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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 28

by Owen Oakley

“Where is he?” Roman ask.

  “Grand Isle,” Christopher says in a rushed tone. He may be a powerful sorcerer but even he had the sense not to fuck around with someone like Roman. Not to mention Roman hadn’t forgotten Christopher knocked him out with his magic.

  “Louisiana?” I scream out, baffled by his admission. The island strip was only a hundred miles south of New Orleans. My brother had been an hour away from me this entire time. But the biggest questions were, “why were we separated, and does he play a role in Tor’s plan?”

  My darkness was fighting to come out. I had become more in tuned with it now. Sometimes things wouldn’t phase it, while other times, such as now—when someone a part of me was being threatened—it riled up the darkness within.

  “What does the prophecy say?” To hell with all of that! I don’t give two shits about the prophecy or some seer who created it. I want answers.

  Roman’s gaze was crestfallen, his eyes roaming for something or maybe he was in thought, I couldn’t be for sure.

  Against my better judgement I release the spell from Christopher. His muscles one by one jerked as he tested out his mobility.

  I stared at him. “Don’t make me regret it.” Christopher to my surprise sits on the couch after pouring himself a drink. Roman was still quiet, but I couldn’t worry about his malfunction.

  As I open my mouth to speak a sharp gasp carries around the room. Christopher and I turn to Roman who was brewing.

  Veins protruded from his neck and forehead, and he was heaving hard. “What’s wrong?” After that question everything goes in slow motion. Roman turns into a blur of red mist darting in two leaps picking Christopher up from the couch. The wind blows out the fire that was barely staying alive, but the place was filled with lamps of some sort. With another leap Roman pinned Christopher to the wall by his neck.

  Maybe Chris would have stood a chance had Roman not shifted his arms. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Yeap, pot meet kettle.

  Roman ignore my question too busy killing Christopher. I didn’t like this guy either but killing him wouldn’t give us what we come for even if it wasn’t much.

  He stare at me for a beat. I mouth ‘stop’ and he let him fall to the floor.

  I pull him away. He run his hand through his messy hair and pace back and forth. The air sizzled with tension and how the hell was Fox sleeping through this mess was beyond me. Christopher slid his way back up the wall, gathering his magic.

  “Don’t even think about it.” Roman stops in his tracks to see what I was talking about and the sound of bones splitting, grated my nerves. “No! That goes for you too!”

  He deflates and relief surge through me.

  “What’s wrong,” I ask again, this time hoping for an answer.

  “Should I tell her or you?” The words come out through gritted teeth, snarling at Christopher. When my alleged sire doesn’t fess up, Roman was at his wits end. “Fine. Your brother’s the Phoenix Sabine. Mona and he built you as ultimate weapons and it was only a matter of time that you both would fall into the crossfire of some psycho who would want to do evil.”

  My mouth goes dry, and my vision see two of everything. There was no way in hell I’d be able to stand straight for long. But the last thing I do before letting myself fall into Roman’s arms was let my fist connect with Christopher’s jaw and he was out cold.

  I stare at Christopher while he slept. After I come to, Christopher was still out. We or should I say Roman put him in bed and explore the rest of the house, while Fox complained about missing all the good stuff. It was a rather large place. Several bedrooms and bathrooms, a state-of-the-art kitchen that seemed too spotless to be used daily.

  It was nice, but I didn’t care about any of those things. This man and my MIA mother had condemned us to a life that we wouldn’t have otherwise chosen for ourselves.

  Created from magic is one thing, being designed as an ultimate weapon that most would want to use for evil or exterminate to prevent the former from happening is something different.

  A tear slide down my check and I wipe it away. There was no room for weakness now. My bother would need me just as much as I needed him.

  A groan sounded from the bed as Christopher winced to sit up. “You’ll be fine. Roman healed you, thank him. If he left it to me, I wouldn’t have.”

