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Legends and Myths of the Demigoddess 1

Page 29

by Owen Oakley

  - Christopher

  I didn’t have time to analyze the letter further. If it isn’t safe for him, that meant it was no longer safe for us. We need to go, now.

  The door was ajar, and I shove the letter in my pocket while making my way towards the stairs. My steps slow as I hear voices coming from downstairs.

  It wasn’t hushed tones and descending further, there’s anger in their tones. Tempers began to flair. I could make out Roman’s voice but the other one sounded like silk wrapped around more silk.

  Even as the mysterious voice raised, his tone was silky smooth.

  The argument snaps me out of my daze of how good his voice sounds when I wonder who was here Roman knew well enough to argue with.

  With curiosity peaked, I round the corner to find Fox enjoying the show as I wouldn’t expect anything less and Roman and the vampire from my dreams and the last meeting we had with Tor’s people.

  My eyes widen with my hackles raised I step back. The men both look at me like I caught them with their hand in the cookie jar.

  Thank the realms you came this was getting out of hand.

  “Oh?” I ask with an arched brow. “Seems you were enjoying it. When did you plan to tell me we had a guest, and how long has he been here?”

  A while. What took you so long?

  “I was reading a letter Christopher left me. The clue he gave me. He’s gone,” I add.

  What?! I didn’t get to say goodbye to Sophia.

  I suppress the urge to strangle him. I didn’t have time for that right now.

  “What’s going on?” I don’t miss Roman coming to stand in front of me which almost cause another argument because the vampire rolled his eyes with clenched teeth.

  “We had an unwelcome visitor, but he was just leaving.”

  “Bull shit. He works for Tor. You don’t think I would remember him from our parlay with that witch!” Were they in together on this thing?

  The vamp propped himself against the kitchen, looking right at home as I tore into Roman. I didn’t have the headspace for this shit. All these things were running together, and I didn’t know how to deal with them.

  Roman looked down and I reach to touch his face, not meaning to yell. When I wince, he pulls my sleeve over the bite, causing him to beam like a kid.

  “Healing already.” It wasn’t but his smile was contagious, and I did the same until a low hiss sounded from behind me. Fox sprang to his feet in a challenge to the vamp growling right back. Why can’t my life be normal?

  In lightning speed, the vampire was beside Roman looking down at the mate mark in disgust and rage filled his beautiful features. This felt all wrong, he was the enemy!

  The right hand to the man who wanted me and my brother. His hand touched the mark, and I bit down on my lip to sustain the scream that wanted to rip from my mouth.

  Before he could prod any further Roman knocked the vamp back against the wall and Fox flew in front of the vamps face barring his fangs. I’d never seen Fox respond to anyone that way.

  “You didn’t tell her did you, you bastard?” The vamp could have evaded Fox, but he didn’t move or attempt to harm him.

  “Tell me what? Someone better tell me something now before we all have a problem, and no one likes me when I’m upset.” Instead of the normal response I was expecting from the vampire, he only smirked with heat and desire bouncing around in his eyes.

  Those silver irises were doing things to me I couldn’t explain. It should be a sin how alluring vampires were. This one had a body like a solider, he was tall, chiseled facial features with a sharp exterior.

  My own words replay in my head, body like a solider. Hold on, wait a second. Right hand? A vampire? No, no, no, no! This can’t be possible. I shake my head backing until my legs hit a chair at the table.

  “I think she’s figured it out,” The vamp’s eyes were gleaming.

  “Say one more thing and I promise you...”

  “Stop!” I don’t let Roman finish; exhaustion was wearing me out and this realm was nothing healthy for my magic or mental state.

  “You’re my fifth mate,” I tell him. His smile vanishes, and he look at me like I’m a side show freak.

  After recovering from whatever shock, he was experiencing he slides up to me and take my hand. “I’m Kieran. You have five mates?” He ask not missing a beat. Now it was Roman’s turn to have a smug smile on his face.

