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Whirlwind Page 3

by Reese Morrison

  It suddenly occurred to him that Baby Driver was basically a song about hooking up and leaving. Fuck.

  He started to text a reply, for once at a loss for words, only to hear the crunch of footsteps on gravel. Too late.

  Taylor came into view, looking around timidly, but with hope. He fumbled with the latch and then opened the gate and slipped through cautiously.

  When he spotted Julio, his eyes widened and then narrowed. “Really, J?” Oh fuck. He was pissed. “This is low, even for you. For the record, I do not think this is funny.”

  Did Taylor really think that badly of him? That he would do this as some sort of joke?

  Before he could get his scrambled thoughts together, Taylor had turned on his heel. Only the temperamental latch on the gate kept him from escaping altogether.

  “Taylor, wait!” He was running now, desperate to explain things before it was too late. If it wasn’t already.

  He put his hands on Taylor’s shoulders, always surprised by how much taller the other man was since he worked so hard not to take up space. He loved those hard muscles, the warmth seeping through his thin shirt. “Please, let me explain. I didn’t mean it… like that. I meant…”

  Taylor shrugged him off, and he reluctantly dropped his hands. He stared at his broad back, wishing that he could encircle it with his arms and make all this mess go away for both of them. What a fucking stupid idea.

  Taylor was still struggling with the latch, for which Julio was profoundly grateful. Though if he pushed it much harder, he might just break the whole thing. Or the gate.

  Now Julio just needed to figure out what to say. He’d better start with the basics. “Taylor, I’m really, really sorry. Like, really sorry. This was a stupid idea, and a terrible way to talk to you.”

  But now it sounded like it had been a joke. Julio knew he had to keep talking. Lay it all out. “I guess I was hoping that if you saw my profile, you’d, maybe, think of me differently or something. Like, you’ll always be my best friend, but I thought maybe if you realized I… that we… that we could be...”

  Oh, god. He was really fucking this up. How did one say I’ve been in love with you for almost half my life and I can’t stop thinking about you without sounding like a creep? How would their friendship ever recover if Taylor didn’t return his feelings?

  He noticed, though, that Taylor wasn’t struggling with the latch any more, just gripping the wood of the fence. At least he was listening. But what was he thinking?

  Julio took a deep breath and tried again. “I, um, I saw your profile this morning. On Grindr.”

  Taylor wheeled on him. His face was red, and his eyes were wet. He was hurt and angry. But why? Shame about being discovered? Broken trust? Or worry that Julio was trying to mess with him or use him for a hookup?

  “You had no right to read that.”

  “I know. I know. We read each other’s texts and things all the time, but you’re right. I had no right to do that. But Taylor, I want you to know that…” He squeezed his hands into fists and relaxed them. “I liked what I saw.”

  The words hung in the air, fragile like glass.

  For a moment, no one spoke. Then, Taylor sucked in a breath, like he’d just remembered how to breathe. His words came out like a whisper. “What do you mean?”

  Was that a good sign? That he was asking for an explanation instead of blowing him off?

  Julio’s heart was pounding so loudly, it was a wonder that Taylor couldn’t hear it. “I mean that… I like you. I mean, I’ve always liked you. And I thought maybe there was something that you didn’t want me to know. But now I do know. And it’s… it’s hot. Like, really hot.”

  He smiled winningly, even though he was forcing it. Taylor still wouldn’t smile back.

  “So, if, you know, you were worried that I would judge you or something, I wouldn’t. I mean, I like the same things. Or, like, the inverse of the same things?” Yeah, really smooth. “I just… I’m really fucking this up.” And rambling. Fucking up and rambling.

  But Taylor was still listening, still looking at him like he was trying to figure out a puzzle.

  Julio tried again. “I… my profile? Did you read my profile?”

  Taylor nodded slightly, once. He loved how Taylor could be so strong, and yet so vulnerable.

  “It’s all true. I mean, it’s not a joke. I just wanted you to see that I…”

  Taylor raised one eyebrow. It was one of his many talents. “Wanted someone to snuggle with?”

