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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 22

by Owen Oakley

  She gives Adrian a pointed glare who growls his disapproval. Silas, my second in command steps forth.

  “The centaurs stand with the demigoddess,” he says with a hard slap on my back and a cheeky grin. I shake my head, shocked he isn’t upset I hadn’t told him about finding my mate, but he was like a brother, and understand my need for privacy.

  Those words are a relief, although I was the alpha of my kind; I won’t force them to follow something they don’t believe or issue repercussions for it.

  The willing get things done better than the forced. I had to learn that the hard way. This was truly wonderful, but it meant nothing if we don’t have an alliance with the Wolves.

  Adrian draw in a long breath, dropping the cocky facade that his kind love to display. “Cairo I just can’t. Demetri is a mage, a powerful mage. I can’t risk my peoples’ lives just to protect one and a secret of a prophecy that may or may not come true. I’m sorry.”

  He seem genuine or it could have been a crock of bullshit. Either way we don’t have their support meaning this won’t work.

  I sigh and Silas grips my shoulder. Adrian gather his people to leave but as he does over half of them remain where they are including Adrian’s Beta, Lucas.

  Lucas was a powerful shifter and for the longest the pack had been pulling for him to challenge Adrian for his spot as alpha, but he wanted to do things the right way.

  That was something I respected most about him. The tall muscular Beta with a square jaw set stood his ground looking towards his alpha.

  “Before Sabine came, we were stuck under constant sunshine, but after her arrival The Lord blessed us with the moon again.” Demetri only did it to impress Sabine and to show me up but hey it brought the moon back. “I for one can give two shits about a prophecy. Anyone that fights for this realm has my support.” He darts his eyes around the crowd at the set of eyes gazing at him. “Our support.” Adrian’s face turns hard, a Beta calling the shots wasn’t a good look among shifters where rank was everything.

  “Those of you who stay. Consider yourselves pack less,” he tells them in his authoritative voice that I recognize so well from my own. Lucas only chuckles.

  “The alpha bond withdrawal will suck but I think we’ll survive.”

  Adrian shift into his massive grey wolf and run back towards the opening with a few others in tow. I give Lucas a nod of gratitude that is reciprocated with a wink.

  “Now, when it happens, it will go fast. I need each group to select one person as the contact person who will set off a warning signal that will prompt you all to meet here and then I’ll take it from there. I suggest you bring only the things you’ll need, be ready at all times,” I stress.

  “Ready for what?” One Wolf ask. I scan the crowd trying to meet everyone’s eyes.

  “To leave this realm.”


  B efore I could blink or rest the night before Roman’s and my journey to Eilien was here. As usual I was restless and not for the reason of nerves. Roman was having a refueling party downstairs.

  He tried to reassure me he wouldn’t take part in the activities and would only feed off the lust of those around him.

  But a part of me didn’t trust it. He’s an incubus, and it was his only source for substance and energy.

  I offered, but he claimed I needed my strength which was a nice cop out. I suspected he was indecisive about completing the bond and the effects it would have on the oath he took, which was fine. I didn’t push the issue.

  Now I was in my room pacing. My hair was magic into a ponytail to keep me from pulling on it.

  Why don’t you just go down there Sabine?

  Foxtrot had been the devil on my shoulder for the last half hour. Whispers of encouragement to downstairs and even to engage in in the orgy.

  I was caving. The uncertainty alone was killing me.

  “Because I’m afraid I won’t like what I see and then I can’t get upset because it’s Roman’s nature to do the things he does.” I swallow down the jealousy at the thought of some woman pawing and rubbing on his body.

  It’s for energy Sabine, not pleasure. Even though pleasure would be a side effect of getting the energy. I groan as I fall back on my bed and stare up at the clock.

  Fifteen more minutes and they’ll get started. He began early than usual so he could “host” all night. He want to get all the energy he could.

