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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 20

by Owen Oakley

  “Roman enough. Remember who you are. A man of honor, loyalty and compassion.” Demetri tells him his voice growing smaller as I was on the verge of passing out. Between the heat and pain, I’m unable to hold on for much longer.

  My energy and magic was being drained from my body. A hole in my chest becoming more and more prominent. Roman and Demetri stared each other down, no doubt having a telepathic conversation, another gift of being blood bonded.

  His eyes turn back to their usual bright blue, and the flame wrapped around me vanishes and with it I collapse to the ground.

  How the hell were we supposed to defeat Tor when we were using fatal talents to destroy each other?


  T he last twenty-four hours had been a whirl wind and not in a good way. Tor was one step closer to discovering who I was. After the most thrilling time with Roman, one that I hate being tied to his near death, but I have no regrets and I could only imagine what Demetri and Aiden would say or do.

  The confrontation between the three a few weeks ago was still fresh, and we needed no more division. But here it was and once again I was the main character in this fucked up scene that had become my life.

  I shake my head and run to the shower. The last thing I want is to have the scent of Roman on me when Cairo shows up. Foxtrot must’ve sensed I was in no mood for ribbing or jokes because he did what I asked, which was to tell Cairo to come here.

  I wash off, slinging suds along the walls. Cairo was there when I stepped out. “Sabine.” I hear his baritone voice call.

  “In here. I’ll be out in a second.”

  “Sure, you don’t need any help,” he ask around a chuckle. I let out a groan because the heat was back in my belly and I was hot and wet again.

  I cringe at the thought of having sex with another man right after just being with Roman. What the hell was wrong with me? Traci’s voice echoed in my head about us not being too different from a succubus.

  I ignore the thought and hop in the bikini styled bottoms designed for casual wear— my life now— and a half of shirt that showed my belly button. Cairo was on my bed with one leg stretched on the bed while the other remained on the floor. God this man was so sexy in his button-up shirt and jeans that I knew fitted low on his hips.

  My breath hitched at the sight of him and that wicked dimpled smile made my knees buckle. I regain my composure and get to the other side of the room without extinguishing my panties.

  “Foxtrot said it was urgent, are you okay? We guarded the gates, but Tor’s men disappeared.” He sweep me into his arms, and I allow him to hold me, my exhaustion settling in. I shake my head answering his question, and he only held me tighter.

  I don’t deserve this man and I can’t keep anymore secrets from him either. I shrug his arms away as my stomach was in knots. I don’t want to lose him, or Roman.

  Call me selfish but I want and need them both.

  “Roman and I had sex,” I tell him in a rush. I sit on the bed, avoiding his gaze, and wait for his anger to spill out.

  When it doesn’t, I steal a look at him. His expression unreadable, but there’s no anger nor animosity, just sadness with a hint of expectancy.

  “I knew this would happen. That someone as powerful as you would attract more mates,” he says, now standing by the window that overlooked the realm.

  Roman and I only had sex it was intimate, and I have feelings for him, but they weren’t as deep as what I felt with Cairo, yet. I wanted to reassure him but kept my distance.

  “Are you saying that Roman will be my mate?”

  He gives a slow nod and if I weren’t on the bed, I would have passed out on the floor. My heart thump against my ribs and the only thing I could see were random spots popping up in my sight. I grabbed my head and hissed.

  What the hell was happening? Cairo was by me in an instant laying me back. “Oh, Sabine I didn’t mean to stress you. I’m not mad it’s just— ”

  “It’s not that, something is happening.” He furrowed his brows, taking in my words. But as soon as it comes, it leaves. I sit up a bit, Cairo’s handsome features still clouded with worry.

  “Finish,” I say, needing the distraction more than anything. He release a sharp exhale.

