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Page 16

by Celia Styles

  “We’re a little dirty. Why don’t we clean up?” I cooed. “The shower’s big enough for the both of us.”

  Felix gave me a sly smile. “To tell you the truth, I never did do it in the shower.”

  “First time for me as well. But we can change that.”

  As we stepped into the bathroom, I began giggling. “I feel like I’m sixteen again.”

  Felix turned on the shower and felt the water until it reached the ideal temperature. After that, Felix removed his tank top and his pants. Immediately, his erection sprung from its prison, ready to strike. As I stared at it, I began feeling wild. My panties became wet, and I slipped off my shirt and pants. Underneath my clothes, my nipples had already swollen, ripe for the picking. We both climbed in the shower. As the water sprayed all over our bodies, we looked at each other with uncertainty. But then my eyes began to digest what was happening. My stepbrother looked like a hunk right now. The water glistened his body, and when it ran down his abs, it made me lick my lips. His erection still stood strong as water splashed on it. His hair, slicked back by the water, looked beastly.

  Before I could know what was going on, I pressed Felix against the wall and kissed him hard. Our tongues clashed against each other wildly, and my hand made its way to his cock. I began rubbing his shaft lightly, and then I closed my entire hand over it. I started jerking him off at a slow pace. Felix let out a groan in approval, and it made me desire him even more. I loved it when a boy could appreciate his girl getting him off. I started rubbing faster, the water making everything slick. But I kept a firm grip and kept the pace steady.

  Felix reached his hand towards me and made a grab towards my womanhood. I stabilized myself to allow his fingers to find their way through me. They landed on my clitoris and started rubbing the center lightly. Just this touch was enough to send me into a frenzy. I panted, moaned a bit, and then loosened myself up. His fingers made their way down and slipped inside of me, the water and my own natural lubrication making it easy. He began fingering me slowly as I sped up my handjob. Felix, however, was much quicker with his hands. He was soon shoving his fingers far up me and at a fast pace, yet he was still gentle enough for it to not hurt. The tension began building up like an unopened aerosol can to a flame. In just a second, I would explode. My climax soon reached its peak, and I yelled as loud as I could. As I did, I let go of his cock. When I did that, Felix reached his own climax. Semen hit me on the stomach, with some of it getting in my belly button.

  Both of us began panting. I felt as though I could fall asleep peacefully now. But we hadn’t even cleaned each other off. I shampooed him and scrubbed his body clean, and he made sure to clean his mess off me. As we stepped outside the shower after turning it off, I felt naughty. I couldn’t believe I got off my stepbrother in our shower, and he did the same. We dried off, and when I reached for my clothes, I noticed something.

  As Felix was rubbing a towel over his hair, it stuck out quite prominently.

  “You’re still hard. In fact, you look even bigger than ever,” I told him.

  Felix laughed. “That’s what happens when you’re a panther. Want to go again?”

  “Gladly,” I told Felix.

  Chapter Four

  Felix walked me down the hallway, our towels loosely wrapped around our bodies. As we did, he didn’t stop at my bedroom, nor his.

  “Where are we going?” I asked him.

  “You’ll see,” he replied. He made a turn once he reached the door at the end of the hallway. I soon realized where I was going.

  “Why are we at our parents’ bedroom?” I asked.

  Before Felix could say anything, he pushed open the door and I followed him inside.

  “Mom’s going to kill us if she-” I began, but Felix closed the door, a smile cascading around his face.

  “I always wanted to have fun with a girl in this room, and who better to do it with than you?”

  My heart began pounding. “What if we get caught? You never know when they’ll come back.”

  “That makes it even more exciting,” Felix told me. When he lowered his towel, I saw just how agitated he had become. His member was about to burst from his crotch, and Felix loomed over me with that twinkle in my eye. I wanted to protest, but I saw my juices seeping from within me, hungry for the beast to come inside.