  “That’s right get in line, and I’m the only one of the five that’s completed the bond.” I shook my head. Can I get a tape measure please? The wave of my arms like a wild person silenced the potential argument that was brewing.

  “Yes, and why are you here?”

  “You all need to leave now. I held them back for as long as I could but they’re on their way right now. Cyena and Tor! He insisted that he be presented so everything would go without a hitch in his plan to get you. They sent me to scout the place out. I must leave soon so my cover won’t be blown.”

  This was my mate? A man working for Tor. Could I even trust him?

  My heart was pounding in my ears at this point. I hopped up shuffling around trying to find my bearings. Portal. I need to create a portal. It would be tricky doing it from realm to realm, but we had to go now. Fox and Roman were already on me.

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me that when you barged in here?” Roman roared. “You’ve been working with us and keeping us informed about his moves and you’ve been an asset, but I see now you’re more of a liability than anything.”

  Kieran squared his shoulders with Roman while I ramshackle the place looking for something to draw my symbols on the floor. Fox was my only help as my two mates continued to feud with each other.

  “I wanted to see my mate! I never get to see her let alone spend time with her. Now, I’ve just discovered she has four other mates. I’m not happy and believe me something will change!” Got it! Flour. I couldn’t concentrate on their bickering and get us the hell out of here too.

  I get a bowl of water so I could write the tip of my finger after dipping it into the flour making the symbols stick to the floor.

  A complicated woman like me would have complicated symbols. I draw a circle, one large enough to fit me, Fox and Roman, with seven dividers.

  Next were all of my affinities; the vine, leaf, elemental, the bear, a crown, an orb, and a dagger placed in each slice. My artwork was less than perfect and one day I wanted to draw everything nice and in a reasonable timeframe but today wasn’t it. I needed something accurate, quick and durable.

  Fox trotted over with a kitchen knife so I could slice my palm and let the blood outline the circle.

  “Roman we have to go!” He was still in a heated argument with Kieran and all I wanted was to get the hell out of here before Tor...

  A bang sounded, it didn’t come from the door, but it shook the foundation. We each grabbed a hold to the nearest steadiest thing.

  “Fuck! They’re here!”

  “Why haven’t they come in yet?” I ask.

  “I placed a ward on the outside of the house. It’ll only hold for a minute. Cyena’s skilled and it’ll only take a few minutes for her to get through.”

  “Don’t wards have signatures? Won’t they know who placed that one?” I ask trying to hide the concern in my voice.

  It worried me I don’t know why but the thought of him getting punished for trying to protect us made my stomach churn.

  He gave me a soft smile. “I was careful Sabine and covered my tracks, like I always do,” he says looking over at Roman.

  Those words held more meaning than he let on. His statement gave me a little relief but not much.

  Another bang followed by an explosion and this time it was right outside the door. Kieran shot me a wink and him and Roman stood opposite each other.

  Shooting a confused glance in their direction I was ready to ask what was happening when the door tore off the hinges sending everything not bolted down flying towards the wall. I scooped Fox fro
m the floor and jumped center the portal I couldn’t afford for it to smudge.

  Roman and Kieran battled each other, trading spell for spell, alternating between blocks and attacks. It surprised me they were using harmful ones, but I suspected they had done this before.

  A stunning tall man, tall as the ceiling and it was at least eight feet tall stepped through the doorframe, ducking as he entered. I would know him from anywhere, from my dreams.

  He took in the scene of Roman and Kieran’s fight, and his gaze lands on me. I didn’t miss a bet I start the chant of my spell as fast of my lips could move, I only hoped that Roman would make it in time.

  Tor had let no one else into the house. But as the ground quaked from my portal; vines and roots surged up catching a hold to my feet. I was never more grateful to have something attach to my ankles before.


  He sent another blast to Kieran and had I not been paying attention I would have messed Kieran lower his shield a bit to let the spell pass to hit him.