  “No doubt Roman’s Minotaur chose you as a mate, just as my centaur did.” Hang on did everyone other than me know Roman could shift into a Minotaur?! If I couldn’t say anything else about this realm, I could say that they believed in letting others tell their own story. “I suppose he’s taken the first step.” I cock my brow. “Mating. Although, I don’t see a bite mark. So, he hasn’t completed it. Fool.”

  I squeeze my thighs together. Why am I aroused by this? Cairo sniffs the air and my cheeks warm.

  A small smile creeps on his face.

  “Sabine, are you turned on that we have to bite you to mark you as ours?” Theirs. Yes.

  “No.” I scoff as if he was talking crazy, and he chuckled.

  “There’s more.” He rolls his eyes. “I don’t think nothing can be worse than sharing the woman I adore and love with an incubus.”

  He try to make light of the situation until he hears, “I’m the dark Nymph from the prophecy. The one Tor wants. I have the poisonous ability, always have even before my awakening and now it’s getting harder to control. The elders covered it up that night. I’ll understand if you won’t want to be bonded to someone like me.” There I said it.

  Each time it gets easier and easier. Cairo gives me an incredulous look. “If you think some fucking prophecy will scare me off then I have to do a better job showing you what you mean to me.”

  For fuck’s sake I don’t deserve him.

  He hadn’t batted an eye let alone teleported out to condemn me to Demetri. No, he was more drawn to me than before.

  “Sabine you’re not safe here. I’ve got to take you someplace else. Wherever your heart desires but you can’t stay here.” I swallow the lump down with force. “Listen, Tor is after you and if Demetri finds out, it won’t be a matter of if he’ll kill you, but when.”

  I jerk away from him. I was over running; demigods don’t run and neither do I.

  “I’m just going to tell him,” I say to myself as I get up from the bed. “I’m tired of all these secrets.”

  Even though these secrets were the only thing keeping me safe. Cairo jump in front of me yanking me into his chest. He dug his fingers into my arms, keeping me in place.

  “You don’t understand Sabine. You’re thinking it’s a prophecy, a tail as a coin, with two sides, but it isn’t. If the prophecy says you will join forces with Tor and merge all the realms, then you will. You will discover something so life-changing that will force your dark side out that you won’t want to control. The other prophecy is nothing more than hope, hope you can’t afford to give into.”

  His eyes darken; he was serious. Those strong Alpha features showed me something that I’d never seen in him… fear.

  “I can’t leave, Tor has already threatened this realm, and my people and won’t stop until he finds me even if that means killing innocent people. Can you live with that on your conscious?”

  He doesn’t hesitate. “Yes, if it means keeping you safe.” He brush a curl from my face.

  “I can’t live with that bloodshed on my hands. I have to find my father and he’ll know what to do next.”

  “Who is your father and what does he have to do with this?” I bite down on my bottom lip, my eyes shifting back and forth.

  Everything’s already out. “Christopher Amotte. The Sorcerer and Keeper.”

  He curse under his breath still holding onto my arms. “Keeper of what?” He ask his voice tensed and rough.

  I close my eyes placing my hands on his waist to steady myself. We had left that tit bid out from Roman and Aiden.

  They didn’t understand how my father was the keeper of something, and Demetri had no clue what he could be protecting, but I did.

  “Keeper of the key to the magical realms.”

  I wasn’t expecting Cairo to take the news as if I was offering him peach pie. After I explained to him about my father and the theory regarding me creating the magical realms through my writing. Cairo was on edge.

  I couldn’t fault him for that, it came as a shock to us too. “So, we aren’t real? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?” The same thoughts entered Demetri’s mind, but it wasn’t true.

  “No, just the realms. Demetri and I suspect time here differs from Earth. I think I created this place and over time you all migrated to it.” He nod with slight understanding, but the doubt was still etched in his face. I didn’t know what to tell him. Things were getting out of control and pretty hard to explain as well as understand.

