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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 13

by Owen Oakley

  My head throbbed like I’d gone through a cheese grater.

  I should have stopped after the first bottle of wine but sometimes I need an escape and yes, I was on edge about the ceremony, who am I kidding? Still am.

  My head lifts from my pillow aware that Aiden had stopped talking, after hearing the door close. He stood frozen in the doorway of my bedroom.

  “What is it?” Even my throat was raw and irritated. I follow his gaze to where Foxtrot was lying on the foot of the bed, staring back at Aiden.

  Shit! I forgot nobody knew about him other than Traci. I kept Fox in the Ether when Aiden stayed with me, which was only two days. Men, fighting one second and making up the next.

  I’ve been careful the last six weeks not to let anyone learn of his presence but it’s out now and I’m too spent to care. They would find out soon anyways.

  You’ve been with the Fae Prince, too? Who else is living in this orgy? You have quite the body count.

  Oh, he’s an admirer of Aiden. I throw up both my hands in defeat.

  “You remember I’ve never had sex right or in better terms can’t without hurting or killing someone?” I remind him. A great perk is having a living journal, so I don’t have to keep these secrets inside.

  “You can communicate with it?” Aiden asks with furrowed brows, drawing my attention back to him.

  I tilt my head, bewildered by his inquiry. “How did you know?”

  I told you when you talk to me through your head, you do that weird stare.

  I roll my eyes but that explains it. “Oh.”

  I shake off the revelation and answer Aiden’s question.

  “Yes. He’s sort of my familiar.”

  Aiden moved closer with an outstretched hand. “May I?” I nod.

  “Play nice.”

  “Sabine this is unusual for a Nymph.” Oh, don’t I know it, but I appear to be the exception to the rule around here.

  Aiden takes a seat on my bed, brushing my leg as I make room for him. As we touch the sensation deep in the core of my stomach comes back from the dream.

  A flashback of Aiden taking me from behind while I’m bent over Roman swallowing every inch of him. I hop up from the bed trying to clear my head.

  Foxtrot’s hysteria of laughter reins me in from those thoughts. I turn around enraged and ready to strangle my familiar if need be, but I soon learn that his entertainment is from the Prince himself.

  He goes wild, enjoying Aiden’s belly rubs and not concern with my naughty thoughts.

  “Do you think Demetri will be mad? He’s been here for weeks now.” Aiden cocks his head to the side, and then shrugs.

  “I don’t see why. He’s your familiar. You both need each other. But you need to tell him, like today, maybe? It’s your day and he won’t be upset.” Aiden gives me his trademark grin.

  Even though I saw him for eight years as an African American hottie he’s still sexy as ever, muscled and tall, with pale porcelain skin, and crop platinum hair with short shaven sides that bare beautiful symbols which no doubt hold significance.

  With Aiden and his love confession, it had gotten harder and harder to be around any of them. I take solace that everyone had been on their own, an excuse so I don’t have to be near them.

  “I take it you want to prepare for tonight,” I say in a knowing tone.

  “No, we’ll have breakfast. Then I booked you a couple hours at the spa. Traci will explain more about tonight and then it’ll be time. Nothing fancy.”

  A spa. Now that sounds relaxing and promising. I jump up and wrap my arms around his broad shoulders longer than I should have.

  I look over at Foxtrot who’s vying for more of Aiden’s attention.

  “Ready to make your debut?”


  When I walk into the dining room, I was expecting it to be Aiden and I but to my surprise there stand a gorgeous Demetri and Roman waiting for us. I stick close to Aiden and Foxtrot hug to my leg as we walk over to the end of the table. I’m more surprised by the formality. Most days they’re already eating before I arrive.

  Both men give me a curt nod taking in my appearance. I don’t bother with anything fancy or suggestive since I’m going to the spa.

  I give the guys a once over too and they both seem... happy? Demetri wears a smirk that is too damned sexy but very alarming, given his normal brooding self and Roman flashes me a flirtatious wink and a smile that makes my heart speed up. I’ve missed that. The distance between all of us has been hard and confusing.

