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Page 17

by Celia Styles

  Once Tia was able to pull herself together, she and Nikki went down to finish their dinner. It was a very awkward feeling for Tia and she could tell that Nick was feeling awkward himself. “So, are you seniors too?” Nick asked. Tia looked up at him and nodded. Their eyes met for a moment and then they both went back to eating their soup and chicken. When they all finished their meals, Nikki and Tia helped clear the table and washed the dishes. As Tia was rinsing the plate under the warm water, she asked her mother, “When is the big day?” Cindy put the rag down on the table and walked over to her. “Tia, I hope you’re not upset. I just want you to have a good life and, well, I’m really happy when I’m with Tim. Just give him a chance. He’s a good guy. Nick seems like a nice kid, too.” Tia handed the plate to Nikki who dried it, then put it away in the cabinet.

  Tim and Nick were sitting on the couch watching a show. When Cindy, Nikki and Tia were finished cleaning up from dinner, they joined the guys in the living room. Tia was thinking, is this how my life’s going to be from now on? She looked over at Nick, who was already gazing at her. He quickly turned his head towards the TV. Tia noticed Nikki looking at her with a little smirk on her face. Tia couldn’t help but have some type of attraction towards him. He was a girl’s dream with his sexy, muscle-toned body and those beautiful eyes. Just stop! He’s going to be my brother, she kept thinking as she continued to check him out. “Well, we better leave for the night, we have a big day tomorrow,” Tim said as he stood from the couch, followed by Nick. Cindy walked them to the door and gave Tim a hug and a peck on the lips. “What do you mean, a big day tomorrow?” Tia asked, walking towards them. Nikki followed. Cindy turned her attention to Tia and responded, “We’re getting married tomorrow. Tim and Nick are going to be moving in with us.” Tia couldn’t believe how quick everything was moving. Unable to respond, she and Nikki went back into the living room.


  T he next day came and gone. Tim and Tia’s mom were married at the little church up the hill. Nikki’s mom came to pick her up and Tia helped Tim, Nick and her mom unload the last few boxes out of the U-Haul. “Take that box up to Nick’s room, will you, Tia?” Cindy said as Tia was walking towards the door. Nick’s room was right across the hall from Tia’s. It had been set up as a spare room the whole time since they’ve lived there. When she walked into his room, she set the box down and Nick was putting his sheets on the bed. “You still like Toy Story?” Tia said with a chuckle, noticing his sheets were covered with Woody and Buzz Lightyear. Nick grinned and responded, “Apparently I still have some growing up to do.” Tia smiled and walked out of his room and over to hers. Tia reached under her bed and grabbed the pack of cigarettes. When she was crawling out the window, Nick walked into her room and knocked on the wall to get her attention. “What are you doing?” he asked. “I’m going to have a cigarette…don’t tell my mom. She has no idea that I smoke.”

  “Can I join you?” he responded. Nick stepped through the window and sat down beside Tia. “Do you want your own or do you want to split one with me?” she asked him as she pulled a cigarette out of the pack and lit it. “I’ll share.”

  Tia took a puff and handed the cigarette to Nick. When he grabbed it, he looked her in the eyes and grinned. “So, what happened with your mom and dad?” Tia asked.

  “I really don’t remember my mom. Dad told me she left when I was two years old and just never came back.”

  “Wow, that’s crazy. Sorry to hear that.” Nick didn’t respond and handed the cigarette back to her, slightly touching her hand. They talked to each other like they have known each other their whole lives. They shared stories about their past and their lives now. They talked about past relationships and their comfort level with each other really escalated.

  After Nick went back to his room, Tia laid there in her bed thinking about their conversation, how well they got along and how easy it was to talk to him about everything. She got up from her bed and turned the light off, then went to lay back down again. She started to think about how attracted she felt towards him. Why am I feeling this way? He is my step-brother. I can’t have feelings for him. She sat up and took her shirt off, followed by her pants and then reached to her back and unbuttoned her bra. She laid back with her head on her pillow and shut her eyes. All she could think about was Nick. His short, yet shaggy black hair, his honey brown eyes, his beautiful smile and perfect lips. She thought about his body, slightly hidden under his loose blue jeans and sleeveless shirt. His complexion and nicely shaped arms left much to be desired underneath it all. She bent her knees and slightly opened her legs. Her fingers traveled downward and over her pink cotton low-rise undies. Tia was touching herself with the thought of her step-brother, but she didn’t care. She rubbed slowly until her desire was released.