  “I think Tor’s people are getting close. They came today wanting to search the entire realm and test all the Nymphs. Demetri refused, and it ended with a fight one that wasn’t favorable to us,” I inform him, remembering the many soldiers that were frozen in place that wouldn’t be waking up. “Roman almost died trying to protect me.” I leave out Roman’s Minotaur breaking my ankle.

  He finally release my arms, his eyes morphing into a storm. Just when I think he will explode he shocks me by going to my desk where a beautiful box with a bow tied around it, that I hadn’t noticed.

  Must be a mate thing; I was about to protest that he doesn’t have to keep buying me gifts when he thrust it in my hands. “I think you’ll like it.”

  Now my curiosity was in overdrive. The bow is made of silk and I can’t stop my fingers from grazing it as I pull the loose end to untie it.

  I lose my breath and the words on the tip of my tongue dissolve as I try to make out what I’m looking at.

  A smooth maroon surface, the engraved logo with a smiley face sticker by the pad on the inside. A laptop, but not just any, it was my laptop I left back home and never thought I’d see again.

  “How?” Cairo stood in front of me with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Can’t reveal all my secrets,” he replies with a sexy smirk. “My timing couldn’t have been perfect either. If what you say is true, you will need a safety net.” I ignore the fact he was still skeptical about me creating these worlds and give him a blank stare.

  “What do you mean?” He motion for me to have a seat across from him at the desk. I reel in my panic and sit down my gaze just as intense as his.

  “When Demetri finds out.”

  “If,” I correct him. Cairo just shakes his head.

  “Sabine even you know nothing stays secret for long, especially in ‘The Lord’s’ Realm. Regardless, if you created it or not. I want you safe. Use this.” He pats my laptop. I’m still not sure how he got, but very grateful to have it back. “Create someplace safe for you to go if things go bad. Nothing is impossible for you. I’d hate to wage a war with Tor and Demetri if something were to happen to you, but I will if I have too. Just because you’re immortal doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to make you suffer or cease to exist. So, for the sake of the realms do it for me.”

  I nod because he’s right. Tor’s people was closing in and Demetri will find out and lose his shit.

  Cairo was preparing to leave, and I had to ask, “are you okay, you know about Roman and I?”

  He straightens, cracking his neck, and I became nervous of losing him or having to choose between him and Roman.

  He cups my chin with both hands. “I don’t like it. The thought of you being with him. Him having his hands on you and having to share you with anyone, makes me want to go rip his head off.” He closes his eyes and his jaw clench together. “I want you happy and if that means you taking another mate then so be it. But just don’t expect me to accept them or get alone. We’re alpha men and that’s like putting lions in the mist with one deer.” I chuckle but the severity of his words hit me hard. I couldn’t control having feelings for more than one person.

  This was enough for him to digest no need to tell him about my feelings for the prince and the Lord. “Roman is a good man, he’s had it harder than most and came out on top.” His lips brush the top of my head. “Just try not to take the ice prince and Lord as mates and we’ll be okay.”

  Oh, boy. I don’t know what’s more dangerous Tor or my love life.

  He walks over to the door and hold his hand out to me. “Now we must go. Seems like words are in order with the Lord.”


  C airo and I find the guys in the library. A room I’ve been dying to get in after Roman gave me the grand tour, but I’ve otherwise been too busy with staying alive, and figuring things out. The room was a rare find, about the size of a city’s library but with ancient history and stories.

  The bookshelves went as tall as the high ceilings which was high. It even had one of those roll ladders that were often seen in movies. Impressive. Some books were so old gloves were needed to touch them and kept in a cooling glass container.

  When we arrive, the guys were spread out in the room at various tables. At first glance they appear to be hard at work, searching for information, but what betrays the scene is the eerie silence and tensed jaw sets.

  Aiden was gripping his book so hard it threaten to break open. Demetri stood off to the side in his usual nonchalant posture that made him seem like an asshole. My biggest worry though, was Roman.

  He wore a pained expression not like a man who should’ve been in pure glee after getting laid. Something was wrong and it wouldn’t take me long to figure it out or watch the aftermath unfurl.

