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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 12

by Owen Oakley

  Rome shrugs I can tell he’s not the romantic type. A good fuck, yes. Love? Catch you later.

  Demetri frowns as he look around but what else was new? “I suppose. It’s too much if you ask me. Whatever happened to simple weddings?”

  “I’m guessing you’d like a simple wedding?” I nudge my shoulder into his.

  He meets my eyes and shock the hell out of me by saying, “Yes, I would.” His smile is so sincere, and I just stand there like an idiot with nothing to say.

  Wow. I turn away before he can see my cheeks redden. I allow the conversations of those around me to ease my mind of the man who’s so hard to understand.

  After minutes of waiting for the wedding to begin, it doesn’t take me long to realize that something is wrong. Even though Aiden may have deceived me and shattered the trust that I gave him. It’s like he told me, he was still the same person underneath the glamour, so I recognize the scene that’s playing out before my eyes.

  He’s been shifting from one foot to the other since he’s been up front. At first glance, I wrote it off as nerves getting the better of him, but after further inspection of his grim expression along with his contemplative gaze, something’s up.

  I keep my eyes on my friend and his sickening look and vibe he’s putting in the air.

  Everyone watch as the bride to be waste no time sashaying down the aisle, dragging her father alongside her. He stumbles a few times but keeps his footing. I elbow Rome in the ribs to keep his laughter from spilling out.

  A chill runs down my spine, and I can’t shake the feeling that things were about to get crazy.

  I tuck my chin so that both of the guys could hear me.

  It isn’t hard, seeing as how I get sandwiched between the two. Not that I was complaining I feel protected with a shot of euphoria on the side.

  “Are your wedding customs similar to the ones on Earth?” I ask to neither in particular.

  This was my first otherworld experience, and I never researched Fae weddings or any other magical weddings.

  “I mean vows; does anyone object, things like that?” I don’t look up to see who will respond first before Dem says, “Although I haven’t been to many Fae weddings, theirs are very similar. Why do you ask?”

  Because something is about to go down, I can tell when the vibe is off, and Aiden looks paler than usual if that’s even possible.

  “I think we should go. Aiden has been shifting and twisting up there nonstop. He’s looked in our direction at least three times since Yasmine has been up there.”

  If someone is in love with someone, the only person they’ll see is the person in front of them. Don’t ask me how I know. Just because I’ve never been in love doesn’t mean I don’t see how it’s supposed to work. And the display in front of me says otherwise.

  Rome snorts. “Bullshit. He just has jitters.”

  Okay, this is the boat ordeal all over again. Neither of them wants to heed my warning. Worst of all, we were seated on the front row, courtesy of Lord Dem and his reputation, and being Lord of the realm.

  Sneaking out will be tricky, but it didn’t matter. Time is of the pure essence, and we’re wasting it.

  “Listen. To. Me.” I say through gritted teeth, attempting to stay quiet but fail by the looks I receive.

  There aren’t too many exits, but when I spot one, it lights up like the sun seeping out from behind a dark and stormy cloud.

  “Get up now, and we can slip out the side door and wait for Aiden there.” At this point I don’t care if they come or not, I will not be present for the hell that will be unleashed in here.

  I stand to make my move, but two sets of strong arms grab me on both sides and sit me back down.

  “Stop it! It’s rude; we’re here now deal with it and keep quiet,” Dem says in a huff.

  Demetri, always the damn conservative and I shoot Roman a glare, traitor! I thought if anyone would understand it’d be him, not helping Dem hold me hostage in this soon to be nightmare.

  I struggle in their grasp, but it was no use their hands were like a vice grip. “Let me go right now or—”

  “I can’t do this!” Aiden yells out. His voice echoes through the building making it worse than the actual words.

  My head, along with the many others listening to me and Dem’s scene snap to the front.

  Gasps spread far and wide through the crowd.

  “Well, damn,” Rome says with a chuckle and amusement in his tone.