  Roman was quick to add the fact that no energy given to him in all his centuries compared to what I had given him. I smiled, remembering his words, but it wasn’t enough to make me forget about what was about to happen.

  You’re pathetic. Fox huff with a frown. A real demigoddess would cast a glamour or invisibility spell and go down there to see what was happening with her mate.

  He was trying to bait me and damn if it was working.

  “I don’t want to be that woman unable to trust her mate’s word. He said he wouldn’t, and I should believe that.” Fox laugh with his eyes closed. I wish he would go to sleep.

  You don’t want to be that woman? Well, in about ten minutes a lot of ‘those women’ will try to put your mate’s cock into every hole that’s available.

  I grimace at his words this fucking familiar and his mouth! No filter. I wish Aiden or Cairo were here to take my mind off of this.

  Aiden was reconciling with his family to regain alliances and aid among the Fae to help against Tor, so that was important. Cairo, I have heard little from, but he sent word that preparations were going well and to remain safe.

  We’d all see each other tomorrow, but it already felt like an eternity. I weigh my options, stay here and wonder or see for myself.

  I have a sneaky suspicion Foxtrot just wanted to see what was happening in the orgy more than about my feelings.

  It was settled then, I got up put on an outfit that didn’t scream ‘Nymph,’ which was difficult, and I cast my first glamour spell.

  Because I wasn’t accustomed to trickery magic like Aiden it takes two tries to get it perfect.

  My now blond hair flowed in a perfect bob, my nose transforms from tiny and cute, to a straight and narrow.

  I watch as my ears retracted into normal ears and my emerald green eyes are now blue. I have sharp cheekbones; in fact, all my facial features were sharp and flawless.

  The one thing I find most fascinating is my height. I was average height but now I have model status height.

  Foxtrot watch as I spin around and gives me a look of approval. That was the easy part. How was I going to get there?

  It didn’t take long to devise a plan. I teleport myself outside right before a few other women who were too caught up into their own conversations to notice that I appeared from nowhere.

  The line was long, every step held a person. The soldiers were monitoring the door making sure no one strayed away from the intended direction.

  “All I need is one opportunity with Roman and he wouldn’t want anyone else.” My head snaps in the direction of the melody voice. The woman in front of me was beautiful. Too beautiful. It was hard to place her in a specific race with her slender waist, brown shoulder length hair and high cheekbones.

  My eyes trailed her up and down before moving on to the gorgeous woman next to her. “Please! Word is he has his eyes on the demigoddess,” the other gorgeous woman interjects. I smile despite myself.

  Word travels fast around here, and I think my familiar and his gossip sessions with the other animals in the ether had something to do with that.

  “She doesn’t have half of what I have,” the woman replies. I choke back laughter that still slips. The duo eye me up and down, like I’m nothing.

  “Lena! Stop you don’t know who’s listening.” Smart girl.

  “Oh, please Kerri you’re such a whiner!” Kerri looks down, avoiding the woman’s gaze.

  The line was moving up little by little, with only minimum progress and then, “all right, that’s it!” Shouts a guard.

  How did I not notice this man
y people standing out here at the first party? I have to get inside but how without teleporting in?

  Thinking quick on my feet I make a stride forward colliding with people turning away to leave. “You think they will let you in?” Lena calls behind me.

  “Watch me,” I say moving forward. The guards were blocking the door when I arrive, both wearing a scowl. “Hey,” I say with a bit of nervousness. Neither say anything. “I need to get in. I heard this was Roman’s last party, ever, and I’ve never been.” Both things were true this would be his last party that much he let me in on.

  The guards shrug. “So,” the one on the right with a goatee and buzz cut say. I could tell Demetri hand picked these men.

  I release a sigh, might as well use a little magic and wits. “Relax,” I purr. I rub both their shoulders. A golden shimmer of magic appear in my right hand, and I blow it gently in their faces.

