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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 10

by Owen Oakley

  “Yes.” He pause uncertainty etched in his handsome features. His pale grey eyes sparkle from the hall’s chandelier. I don’t get to see them, they’re always black as the void when I’m around. “And I was wondering if you’d join me for dinner in my suite if you don’t have any plans,” he quickly adds.

  He seem in a better mood but having a mental struggle whether he wish to extend the invitation. I don’t enjoy dealing with him if his mood changes though. I have plenty of food in the fridge here with an entire kitchen. But we can’t continue warring at each other like this either. I relent.


  “Excellent. I’ll have everything prepared by eight.”

  “Great.” He nods and take his leave.

  I close the door behind me, more confused than ever.

  This man will be the death of me.

  Why’s that?

  “I thought you wanted to sleep. Maybe the ether will help you relax.” Foxtrot swiftly lie his head back down and close his eyes.

  Exactly what I thought.

  While Foxtrot pretends to be asleep, the thoughts swish around in my head about everything. I can’t afford to get too close to any of them, not while I have this secret.

  I look down at my gloved hands, whatever I’m capable of isn’t good. Demetri would defend his realm to the very last breath and he’s already clarified that I’m disposable.

  I stand outside Demetri’s door with my arms wrapped around my body like an idiot. After I got over the shock that Demetri invited me to his suite and arguing with my spunky familiar, I forget one thing.

  My sundress was my last piece of normal clothing. I thought I would be smart. Take a shower and then put it on again.

  No such luck. Whoever gifted me with it, spelled it to disappear and I have a hunch who did it.

  I was in full fledge Nymph mode. The clothes I bought have got to be worn and no better way to jumpstart the initiation.

  I settle for casual wear that isn’t so causal. An elegant light green see through wrap dress that hit up my thighs. If I bent over, then my ass would be on full display. A dark green ribbon around my midsection accompanied it like a bow.

  Thank the Realms my breasts were perky.

  I roll my neck around to release some tension and stress I was feeling.

  My bare toes dig into the halls’ expensive shaggy carpet. Something to distract me while I debate if I want to knock.

  He’s trying I can give him that, but I had more at state for all I know this is an intimate attempt to pry out my secret. Shit, I back away my legs still not wanting to work.

  As soon as I’m about to turn away, the door swings open.

  For fuck's sake give me a break.

  Demetri look so delicious. I undress him with my eyes, lingering far too long. I thought about the time in the boat of him shirtless while the sun made the sweat glisten on his body. His coiled abs and biceps. A scorching hot V cut down to his pubic session.

  Oh my God! Get it together, girl. Whatever turmoil appearance he had earlier was long gone. He was sporting a gun metal grey vast that made his pale grey eyes shine brighter, over a white button up dress shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and black slacks. He was perfection in a nutshell.

  “Would you like to come in?” Crap!

  I step inside careful not to touch him as I slide by the tight space he allows between the door and himself. But I couldn’t miss the sweet and feathery smell that whiffed into my nose.

  Was he doing it on purpose?

  His apartment was impressive with royal blue with white and gold accentuations through the rooms. I expect nothing less from the man who looks like he stepped out of GQ magazine.

  My eyes turn towards the bookcase in the living-room that shelved countless books. I walk over to inspect them better. Most were ancient texts, while others were spell books. If time permitted, I’d spend all day getting lost in those books.

  I could feel Demetri’s heat as he linger close by. I was happy to use these books as a distraction, anything that takes my focus off the gorgeous man before me.

  But something more intriguing holds my eye among the many sophisticated reading material.

  A smirk curl on my lips. I knew he was a hopeless romantic and here’s the damn proof.

  I seize it from it’s not so well-hidden spot and place it behind my back as I turn to face him.

  His brow quirks up, and I stalk over all while I hide my evidence behind me.

  “Nice reads,” I say as I’m thoroughly impressed, but not as I am about the book I’m holding.

  As usual he just nods.

  “You must read a lot?”

  “I do,” he says. “I was a scholar in a previous life.”

  The book twirl behind me as I tilt my chin. “That’s right Roman said you’ve lived a long time and seen and done a lot.”

  His face flickers with a moment of annoyance before he recover.

  “So, tell me, what does this,” I hold the book up. “Have to do with anything scholarly?”

  I wish I had a camera because I’ve never seen someone’s cheeks deepen with crimson and be taken aback by something like him.

  I place the book on the coffee table and saunter up to him.

  He flinch only the smallest bit, almost as if he didn’t. I stand close as I dare to him.

  I lower my gaze and smirk. “Don’t worry I’m a sucker for Mr. Darcy too.”

  A low growl bursts from him as his gaze run over my lips, sending heated chills down to my sex.

  Whoa trying to get him worked up and I’m hurting myself. I clear my throat, stepping back. “Shall we?”

  For a moment he’s lost as though he forgot why I was here, but he recovers.

  Trust me buddy the feeling is mutual.

  “Dinner won’t be ready before another twenty minutes,” he says with his gaze still locked on mine. Damn it! His intensity is killing me in the best way possible. “In the meantime, can I offer you a glass of wine?” He leads me over to the bar across the room. I hadn’t seen Roman’s apartment, but I guess all the floor plans are the same.