  His head snapped to the corner where I was seated in darkness. The light next to his king-sized bed was enough light. My head was hurting, and I refused any healing from myself or Roman, stupid but I wanted to feel something other than frustration, betrayal and heartache. I could have been more I was more in NOLA; built myself from the ground up. But now I was here, about to go to war because of what I was.

  “Got it all out of your system? Hmm? Can we stop trying to kill and hurt each other?” My laugh was low and cruel.

  “From the beginning you’ve tried to hurt me. I came here seeking answers, and you blindsided me with magic. Did you think after my mate pieced things together he wouldn’t cause chaos?” That time I out right laughed. Even a sorcerer such as him wasn’t that foolish.

  “Where’s the key?” I was asking one more time, leaning forward in my chair, or his death would be the last thing he remembered. We should have stayed downstairs his bedroom’s color schemes weren’t doing anything for my rage. The dark almost blood red walls and brighter red accents wailed that I mess him up on every level.

  He audibly swallowed. He now saw my piercing green eyes that had turned dark and stormy.

  “If you, your mate, and familiar stay the night with me and I go unharmed then I will hint you into the right direction. But Sabine I can’t tell you. I’m bound by magic and disobedience or revealing the key’s location is death; I’m sorry.”

  Little did he know I wasn’t over being upset with him, but the softness behind his words give permission for my tears to stream. He waste no time climbing from the bed and wrapping his arms around me.

  The smell of lilacs and jasmine tickle my nose. I shouldn’t trust him; he laid every reason in front of me and still I did. And because of that the tears came harder followed by light sobs.

  The door swings open and Christopher was being ripped away from me. “Get the hell away from her! I will kill you!” Roman roar with such ferocity that was both scary and a turn on. But this had to stop, we may have different views but working together was the only option.

  “He was only consoling me.” I tell Roman stepping between the both of them.

  “That’s my job!” Christopher snickered, and I issue him a glare before looking back at Roman.

  “I know and you have so many times. Let’s get ready for dinner and then bed.” He finally takes his eyes off Christopher to shoot me a questioning look. “In exchange for staying here and being on our best behavior Christopher will give me a hint to where the key is. Where’s fox?” Noticing for the first time since Roman barged in alone. Fox by himself equaled trouble and lots of it.

  “He’s fine. I left him with some animal looking thing.”

  “Oh, you mean Sophia,” Christopher says with mirth in his voice.

  “Another one of his creations, no doubt.” The sharpness in Roman’s words cut more ways than one. I wince at the fact that Roman would think of me as just a creation. But I doubt he realizes what he said, so I let it go.

  “I’m sure you can’t make a hellhound, no matter how powerful of a sorcerer I am. But I’m flattered that you’d think I am.” The muscles in Roman’s neck tick meanwhile I was half-way down the stairs with the shouts for me to return. Were they insane? A hellhound!

  They both acted nonchalant about a hellhound being near my familiar and I wasn’t having Fox being ripped apart or burned alive. My legs pumped faster, slipping and sliding around corners. My hip slammed into the edge of a door frame and it would bruise by morning.

  I pull up short of the living room just in time to see, well I don’t know what I was watching. They were stretched out on a massive black rug that
the hellhound blended well with. The worry that I had for him was misplaced. Sophia was a hellhound but a puppy.

  She looked to weigh a little over forty pounds and her fur was like silk. That wasn’t the unbelievable part, nope, my familiar was tucked under her side attempting to groom her.

  For a second the sight was comforting and almost felt normal. But Christopher came crashing in with Roman in tow and that vision evaporates.

  Sabine meet Sophia. She raises her head to look at me, her razor-sharp teeth protruding from her mouth. Fox chuckle as Sophia’s lolling tongue sweeps across his face, leaving saliva in its wake.

  I offer an awkward wave.

  Christopher was smiling as if all of this was amusing to him and normal.

  “One night,” I say holding up my finger. “You keep your end of the bargain and give me some kind of help to aid me find the key.”

