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Rawhide and Roses

Page 12

by Maddie James

  A thrill rushed up and she wrapped her arms around him. His palms raced over her. Molding. Teasing. His lips devoured her lips, her face, her neck. Her soul. The breath whooshed from her; she trailed wet kisses over his face, behind his ear. Panting. Huffing. Sucking in sweet breaths laced with his essence.

  Wild. Wonderful. Sensual. Gritty. Male.

  Lord, she was a goner.

  In one smooth movement, he lifted her into his arms and out of the water. His mouth never left hers as he carried her toward solid earth. He set her down on a crumpled towel and covered her body with his.

  Urgent. Needy. Wanting.

  He raked hot kisses from her chin to her chest.

  “Ah...Kimmy,” he whispered, coarse and low. “God, what you’re doing to me.”

  “Don’t...stop,” she urged.

  Moaning, his hand palmed a breast and his mouth lowered to take her nipple into his mouth. Arching against him, Kim thrust her breasts skyward, urging him to take her, as fully as possible, relishing in the feel of his mouth taking in her flesh. He suckled, gently, hungrily. Fully.

  She wanted more.

  “Thad,” she whispered. “Look at me.”

  He lifted his head and gazed into her face. She traced his lips with her thumb, explored his passion-filled face, then dipped her finger inside his mouth and circled his tongue. Lunging for her lips, Thad took her mouth again, tongues mingled in hot delight as Kim slid her hands between their chests so she could gain access to the buttons of his shirt.

  Rough, ripping, she jerked them free, one by one, then tugged and pulled at his damp shirt until it was gone. She threw her head back as he slid over her, her hands molding the contours of his rugged, muscled chest. Black, shiny hairs laced with silver clung to her fingers as she caressed and kneaded his firm flesh. Pulling up, she flicked her tongue over one nipple, felt it jump pebble hard, then laved with the flat part over his entire chest, like a wild animal licking her mate.

  Thad shuddered and fell upon her. His heavy body weighted against her as he moved lower and Kim struggled, reaching lower, to find the buckle to his belt.

  She wanted more. All of him.

  All the dandies in the world couldn’t give her this.

  His mouth made a hot, moist path from one breast to another. Then lower, to her belly. Her navel. Torturing sweet caresses he made with his tongue. Lower, to the triangular patch at the junction of her thighs....

  “Kim! Thad! Where in the hell are you guys!”

  Jillie’s shout echoed through her like a freight train screeching to a reckless halt. Her eyes flashed open, suddenly aware of her vulnerability. Thad scrambled backward. For a mili-second, their gazes caught, then Thad grabbed his shirt and hastily put it on. Kim savored the lingering glance. She had an idea what was coming next.

  “Kim? Thad?”

  “Sorry,” he muttered. “This never should have happened. I guess... I guess we... I just got carried away.” He gave her one last lingering look of apology, then turned and loped off in the opposite direction.

  Yeah. Me too.

  Kim picked up her own clothing and started to get dressed.


  Thad jerked the cinch on his horse and the animal side-stepped a little. Immediately, he felt guilty and whispered calming words into the gelding’s ear. No reason to take out his frustrations on the animal. After mounting the buckskin, he twisted in the saddle upon hearing Mack’s voice.

  “Where’re you off to, Winchester?”

  Thad leveled his gaze at Mack. “What the hell business is it of yours, Montgomery? Seems you’ve got enough to keep your mind and hands occupied.”

  Mack stepped closer to the horse but stayed silent.

  “In fact,” Thad added, “it seems to me there’s a little matter about camp rules that we need to discuss.”

  Mack glanced away. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “The hell you don’t. You’re too old to play stud pup. Either reign in your so obvious infatuation with that girl or we’re calling off the trip.”

  Mack met his gaze. “You’d like to do that, wouldn’t you? It would give you an excuse to end the torture your dealing Kim and yourself.” He stepped closer. Thad ignored the obvious dig. “Look. I’ve been discreet with Jillie up until this morning. Now that the wranglers and the other guests are gone, it’s just the four of us. Why make an issue out of it?”