  I take a seat on the bar stool, watching as he pull out a variety of wines.

  “What type of wine do you prefer?”

  “Dark and sweet. The older the better.” With that, he removes at least two that was a Chardonnay and Pinot Grigio. It left me with three choices. This should be interesting.

  “What I have left is a Merlot, from your world. A grape Mead, and Fae wine,” he announce.

  My eyes gleam at the latter. The Fae wine? I have to try this.

  “The Fae wine please. I’ve read stories.”

  He sent me a lopsided grin. Realms! He has dimples. Okay forget pissing him off. I’d do or say anything to see that smile again.

  Demetri lean into the bar counter and run his thumb across his bottom lip. Fuck! I apologize to the stool I’m sitting on and as if he knew what I was feeling, amusement takes over his face.

  I try to refocus, but it was far too late, if my body didn’t betray me my new tattoo picked that moment to blossom orchids down my arms and a butterfly takes flight.

  Demetri’s smile only widens.

  “Sorry,” I mutter. “It does it on its own accord,” I lie.

  His eyes and face glint with mischief.

  “I’m interested in what you were feeling at that moment to make your tattoo peak?” He draws in a breath.

  Bastard! He knew about it. I try to play it off. I will not tell this man that his smile alone could make me come, nope.

  “About this wine.”

  He takes out two glasses and pour some in our glasses but only a small portion. “More potent than anything you’ve ever tasted.” I bet he was too. “Sip it slow.” He brings his glass to his mouth and takes a sip so small that I would have thought he didn’t take it at all.

  I mimic his moment until the wine hit my taste buds with a sweet exotic berry taste and then I tilt back my head taking the glass with it. Demet
ri moved to get to the glass, and by the time he gets it from me, it was empty.

  Oops! He growls as he slams the glass back down.

  “Dinner is served my Lord,” one of the servers announce.

  Demetri throws his head back. “Thank the realms. Sabine this way.”

  I snicker under my breath as we walk to the dining area.


  M y giddiness during dinner was to be expected after gulping down the glass of Fae wine but it turns Demetri back into a prick. Just when I thought he was opening up.

  I could only have water to go with my delicious shrimp and scallop Alfredo, and bread.

  The water ebbed the effects bringing me back to the uncomfortable silence. He focused on anything other than me. With every chew it seemed his jawline became more and more tensed. I needed to savage what’s left of this evening.

  “Traci seems nice. You’re very lucky to have her.”

  Demetri’s gaze darken with narrowed eyes. Aren’t you a charmer Sabine? You just couldn’t let it go. He grabs his wine and plate and walk towards me. I’d grown rather fond of sitting on opposite sides of the table. He was at one head and I was at the other.

  The servers’ eyes grow round after he settles in the seat next to me.

  “You may take your leave,” he orders to the servers over his shoulder. “I’m certain that Sabine and I can handle it from here.” The servers look at each other no doubt remembering our face off over dinner and countless other occasions.

  I swallow, shooting pleading looks to the staff who no less ignore them. And all they left me with was the powerful mage seated to my left.

  I eye his wine that was right next to my fingertips. Needing more than what water could quench.

  “I can’t offer her anything,” he states. His voice was deep and rich, coaxing whenever he’s not yelling or demanding. Something about the way it resonates from his chest a vibration through others’ limbs or maybe just mine.

  “Don’t sell yourself short. You may be an asshole but I’m sure you have plenty to offer,” I tell him, making a circle in the air with my fork. Instantly I regret my words.

  Demetri lean back in his chair smooth like and a single chuckle escape his lips.

  The candles dance around us giving me only snippets of his sharp features. This man was everything. Despite the attitude, the psychopath tendency, he has more to offer. I’m believing my familiar was right, he’s lonely and I can’t understand why he would be.

  “I have nothing to offer Traci. Yes, she’s beautiful and pleasant but,” he ran his fingers through his gorgeous coursed hair. “You have more than what I can offer her.”

  What is he talking about? I mean friendship and sisterhood is important, but not overly when it comes to love. But wait, oh. Oh! My eyes widen followed by uncontrollable giggles.

  Now the flirting with me along with Aiden’s and Roman’s forlorn gazes at the mention of her name made sense. They were daydreaming about something they could never have. The thought sends me further over the edge with laughter and a side of relief.

  The best part was Demetri joins in a bit and that only makes my heart soar. I don’t even mind my blooming orchids on random parts of my body or the butterflies that play around us. In that moment it was me and him. I liked this side of him now if only I knew how to keep him there.

  After a moment I gain control and without thinking my hand on settles on his in time for our eyes to meet. Even through the gloves a jolt of electricity and warmth run over my skin mixed with the tingling my tattoo brings before my flowers bloom.

  I’m certain he felt it too before he snatches away placing his hand in his lap.

  Just like that, the moment is gone.

  He clears his throat the softness in his eyes fading away back to harden pits.

  I wet my lips along with a sip of water that I wish was the Fae wine to moisten my dry mouth. “Tell me about Tor.” No buffer straight to the point. Things have been wonderful and acclimation to the realm is going without a hitch, but I need more answers.

