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by Jenika Snow

  Tears sprang into her eyes since this still made her feel like a fool. “I was straight out of college, fresh, young, and a total idiot. I took a job as an accountant at a Vegas casino. I did such a good job that I worked up the ranks until I became his personal accountant. All that time, I thought I was working for a corporate businessman. As his accountant, I put the numbers together and dealt with his taxes and such. One night, I was working late, and, erm, one of his accounts didn’t add up. I went to look for him, and...” She had to stop. It was just too much.

  “You witnessed something your sweet ass shouldn’t have?”

  “I heard screams, and when I walked into his private office, I watched him, erm, I watched him kill a man.” Bridget hadn’t stayed to see. She’d run to her apartment, and when Rafe, her fiancé and Francis’ oldest son, had called, she’d answered.

  Rafe had wanted to meet her to talk. She had been such an idiot. She’d gone to meet him, thinking he’d never hurt her, thinking he loved her. When she’d started working for Francis, Rafe had always flirted with her, trying to impress her by showing her hidden ways into their restaurants.

  She didn’t know why, but her gut had told her to be wary and silent, so she did. Bridget had discovered them talking about her death. Francis was sad to see her go, and so was Rafe, she’d been a decent fuck according to him.

  God, she’d been so stupid. She’d gotten out of there and run. The only person she’d thought of was Beast.

  “Holy fucking shit!”

  “I had nowhere to go.”

  “You came to me.”

  “You’re the only one I know who could help me. There’s no one else. My fiancé wants me dead and so does Francis. I’m a dead woman if they find me.”

  “You’re engaged?”

  “Not anymore.” She’d pawned the ring the first chance she got. “I’m not marrying any guy who wants to kill me.”

  “Do you know why they were killing the man?”

  “No. I don’t know anything. All I know is that they want to kill me now because I witnessed it, and I want to live.”

  Beast sat back and started laughing. “You’re fucking priceless, you know that, right?”

  Tears filled her eyes, and she stared down at her hands.

  “What’s with all the change?” Beast asked, pointing at her clothing.

  Biting her lip, her shame was almost complete. “It’s what Rafe liked. He told me it was time for a change; the good girl was nice in the beginning, but it wasn’t so good in a wife.”

  She pushed her hair off her face, hating how she’d fallen for him and that she’d changed for him. Rafe had been there, and he was the first guy to show her any attention. He’d seen past her nerdy exterior and liked her. Rafe had been the only man she’d had sex with. She cringed thinking about how he must have laughed with his father about how naive she actually was. Over time, he’d changed her until she’d looked in the mirror and didn’t recognize the woman looking back at her.

  He’d even slapped her once for talking back to him. He’d wanted to go out to a local club, and she hadn’t wanted to go. Rafe had bought her a dress, which had been so damn revealing there was no point in wearing it. They had argued, and to shut her up, he’d slapped her hard. Afterward, he’d been so sorry, and she’d been so scared, she’d dressed the way he wanted, and done whatever he’d said.

  I’m a total idiot.

  She’d fallen for the first guy who made her feel special, who acted like he loved her. And he’d also hit her. And now she was running for her life.

  “Wow, I never took you for a doormat, yet it’s exactly what you turned into.”

  Bridget wiped away the tears. “You don’t think I know that? Can you help me?”

  He leaned back and stared at her, assessing. Even when they were younger, he always took his time, assessing everything. He’d driven their parents crazy with it.

  “Yeah, I’ll help you, for a price.”

  Chapter Three

  “A price?” Bridget asked, her throat tightening.

  “You’ll owe me; you’ll owe the club, since they’ll have to have your back as well.”

  She had known asking for help wouldn’t be free, but she didn’t think Beast would be the one to make the demand. She assumed, stupidly, that her stepbrother would have wanted to help because she was family, even if only by marriage, even if they hadn’t seen each other in decades. However, she’d expected the club to demand she give something in return. They weren’t exactly the noblest group of men, even if they were loyal to each other.

  “I just don’t want to die. I’ll do anything.” Bridget shouldn’t have said that, because the way Beast grinned, and lifted his eyebrow, made her feel like she’d just offered herself up ... which she supposed she had

  “Dangerous words, Bridge.”

  She hadn’t been called Bridge in so long; Beast had been the only one. The truth was they hadn’t exactly been close back then, but she’d still cared about him, more than she should have. He was an attractive man; it wasn’t in the classical sense, but in the brutal, he’d kill someone that fucked with what was his kind of way.

  Bridget never thought she’d be all about the bad boys, never thought that knowing her stepbrother did bad things, illegal activities, and wasn’t remorseful about any of it, would have turned her on like it had.

  He was bigger now, even taller, and more muscular. His body, the power that radiated from him, and the way he watched her, told her that he’d had a hardened life but didn’t regret anything.

  “I am afraid for my life Beast. Wouldn’t you be willing to do anything if your life depended on it?”

  He was silent for a moment, but then he exhaled and lifted a hand to run it through his short dark hair. “What if a Patch wants your body, Bridge, wants to fuck you and use you for his personal enjoyment?” He cocked his eyebrow again. “You willing to do that to stay safe?”