  At first nothing happens until they both break into grins wearing a goofy look on their face. “Let me in,” I command.

  They step aside and open the door. “Hey, that’s not fair,” an annoying voice squeal behind me.

  I turn to where Lena and Kerri are. “You’re right, it’s not fair. Kerri care to join me?” Her eyes grow wide, and she stutters a bit before running to my side, leaving a dumbfounded Lena in her wake.

  “Oh yeah. If I ever hear you disrespect the demigoddess again.” I drop the glamour around my face so only she could see who she was speaking to. Kerri moved behind me as I step closer to Lena.

  The woman freeze, I would’ve too if the person I was speaking ill about was right there as another the entire time. “I’ll make sure no man in this realm, or the next will want to touch you with magic or a ten-foot pole. Understood?” She swallow hard, the slight hint of her Adam’s apple bobbing. She shook her head.

  “Now shoo.” That was all she needed to hear before taking off on whatever dragon flew her in. I hated women like that; girls who thought they were better than everyone else bullied me. Kerri was waiting for me by the door beaming.

  My face remained stern. I wasn’t here to make friends. I had an agenda and the entire incident cost me a few minutes. “I knew it was you!” I blink several times at the excited woman.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I know everyone in this realm.” I quirk a brow. “Not like that,” she assures. By her virginal attire and innocent looks I could believe it. “You’re Sabine. I mean Demigoddess Sabine.” I shake my head and wave away her correction.

  “Shh… just Sabine,” I say, as I point for her to go inside. It won’t be long before my compulsion spell wore off the guards. They already had shaken their heads, exchanging confused expressions to one another.

  We hurry inside and I give each of the guards a peck on the cheek that seem to satisfy them. Men. Once inside we enter a room I had never been in before or knew existed.

  They dimmed the lights with soft sensual music playing in the background. Cushions, couches, along with several other types of furniture were placed around the room. Couples, and groups of threes and fours were scattered out rubbing and touching each other.

  Different magic signatures floated in a foggy haze. Within a minute of watching and inhaling the endorphins my urges kicked in and I found myself hot and not with heat.

  “Why are you pretending to be someone else anyway?” Kerri ask. I forget that she’s still with me. I presume it was too much to ask for her to disappear.

  Somewhere away from me moans filled the room, and it was like nothing I’d ever experience. An orgy. I felt overdressed among the nudeness parading throughout the room.

  Even though it was a live porn show here and I’m unable to tear my eyes away, I still couldn’t find Roman. I weave my way around pressed bodies and with Kerri still hot on my heels. Ugh, she had to go.

  “Could you do me a favor?” I ask bringing us to a halt.

  “Anything,” she replies. I had already spotted a handsome guy in the corner just as timid as Kerri.

  “See that one over there?” Pointing in his direction, she blushed as she bit down on her bottom lip shaking her head. “He’s a good friend of mine. Could you go and I don’t know maybe keep him company?”

  Kerri hesitates for a beat until the unknown guy shoots her a wink. “Bye,” she says. I wiggle my fingers at her happy she’d taken the bait.

  The music changes from its sensual tone to a more intense rhythm. The bass in the music pulsated through my bones causing my hips to sway, feeling desirable and gaining the attention of naked men.

  I find myself surrounded by three guys, groping and grinding against me. My first mind is to push them away but something in me want them as they want me.

  Letting my head rest on the man pressed behind me as they held me up, I still couldn’t get Roman out of my mind.

  And that’s when my hooded gaze locked onto a set of intense not so happy cool blue ones. Oh, shit!

  My body stiffen between the men as Roman sat on a dais watching us, and I smile because I realize I wasn’t myself.

  Maybe I shouldn’t have because I was already playing with fire, but Roman never moved and I wondered for a second if he knew it was me or if he wanted to see how far I will let this go.

  In the end I move on. Roman had no idea it was me; if he did, he would’ve stormed out to get me, wouldn’t he?