  I can’t believe he’s making jokes at a time like this. I swear the sudden urge to hit them both under the throat was more enticing than anything I’ve ever felt.

  Aiden’s face was bright red as he stood before us, but his fiancée’s face was murderous in every sense.

  This is what I knew would happen, and one reason I didn’t want to be here for it and not to mention she would no doubt blame me. Our run-in wasn’t the most pleasant thing.

  But here we are trapped in hell as this horrific scene unfolds before us.

  Aiden look so pitiful. I cringe in my seat, embarrassed for him. Now he has to stand before everyone and explain. This is too painful to watch.

  “I care about Yasmine, but I can’t do it. I’m so sorry for letting it go on this far.”

  Before anyone could do anything, Yasmine’s father let out an awful roar and jumped over a block of ice decoration trying to get to Aiden.

  Dem mutters a few words and her father freeze in place. I don’t blame her father; this place looks like a winter wonderland; it was time consuming and a hell of a lot of money.

  Let’s just say I was halfway down the aisle, out the door, and whistling for Centuria before anything else could transpire.

  I’m confident I’m that friend that stays and fight, but I’m not that person when I know we’re outnumbered, with a bunch of century-old magical beings, that’s foolish.

  No, today I’m that friend that gets the ride while the others get a quick punch or two in and rounds the curb for them to hop in.

  I hike up my skirt until my legs are bare and straddle the dragon and give her a good pet for her quickness and then the adrenaline kicks in.

  One Mississippi, two Mississippi…

  I don’t make it to three before Rome was tearing out of the front door, red-faced, laughing with Aiden and Demetri hot on his heels.

  “Go, go!” Aiden yells out. There was no way I could go, and they were still at least twenty or thirty feet away.

  I look past them to see a mob, from the bride’s side, barreling out the door behind them.

  “Go! Now!” Dem orders. Sweat beads run down my face, panting as though I’ve been running along with them.

  Decisions, decisions.

  “All right, girl your owner says to go.” She releases fire from her snout and takes flight.

  My heart is pounding against my chest as I look back to see that the guys won’t make it and add to the fray is Yasmine’s father and many other guests sending spell attacks at us.

  Just as I count them out, they each take one giant leap together, soaring through the air, and grab ahold to Centuria’s tail. I rub her head just in case she felt discomfort, but she never wavered. Using their upper body, they get a better grip and climb up towards me.

  “You’re all insane! You know that?” I yell over the whipping wind.

  Rome gives me a peck on the cheek and for whatever reason can’t stop smiling, Demetri per usual looks pissed, but more pissed than average and I’m sure it’s because of Aiden.

  While Aiden wears a look of pure relief, this is not the day I planned for when I woke up this morning, and it will be an exciting evening when we get back home.


  “A re you trying to start a war?” Dem is far from happy. We find ourselves in the living room, our adrenaline wearing off and Aiden’s actions set in.

  “Admit it Dem that was funny,” Rome says. Dem scowl only deepens as he rounds on his brother.

  “Rome,” Demetri shakes his head, “now�
�s not the time for jokes. Will it be funny if a war among this realm starts with no end? The last thing any of us need is a dispute between the Faes.” Roman says nothing else. He gives Aiden a solemn expression.

  It seems like Dem is overreacting, but I can see it happening. He embarrassed a rich and powerful Fae family among their peers, and with Aiden in hiding the next people to take it out on is his family.

  One thing I’ve noticed since being back is that he doesn’t appear regretful he seems relieved and relaxed. A certainty of himself which I admire because Demetri is livid.

  “It was simple. Marry Yasmine and get on with your life!” Dem pace the floor, running his head through his black hair.

  “Dem, I don’t love her,” he says, palming his face. Dem huffs and snort at Aiden’s admission.

  I don’t say a word, I’m spent, and my thighs are burning with exhaustion from being straddle on Centuria for longer than I’m accustomed.