  “Because it’s good business sense not to play hanky-panky with the guests, Mack. And you know it.”

  Mack crossed his arms over his chest and eyed Thad. “What’s really eating you, Thad?”

  Thad snorted and cast his gaze toward the mountain stream where moments earlier he’d made a fool of himself. Again. What was eating him? That he’d damned near broken his one hard-and-fast rule might have something to do with it. Or was it something else.


  “Oh, right. I’ve forgotten. You’re always this pleasant.”

  Thad returned his gaze. “Stay out of it. It’s none of your business.”

  “That’s right.”

  “I don’t need any advice from you.”

  “Right again,” Mack amended.

  “I can handle my own damned problems.”

  “And quite well, I might add.”

  Thad threw Mack a venomous look. “I’m going for a ride. Be back before dark. You and...and our guests start packing up everything you can. We’re heading to ElkPark, tomorrow.”


  “That’s what I said. Straight through.”

  Mack grasped Thad’s stare. “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is.” Thad pressed his thighs into the horse. The sooner they got off this mountain, the sooner he’d get Kim alone. Preferably in his bed.

  “Thad. It won’t hurt to admit that you’re intrigued a little bit by her. That you might even like her.”

  Like her? He hell of a lot more than liked her. He didn’t need some lovesick cowboy pointing that out. In fact, he could very easily admit that he was attracted to Kim more than he’d ever been attracted to any woman. Hell, if he let himself, he might even love her. And even making love with her really wasn’t the real problem. What worried him, was what came later, when Miss Kim Martin decided it was time to go home.

  Chapter Eleven

  “You enjoy your afternoon?” Jillie whispered to Kim as she stirred a pot of stew. Mack was tending the stock. Kim had no earthly idea where Thad had gone. All she knew was that his horse was gone as well. Good. She wasn’t in the mood to spar with the both of them. Jillie was about to drive her crazy.

  Kim flashed her a warning look, and stepped away.

  Jillie hedged closer.

  “You can talk to me, Kim.” She sidled next to her while Kim buttered thick slices of bread for toast. “Fill me in on the details? Mack said Thad was, irritated, to say the least. I can tell when something’s up. Er, I mean...we didn’t interrupt anything, did we?” She batted her eyes innocently.

  Again, Kim shot her a narrow-eyed glance. She wasn’t in the mood to talk about it. Or for Jillie’s sexual innuendoes. And talk about it she would not. After all, she’d already decided to pretend that nothing had happened. And if she didn’t verbalize any of it, well, then, it never really did happen.

  Except that her brain wasn’t so easily tricked. Or her body. Her brain knew what had happened. Along with her lips, her breasts, her....

  “So, Jillie...did you snag any big bones this afternoon?” Kim turned the tables with a saccharin smile.

  Jillie held her gaze for just a moment. “One,” she returned calmly, smiling. “Mack said it was unusually large. Inhuman probably. Very unusual. Maybe even prehistoric in nature.” Jillie struck a puzzled pose. “Some sort of evolved Homo erectus thing. Perhaps Bigfoot, even. You know he’s into all that archaeology stuff.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet it was erectus,” Kim muttered and turned to slide the toast into the hot oven, trying her best to ignore Jillie

  “Mack’s such a romantic, though. Did you see the wildflowers he picked for me this afternoon?”

  How could I miss them, Jillie, you waved them in my face all afternoon.

  “I’ll bet Thad’s just like him. Did you know he and Mack have been friends since they were kids? You should get them talking some time about all their shenanigans growing up. It’s a hoot just to listen to Mack. Thad really is an okay guy, Kim.”

  For once, Kim wished Jillie would just shut up. She didn’t need her going on about how wonderful a guy Thad was. She’d suspected that all along. She guessed she just hit on a nerve with him that threw them both out of whack instantly. But knowing that Thad was such a wonderful guy only added to her problems. It was hard to leave wonderful guys behind.

  Jillie droned on and on and Kim barely comprehended a word. This camping thing was getting old. Listening to what a wonderful guy Mack is, was also getting old. And Jillie’s constant putting of Thad on a pedestal was just about older than anything.

