a couple for life.” Becca picked up her champagne flute and held it high.

  “Now, can I please invite everybody to stand and raise your glasses in a toast to Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone? And wish them love, laughter, and happily ever after!”

  The image of Austin’s last words replayed in her mind as Becca listened to other heartwarming speeches of friends and relatives. The curve of his jawline, especially as he slowly swallowed, subtly moving his Adam’s apple was driving her insane—especially now when she tried to make a decision about acting upon his invitation for tonight.


  Vibrant and so alive, so damn sweet, he would never be able to forget her. But he should forget her, his conscience told him. But, his heart was pounding with an exciting new ‘ta-da-I-love-you’ rhythm. For the first time in his twenty-seven years, Austin felt an undeniable urge to give this love, to share it with someone special, someone like Rebecca Lawson. Lord! He was amazed to discover that his feelings for her were as alive as ever!

  Deep inside, he was not as virtuous a man as he wanted everybody to think. He’s done things in his life that would make her cringe if she only knew about them. Things in him that would make her hate him. The way he’d treated his mother, when she told him the truth about his father, was cutting into his heart.


  After the speeches and the wedding cake, guests were eager for t
he dancing to start.

  Before anyone could ask her for a dance, Becca rushed to the other side of the table where Lidia was sitting with her close family members. She had gone from being very nervous about delivering her speech to very calm and relaxed, when everything seemed to go perfectly.

  Both women had shared so many hours together in preparation to this big day, so they had grown a bit closer to each other. They felt very proud that they had accomplished everything so successfully. Lidia met Becca with an extra warm hug and kissed her on both cheeks. Becca returned her hug. “You always wanted more children, didn’t you, Lidia? Now you have a set of two! Aren’t they beautiful together?”

  “They are, Becca, sweetheart! You are by far the best wedding planner I have met. Nice work! Thank you so much! This day would not have been as joyful for me without you, girl,” Lidia leaned toward her and added sweetly, “I will be there for your wedding too. Don’t even try to dodge it. I know the perfect guy, and he is head over heels into you.”

  Becca’s heart fluttered as she imagined with absolute clarity, that the GUY, Lidia was talking about was Austin Stevens! Impossible guess! But, somehow, she was sure that’s what Lidia meant.

  “Lidia, there is no such a guy,” she protested. “There is, in fact, no guy at all! You know that.” She tried to sound as unaffected as possible. But the tone of her voice, suddenly caught with a surprising thought.

  “See?” Lidia chortled noticing Becca’s blush. “I am not blind, my dear. I can read some people pre-t-ty well.” she smiled encouragingly, fixing her gaze somewhere behind Becca. “And if I cannot read them, I ask questions and get answers!” Lidia was definitely pushing all Becca’s buttons!

  At that moment, strong manly hands embraced Becca’s petite waist, lifted her off her feet like a porcelain doll, and twirled her around so she was facing the dance floor. Becca stopped breathing for a moment and gasped with delight.

  “Maid of honor, queen of the night, give ME the honor of the first dance with you tonight,” a deep, familiar voice purred in her ear from behind, almost touching her sensitive skin with a slight kiss.


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