  “Good morning,” I say with more energy after my hangover remedy and a cup of coffee. They each reply with similar greetings.

  After taking a seat in my usual chair across from Roman and Aiden, Foxtrot climbs my leg and spring into the empty chair next to me. I guess he’s letting me make the proper introductions. I’m surprised that they haven’t noticed him already, but I guess their attention is elsewhere.

  The smell of bacon, sausage, eggs, waffles, and fresh fruit fill my nose. I’m distracted and my stomach grumbles at the sight of everything as the servers bring in the hefty meal.

  We help ourselves and I’m not being shy about filling my plate full of food. I didn’t eat last night instead allowing the alcohol to carry me into a comatose state which led to the massive headache this morning.

  I can’t help but notice from my peripheral I’m getting many weird expressions from the guys, especially Demetri and it makes my skin tingle. I clear my throat but that only draws more attention. Crap. Do something.

  Yeah, do something because I’m about to introduce myself. I’m hungry.

  I sigh. “Guys.” Everyone stops eating to face me. “I want to introduce you all to someone.” Foxtrot chooses that moment to jump on the table without allowing me to finish the rest.

  “Nice. You couldn’t let me finish?”

  No, it’s been long enough.

  My heart stops. The guys each wear comical expressions. Aiden seems to be entertained, Roman has a puzzled expression, no doubt trying to figure out what Foxtrot is, and Demetri is jaw slack. I wonder if he recognizes my feathery familiar from his pet store excursions.

  “What the hell is that?” Roman asks, backing up from the table as Foxtrot grabs a piece of bacon.

  I beam between them both and give him a stroke of encouragement just in case he’s taken offense to Roman. “Foxtrot is a fox-owl hybrid and,” I take a deep breath. “My familiar.”

  Both men heads snap in my direction. “Interesting,” is all Demetri says, but I can see in his face that his mind’s gears were turning.

  You also live with the famous hot incubus and you’re still sticking with the ‘I’m a virgin’ bid? Yeah right.

  Is it me or do the animals here gossip a lot? I mean really.

  My face turns beet red and my tattoo decides it wants to bloom orchids everywhere and release a butterfly. So far, my day is going splendid. Now everyone is amused. But only Demetri knows what it means for my tattoo to come to life and the others never asked; only assuming it was a complicated Nymph thing.

  “What did he say that has you blushing?” Demetri asks with such intensity. Oh, my god! I swear those pale grey eyes can see right into my soul.

  My breath catches as I scramble for an answer I don’t have to give.

  Aiden intervened on my behalf while I recover. “Sabine. Demetri created an entire forest boulder just for your ceremony tonight.”

  My gaze lands in Demetri’s direction, swallowing the last bit of fruit down.

  “That was mighty generous of you. I’m sure it took a great deal of energy for that.” His shoulders rises and falls as he takes a sip of his coffee. “It won’t feel like a true ceremony though since it doesn’t get dark here,” I say trying not to sound too ungrateful for what he’s already done but choosing to be honest.

  He takes my words into consideration and after a beat he nods. Wishful thinking.

  After breakfast we sit around and talk. Well, they talked I thought about l
ater tonight and chimed in every so often during their conversation. Foxtrot was like a stuffed animal, seeking attention from all of us. There’s no surprise he ends up next to Demetri.

  “If you don’t have any plans after your ceremony, I would like for you to join us in our new multimedia room tonight.”

  I glance around the table and arch my brow. My excitement that he’d added entertainment to this manor was stolen by his comment. “The four of us?”

  He steeple his hands together and lean into the table, gaze locked on me. “Yes. The four of us. I think you’ve been wanting the four of us to spend more time together.”

  What the hell is going on here?

  Roman’s eyes dart between the two of us. “Dude that’s presumptuous don’t you think?” It was, but Demetri isn’t a man to throw around words for the hell of it.

  Demetri lean back in his chair with that damn smirk and dimples. “Not at all. It’s what she wants.”