  She didn’t want to hear it anymore.

  Kim ladled the stew into a big serving bowl. “Yeah, well, Thad’s just one peachy guy. Mack, too.” Kim threw Jillie a silencing look. “And in case you haven’t noticed, I really don’t want to talk about it anymore. Okay?”

  Jillie halted, stopping her jaw in mid-motion. “Well, I didn’t realize I’d hit a nerve.”

  In frustration, Kim set the stew on the camp table, just a mite too hard, and planted her fists on her hips. “Jillie, you’ve hit just about every nerve I possess in the past five minutes. No, make that the past five days.” She placed her hand under her chin. “And I’ve had it about up to here with cowboys and horses and sleeping bags and digging holes for latrines. I want out of this damned camp site so bad I could just about sprout wings and fly. If I had but one wish it would be to get back to Kentucky as soon as possible and never step one foot on Colorado soil again. I will never forgive you for tricking me into this, do you understand? I may just never forgive you!”

  Blessed silence fell between them. Thank God. She finally shut up, Kim thought. But then she took in her friend’s startled gaze and regretted her every word.

  Kim huffed out a long breath. “Jillie, look. I’m sorry. It’s just that—”

  She watched Jillie’s gaze skitter off to her right.

  “You’ll have your wish soon enough,” came the voice from behind.

  Kim whirled and came face to face with Thad. His hooded eyes glinted like black diamonds.


  “We’re leaving in the morning. I’d say you’ll be back home by noon tomorrow. Now, where’s dinner?”

  Turning, Thad headed for the table and sat. Mack followed like an obedient puppy. And Jillie reached for the toast in the oven.

  Dumbfounded, Kim stood and watched the entire scenario. Sheesh! The almighty Winchester has spoken and the peons jump.

  Damn them. Damn them all.

  She turned on her heel and left.


  Needing a few minutes to collect her thoughts, Kim marched straight up into a small grove of trees and plopped right down at the base of a tall pine. She had a great view of the dining fly. Damn them. Sitting there eating like absolutely nothing has happened.

  What had happened?

  She dropped her head into her hands. Well, for one, she nearly made love with Thad. Right out in the open. On the ground. Like a savage, or something. That’s what happened.

  And then there was the bit about him running away again. What is it with that man? What is it with her? Why is he always leaving and why did she not want him to?

  Why am I so upset when he does?

  I don’t need Thad Winchester, she reaffirmed. I definitely don’t need a fling. I need a man who will give me security. Stability. A future. Financial well-being. A respected position in the community.

  Her brain settled for a moment into a stunned silence.

  Couldn’t she get that anywhere? Even in Colorado?

  Suddenly, she realized that that’s all she’d ever really wanted in life. A man to love her unconditionally. And it really didn’t matter about the house on the east side. Could it be possible she could be just as happy with a ranch house in the Rockies?

  But what about her job?

  A tiny voice amended that jobs in education were readily available most anywhere there were kids. Were there kids living in these mountains. Surely to goodness, there were.

  But it really wasn’t about Colorado vs. Kentucky, was it? It was about a whole lot more than that.

  Her gaze settled on the camp through layers of pine boughs, catching a of glimpse of Thad’s back. Her fingertips tingled, remembering how smooth his skin felt there. How coarse the hairs on his chest were. How rough. Sensual. Primal. She brought her fingers to her lips. How wicked and stimulating his whiskers felt against her tender flesh.

  Jerking her body alert, she sat up a little straighter. C’mon, Kim. Get your priorities straight. Since when has Thad ever indicated that he remotely desires sharing his ranch house with you? Especially when he just keeps walking away. When all he can do is give you a little peek of his potent sexuality, and then pull out like a scared adolescent boy.

  All right. She decided to just face facts. I’m here and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it. It doesn’t matter how haywire my hormones get around Thad when he obviously doesn’t want anything past a few minutes of groping. I’m going back to Kentucky. In one piece. Back to where I’m needed by my students and my family. Where my obligations outweigh this wacky situation Jillie has gotten me into.