  Julio could feel his cheeks burning, but it wasn’t the time to back down. “Yep. All of it. Someone to chain to my bed posts and torture into submission before we drive off into the sunset together. Or whatever I wrote.”

  “You did not write that.” Taylor rolled his eyes. At least he was smiling a little now.

  Hopefully they could at least fall back on their easy banter. “I should have written that, then.” He grinned. Then he leaned forward, changing the tone from playful to seductive. “Someone to kneel at my feet.”

  Taylor’s eyes widened. He wanted that. Or at least the idea of it. But he kept his voice light and just a little mocking. “Maybe it’s me?”

  “No maybe, Taylor. It is you. It’s, um, you’re it for me.”

  The look Taylor gave him was still hesitant, still scared. But behind it there was surprised wonder. Thank God. It wasn’t just one sided.

  “What do you want from me? I mean, what did you think this was going to be?”

  Ironic how Julio was supposed to be the Dom, but Taylor was the one who could keep his shit together and guide the conversation. And it kept knocking him off his feet.

  “I want… I want whatever you want. That’s what I put on that stupid profile that I never should have created. Friends, relationship, right now,” he made air quotes, “dating, whatever you want, I’ll take it. That is, if you, um, want me. If you don’t, of course, I’ll just, I mean, I won’t bother you again.” He trailed off lamely.

  Taylor stroked his beard and pretended to ponder. At this point, it didn’t really matter what he said, because if Taylor was able to joke around, their friendship was going to be OK.

  Though if Taylor was even the slightest bit interested Julio was going to romance the shit out of him until he gave in to the inevitable. “Maybe we could try, like, a date?”

  Julio grinned. “How about two dates? Tonight’s the low-key date with the friends for trivia night, and tomorrow I take you out on the town.”

  Taylor was beaming. That had been the right answer, and he was glad he knew him so well. There was only one thing that might make it more perfect. “And in between, you spend the night chained to my bed.”

  Taylor shivered visibly. Maybe this could work after all.

  Chapter 3


  Taylor’s mind was spinning. He’d had a crush on his best friend for ten years without any hope of having those feelings reciprocated. For seven of them, he’d watched Julio flirt shamelessly with him… and then hop into a different bed every night.

  And while Julio’s apologies about Grindr had at least been heartfelt, and he pretty much believed that it wasn’t a joke, he still wasn’t quite sure what this all meant.

  Alright, so Julio was clearly interested in something. But was it because of what he’d seen in the Grindr profile? Was he suddenly interested because he found out that Taylor was kinky? The way he’d said the last few words, chained to my bed, made Taylor feel weak at the knees.

  This should have been the happiest day of his life, and instead it just felt confusing. When he’d seen Julio’s profile, before knowing whose it was, he’d been cautiously excited. The guy had seemed just… perfect.

  He knew it was weird that he wanted someone to take care of him and tie him up, but it seemed like the description had been written just for him.

  And now he was pretty sure that the description had been written just for him. Which should have meant that Julio was on the same page. But it also might have m
eant that his best friend just knew him really, really well. And that was a little terrifying, too.

  Julio had checked all of those stupid Grindr boxes, so what did he actually want? A relationship? A hook-up? Testing things out?

  Could Taylor handle being one more guy in a long chain of Julio’s rejects?

  Though the way that Julio was looking at him, like he wanted to eat him alive, made him feel like experiencing that attention even once would be worth it. He felt like he could drown in the depths of Julio’s coal black eyes.

  Which is why he’d reverted to their usual banter. Like this wasn’t a big deal. Like he needed to think for a few minutes to decide if he was interested, when really every cell in his body was yearning to say yes.

  So, he’d suggested a date. Which, to be honest, was already a bit of a test.

  He was pretty sure that Julio hadn’t been on a date since high school. It was maybe a little comforting that Julio had agreed.

  But what were they going to do now? Turn around and walk into Whirlwind with the rest of the guys and it would be different somehow?

