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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 21

by Owen Oakley

  Roman jumps up and flip over the table screaming at Demetri about ‘why he hadn’t figured this out yet and that we’ve been wasting time,’ which was true.

  Aiden stands between Dem and Roman trying to convince them to listen to him. It all reminds me of the boat incident with an added person, and before I can stop myself, I laugh.

  Cairo shoots me a quizzical glance, and I wave away his curiosity. Aiden had enough. His lips moved fast without us ever hearing a word. Aiden’s voice boomed throughout the massive room.

  “STOP!” His regular tone gone, replace with a more regal and distinguished voice that we couldn’t ignore.

  Only when he sees he has our attention and put an end to the quarrel did his voice return to normal. “So, it’s true. The other half of the prophecy.”

  I step forward, unsure of when I got up from my seat with my head tilted ready to hear what he was trying to say. “What other half? The prophecy you told me wasn’t all of it?” Aiden’s throat bobs, while fidgeting with his hands.

  “Aiden, stop.” That was Demetri and why am I not surprised he knows about this and kept it hidden.

  “Tell us,” Cairo commands. Aiden lowers his eyes as he rub the back of his neck, and when he doesn’t try to continue it only enrages me more.

  “NOW!” A few books shoot from their place on the bookcase. I was losing what little patience I’d kept; my magic was ready to come out. I guess it was true what they said about demigods, we all have a temper.

  “Aiden do not say—” Oh for fuck’s sake! I flick my hand towards Demetri’s mouth, thinking the word “seal” and we all watch as his lips began snitching itself together until the area where his mouth used to be was nothing more than a smooth surface.

  They all take a step back from me, but I advance on Aiden. “You were saying.”

  His eyes widen and gives me a quick nod. “The prophecy speaks of the dark Nymph true, but there’s another part that only a select few know about,” he cut his eyes towards the helpless Demetri who can’t undo what I’ve done without a mouth, so he pace, running his hands through his hair.

  I snap my fingers in Aiden’s face bringing his attention back to the conversation. “Before Tor or anyone else for the matter can merge the realms; they must possess the dark Nymph for everlasting protection, the Phoenix for rebirth and resurrection and the actual key to the magical realms.” I stand appall for a moment.

  Roman was right about wasting time but not for the lack of discovering what my father was keeping but for concentrating on one piece of the puzzle when there were three that needed our attention.

  Unease followed by nausea hit me hard. The Phoenix was another issue on its own. A myth was all it was. A bird who combust into flames, only to be reborn from its own ashes, that also possess healing powers along with immortality. It was almost comical if it weren’t.

  We’re chasing legends and myths, plain and simple.

  I almost jump out of my skin when Cairo place a hand on my shoulder but soon after melt into his touch.

  Roman was still fuming with his arms across his chest, heat rolling from him. “All this time we were chasing the Nymph and wasting time, when there were more significant pieces to the goddamn puzzle!”

  “Calm down baby,” Cairo whispers in my ear.

  There was nothing more I hated than someone telling me to calm down when I wasn’t riled up.

  He was lucky he was my mate. I shrug his hand from my shoulder, brushing pass Roman and straight into Demetri’s face, while letting my magic swell in my chest and soar into his. He flies into the glass display that housed a magical globe of the realms that probably can’t be replaced.

  My breaths come quicker, and I want to keep handing out punishment, but I also want answers. “Release,” I order snapping my fingers, and granting him his mouth back.

  No one bothers to stop my rage flair up either they feel the same way or don’t want to be on the receiving end like Demetri. “Talk.”

  He get his bearings and dust himself off, looking at the mess I made, and the priceless artifacts left destroyed. Demetri stills and a thoughtful look cross his face.

  One, he either wanted to get me back and was considering his options. Or two he was trying to come up with an explanation that wouldn’t make him look like the biggest prick in the realm right now.