  My body was on autopilot at this point. I dropped to my knees, my mouth gaping open as I did. From down here, Felix’s cock towered over me, and I wanted to serve my stepbrother however possible. I propped myself up until I faced it and licked his head, my tongue gently grazing it. Oral sex never excited me that much, but I found myself sloshing my tongue all over his shaft, ready to swallow him whole. Soon, I opened my mouth and let his cock in. At first, he slowly pushed it into my mouth, but then the panther inside of him was unleashed. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved himself almost to my throat. I made a gagging noise, but I gulped down his cock in approval. His movements became sporadic at first, shifting from slowly putting it in and out of me to borderline throat-fucking, but soon he found his happy medium.

  I sucked on him as tightly as I could, and then I pulled it out of my mouth, drool flying from it and landing on my lap.

  “Let’s continue this action on the bed,” I invited. At the time, I didn’t know what came over me. This once somewhat innocent girl was now about to fuck her stepbrother on her parents’ bed, and my inner being wanted every bit of it.

  Within minutes, we were both lying on the bed, tasting each other’s sexes. I was sensually sucking on his throbbing member while he licked my clitoris, lips, and opening, exploring every inch of my womanhood with his tongue. He didn’t have an advanced technique to get me off, but his tongue alone made me crazy. I felt myself contracting, and then I shouted his name as I came. Felix unleashed himself as well, and his load filled my mouth. His juices were pungent, just the way I liked it. I sat myself up and licked some of it from my face, and then I gulped.

  “You really are a panther,” I told him. I then looked downwards to the stick between his legs. It was still erect!

  “How are you still hard? Most men would have gone as soft as a wet noodle by now,” I asked.

  He chuckled. “I’m a beast, what can I say?”

  “So am I,” I replied, crawling towards him like a cat, my butt in the air. I could feel my wetness seep down my legs as I move, and I knew that it was time. “Give it to me!” I shouted.

  Felix moved behind me, and I stuck my ass up, my womanhood sticking out as much as it could. I expected his head to poke me, and then I would feel him inside me, but what I didn’t expect was for him to stick it in all the way before I could even brace myself. With one mighty thrust, every inch of him entered me. My body stiffened as I made one giant gasp, and then I embraced the beast who was now inside me. He started moving with slow thrusts, but each one of them was powerful and drove me crazy. I cried out in a mix of both pleasure and a bit of pain, but I enjoyed every bit of it.

  Felix grabbed my arms and spread my legs even more, his cock going in even deeper. “You’re amazing!” Felix shouted. “Most girls couldn’t take it all.”

  “I don’t know if that’s a compliment or an insult,” I replied, making a noise that combined a laugh with a moan. “You sure do know how to flatter me.”

  “Damn right,” Felix replied, thrusting faster. I reeled my head back, feeling the euphoria that permeated around me. The entire bed shook, and I looked around with some tension as I worried what would happen if the bedside lamp fell and broke. I should have been afraid, but this was part of the fun. The idea of being caught by our parents, for them to see the taboo that was going on, and with us trying to explain it, was scary, but in a twisted way, it turned me on.

  “Oh Felix! Let’s be together always! I don’t care if you’re my stepbrother, or if you’re a panther. I’ll stick with you no matter what.”

  “Same here!” Felix shouted. He was going so fast that the smacks! he made were now clearly a
udible. Sweat poured down our entire bodies, rendering our shower obsolete. Soon, I felt my climax building up, and Felix seemed the same way.

  “I’m going to cum!” Felix shouted. His seed blasted deep within my womb like a firehose. It was his third time, and yet his orgasms just grew stronger with each one. Was this the true power of a panther?

  As I plopped down on my belly, Felix got off the bed. Just where was he going? I tried standing up, but the warmth inside of me was too much of a relaxant for me to do so. As I finally managed to cock my head up, I saw Felix pulling something out of my parents’ dresser. It was a tall bottle.