  If this was just a stupid fling that didn’t go anywhere, he definitely didn’t want all of Julio’s friends—who were now his friends—to know.

  He was starting to panic a little bit. In all his fantasies of Julio suddenly returning his interest, he’d never imagined it would be so… awkward.

  Julio was supposed to declare his undying love with a dozen roses. Sometimes he’d even drop to one knee with a ring in his hand.

  Or, in his dirtier fantasies, Julio would be so overcome with lust that he’d push Taylor over the hood of the nearest vehicle and claim him on the spot.

  In all the variations, he’d known where they both stood. He hadn’t thought about telling their friends. Or what would happen if they had a casual fling. Or a relationship that ended badly.

  Maybe he should call off this whole dating thing before he got even more hurt.

  He felt a soft touch on his cheek and looked up.

  That was Julio’s hand on his cheek, Julio touching him so gently and spreading tendrils of warmth and light throughout his body. It would be so easy to get lost in those gorgeous brown eyes that were, at least for now, looking at him with such care and desire.

  “Hey, pretty baby,” Julio crooned, “I’ve got you.”

  Taylor was melting inside. “Don’t call me that,” he forced out. He wasn’t pretty. He wasn’t even close to it.

  Julio’s hands gripped his shoulders. Slowly, but with great care and confidence, he turned Taylor’s body and then pushed him backward. Taylor stepped back willingly, ready to follow wherever Julio led. Even if he didn’t trust the situation, he trusted Julio to keep him safe.

  And it was hot as fuck being pushed around like that.

  He couldn’t turn his head to see where they were going because Julio’s blazing eyes were locked with his. He felt the rough, brick wall at his back, but Julio forced him one step further so that he was pressed hard against it.

  Oh, God, that was sexy. In just a moment, Julio had gone from unsure and apologetic to dominant and commanding, all without saying a word. Taylor loved being trapped there, between the wall and Julio’s hard body.

  Julio looked down meaningfully and tapped the instep of Taylor’s shoe. He was supposed to do something. He was supposed to… oh, fuck. He was supposed to spread his legs.

  He felt like he was about to combust. He realized that his breathing was already ragged, and Julio was only touching his shoulders. He carefully took one step out to the side with each foot. The rough brick caught on his shirt as he slid downward. They were almost the same height, now.

  Julio raised one eyebrow with a smirk that told Taylor he was still waiting for more. Taylor hoped that he hadn’t actually whimpered out loud.

  He stepped each foot out again. He felt a little off balance, now. Like he would fall if not for the wall and Julio holding him up.

  And so exposed. Completely exposed. Physically, with his legs spread open for whatever Taylor wanted next, and emotionally, for following Julio’s silent commands so readily.

  Not to mention that Julio was looking down at him now, making him feel small and weak and so completely at his mercy.

  He gave a slow nod of acknowledgment and Taylor felt absurdly proud.

  This was already putting all his fantasies to shame and all he was doing was standing against the back wall of Whirlwind while they were both completely dressed.

  Julio leaned toward him, and Taylor tilted his head up. He wanted this kiss more than air.

  But Julio pulled back. The look he gave Taylor was stern and there could be no doubt of what it meant. Hold still.

  This time he was pretty sure he did whimper out loud.

  Julio leaned forward again. Taylor could feel the heat of his lips, so close to his own but not quite touching. Their breath mingled. Taylor was absolutely going to die of wanting.

  Then Julio moved his lips, still not quite touching, along his cheek. Taylor resolutely kept his head forward. Inside, he was a frenzy of nerves, every inch of skin attuned to Julio’s soft breath and the possibility of touch.

  Julio’s almost-touch traced along the shell of his ear. Down his neck. Along his collarbone and through his T-shirt. Up through the scruff of his beard. His heart was pounding.

  Julio came close to his lips, so close, and then drifted past them. When he licked along the curve of Taylor’s ear, he felt it through his entire body.

  Then he bit down on the tender lobe. Hard.

  Taylor groaned out loud. How had Julio so quickly reduced him to this?