  Demetri took over flying because of the many spells that were being tossed our way. Imagine a bunch of dragons flying around chasing each other, along with orbs and magic hurling through the air. Twisting and dodging, yeah, that was us.

  We were bouncing around, banking hard around corners, and that was only the beginning. After bypassing the manor three times, we hid until the attacks stopped.

  Dem had to cloak the manor and move it to a different location within the realm. How he still has the energy to lecture is baffling, but then again, it’s Demetri. By the time we got inside the only place we could make it to was the spot we’re in now.

  Demetri was at his limit, and I couldn’t blame him.

  “If that were the case, why hadn’t you call it off long before now?” Demetri, and the rest of us, awaited his answer.

  Aiden looks over at me and his face redden.

  Oh shit.

  I’m familiar with that expression even if it isn’t the face that had worn it doing the eight years; we were together.

  “Why are you looking at her? She didn’t cause this, you did!” Demetri snaps.

  Roman ponders and then his eyes goes wide after his shock subsides. His features turn hard as stone, and he was scolding mad.

  “I love her,” Aiden says. Like it was the most natural thing he could have said.

  At those words, hell had no fury.

  Dem disappeared in a puff of smoke and reappeared beside Aiden, sending him flying back into the wall. Roman was already waiting to choke him up by his collar. Rome and Demetri’s movements were synchronized with each other. What in the entire hell? Were they communicating through a mental channel?

  “Stop it!” I yell, but it was in full swing now.

  Roman punches send Aiden crumbling to the floor, but he doesn’t stay there long before Demetri is hauling him back against the wall.

  One of the staff members must have heard the commotion; he rounds the corner to see what was happening. I give him a pleading eye, but once he finds out what’s going on, he makes a U-turn in the opposite direction. Really?

  “Give me a reason I shouldn’t kill you where you stand?” Demetri says, his voice laced with venom.

  Aiden doesn’t respond to explain but to utter one unambiguous word, “Anguish.”

  Dem releases him as he grab his head, falling to one knee, while Aiden’s unblinking violet eyes turn snow white and a constant mantra of pain continues to assault Dem.

  I rush over to Demetri, almost slipping on the slick floor. His entire body was burning up, and he gritted his teeth in agony. “Stop it!” I say looking up at Aiden, but his mantra only intensifies as if he doesn’t hear me.

  Roman creates an orb and hurls it back into Aiden’s chest. It breaks his concentration long enough for Demetri to get back on his feet to conjure an orb of his own, ready to send it into Aiden.

  I jump in front of them with both my arms stretched out. They’re friends, and they’d allowed one comment to turn into literal death blows.

  “Just stop.” Thankful that my voice was calmer than before. Dem’s and Rome’s orb disappeared, and Aiden’s eyes retract to their original color. They all were panting like wild animals with the same bloodthirsty presence in their eyes.

  The air in the room got better, healthy again. I hadn’t experienced tons of magic in one place before, and it’s both exhilarating and exhausting.

  The magic, although dissipating caused me to be lightheaded and I reached for the closest couch in the room before I fainted.

  “What the hell was that? Aiden says one thing, and you’re spatting spells and throwing orbs! Why do you even care about what he said and done today, other than the obvious?”

  The guys’ breathing is rugged, with their chest heaving faster than running from the mob earlier.

  No one answers my question, so I ask again, still nothing.

  My body tenses as Demetri stalk closer to Aiden. “Stay the fuck away from her.” Demetri is a reserved guy with a short temper, but never have I heard him use profanity, not once.

  He dissolves into smoke after, and Rome leaves behind him.

  I study Aiden and mouth. “What the hell?”



  I have no words. That was not quite the reaction I was expecting from the two men I call my friends. The only thing I can gather is that I’m not the only someone who gets a certain way about Sabine. I’ve seen the way both of them watch her, Roman not so much because he’s obvious to his interest.