  Storm clouds gather in his eyes. What was it that angered him so about this warlock other than the obvious?

  “What about him?”

  “How has he conquered every realm but this one?”

  “Because they were weak and foolish. Too trusting of a warlock who made promises to make their problems disappear,” he says as he clench his fist. I shook my head not understanding. What problems could magical realms have?

  “It must have been bad or the same problem if all of them sought a warlock.” He gives a solemn nod.

  “We lacked order even the lords had lost control. Crimes were being committed; it was utter chaos.”

  “Except Ardam.”

  “My soldiers and I got rid of the rift raft, I casted a protective ward and a dome of constant sunshine.”

  Wait. This thing was sounding too familiar. At first when I found out that Ardam was a place that my book was about, but I chunked it up as a coincidence. One is one but two or more is something else.

  “How many other Realms are there besides this one?”

  “Five, besides Ardam there’s —”

  “Briathone, Egron, Edhen, Eilien, and Onryx,” I ticked off, finishing his sentence. His eyes narrowed at me. Great.

  “We hide our Realms, no mortal knows about them,” he says. That’s cute he still thinks of me as a mortal. “How did you know about the other realms if you didn’t even know you were a Nymph?”

  I sigh, trying to find the right words for the insanity that has now become my life.

  “Because I created them.”


  “H ow do you believe that is even possible?” I instantly regret my statement. Wishing that I could take it back and keep it to myself. Even if that meant yet another secret to house.

  It’s the only thing that makes sense. “Do your research. You said so yourself. If you were to search for those places, the only link there would be, is me.” I stab at the slice of once warm peach cobbler.

  I loved my sweets and desserts and now it was cold trying to explain things to him.

  Demetri pace the floor like a caged animal, making me nervous and I fight the vertigo that was forming.

  “These Realms have been around centuries, before you were born!” I understand his confusion but I’m right there with him to bare it all. My certainty was few but concerning this I was sure.

  Everything about this place was familiar, from the landscape to the way it functions, except the whole daylight lasting forever. At first, I wanted to believe it was because I was missing something but it’s more to it.

  I don’t know how this warlock fits into this, but we’ll deal with it later. “Listen to me. I based all six of my books on these realms.” I gesture around us. “Now whether it’s a coincidence or nay that I’m a Nymph and daughter to a goddess and I just got put in my own books’ freaking timeline or not, but these are my creations.”

  He narrow his eyes at me with his static and unreadable expression. “Okay, let’s go with your theory. Say everything that you tell me is true. What’s so special about these realms?”

  God, I wish he could go back to ignoring me and being silent. This entire thing is ludicrous.

  “The Key to the Magical Realms,” I mumble. “The quick version whoever finds the key to the realms will open the gates and merge all realms together as one, giving them complete control of everything.” I pause for a bit to gain my composure. “Once that is done. Humans will be able to crossover to these realms and vice versa. It’d be total pandemic.”

  Demetri freezes and drifts off into oblivion until I begin to worry. “The prophecy, that’s what Tor is after,” he whispers.

  I throw my arms up into the air and sling my head back in defeat. Are we going back down that road again? I hate it, that’s why it was never placed in any of my novels. But here I sit with a mage hollering about prophecies. This is my life now.

  “I don’t believe it.” He chuc
kle. The bastard was laughing at me like I’m the problem and a nutcase.

  My nostrils started to flare, and I fly out of my seat. “I don’t give two hoots what you believe and what you don’t believe. Show me texts. Pictures. Some kind of trail that shows anyone has proof about the realms.” I laugh. “You can’t and if you find anything Sabine Maria Amotte’s name will be attached to it.” I was breathless.

  His head snaps around in my direction with molten eyes like fire. “What did you say?” I retreat under his scrutiny. Which part was he inquiring about? After I don’t answer. He rush me, only inches apart from my face, looming like a dark tower. The air thickened, making it harder to breathe than a second ago. Shit. This man was intense under normal circumstances, get him angry or upset he’s horrifying. “What is your name!” I wince, his voice went an octave too high and mere inches from my ear.

  I straighten my posture, lift my head, and stare him directly in the eyes. I’m a demigoddess for Christ’s sake and now the creator of these realms.

  “Sabine Maria Amotte,” I reply through gritted teeth and clenched fist by my side. I was done letting this psycho bully me when I had done nothing to warrant his wrath.

  But something changed in him. His molten eyes were back to the beautiful pale grey and his face soften. He step back from me and make a beeline for the living room.

  I don’t hesitate following him. His curiosity piqued my own.

  He stops at his bookshelf and begin tossing around books and it was out of character giving that his room didn’t reflect an ounce of disorganization. Not wanting to interrupt I stand a few feet behind him, dodging out of the way of flying books.

  The ones he had discarded I gather and place on the table in a stack next to his precious Pride and Prejudice. I laugh again, knowing the big powerful mage was a romantic.

  A side of him I’d never see. Pushing those thoughts aside, I notice he was still at his search for whatever prize text he was looking to snag.

  With nothing else to do I sit and wait. His bookshelf was huge and stood a couple feet taller than he did.


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