  We walk further into the room neither men look up to acknowledge us. Yeap this is bad. Cairo and my presence together would at least ignite a growl or something, but alas nothing.

  I take a seat at a table peering down at an open book of the realms’ history and layout.

  A good start but I’m not sure what this has to do with Tor’s plans and how to stop him. Cairo stands in the middle of the room and his posture indicates he’s ready to get down to business.

  “Does anyone want to tell me why I, a member of the council, wasn’t informed there was a meeting and with Tor’s lackeys?” Straight to the point. I was foolish to think Cairo wasn’t a council member after all he was among the top powerful beings in this realm.

  “For one it was a last-minute meeting. There wasn’t enough time to inform every member. It wasn’t anything personal, I assure you,” Demetri says without looking up.

  “When Sabine’s safety is involved, nothing is ever last minute. As we move forward, I want to know everything that involves her.” His gaze falls on Roman. “I owe you my gratitude for keeping her safe. You’re in my debt.” Roman gives him a curt nod.

  “If you’re finished, we all have much to discuss.” The book Demetri is holding snags my eyes, and I realize it wasn’t a book at all. It was the Tome from the night we discovered my father was alive and well, keeping.

  “I’ve decided. I will conduct testings on the Nymphs and present the findings to Tor’s people to pass along.” The words weren’t out of his mouth when Roman was on his feet squared off alongside Cairo.

  “The hell you are. We owe that bastard nothing. He can go to hell.”

  “And he will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants. Only this way ensures everyone here stays safe,” Demetri says with conviction in his voice. “I for one want to find her before he does,” he adds, looking in my direction.

  A chill runs down my spine. He wants to kill me, but he never says it. Every time they bring this matter up it was always the same thing, “I’ll handle it” or “I’ll uphold the oath” whatever that meant. We need to know, hell I need to know and some part of me want to hear the words from his mouth.

  “And when you find her?”

  “Death.” His tone is cold, heartless as though there wasn’t another option for him.

  “Well, with all respect it’s not your call. Sabine is over the Nymphs and she outranks even you Demetri. It’s her decision.” Cairo’s voice never wavers, and I give him a small smile. He was protecting me.
I just hope Demetri can’t see through it, but nothing goes unnoticed with him.

  I walk over to join him and Roman. Aiden keeps his opinions to himself, smart man, though his face is unreadable. I think for a moment.

  The thing that would be in the best interest for me and my people. “I say no.” Both Roman and Cairo let out a breath I doubt either is aware they were holding.

  “There’s no need to cause alarm to our people, nor do we need to frighten mine, by making it look like we’re doing Tor’s work.”

  Demetri doesn’t look convinced and even more his brows raise with suspicion. “It would cause no such a thing if you were there to explain the situation. They’d listen to you. All I know is that was Cyena’s first and only warning,” Aiden offers.

  After careful examination Aiden looked like shit. His skin was blotchy and paler than usual with dark circles underneath his eyes. Defeated was the best word to describe him.

  “No, is my final answer,” I say looking at each of them hoping they understand.

  “Then it’s settled no one is testing anyone,” Roman reiterates.

  With half of us satisfied and the other half pissed off we grab a seat and try not to focus on one another. Roman and Cairo were like magnets to me and we end up at a table off to ourselves.

  Cairo’s hand rested on my thigh and Roman’s hand intertwined with mine. I clear my throat, uneasy about my next words, but it has to be said. “I think I should go find my father.”

  “Absolutely not!” The lot of them said. I’d gotten whip lash with Demetri, either he wants to kill me or protect me. Jesus, but whatever it was I wish he would decide.

  Ignoring their protests, I continue, “I believe my father is the keeper of the key to the magical realms.”

  The room becomes quiet before an eruption of shouts sounding out. Except for Cairo and I, my head falls into my hands and Cairo gives an exasperated sigh as he soothe my shoulders.


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