  Tor gaze was focused on me, so he hadn’t noticed. But it was also the moment that Tor realized I was about to get away. His strides sped up until he was in a full out sprint towards us.

  Roman started running as well and I couldn’t move too much because the vines had taken over my lower half. I threw my arm out so he could connect with mine.

  He was almost there until he tripped and of all days, he chose that moment to become clumsy.

  I used what little energy I had left to counter his fall and float him over to me. My chest was hollow, depleted. He caught my arm right as Fox and I were being pulled into the Earth.

  By the realms we made it back to Ardam.


  W e sprung up from the floor into the living room of the manor was more joyous than I could express. My legs collapsed, and I didn’t bother to get up, embracing the floor like a lifeline I was afraid would disappear if I moved. Roman landed with a thud because that was the way the vines caught him and that’s the way he stayed during our travel back. He was a big guy, so I didn’t worry too much about him being injured. The sun was bright and high and glancing at the clock, it was only ten am.

  The prospect of seeing Cairo, Aiden and even Demetri made my heart swell with happiness. But something was off. The place was too quiet; any other time there are servants milling about, cleaning, prepping or doing something productive for the manor or their lord.

  I push myself from the ground and peeped from behind the curtains and as suspected there were no soldiers outside.

  Clucking my tongue and thinking what could go on for there not to be any guards.

  We left Tor and there was no way he could’ve gotten back before us, or could he? With one more glance out the window I turn to find Demetri standing before us.

  His posture was rigid, and his face calm yet menacing. Roman had his eyes closed sprawled out on the floor. I cleared my throat, and he shot up jumping as he caught sight of Demetri.

  “Shit Dem! Warn people before you come into a room. Why are you just standing there?” Demetri flicked his eyes to Roman for a moment and then back to me. My hackles were raised.

  “Good to see you too Dem! Yes, we’re okay.” Roman continue to ramble off blind to the signs I saw. Demetri gave his brother a brief smile.

  “Good to have you back brother.”

  Yea fuck this, he seldom used brother when addressing Roman, especially in front of me. Even his voice was displaced.

  “Fox go get my laptop from upstairs and go to the ether and tell Cairo it’s happening and to get everyone out right now. Make sure he meets me there; he need not come here nor you. You go with the rest of them and I’ll see you later.” Fox never hinted that we were having a conversation, staying put on the floor with his eyes closed.

  He slips away unnoticed and just like that the plan was in motion. I was rather proud of Fox. He’d gotten used to discerning better my playfulness and my serious side. Not to mention we had discussed this over and over until he could do this in his sleep.

  Roman had no clue that shit was about to go down. I watched Demetri as he took a seat on the couch not giving anything away. Time to go fishing.

  “Where is everyone?” I ask keeping the panic out of my voice.

  He gives a small shrug before crossing his arms over his chest. “Thought it was time to give everyone a day off. I’m more than capable of taking care of this place and defending it,” he answers.

  Roman smile pleased with Demetri’s relaxed behavior. I on the hand wasn’t buying it.

  “Roman, listen to me. Demetri knows.” Straight to the point.

  “What? No, he doesn’t!” I sigh.

  “Look at him! He knows! Out of all the centuries you’ve been with him, when has he ever given the staff a day off? This is a man who thrives on order and position.”

  Roman throws a smile at Demetri who was watching the clock. He was waiting for something to happen.

  “I won’t let him hurt you.”

  “You may not have a choice, but I know the situation I won’t fault you.”

  I straighten my back and walk towards him. “Demetri let’s get on with it.” It was a big risk assuming that he knew I was the dark Nymph but either way I was so tired of carrying this secret around when I had many others to figure out.

  Demetri gets to his feet and Roman steps in between us.

  “Step aside Roman. I presume you knew about this?” Roman doesn’t answer and Demetri read his silence. “It hurts you know. My brother lying to my face day and night. When you knew this entire time.” His gaze flick to my shirt and I pull up the sleeve that was stretched too late. “I see you’ve completed the mating bond and one day I hope you can forgive me.”