  “Our parents try to hide this stuff, but I know they keep it,” Felix told me as he returned. He sat down next to me and I heard the sound of him squirting something on his hand. He then gravitated his fingers towards my bottom, and that’s when I felt it.

  His index finger poked my backdoor. It felt cool from what I just realized was the lubricant that he put on it.

  “I never had it in there. Be gentle,” I told him. As he pushed his finger inside of me, I thought it would hurt, but he was indeed delicate. The feeling was odd at first, but I soon found myself enjoying it. He fingered me slowly, and I found myself cooing and moaning to it. I never thought I’d like it in there, but Felix found a way.

  Felix switched to his middle finger, widening me up a bit. The adjustment wasn’t difficult, however, and I moaned like the good little stepsister I was. Felix soon removed his finger, and then I felt something else prodding against me.

  It was his cock, and Felix had lubed it up all the way. It slid in my ass with little struggle. Only a bit of it was inside me at first as I adjusted. It hurt at first, but as he made tiny thrusts, I began to love it. In a matter of minutes, I went from reluctant to his little butt slut. He had it halfway inside, and he wasn’t being slow. I moved my butt in the rhythm of his cock, and Felix smacked my cheek every now and then. That feeling alone drove me insane. Felix knew how to do everything, even anal, which I never thought I would get into.

  As he penetrated me even more, I had at least two more orgasms. I couldn’t believe that he had made me come this much, especially through anal. It didn’t take long before Felix shouted and then I felt his warm spunk enter my ass. The hot sensation in there was a bit of a shock at first, but I soon loved every minute of it. He took out his cock and I lied there, with some of his come dripping from my hole. I managed to get on my knees and I cleaned off his cock, sucking every drop. Finally, he began going soft. I didn’t crave any more. This stepsister had been satisfied. I collapsed to the bed, and so did he.

  We both lied on our parents’ bed, panting like thirsty puppies. I stared into Felix’s eyes, and he looked right back. I got the energy to plant a kiss on his mouth, and then ended up cuddling him. We lied there, like a passionate couple, for what seemed like hours. Then, I heard a sound from afar. It was a garage door opening!

  “Shit! They weren’t supposed to be home for hours!” I shouted. Now that Felix had released himself inside me, the excitement over doing it on our parents’ bed was no more. We both scrambled to put on our clothes, and made their bed as fast as we could, cleaning up any signs of a mess. We straightened our hair and wiped the sweat from our faces, and then our parents found us standing in the hallway.

  “Our picnic got rained out. Scattered storms and all,” my stepfather told us. He looked at our hastily put on clothes and still messy hair. “It looks like you two have had more fun than we did. Good to know that our children are getting along.”

  With that, he walked away, and we ended up looking at each other with smiles on our faces. If he only knew. If he only knew.

  The rest of the day, it was difficult to put on this façade in front of our family that we were still stepbrother and stepsister who were combative. However, when they were asleep, we had our fun. The days soon passed, and as we tried to figure out our relationship, we realized just how much we loved each other. Every opportunity we got, we’d have sex. On some nights, he’d turn, and while he was still in the stages of being a fanged boy, we’d go wild in the woods until the panther was satisfied. On the nights when he didn’t, I’d go to his room while our parents slept, and would sleep right next to him.

  Close to the time when we were supposed to register for school, we both sat down and discussed our plans.

  “So, are you moving in with me?” I asked him.

  Felix nodded. “Babe, there is no way that can stay here any longer while you are gone.” I blushed as he said that. This man knew how to make me feel more special than I really was. “But will you invite me in. It may be tough getting an apartment together, and we need to move to a place where I can turn without anyone seeing me.”

  “Don’t worry,” I told him. “I’ll make sure that you turn to a panther in a forest. I’ll drive you there if I have to.”

  “That’s my stepsister. Always helping me out, even when things are inconvenient,” he replied, smiling.

  “Hey, don’t push me too much. No partying. And no staying out late,” I told him.

  “Already a nagging housewife,” he joked. “But I wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  With that, we began planning our lives together. It would be a long journey, but we were prepared. We’d face whatever life threw our way, both as siblings and as lovers.