  I can’t starve myself to death or I’ll have no strength to carry my own body out of this godforsaken gulch. I’m going to make the best of this situation and then get the heck out of the mountains before I kill someone. Jillie. Thad. It doesn’t matter. Just whoever crosses my path first.


  While snatching a plate from the table next to the cook stove, Kim tossed a glance to the trio to her right. Engrossed in their meal, she ignored them as well and lifted a small portion of stew onto her plate. She added a piece of garlic toast, poured herself a cup of iced tea, and then sat beside Jillie as if it were the most natural thing in the world for her to do.

  The only trouble was, sitting beside Jillie meant that she also had to sit directly opposite Thad.

  For once she concentrated solely on her meal. Never looking up. She was starved. Each of them ate in silence for about thirty seconds.

  “Gee, it sure was a wonderful afternoon out there today, wasn’t it Mack?” Jillie placed her chin in her hands and struck a love-sick pose toward him.

  “Oh, yeah. Blue skies. Green grass. Cool breezes. It was quite an afternoon.” Mack gave Jillie a lazy grin, then nodded and slowly cast his gaze toward Kim.

  She sneered back.

  “How did you and Thad spend your afternoon?” Jillie inquired sweetly.

  Kim’s chin dropped as she turned toward her used-to-be friend. I’m going to kill you, Jillie, Abernathy.

  “Maybe Thad and Kim want to keep their afternoon private, Jillie. Just between themselves.”

  You, too, asshole cowboy.

  Ignore them, she told herself. She crossed and recrossed her legs under the table, accidentally bumping Thad’s knee as she did so. Electric charges lanced up her leg. Her gaze shot up. His shot across the table. It was just a slight skittering of their gazes but Kim was sure an arc was struck between them. Immediately she cast her eyes downward and took up her fork.

  Another moment of silence hovered over the foursome.

  “Good stew, Kim.”

  Lifting her head, she glared in Mack’s direction. “Thanks,” her reply a bit curt.

  “Yeah,” Jillie intervened, nodding to Mack. “And the toast’s real good, too.”

  Kim shrugged. “Toast is toast.”

  “No, I mean it,” Jillie took another bite, chewing and talking at the same time, “’s the way you mixed th
e garlic with the butter and the way it browned so evenly around the edges. Perfect. Kim, you can really cook.”

  Kim put down her fork and looked Jillie straight in the eyes. “Are you insane?”

  Jillie feigned surprise. “What?”

  “Kim used to be a home ec teacher, did you know that, Thad?” Mack tossed in.

  Confused at the jump in the conversation, Kim jerked her gaze back to Mack. He elbowed Thad in the side. Kim caught a glimpse of Thad’s eyes as his gaze narrowly brushed hers then tried to tamp down the little thrill that raced over her spine as their eyes met.

  “No.” He cleared his throat, then took a drink of tea. “No, I didn’t.”

  “She can really cook,” Jillie interjected

  Thad met Kim’s eyes, head on. “I’ll bet.” She swallowed as his gaze seared hers. Was it suddenly getting hot out here? “I thought Sarah made the stew,” he went on, finally.

  “Actually, she didn’t,” Kim returned. “I had some free time. ” She deliberately stared into his eyes. “I made it from scratch. Sarah had planned another meal entirely. I improvised.”

  Thad’s unmoving gaze penetrated hers. “You do that well—improvise.”

  “So I’ve been told.” She picked up her toast and bit into it.

  Thad held the connection for a few seconds more. “I’ll bet.”

  Again, silence.

  “But Kim’s the guidance counselor now,” Jillie interrupted. After a second, Thad broke away and resumed his eating. Kim felt her shoulders drop. “The kids just love her. She’s so good with them.”


  Kim took a bite of stew. It tasted like wallpaper paste.

  “Oh, and did you all know that Kim helps sponsor the literary magazine at our high school in her spare time?” Jillie blurted out.

  Where did that come from? She tossed a questioning glance at Jillie.

  “Thad used to write for the school paper,” Mack added.


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