  When she awakened in the morning, the sun was shining through the window right at her eyes. She sat up for a moment, then walked over to her dresser and grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a white tank top. She snapped her bra, then twisted it around and put her arms through the straps. Tia pulled her shorts up, zipped and snapped, then pulled the tank top down over her head. She could smell pancakes from the kitchen. When she walked out of her room, she snuck a quick peek into Nick’s room. He was laying there on his stomach with his shirt off still sleeping. His back was nicely toned. Tia left his room and walked downstairs to be greeted by her mom, who was flipping pancakes and stirring the scrambled eggs. Tim sat at the table sipping on a cup of coffee. “Rise and shine sunshine!” Cindy said with a smile. Tim offered her a good morning and a cup of coffee. Tia nicely accepted. Tim reached in the cupboard and grabbed the sugar, then opened the refrigerator for the French vanilla creamer and set them in front of Tia. While she was spooning the sugar into her coffee, Nick walked over to the table and sat down beside her. Tim set a cup of coffee in front of him and Nick reached for the sugar in front of Tia. “Good morning. So what’s your plan today?” he asked Tia. She just shrugged her shoulder and gave him a smile.

  When they finished breakfast and coffee, Tia and Nick stood up at the same time and he followed her outside to the porch. They sat down side-by-side on the swing and gazed at the sunrise. It was beautiful. Orange, Purple, Yellow, Blue. “I remember when I was young my father and I watching the sunrise together. I really miss him.” Tia said, still looking at the sunrise. Nick moved closer to her. “Your dad’s right there with the sunrise. I’m sure he watches down on you all of the time.” Nick tossed his arm around her and began to rub her arm. Tia looked at him, his eyes gazing right back at hers and they didn’t move. Suddenly the screen door squeaks open and Tim walked out. They could see the confusion in his face when he saw them so close with Nick’s arm around her. Nick quickly put his arms down in front of him on his lap, then he stood up and walked inside. Tim sat down on the chair next to the swing. “So, how are you handling all of this? I know everything was awfully fast. Seems like you and Nick are hittin’ it off.”

  “I’m doing fine, but I do miss my dad. It’s an adjustment, that’s for sure. Nick seems like a really nice kid and we are starting to know a little bit about each other.”

  She stood up and said, “I need to help my mom. It was nice talking to you.” When she walked inside, her mother was still in the kitchen cleaning up from breakfast. Tia helped her wipe the table clean and then walked upstairs to her room. When she was at the top of the stairs, she could hear the shower running. The door was cracked open, so she peaked inside and saw Nick’s body outline through the glass doors, but that was all she could see clearly because of the etched design. She watched him for a moment just standing under the shower water, then she turned away and walked into her room.

  Tia had her own plans today. She was going to clean the barn up a little. Maybe now, I’ll finally be able to buy a horse. As she put her socks on, she heard her mom yelling up the stairwell, “Tia, I’m going to work. I’ll be home around 5 o’clock.” Tia responded and then walked downstairs to put her cowgirl boots on. Her
mother was already out the door and she heard the gravel from her driving out the driveway. When she slipped her last boot on, she reached for the door handle and was shocked by the voice behind her. “Where are you going?” Nick asked, still wrapped on the lower half with a towel. Shocked, she took her hand off the handle and turned towards him. “Why did you have to scare me like that?” she asked him, crossing her arms in front of her as she looked at his abs, then her eyes jolted back up to his. He just smiled and asked, “Have you seen my dad?”

  “Ya, he was on the porch last I knew.”

  She opened the door to see Tim loading tools in the back of his blue pickup truck. “My dad’s a carpenter. He must be going to work. You still haven’t answered me. What are you doing?” Tia smirked, walked outside and he watched as she trampled through the high field towards the barn. Nick ran up the steps and gathered some clothes. He pulled his tight black boxer briefs on, followed by his loose blue jeans. Put a black belt through the belt loops, then pulled on a white and tight sleeveless shirt. He grabbed a pair of high socks and ran down the steps. Once he had his socks and boots on, he walked outside onto the porch and gazed over at the barn.