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  By Celia Styles


  W atching her dad die right in front of her eyes was the hardest and most difficult encounter of her life. The crash scene was horrific and traumatizing. Tia was trapped inside the overturned black Toyota Camry and she was forced to watch her father take his last breath. Every day she wondered why she didn’t die in that car crash. Instead, she went through multiple surgeries to reconstruct her leg that was crushed and then she and her mom decided to move away.

  It had been a long year since the tragic death of her father. Tia started to attend a new high school, which was difficult for a senior. She was having a hard time concentrating on her school work and an even harder time finding new friends. Many were not very friendly with her and some took pity on her after they found out about the car crash. She did, however, have one good friend. Her name was Nikki and she had a lot in common with Tia. She, too, lost her father when she was younger, so she was an easy person for Tia to talk to.

  Tia’s mom, Cindy, had been coming and going all of the time. She worked two jobs and just recently started to see this guy named Tim. Tia only met him a couple times, long enough to know what he looked like and to know he had a son who was her age. She wasn’t very thrilled of her mom seeing another guy, but she liked seeing her happy for once.

  Tia lived in a rural area in a white farmhouse overlooking hills and trees. Near the house sat an old, empty wooden barn. She always hoped to fill the barn with horses, but no such luck. The school bus stopped in front of her house. She and Nikki stepped out and walked side-by-side to the porch. Pushing the screen door open they walked inside, kicked their shoes off and hung up their book bags. “Are you hungry?” Tia asked. Nikki nodded her head. As they walked through the dining room, they heard laughing from the kitchen. “Honey, do you remember Tim? He is going to be joining us for dinner tonight. Oh, hello Nikki,” Cindy said as she looked up from stirring the soup.

  The two girls walked up the rickety wooden steps, down the hall to the room on the left. Nikki fell backwards on the fluffy bean bag and Tia sat on the bed. Tia felt uneasy about her mom being so interested in Tim, and Nikki could tell. “Oh sweetie, don’t be upset. I know he’s not your dad, but look at your mom. She was laughing! How often do you hear that?”

  “I know, it’s just, he’s not my dad and it makes me miss him even more seeing my mo
m with another dude.”

  Nikki stood up, walked over to the bed and sat down beside Tia. She reached down below the bed. “Tia, want a smoke?” Tia never smoked until she moved, but Nikki’s bad habit rubbed off on her. They opened the window and stepped out onto the rooftop of the wrap-around porch. Nikki pulled a lighter out of the pack, followed by a Marlboro menthol cigarette. They passed it back and forth, silent with every hit. They suddenly heard Tia’s mom yell, “Girls, it’s time to eat.” They quickly rubbed out the cigarette, Nikki dropped it into the can and they crawled back inside. “Coming,” Tia responded.

  Sitting at the brown wooden table was a guy that Tia never met before. “Girls, this is my son, Nick,” Tim said, “Nick, this is Tia, Cindy’s daughter and her friend Nikki.” Nick nodded and quietly uttered, “Hello.” Nick was handsome, dark-skinned, black hair and honey brown eyes. Cindy served each of them a plate, followed by herself. She sat down and began to take a bite, then she looked at Tim with a smile. Tim nodded his head slightly. Cindy set her spoon down and reached to her pocket. “Kids, we have something to share with you.” Cindy raised her hands from below the table and everyone noticed the shiny gold ring and diamond. Tia jumped out of her seat with a disappointed look on her face and ran upstairs. Nikki quickly followed.

  Tia was laying on her bed. Nikki leaned down to give her a hug. “At least you’ll have a cute step-brother!” Nikki joked, gaining a little smile from Tia. Tia just couldn’t wrap her head around what was happening. Her mom had only been dating him for six months. Not only was she going to have a step-father, but a new step-brother, too. All these thoughts were overflowing her mind. Was she going to have to share her house with them as well?


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