  She swallowed, her throat tight, her palms sweating. She ran her hands over her thighs, feeling her fingers shaking from her fear and nerves. Before she could answer, he started speaking again.

  “Don’t worry, princess. I wouldn’t let any of the Patches touch you.”

  She breathed out in relief, not realizing she’d been holding her breath.

  He leaned forward and rested his forearms on the table. “I’ll talk to the club about all of this. Until then, I want you at the club. That will ensure you’ll be protected.”

  She nodded. “Thank you, Beast.”

  “Don’t thank me yet, Bridge. You don’t know what my price will be.” He smirked. “I might have said I wouldn’t let any of the Patches fuck you, but I didn’t say anything about me hitting that up.”

  Bridget watched as the bedroom door at the clubhouse closed, and she let herself cry. She cried because she was ashamed for getting into all of this shit in the first place and because she was so damned scared. Although she hadn’t spoken to Beast in so long, she knew, as soon as she’d seen that man killed, he was the only one who could keep her safe. Rafe wouldn’t stop until she was dead, because what she’d seen could put him and his father away for a long time. They could lose everything, and killing her was a small price to pay to hold onto their empire and their freedom.

  She stood and went into the bathroom attached to the room. Beast wasn’t exactly the tidiest man, and shit was all over the place, from clothes to empty beer cans, even condoms—still in the packaging, thank God—were scattered over the floor. She turned on the light and wrinkled her nose at the state of the bathroom. If she was going to be staying in this room, she needed to clean this up, not just because she liked everything clean, but it would hopefully help occupy her thoughts and worries.

  Staring at her reflection in the mirror over the sink, she ran her hands over her hair. She hated this color on her, hated that she’d changed. When she saw Beast again she’d ask him to take her, or get her, some hair dye that was her natural color, and a pair of scissors. She’d try to at leas
t color her hair back to normal, cut it, and hopefully that would make her feel more life herself and make her less recognizable. If she couldn’t do it herself surely someone at this club, one of the sweet butts, could help her strip the color and get it back to normal. As it was, she couldn’t even stand looking at herself in the mirror.

  Of course, that was just another thing to help, or try to help, distract her from her real problems. And her situation, her reality, was pretty damn perilous.

  Beast had set Bridget up in his room at the club, which he used when he crashed. Knowing she’d be in his bed, her scent surrounding everything, had his cock hard. Beast never said he was a good guy, never claimed he wanted to do the right thing, never claimed he could. Bridget had come to him, and he’d protect her, but he knew he was a bastard and he’d told her it would come with a price.

  Of course, he didn’t have to make such demands. He could have just helped her to help her, and he knew the club would have done the same. But honestly, he was slightly pissed at her. She hadn’t spoken to him in years, yet she’d come to him because she was in trouble and needed help.

  He left her in the room and went in search of the rest of the club members. He needed to gather them and come up with a fucking plan; he knew enough about Francis and the shit he was into to know that things could get very bad very fast. Since they knew Bridget had witnessed the murder, they’d be after her, no doubt about that. Beast didn’t know much about Rafe, but he would find out all their dirty shit, because he had to know every aspect if he was going to protect Bridget and bring down one of the biggest players in the mafia.

  Chapter Four

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” King asked. Payne sat at the head of the table, thinking.

  “There’s no fucking way we’re taking on Francis Rodriguez and living to tell the tale. He guts his bastard family without batting an eye, and he even films it,” Smalls said. “He’s one ugly ass fucker you don’t want to try to get to.”

  “I even heard he filmed as several of his men raped his own daughter because she tried to get out of the family,” Pike said, shaking his head. “It was fucking disgusting. She screamed until she couldn’t scream anymore.”

  “Fuck! What the fuck happened to her?” King asked.

  “Rumor has it she was locked in a white room and not allowed any visitors. Shit he did to her was fucking rotten,” Pike said.

  Beast had heard similar rumors, and had encountered some survivors of what Francis and Rafe Rodriguez were capable of. He’d hoped he’d been mistaken. The survivors were scarred to fuck, damaged beyond repair, and the only reason they kept them alive was to use their horror stories as examples to warn others.

  Running fingers through his hair, he closed his eyes.

  What the fuck have you gotten yourself into, Bridget?

  He knew she was completely innocent and had stumbled into it accidentally.

  “What was your sister doing with them?” Smalls asked.

  “Stepsister.” He’d always corrected people. What he felt for Bridget had nothing to do with her being his sister. He wanted to fuck her, to take her sweet pussy as his, and fill her with his spunk. She’d look damn good naked and leaking his seed out of her pussy and her ass. Just the thought was enough to thicken his dick and have him raring to go.

  This was what it had always been like with Bridget. Not when he’d first met her; she was too young then. When she’d been young, she’d done nothing but annoy him. Now, she’d stumbled into mess, and it was up to him to protect her. Apparently, she was still was fucking with his life.

  “Regardless, what if it’s a set up?” King asked.

  “What the fuck do you mean?”

  “There’s no way you can turn round and say she stumbled into this mess. It’s Francis Rodriguez.”