  Tia was picking up loose stacks of wood outside of the barn. Nobody had done anything around or inside the barn since they moved there. The grass was really high and there was junk all around it. Tia was making a stack for all of the wood thinking maybe they could use it for something. Nick, unsure if she even knew he was there, started to help her. When Tia heard him throw a piece of wood into the stack, she turned towards him with a surprised look on her face. “Why do you keep scaring me like this?” Nick just looked at her and said, “I wanted to help you.” He continued to stack all of the wood and Tia walked into the barn, the door partially broken. Inside looked even worse than the outside. Stalls were broken and junk filled most of it. “This is going to be a long day,” Tia said with a sigh.


  A fter the long day of cleaning, much improvement was beginning to show at the barn. Other than some broken stalls and such, it actually looked like a barn. Nick made a promise to talk to his father about using the wood stacks to fix things. Nick said he would mow and weed eat. The sun was going down and they all had just finished eating a scrumptious dinner. All day, Tia and Nick talked, laughed and talked some more. The sexual tension was growing between them, but they kept holding back.

  Tia walked to her room and Nick followed. She grabbed the pack of cigarettes and they both went outside onto the rooftop. Nick grabbed the cigarette pack from Tia’s hand, pulled one out and lit it. He took two puffs consecutively and handed it to Tia. Nick scooted close to Tia and then leaned back, holding himself up at his elbows. The sun was down and the starts were starting to show. It was a beautiful, mild night and the moon was at its largest. She puffed the cigarette and then turned to look down at Nick. His shirt nicely wrapped all of the muscles in his body. He had arms that looked like little cannons under his skin and abs that were very pleasing to the eye.

  She gave him the last couple hits of the cigarette and he sat up to put it out, then he laid back again, this time leaning his head on his hands. Tia wanted to touch him, that’s all. She wanted to feel his skin and his abs. She wanted him to touch her. The cravings have been dormant all day, but she didn’t want to leave it inside anymore. She reached over and lightly began to touch his abs. Shocked, he looked at her, but he didn’t say a word and he didn’t stop her. She laid down on her side facing him and continued to touch him. She went down, up, side-to-side. Nick watched her and craved for more. Tia ran her hand up to his chest, then to his shaggy hair. He suddenly turned and gently laid her back. Tia’s head was resting on his hand and he leaned into her, staring into her blue eyes and her long blonde hair waved with the wind that was picking up. Tia pulled his head into her and they locked lips. After their tongues met, Tia slightly turned her head and laid her head down. He sat back up and didn’t say a word. Tia stood up and crawled back through the window. Nick followed.

  Even though she let that happen, she knew it wasn’t right. She needed to stop having these crazy feelings and cravings. He sat on her bed for a moment. “Sorry,” he said. “I couldn’t resist.” Tia, slightly ignoring him, grabbed her pajamas and walked to the bathroom for a shower. She shut the door and starred into the mirror for a moment. She looked at herself as if she was so confused. What the hell is wrong with me? Tia unclothed and stepped into the shower after she had the water temperature set. Tia was skinny, but she had curves. Her waist was small, but her hips and bottom-half had some nice cushion. She was petite and had a light complexion, although she was slightly tan. She popped open the shampoo bottle and squeezed it onto her hand, then lathered it all through her long, blonde hair. After she rinsed her hair, she lathered her sponge and started with her arms and worked her way down. The temptation for Nick was so difficult to resist. The way he handled himself when they were on the roof made her want more. She grabbed the shower head and sat down. The shower head had multiple settings, so she set it to the one with pulsing pressure. She sat there, holding the shower head down below until she let out a quiet moan of relief. She put the shower head back overhead, changed the setting back to its normal rain-like setting and stood under it for a couple more minutes.