  I drop my eyes thinking about what he could mean by it and as quick as lightning realization hit me in the gut.

  How could I have been so stupid and let my guard down?

  My thoughts exactly. All those freaky dreams you’ve had. Did you forget he was a dream mage? He feels and can see dreams if he so chooses. And if you dream anything about him. He feels it twice as hard.

  “You’re just now telling me this?” I question my familiar, as my brows knit together in frustration.

  Hmm, I’m sorry I forgot common sense isn’t so common.

  “A front row view of things, though. How was I supposed to know that? Roman said it’s for refueling purposes only.”

  I break my communication with my treacherous familiar. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about, for the things that go on in my private thoughts and dreams.

  He smiles as he knows I’ve figured it out whether by my familiar or own accord, but it doesn’t matter.

  “Will one of you tell the rest of us the insider here?” Aiden looks taken back.

  I hold my head high and reciprocate the same cocky smile.

  Foxtrot nudges Demetri’s hand, and he obliges him with starches.

  “He seems to like you,” I direct my statement to the dream mage. “Almost as if you’ve known each other for a while.” Demetri’s hand stops mid stroke and he stares at Foxtrot, who tries to feign innocence, if that’s even possible.

  You wouldn’t dare.

  “Loyalty is something that’s unteachable but instilled through experiences, consider this yours.” I wink at my familiar.

  “You know the pet store clerk told me you can just walk in and keep the furry ones company, tell them your inner thoughts and secrets.” Even though I couldn’t get Foxtrot to tell me anything that Demetri confided in him about, he didn’t know that. It was a warning.

  “Anybody can but he says the lonely does that. What am I suggesting? You’re far too busy for that.” I shrug standing up from the table.

  “I’ll release you once it’s time for the ceremony. Portum.” Before Foxtrot could say a word, he disappeared. The others looked around trying to find him, while I made my way to the door.

  I rest my hand on the frame and cock my hip ever commanding all their attention.

  “I don’t cherish a lot, but my privacy is everything, be sure you remember that. Aiden, I’ll be ready within the hour.” I sidle out the door, leaving a wave of curious conversation behind.

  I know I’ve listened in on conversations and also have a whooper of a secret but there’s not a lot in a person’s life that’s private and when someone invades them all bets are off.

  Demetri didn’t strike me as that person. An asshole, yes, but an abuser of power no. Maybe it was out of curiosity, but whatever it is, it has to stop. I’m just counting my blessings I haven’t dreamt of anything damning. I think a dream suppressant is in order.



  O kay, I messed up and yes, I’m an asshole. I usually show better restraint even if the dream is about me and pull me towards it. I don’t know what came over me. It’s her. Ever since that night, things have been different. I did my best to stay away and then she dreamt of me and then all of us and my curiosity got the best of me.

  “Please tell me you didn’t spy on her dreams,” Aiden says, already knowing the answer. I drop my head in and that maneuver should be enough of an answer, but he continues. “Not cool, man! She’s just starting to trust us.”

  Roman mutters his agreement. I’ve known them both for centuries and Sabine has gotten to them and I had no choice but to warn them away from her. We don’t understand what’s going on with this woman and it’ll be me who will have to pick up the pieces when things go to hell.

  I belt a bitter laugh. “Trust? You’re both caught up. We still know nothing about her. Aiden you were with her for eight years and she still didn’t confide in you. So, if I have to spy on a few dreams to get a better insight then so be it.”

  Roman shakes his head and sighs. “Guess you look in on my dreams too, huh Dem?”

  I chuckle and slap my brother on the shoulder. “I stopped doing that centuries ago. I know what all of your dreams consist of.”

  That earns me a cheeky grin from the sly incubus.

  “Have you learned anything yet?” I look to Roman. He’s been visiting the other realms trying to find Amotte before Tor does. Once that happens, he’s one step closer to succession.