  The men back away from me finding interest in the other many beautiful and naked women around us.

  Roman lose interest in what I was doing, a relief for me. His Minotaur would wreak havoc on this place if he knew it was me.

  From my observations, Roman was turning down women left and right and for a good thirty-minutes all he did was rest with closed eyes.

  Things got boring after that unless you were the one getting action and well, I wasn’t, no complaints though. I walked until I stumbled onto a group of individuals surrounding two people.

  Must be a hell of a show I think to myself, and as I was walking away the two people in the center stop me dead in my tracks. My mouth goes dry and I can’t move nor could I scream as I intend to.

  Demetri is in the center, in all of his glory with a body of a God, his muscles glistened with oil and his massive cock was erect in front of him.

  No wonder he had a crowd, but he doesn’t allow me to marvel over his body and store it in my mind for later use, because of the woman he was with.

  He was with… me. The tight curls, my height and shape, even down to my very tattoo. I was naked or whoever the woman was he glamour.

  Demetri payed enough attention to my body to get things right mostly but he couldn’t get the more private things, but I’m sure it was what he was hoping or imagining it to be.

  I hadn’t moved an inch. The duplicate me was in a submissive position while he stood over her. I watched as he took a fist full of her hair, yanking her onto all fours, opening her legs while kneeling behind her. She wore a collar and leash connected to it. The leather bind kept her hands in place.

  He spanked her ass several times, leaving his handprint across her skin.

  The tears in my eyes blurred my vision, but I didn’t need to see to know what would happen next. I blink letting the tears fall in time to see him plunge his cock in deep. People around them gasped and touched themselves and their partners.

  I couldn’t breathe and wanted to go hide underneath a rock from embarrassment. My demigoddess powers hadn’t prepared me for something like this. He took her, with his hands slipping to her neck and squeezing.

  My eyes fall right on Roman’s face, who was now standing as he follows where my attention had been, and his eyes widen. He curse under his breath but before he could turn around to get to me, I was already gone and back in my suite.

  Late and needing the rest, I waste no time dropping the glamour and sliding into bed. My tear streak cheek dampen my pillow, but I don’t have the energy to do anything about it.

  I don’t know what hurt more, watching Demetri with another woman he wished was
me, or how he he wanted me to be, submissive and weak.

  Sleep took me and I’ve never been more grateful.


  I t was as if I didn’t sleep at all. I spent half the night tossing and turning and dreams of Demetri and I having sex. Why couldn’t this all be a dream? Maybe the things I saw last night weren’t real. But it was true, and a girl could dream. Last night happened, and I needed to get over it, only thing was, I couldn’t.

  Eilien was by far the most dangerous realm I had created. In my defense the fans help me create it. They wanted something more adventurous and hell even I was tired of the same status quo.

  The only scary part about it was we were uncertain what inhabitant the forest now. Yeah, there were sprites, hags, ugly as fuck sirens with musical voices but what else?

  That’s what we’d learn today and because it would be safer to travel at night— says no one ever— we had all day to eat, learn, and prepare. Sorry resting was not an option now.

  I skipped breakfast as I wasn’t hungry anyway, and I want to get a head start on the research.

  It reminds me of my college days when I crammed for tests after a party Aiden drug me to that I spent all night holding the wall.

  The library was empty, and I was relieved. In a moment I would have to face Demetri, but I always welcomed a few extra moments of silence and privacy.

  A golden book with eggshell white pages was already opened, and I grab it before sitting in the fluffy recliner. I melt into its cushions and release a happy moan.

  The book talked about magical herbs, trees, and plants ranging from the level of fatality. As I flipped through the pages; there were only a select few that were harmless.

  My stomach churn at the thought of walking through the forest with not only creatures trying to kill us but nature as well.

  This should be fun. I become so captivated by the book I was reading I don’t hear the guys when they come in. Cairo would’ve teleported in, but he came in with the rest.


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