  He nods and take a seat in front of the fireplace.

  “My home is yours, eat and get some rest.”

  I don’t have much of an appetite for food, but I couldn’t say that about other things. Roman catches my gaze and the hungry look in his eyes was all the motivation I need to grab his hand and take him upstairs; I’d worry about the rest tomorrow.


  A fter two rounds with Roman my muscles ached but in a way that made it all worth it. It was pitch dark in our room except for the fireplace that flickered. Roman gave it some of his ethereal flame and we didn’t have to worry about it going out. I wasn’t surprised that he had already chosen our room. Dark coloring but with a hint of romantic vibe. The bed was large enough for us to fit at least four more people in it, which brought my mind to my other mates.

  I had so much to figure out on top of having a Phoenix for a brother and dealing with the recent news that I was created by magic from a Goddess and sorcerer.

  Roman’s breath tickled the side of my face as he laid on his side facing me with his head in the crook of my neck.

  It almost felt wrong being here with him and not having Cairo here or Aiden and Demetri as crazy as that seems. I missed them all if I was being honest.

  “Sabine are you asleep?” I wiggle a bit readjusting his arm over my stomach. It was heavy, but it was natural. I turn to face him our lips inches apart, and I hold my breath so not to inhale too much of his spicy and intoxicating scent.

  “I am. Did I wake you?” I knew he hadn’t gone to sleep either he had just as much things on his mind as I did. He shrugged.

  “No. I was thinking.”

  “About what?” I ask trying to hide the concern in my voice.

  “The mating process and completing it.”

  My heart sped up. A deep exhale sounded from my lips. This is a big step, and it meant there was no going back afterwards.

  I knew where my certainty lie but I wasn’t sure about his and as an incubus could he be tied to one woman and be both satisfied and happy? Especially one link to four other men.

  “Are you sure?” My palm radiated a small light; I needed to see his face and whether there was any doubt that I needed to be aware of.

  He props himself on his elbow and his hand caressed my face, looking me right in the eyes, nothing but certainty shining through.

  “More than I’ve been sure of anything.” He kissed me passionately, stealing my breath away. His tongue swept inside my mouth and without hesitation I met him with mine.

  My arms went around his neck and I was ready for round three, with him tugging me on top of him I was more that sure I’d get it, but something I didn’t see happening came instead.

  His head shifted into Sebastien, teeth huge and wide. No fear existed of him because he was a part of Roman.

  I never flinched or slowed my rhythm of kissing him, yes it was a little difficult at first, but I found my way. Roman’s hands continued to grope my bottom, leaving heat marks against my skin that made me want to come from the sheer contact. I moan against his neck allowing him access to mine, but what I least expected was for Roman to bite down on my shoulder.

  It was pain mixed with pleasure; a whimper escaped my mouth. His teeth were embedded into my skin, with every tiny movement a sharp pain radiated in the area.

  Cold sticky blood mixed with his salvia trickle down my chest, back and arms. This bliss was better than an orgasm. I threw my head back and arched my back, but he bore down harder. He slid my panties to the side and in one motion he was inside of me.

  My hips met each of his strokes and not once did I close my eyes. I ran my hands across his horns and his pierced nose.

  It was only appropriate since Sebastien had chosen me, he took part in the mating process, that it wouldn’t be completed without his involvement.

  When we met each other in bliss, slow and carefully he removed his teeth and that’s when the real magic began.

  His magic blended with mine, not like the previous times we’d shared magic this was different. We were of each other.

  How could this moment get any better?

  “With your love, there’s nothing better than that.” Roman, who was now back to himself, nuzzle the side of my face while holding me.

  Gently as possible I pull back; he stare at me just as I look at him as if he were crazy.

  “I said nothing,” I tell him. He laughs finding my response hilarious.

  “You asked how this moment could get any better,” he says, repeating my thoughts. His grin would have been contagious, but I was too busy shifting to the other side of him.