  “I know this seems bad, but— ”

  “No shit this is bad. You’ve been turning us against her for weeks now and all this time you were keeping a hell of a lot of secrets Demetri! And you!” Roman look to Aiden who had shrunken so far in the corner he looked more like a servant than the royal prince he was. “You’re a fucking disgrace.”

  We were getting nowhere, and I was tired and hungry. “Enough! Listen I will find my father, that’s final, and you, Demetri will help and tell us everything I need to know to prepare me for my journey.”

  On that note I excuse myself to the dining room. I had lost track of time and reality, but if there was one thing to help me come around, it was food.


  T he chef was the real MVP I don’t know how he or she nails it each time, but they do. Meat loaf, mashed potatoes, bread and vegetables. It almost makes me forget my troubles, almost. As soon as I look up from my plate, I’m reminded of everything.

  Demetri sits in his regular seat, Aiden across from me but Roman and Cairo both sit beside me. I would’ve eaten in my suite, but Demetri promised answers and all I’ve heard is forks against glassed dishes.

  I sit mine down and wipe my napkin at the corners of my mouth and stare at him as he ate. I hope he feels as uncomfortable as I intend it to be. After it was clear, he isn’t going to respond I begin for him.

  “If I were the dark Nymph,” Cairo and Roman both squeeze my thighs unobvious to the other two as they continue eating. It was a warning. “You kill me and then what? How can you carry out the promise you made my mother and uphold the oath to destroy the Nymph?”

  Something I’d been wondering since I came to this realm. Demetri keeps his eyes on his food and sip his wine.

  “Our word to your mother to protect you was that, a word, not an oath. Oaths, when taken and then broken have consequences,” his gaze dart between Aiden’s and then Roman’s.

  “What consequences?” I have to know since my potential mate may try to kill me to save his own ass or suffer a horrible fate for not falling through with it.

  “The kind that’s not important for you to know,” he answers instead.

  Fine. “How do I get to my father? Which realm is he in?” He lifts his eyes to meet mine and had it not been for my current rage towards him I would lose myself in those pale grey eyes and otherworldly handsome face of his.

  “Eilien.” Forks all around me drop in panic. Oh, silly of me to think he’d live somewhere let’s say normal.

  “Sure, it makes sense for him to be housed in the deadliest realm there is,” I say allowing the sarcasm to drip from every word. The universe wouldn’t let me have a break, but it also makes sense he’d be there.

  No one would dare make it through the deadly forest, the only way to the actual realm. A forest filled with lethal sirens in murky ponds, sprites who play deadly jokes on the unsuspecting, and a lake hag that controls it all.

  A hell of an imagination there Sabine. “I’ll go with her,” Roman announce.

  I open my mouth to protest before hearing “Me too.” I turn to see Cairo looking at me.

  “No one is going with me. I created these worlds and I’m better equipped to deal with it than any of you. You’d slow me down.”

  Their faces fall. Damn my big mouth. I didn’t mean it like that. “I’m sorry. What I meant to say was it’ll be dangerous, and I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” I shoot them a small smile, and they give my shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

  “How do I get in?”

  “Did you not hear me? There’s no way you’re going without at least one of your mates.” Roman explains in a tone fill with conviction,
abandoning his usual seductive voice. Aiden and Demetri bear a hole into him.

  Guess the cat was out the bad— or should I say Minotaur. “It’s true?” Demetri ask with his classic scowl.

  I swear as much as he does that his face will become fixed that way.

  Roman stands up with his head high, gripping my hand. “Yes, it’s true. Sebastian has chosen her as his mate.”

  Wait, who now? Who the hell was Sebastian? “And please before you say anything that’ll upset me or him, remember the power he now holds.”

  I’m lost and I don’t like it.

  “But the bond isn’t complete,” Aiden figures out with a gleam in his eye. Roman cross his arms over his chest staring at Aiden.

  “No but trust me it won’t be long.” I blush at his admission while Cairo groans beside me, followed by two growls. Men!

  “I hope you know what you’re doing brother where the oath is concerned,” Demetri states. I roll my eyes at his words but didn’t feel it necessary to comment.