  Nick, on the other hand, was lying in bed, lights off and clothes off, except for his boxer briefs. He was touched and teased, nothing more or less. He knew he saw something in her from the moment they first met, but never thought anything would come about it. She’s my step sister, he thought to himself. He didn’t wait long from the time he laid down to start stroking himself. Suddenly, he heard a voice, “What are you doing?” Tia walked into his room wrapped in a bath towel and she saw his blanket moving up and down. It was very obvious what he was doing. He quickly stopped and sat up. Frustrated from the interruption, he replied, “Nothing, what the hell you doing just walking in my room like that?” Tia dropped her towel. He couldn’t see much but her outline due to the darkness. Wishing for more, but nervous, he said, “You really ought to get out of my room. Your mom and my dad will be coming upstairs for bed any minute.”

  Tia wasn’t much for taking orders. Instead of leaving, she shut his door and walked over to the bed. “I’m going to help, that is, if you don’t mind,” she said with a smirk, lying down beside him. He scooted over to give her room on his twin-sized bed. She took her hands and began to rub down from his chest, down to his nicely-shaped abs, to his throbbing partner. She gripped it gently and began to stroke slow, then fast, then slow, then fast. He just laid there quietly, occasionally whispering out some moans of enjoyment. When he released his seed, Tia leaned over and kissed his cheek, then stood up and walked out.

  Nick was still in shock of what had just happened. Did she really just do that? He never in a million years expected that, in fact, he thought she was angry when she caught him trying to relieve himself. After he cleaned himself in the bathroom, Nick easily fell asleep. Tia, on the other hand, was feeling as if she wasn’t going to be able to sleep at all. She had too many thoughts going through her head. She couldn’t believe that just happened. She partially regretted it, but another side of her was really happy. She wanted to touch him so bad. Now she craved more, but how could she act on more? Her step brother was her attraction. How fucked up could this be? If I fuck my step brother, I’d be having sex with family. But he’s not truly related. What the hell am I thinking? Tia was unable to fall asleep because all she could do was think about Nick and what she wanted, but couldn’t have. She was so confused. Finally, she slipped into a deep coma.


  M onday morning came with rain clouds and thunder. Tia sat up and stretched her arms as high as she could and then stepped out of her bed. She slowly walked down the hall to the bathroom, shut the door behind her and turned on the shower water. She didn’t waste much time and was quickly stepping out and drying herself. She wrapped the towel around her and walked back towards her room. Nick
met her in the hallway. They briefly met eyes, but they kept walking without saying a word.

  When Tia walked downstairs, Nikki was sitting in the kitchen with Tia’s mom sipping her coffee. Her mom set a bowl of cereal and the jug of milk in front of Tia, followed by a cup of coffee and the sugar. “Honey, Nick is going to take you girls to school today. Make sure you show him around at his new school.” Tia sipped a drink of coffee and replied, “I guess I can.” As Tia finished her cereal, Nick, dressed nicely for school, reached for a coffee cup and poured himself some coffee, then sat down across from Tia. Nikki could feel some discomfort between the two. Nikki glanced at Tia, who continued looking down at her coffee, then she asked, “So, how was your weekend? Sorry I couldn’t come back. I went shopping with my mom.”

  “Sounds fun,” Tia replied, “we better get going. It’s almost 7:15.”

  They all stood up and walked outside. Nick unlocked his father’s pickup truck and they all climbed in, Nikki in the middle. He put the truck in gear and drove off. Silent for long enough, Nikki spoke up, “Why is everyone acting so weird?” Nick looked over at her for a split second, grinned and said, “What’s so weird?” and continued driving. Tia looked out the window and didn’t say anything in response. “Turn left,” Tia told him as they reached the school road.

  After they took Nick to his homeroom, Nikki and Tia walked together towards theirs. Nikki asked at the soonest chance she could, “What is going on? Why are you and Nick acting so weird?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I mean, I don’t know. Something sort of…happened.” Tia replied.

  “Umm, explain please,” Nikki exclaimed.

  Nikki reached her locker and began to grab her books for her first class. She whispered, “We, um, have a connection. I am falling for him and I don’t know what the hell to do. He’s my step-brother.” Tia looked at her, eyes and mouth wide open and said, “You didn’t….you know…” Tia slammed her locker door shut and shook her head no and said, “Look, I have to get to class. I’ll tell you later.”


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