  I pull the robe that Christopher gave me over my marked shoulder. After our showers he had clothes for both Roman and I.

  There was no point in wondering with how he knew our sizes or even had clothes for us. We were grateful when we spent close to two days in grim and filth.

  Roman’s face was full of confusion. Bonds can trigger many special things among the ones who are mated, I wasn’t sure if I wanted someone else in my head, Fox was enough.

  Just when I try to think something else to test the theory, Roman’s thoughts come in loud and clear as if they were coming from his mouth.

  She’s having regrets. Maybe I should’ve waited.

  My heart fluttered and stomach knotted at the same time from his thoughts.

  I smile, to ebb his worrying mind. “I regret nothing when it’s with you.” He close his eyes a sigh of relief coming over him until his eyes fly back open and his face lights up.

  “And here I thought we would get something cool like mate marks.” I laugh, jabbing him in the side before he scoops me back into his arms. “Are you okay with having someone else in your head?” He sighs, stroking my hair. “Fox is intense, and I see how he affects you sometimes. I don’t want to invade your privacy.”

  His words were thoughtful enough along with the smoothness of his tone only makes me fall more for him. I’d never thought an incubus who feeds from desire, lust, and sex would be so thoughtful and romantic.

  Not to mention incandescently happy with one woman. I silence him with a kiss and my hope it would convey more than my words.

  From there sleep had no problem taking me and I let it.

  The next morning, I wake with a start. I stare at myself in the mirror, my face not registering the exhaustion I felt courtesy of magic. This would be an up-hill battle and today was only the beginning. Once Christopher informs me of the hint, I need to get the key I could find my brother and keep him safe. There was no way I was letting Tor or any of his people get to him, that was my word.

  As I finish up, throwing on the clothes provided - which were far from being Nymph like— I almost feel human again in the fitted white t-shirt, ripped jeans and sneakers. Had it not been for the flawless hair and skin, otherworldly features, and bright green eyes I could pass as human.

  Roman was already up and had gone downstairs. I was convinced he didn’t sleep, which was weird because he was closer to human than me.

  My hand falls to the mate mark that would have to heal without magic because if interrupt
ed its healing the old-fashioned way, then it’d disrupt the mating bond. I wince at the pain that was no longer accompanied by pleasure. It would be easy to slip a finger into the bite; it was that deep. I couldn’t get an infection as far as I knew, I wouldn’t even get sick anymore. A gift and a curse.

  Not wanting to waste any more time I pull my hair in a ponytail so my curls wouldn’t irritate the mark.

  Roman had changed the sheets and made the bed; happy he thought about it otherwise I wouldn’t have.

  An envelope was propped against the large decorative pillows, with my name written in cursive on the outside. At first my mind went to Roman, and a smile filled my lips but then it vanished.

  It wasn’t Roman’s style. If he wanted to be romantic, it wouldn’t be in the form of written words but those that came from his mouth or action. This would be a gesture I’d expect from Demetri or Cairo. Something was off my body went rigid, but I beckoned myself forward, grabbing the letter and tearing it open.

  My worst fears had come true as I read the letter, a cold chill ran through my veins like ice.


  It’s no longer safe for me here, thanks to you, however I don’t regret one moment of meeting you. I must move on, but I can guarantee our paths will cross again, maybe sooner than you expect. You held up your end of the deal and now I must fulfill mine. Your brother and you are instrumental to Tor’s plans if you have guessed by now. Your mother and I never meant to create you and him as weapons but as something more. A symbol of hope, rebirth and power. Nothing more and nothing less. Tor wants protection, resurrection at will, and power. With you and your brother, he stands to have it all. Always remember the heart of a Nymph can hold more than you can imagine and with everything at his disposal he can have it all without losing a thing. This is all I can give, the rest you will have to figure out on your own. Raylin. That is your brother’s name. Keep him safe, you’re all each other has. When in doubt Sabine, always seek your heart. Your death can open doors, but your resurrection can open and commend them all.


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