  Roman was a big boy and handled himself just fine. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  My curiosity was still ramped up on what would happen if they broke the oath. If it was anything dangerous, I wouldn’t allow it to happen.

  “Okay, Roman and I will go.” I turn to Cairo. “And you stay and prepare for my return.”

  It’s a loaded statement that only he and I would understand. He search my eyes for understanding and after a beat, nods.

  “Where do we begin?”

  It takes us all night and coffee isn’t enough. None of us had slept since the day before and supe or not we were ready to pass out.

  Aiden explained to Roman and I about the many hidden dangerous creature there and how he would have to cast a complicated glamour that would shield our appearance without suppressing our natural abilities. That meant it’d take at least four days to get things ready.

  I for one would not argue with a few days of rest.

  “Sabine can I show you something?” I stand, happy for the invitation to get away and then off to bed.


  Roman had laid out on the table, fast asleep, Cairo left a few hours ago, and Demetri was in the corner doing whatever he did with the books that surrounded him.

  He was too engrossed in his studies and didn’t notice us slip out the door. Aiden led me to the elevator where he instructed it to my floor. Even better.

  He wait in front of my door and I say the words for my password, and we walk in. Nothing was more relaxing and soothing than seeing my bed and a snoring Foxtrot. I couldn’t help but smile.

  “What’s up?” I ask as I try to remove the urgency out of my voice. I don’t mean to rush him, but I want to sleep.

  My muscles in my shoulders were hard as rocks. Every limb on my body were heavy, and all I want is the softness of my mattress and duvet cover.

  “Close your eyes,” he extend his hand for me to take it and I do as he ask. Mischief danced in his eyes along with excitement and I could only wonder what he has planned. He leads me over to my window and I hear the blinds retract, along with the window itself. Hmm I didn’t know that was possible, not that I’d want to do it either.

  A cool breeze rush over my face, bouncing my curls in its wake. The sun warm me on an otherwise chilly day. I cling tight to Aiden’s hand because the feeling of being that close to the edge was nerve wrecking.

  Heavy breathing, that was anything, but human had me cocking my head to allow my ears to be my eyes.

  Whatever it was had a steady rhythm and fought hard to keep its thoughts away from me. It was an animal for sure and the only thing I could think of…

  “Open them,” Aiden says with a smile in his voice. I open them and I was right, a Pegasus.

  The one I admired in the pet store after I arrived. “It’s beautiful.” I say in awe still staring at the majestic creature.

  I had fallen in love with Demetri’s dragon Centuria although she scared the hell out of me when I first met her. I remind myself that these creatures I’d seen in the shop were luxurious and also remembering the price.

  Midnight black with gold underneath his wings. He was bigger than the other ones with him.

  “Aiden you shouldn’t have, really.”

  His brows knit together in disbelief or sadness. “Everyone else has gifted you with something and you accepted it without compliant.”

  Awe hell. Not again.

  “Aiden their gifts weren’t even close to this expensive,” I gesture to the Pegasus, trying to explain but failing.

  So, you don’t want me? It doesn’t surprise me that the Pegasus was talking in my head but what could I do? It’s a part of me.

  “No! I do but I know you were expensive and I’m not worth that kind of money. At least I don’t think so.”

  Like Aiden the Pegasus wasn’t convinced. Aiden who was now sitting on my bed staring at his hands like he’d lost his best friend, but he hadn’t I was standing right there.

  I kneel in front of him and place my hand on his knees. “I love him, and I’d be honored to keep him.”

  His face brightens and something between us just snapped. Before I thought better of it, I leaned forward bringing my lips to meet his.

  It was long overdue even when he was in my world pretending to be someone else, I’ve always felt the connection that was deeper than friendship.

  I’ve loved this man since he came into my life and because my mother sent him to protect me, the lies didn’t matter. The kiss grew more and more frantic and our hands explored each other’s body. I called upon the restraint and broke away from him.