  Julio whispered into his ear, his voice soothing and seductive. “So good for me, pretty baby.”

  Being good for Taylor filled him up inside, but the rest of it, being pretty, was too much. He wouldn’t be mocked. He opened his mouth to reply, but Julio was already whispering again.

  “No, baby. You’re going to listen this time. You are beautiful to me.”

  He pulled back, his eyes roaming hungrily over Taylor’s boring, chubby face. It seemed like he had to be joking, or at least exaggerating. A little white lie to make him feel good. But Taylor knew what it looked like when Julio was being serious. “You’re my pretty baby. All mine. Now, say it.”

  Taylor blinked. “Say what?”

  “That you’re my gorgeous, beautiful, lovely baby.”

  Taylor shook his head. “I can’t say that.”

  Julio’s hands were tender as the cupped his cheeks, tilting his face upward so he couldn’t hide. Julio’s eyes, though, were hard and demanding.

  He didn’t say another word. He just stared and stared. Waiting. Giving Taylor the opportunity to do as he was told.

  The heady desire to follow Julio’s command was starting to outweigh his discomfort at claiming the descriptor. He knew that he wasn’t actually pretty. But maybe if Julio kind of thought he wasn’t so bad, he could at least say the words.

  “You can do it, sweetheart. For me.”

  He really did want to say it for Julio. Whatever Julio wanted. “I’m, um, pretty?” He knew his face was scarlet. Which was undoubtedly making him less attractive. Like a hairy tomato.

  “Not quite,” Julio’s eyes burned into him.

  “I’m your… pretty baby.” He felt all melty inside, but also stupid. At least he’d done what Julio wanted and said it.

  Then Julio was kissing him. No, not kissing, devouring. His tongue swept along every corner of Taylor’s mouth, thrusting and demanding. He bit and licked, with one hand digging into Taylor’s jaw while the other pulled at his scalp.

  Taylor was drowning in sensation, lost in a stormy sea of pleasure and tossed by the waves.

  Julio thrust their hips together, rubbing savagely against him. With his legs spread open, there was no mistaking his swollen cock trapped down one pant leg. Julio ground against it, then pressed his knee up to massage Taylor’s balls just a little too forcefully but somehow just the right amount.r />
  Taylor whimpered into their kiss.

  What was also abundantly clear was that Julio was hard. He actually wanted this. The thought only added to Taylor’s swirling pleasure. He hoped he would get to touch.

  Julio pulled away from the kiss just far enough to speak. With one hand he continued to grip Taylor’s hair with just the right amount of pain, but with the other he stroked gently down his cheek. “Oh, the things that I want to do to you,” he whispered.

  His free hand drifted along Taylor’s shoulder, passing over his nipple almost as if by accident, though it sent a zing right through him, and then continued down his belly. All Taylor could do was stand there and absorb it, his breath rapid and frantic. Julio’s eyes smoldered.

  At last, he reached Taylor’s cock. He trailed his fingers lightly along it, his touch barely perceptible through the thick denim. Taylor was shaking.

  “So hard for me, aren’t you pretty baby. Just like you should be.” He caressed the length, up and down, but without any more pressure. “And that can’t be comfortable. It looks like you need a little help.” Julio’s eyes glinted.

  Taylor realized that Julio was giving him an out. Asking him for permission without giving up control of the scene.

  Taylor nodded, feeling the burn where Julio’s other hand was still tangled in his hair.

  “Good boy. I’ve been waiting to feel this fat cock in my hand.” With a quick flick of his fingers, he opened the button and then drew down the zipper. Taylor was melting.

  Then he realized what Julio must be seeing. His flabby belly would be hanging over the top of his jeans. He drew in his stomach, knowing it was too late. He wasn’t one of those cute little twinks or muscular jocks that Julio usually favored.

  Julio stopped stroking and gave him a sharp look. He tried to breathe shallowly and evenly, so his belly wouldn’t expand. Was he busted?

  “I should turn you over my knee for that, but I’m going to go easy on you tonight.”

  No. Yes. Please don’t go easy on me.


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