  But Demetri? He’s sly but not sly enough for a Fae. Her mere presence brings about a change in all of us, and not just our cocks but in our feelings. That she’s half naked all the time makes it worse.

  I’ve known her the longest, but she has that effect on others, including me. Her ability to forgive me after what I did was enough confirmation of the goodness in her heart.

  If I married Yasmine, it would have been another lie that I couldn’t endure.

  Since I could respect Demetri’s demand for now, I take a sit on the sofa across from Sabine.

  “I meant what I said, Sabine. I love you I always have.” There’s nothing she could do with that information, but I’m happy it’s off my chest and I no longer had to hide it. “And now I see that I’m not the only one.” I tell her on a long sigh.

  At first Sabine looks confused.

  “Wait. What? No, they aren’t.” I roll my eyes and laugh.

  “Why else would they attack me, Sabine?” She says nothing, as she takes in my words.

  “Where will you go?” she asks.

  I run my hands through my platinum white hair before letting out a groan into my palms.

  “I’ll figure it out. Don’t worry about me.” I give her one of my famous smirks and start for the door.

  “Wait!” She saunters over to catch up with me. “You can stay in my room until things blow over. I live in a suite big enough for eight people. I don’t mind. Dem and Rome need a moment, and you’re not safe out there.”

  The last thing I want to do is get Sabine in trouble or face Demetri’s wrath if he catches me staying with her. By now my parents have cut me off and issue a decree that every Fae stay away from me or else.

  Gotta love the Fae. The role of being Prince had always been easy until I started making my own decisions and then it wasn’t.

  My parents have been leading my life for too long and it’s time I find my way and that’s no better time than the present.

  She grabs my hand before I could dispute her offer.


  T he following four weeks passed by uneventful and I’m far from answers than when I first began on this adventure of my new life. After that night Demetri and I discovered that I could be the creator of the realms, finding information for Tor’s plan had gotten more difficult. While Aiden was staying with me, I confronted him about why he didn’t tell me about the connection my stories had with these realms. It only led to more disappointment. He claimed he never read my books. Go figure.

  So, without question that
placed our relationship back on the rocks, but even I couldn’t stay mad at him for long. Roman has been searching for answers on his own another way to avoid me, I guess.

  Aiden mended his relationship with the guys, and they reached an understanding, whatever that was. I was mostly happy the tension was subsiding, and things were returning back to as normal as possible.

  Loud pounding on my door brings my heated dream involving Demetri, Roman, and Aiden to an abrupt end. I groan, finding my hand between my legs. Ugh! This is pathetic.

  Didn’t you already have that dream?

  Foxtrot’s question only makes me groan louder. Another awful perk of having a familiar... he shares my dreams and if there’s anything like my recent one, he could shame me.

  Please wash your hands before giving me my daily rubs.

  I ignore him, dragging my legs out from underneath my comfortable duvet and to the door. The large clock showed it was too early in the morning after a long night of wine for visitors.

  But that’s the story of my life now. Everyone lines up to see the new chick who found out she’s a demigoddess, daughter of the Nymph goddess Mona.

  My bird nest hair scattered over my head and I don’t have the energy to tame it so whoever is at the door would have to suffer through the monstrosity.

  Persistent loud pounding comes from the door.

  “Come on, Sabine open up.” Aiden’s voice filled with excitement. Today is the day of my Awakening. After tonight I’ll be a Nymph with unlocked powers, and my nerves were firing from all cylinders. No doubt Aiden is in full prep mode and we were hours away from the ceremony.

  I yank open the door after walking into various furniture pieces with slit eyes and grogginess. Aiden’s chirpy face makes my scowl deepen, but he just laughs.

  “Well, good morning to you, too. Long night?” he asks in that sarcastic tone I loathe.

  I grunt and don’t bother inviting or waiting for him to come inside instead I head back to my bed and get back under the covers.


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