  We both were in a daze of passion, but exhaustion won. “I need to rest but if I could,” I lean back in and let my lips brush against the side of his mouth. That was enough, and I didn’t need to say anymore.

  He moan, and I was right there sharing the exact feeling. “What will you name him?” He asks looking back to the Pegasus who rested on the ramp big enough to hold two of him.

  I tilt my head. With my reputation as a dark nymph and his black coat and frightening appearance only one name seem befitting.

  “Viper,” I reply. Aiden chuckled, dropping a kiss on my forehead before leaving.

  Well, I thought you two would forget about my presence and rip each other’s clothes off. I did forget Fox was in the room and it was not surprising that he was ease dropping. Come to bed Sabine you look awful.

  “Gee, thanks,” I tell him, looking over at my laptop. “I will, but first I have a safety net to create.”



  B eing an alpha is a chore. Misconduct, petty disputes between my kind and other supes, and other boring things not worth mentioning were a part of the job. But now is when my true leadership shines through and by it being for Sabine only makes it even more important.

  I leave early to organize a meeting between the Wolves, Nymphs, and Centaurus. After Sabine was adamant about me staying, I understood what she was asking me to do.

  We need as many allies as we could get. The Centaurus and Nymphs were a given, but the Wolves were sometimes harder to convince on matters that didn’t involve their pack. I would try regardless of how they felt.

  The forest Sabine’s awakening took place was the perfect and neutral location to hold the meeting. I stood and watched as my kind flew in on dragons or Pegasus, most teleported in like the Nymphs and Wolves.

  I along with only a few others that have wings flew in, it’s a tremendous honor and a rare and special ability. Once I was certain everyone had arrived. I lead them further into the forest.

  We couldn’t risk anyone stumbling in on this conversation and taking anything back to Demetri. I gesture to two Nymphs who give me a nod and move to the outer edges surrounding us in a circle to place a protective and silencing spell around us.

  Paranoid? Maybe. Safe? Always.

  “Why have you called us here?” Adrian, the Wolf alpha waste no time asking.

he Nymphs need our help.” I state. A few whispers ascend on the crowd until it becomes a full conversation among the groups. I put my fingers in my mouth and blow out a piercing whistle, it hurt the Centaurus and Wolves the most because of their sensitive hearing but there was no time to waste. “Listen! The dark Nymph from the prophecy is here in Ardam and she needs our help.”

  Silence falls on the crowd and I have their attention.

  “It’s Sabine, the demigoddess. We need to make an alliance if we don’t Demetri will kill her, or Tor will use her to do his evil bidding.”

  Adrian scoff, with his arms across his chest. “You just want to protect your mate, but at the cost of treason and death.”

  Frantic whispers from disbelief to excitement, come at Adrian’s words. I hadn’t spoken this to anyone which made me question how Adrian found this out.

  My people were happy. They saw the struggle I carried with me for eons of not having found a mate.

  My teeth grind against each other and I tampered down the urge to wring Adrian’s fucking neck.

  Who wouldn’t want to protect their mate?

  “It’s true. Sabine is my mate I have been giving all three confirmations.” Loud whoops carried across the crowd from both the Nymphs and my kind. I couldn’t suppress my smile. I was damned proud of my mate. Mine. “Tor’s people came with threats, demands to test every Nymph. Sabine alongside The Lord, The Prince, and Roman fought to protect this realm; and stood up to The Lord when he wanted to cower to Tor’s request.”

  They didn’t need to know every single aspect of the situation that took place. Yes, part of it was to protect herself, but also her people.

  The Nymphs were a dying race and needed leadership and guidance. She didn’t know it, but she saved her people.

  A Nymph test could take hours and it would’ve been painful, digging into their magic that had become a part of their souls, just to see whether they possessed the dark gift.

  Traci steps forward, tall, poised and attractive as ever; acting on Sabine’s behalf. “The Nymphs stand by their goddess. Sabine is our leader and blood sister. We will follow her anywhere, after all she is the most powerful in this realm and all the others as well.”


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