  “All dead ends. Either they don’t know or say that Christopher Amotte is just a myth, which we know is a lie.” Roman run his hand over his shaking head. People have been closed off, most live in fear of the warlock.

  “We’ll do more recon after Sabine’s ceremony. Today is her day. She’s anxious enough, no need to make it worse with talk of dead ends.”

  They both nod when Aiden is about to take his leave. “Where are you taking her?” I ask trying my best to keep the jealousy out of my tone.

  “I’m giving her a spa day.” He replies and walk away.

  Damn. Why didn’t I think of that and Roman is sharing the same expression?

  When I see Roman doesn’t move, I settle back into my seat. “What’s on your mind, brother?”

  He sighs and looks around. “Do you think she’ll possess the powers? We recognize she’s a demigoddess but is she the Nymph the prophecy speaks of?” He looks conflicted, almost torn by the possibility of it being Sabine.

  I groan. That’s not the question at hand though. If she is the one, we will handle the situation to protect our realm, simple. Okay not that simple, but what’s the alternative? “Will you uphold the oath? Not the promise we made to Mona, we’re beyond that. This is much bigger than that. We have thousands of lives in our hand.”

  “For Realm’s sake I haven’t forgotten Dem. It was just a question.”

  I fix him with a stare. “Oh? Is that why you haven’t had a party since that night? Because you’re sorting things out.”

  Like I said everything changed that night, for us all. “You’re too invested in Sabine. Both you and Aiden. He’s backing out of weddings while you’re canceling life sustaining parties. Didn’t I make myself clear not to get close? It only complicates things.”

  “You’re just bitter because you’re afraid to get close to anyone. Are you going to hang on to that ridiculous reading from some C list seer? Die alone? If yes, then I’m sorry you can’t ask me to do the same,” he growls with a forlorn expression.

  This is even worse than I could have imagined. Before I can utter my concerns, he takes off.


  The story of my life.


  T he spa was like anything I’d ever experienced in my life. I’m enjoying the magical world. Massage therapists don’t exist here. Everything is done through magic.

  From the moment I walked into the shop which Aiden bought out for me. It assessed me from head to toe. I felt a slight tingle on my skin, and it directed me to the stations I needed to be. Turned out I had stress everywhere, no
shit. It was weird being massaged by thin air but the kneading in my back was heaven.

  From there I received a facial was again already assessed upon entry. I learned I had very oily skin and magic worked to cleanse my pores and gave me an undeniable glow.

  Hours of pampering and I was worry free, that was until I stepped into Traci’s shop with Foxtrot on my heels.

  My anxiety rushed back, melting away any previous solitude provided by the spa.

  Traci was tending to some last-minute things before scurrying over to greet me.

  “Gorgeous,” she says, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. She release me after a beat, and I feel the air flow back into my lungs. Damn she was strong.

  “Thank you, Aiden took me to the spa for relaxation.”

  “Of course, he did.” She waggle her brows, and I roll my eyes at what she was thinking.

  I told her before me and Aiden were only friends regardless of his admission, Roman was just a flirt and Demetri hated me. She dismissed everything I said and continue to hope for something to come of the relationships. Not going to happen. Dreaming about them sexing me from now to Monday was enough.

  “What’s the plan?” I ask before she started down the road of my nonexistent love life. She squealed in excitement, bouncing on her feet and grasping my hands as we went deeper into her shop of flowers and trees.

  “Let me give you the rundown of what to expect.” Her cloak and dagger routine was frustrating. She said that she wasn’t allowed to say anything until the day of which was more than suspicious and enough to cause my blood pressure to spike.

  “Everything is a ritual and sacred. Twenty Nymphs will take part in a customary dance while the ceremony takes place and you will be in the center. I and three elders will do the actual awakening on you.” She bites down on her bottom lip while her smile flatters. “Okay, so don’t freak out.” Cue freak out mode. To tell someone not to freak out is like telling them to jump up and down, scream and shout like a mad person.

  After she says no more, I urge her to “tell me already. It’s not like I can back out at this point.” I give her hand a light squeeze.


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