  “Forgive you for what? Damit Dem she’s not like that!” He screams stepping into Dem to shield me. Now he was lying. My recent display of disaster was one for the books and wouldn’t be erased from his memory.

  “Step aside Roman.” His tone in his voice gave a first and last warning but Roman held his ground, although I wish he didn’t.

  The air shifts as it always did when someone was gathering magic to use. Pressure in the room was faint but with emotions already high it took my breath away.

  I had nothing left in me just a void of depleted magic, only the stabbing pain suggested otherwise. There was plenty of darkness left but that was dangerous and even though Demetri wanted to kill me, there was no way I could bring myself to hurt him.

  Roman threw the first spell, and I dodge rolled on my side behind the couch. I was shocked that Roman could even attack Roman but peaking over the top of the couch only confirmed my suspicion, he wasn’t able to throw anything devastating or life threatening.

  I had to do something and quick. I didn’t want to leave Roman to fight my battle but what other choice do I have.

  “Get out of here Sabine!” His voice was strained and weak. Demetri was a powerful mage and I have never seen him get tired or experience a depletion of magic. It made me think about what Roman told me about his unlimited magic reserve and how he’d been storing magic for centuries.

  Like hell was I tucking tail and running, leaving Roman here to deal with the mess I had created. Roman’s scream was enough motivation to make me sprang from behind the couch and tap into my dark magic.

  I was careful not to take too much just a little to disarm Demetri for the moment and get to Roman to make sure he was okay. With one glance his way he wasn’t okay, far from it. A huge gaping wound was on his side, the air permeating with burnt flesh.

  Our mating bond had done something to their bond and from the looks of things, theirs no longer existed.

  Rage overtook me and those dark thoughts I once hard in the forest flooded me again this time worse than before. Someone I loved was hurt and there was a threat standing not even twenty feet away from me. Why was he still breathing?

  Forget a little I allow all of my darkness to overtake me.

  “No! You’re better t
han that Sabine! Don’t prove him right,” Roman says with pleadings in his tone.

  A flash of fear appear in Demetri’s eyes before it’s replaced with hardness. “It’s the only thing she knows,” Demetri replies readying another spell.

  If enough people call you dark and a monster, why not live up to their expectations? Even when you try to show them the side that is true, they still insist that you are something else.

  Ignoring them both I begin sucking the hydrogen from the air just as I had done in the forest, only this time I trap Roman in a bubble he was none too happy to be in.

  It was silent so I couldn’t hear him nor his thoughts, but he rammed his shoulder and his fist into the surface, but it didn’t budge.

  I wanted Demetri all to myself, so he could witness first-hand that messing with me and the people I love was his greatest mistake.

  He shot a fireball, and I rolled away from only to have to roll again. It was like a heat seeker and the only way I could get it to dissipate was flinging my water element his way.

  Demetri didn’t let up and man was he fast there was no wonder he kept his realm after Tor had taken the rest. He was a duelist. He never bragged about what he could do and those were the most dangerous ones.

  I was out of breath, doing more ducking and dodging than actual spells and besides there were only so many non-harmful dark spells I could conjure. Anything else would cause death and no matter the rage or the darkness inside I couldn’t kill him.

  The shield I put into place was strong, but Demetri sent sparks that chipped away at it. I felt the heat from outside my shield.

  My air spell was working from where I stood, I could see the beads of sweat trickling from Demetri’s face. As I suspected he wouldn’t be able to hold out for long. I just had to outlast him.

  The air was dry lacking moisture and no matter how powerful he was he couldn’t survive too much longer.

  I drop my spell having formed a plan that he wouldn’t expect. With all my physical energy I crouched down and put a boost into my legs to launch me in the air towards Demetri.

  His eyes widened in surprise and before he could change course and do another spell; I land right in front of him and my fist slammed into his face.


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