  “Bridge didn’t know who he was,” Beast said, defending her. He believed her.

  “That’s what she’s telling you.”

  He slammed his hand on the table. It didn’t matter who tried to speak out against Bridge, he wasn’t going to let it happen. “She’s innocent okay. We know who Rodriguez is because we’re in that fucking circle. We’re not connected to the mafia, but we run in the same kind of world. Bridge, she went to college. She made something of herself, and got sucked into the wrong shit.” He stood and started to pace the small room. When he’d told her that she’d owe the club, he hadn’t actually meant it.

  No one was going to touch her but him. He owned her pussy, and it should have been him with her all these years, no one else.

  Bridget was the one woman he’d thought about often over the years, and he was going to help her regardless. He didn’t know what it was about her and seeing her looking so scared that had affected him deeply.

  No one deserved to be scared like she was. Yes, he ran with a rough biker club that dealt with drugs, guns, death, and sex, but he knew there was more out there. He’d gotten messages from their parents over the years telling him little bits and pieces of what she’d accomplished. For few moments, he’d been proud of her. She’d taken on a life that he couldn’t even imagine. Beast had always figured that she’d be married with children, the white picket fence, and so far out of his reach it would be ridiculous for him to even try to reach out to her.

  Instead, she’d fallen into his lap, and now he had a chance to live out every single one of his fantasies.

  “He finds out we’re housing her, we’re done for.”

  “Rodriguez has contacts, but so do we. We’re not just any fucking club, we’re part of The Soldiers of Wrath MC; we are the Grit Chapter. I say whatever shit he wants to bring to us, then he fucking brings it. I’m ready. Bridget, she belongs to me, and no one is going to touch her, do you understand?” Beast asked. “But, I’ve got a problem.”

  He watched his Brothers look at each other, and then back at him.

  “What is it?” King asked. Even though he’d been high on cocaine last night, the Brother was focused. Sure, there were members of the club who couldn’t handle their shit, but King knew when to party, and when not to.

  “When you’re around Bridget, I want you to treat her like fair game.” He wanted to mess with her a little bit, to make her think that dealing with the club wouldn’t be easy. She might know that, but he was sure she didn’t actually realize what they’d have to do to get her out of this.

  “You’re crazy,” Smalls said.

  “Let me get this right, you want us to leave her alone, but treat her like she’s a club whore?” King asked.

  “That’s right. Anyone touch her, or take it too far, you’ll deal with me.” He slapped his hand on the table and made his way out of church. Roxie was waiting for him as he made his way to the stairs.

  “Hey, handsome,” she said, pressing her body against his. Her shirt was open, and he saw the white powder decorating her skin that hadn’t been sucked up. Beast wasn’t interested in her, nor was he interested in her body. She had nothing to offer that he actually wanted.

  “What do you want?”

  “I thought we could finish what we started earlier. I’d love to have that fat cock in my ass. You know I love it when you fuck me.”

  Shaking his head, Beast glanced up the stairs. The woman he wanted was in his room, waiting for him. “No.”


  “That’s right. I don’t want it.” He marched past Roxie and made his way up toward his room. When he entered the room, he found Bridget sitting on his bed looking nervous.

  “That was fast,” she said.

  “It was fast. Strip.”

  “Wait? What?”

  “You want my protection and the club’s? Strip. I want to take that body for a test drive.”

  Chapter Five

  “What?” Bridget stuttered out, knowing she’d offered him anything, but unable to keep the shock out of her voice. Of course, she’d known she’d owe the club, but she honestly hadn’t thought Beast would make her do this, especially not this soon.
  She’s been a pre-teen when he’d come into her life, and at first, she hadn’t seen him as anything but a bad boy. However her feelings had started to grow; she’d started to care for him. Even as a young teenager she’d realized what being attracted to a person was, and that person had been Beast. But she’d never admitted how she felt, because he was a bad boy, and because she wanted to hide her emotions for her stepbrother.

  Bridget had hid those desires her entire life, never admitting, most of the time not even to herself, that if things had been different, she’d have given herself to Beast. But this move right here, even if she’d come to him for help, was bastardly, and she didn’t know how to take it all.

  Admit it, Bridget, his command, his demand that you give him this made you wet.

  “You heard me, princess. I want you to strip for me, to show me what you have under those clothes.” He moved over to the chair in the corner of the room and took a seat. His look showed her he didn’t want to hear any arguments or any complaints. He’d told her what he wanted, and he expected her to comply.

  Truly shocked by his demand, she was also aroused and wet, and there was an ache between her thighs.

  Bridget had never known Beast wanted anything like this from her, had seen her as some kind of sexual object. She’d clearly been wrong.

  He lifted his eyebrow and lifted his hand, flicking his finger for her to proceed.

  “This is a bastard thing to do, Beast.” He tensed, and even from where she stood, the hardening of his body was visible.

  “Let’s remember one thing, Bridge. You came to me, needing my help, because you were in a fucked up relationship with a psycho.”

  She swallowed.

  “I’m not making any secret that I want you, obviously, or that I have wanted you. Now, I have the opportunity to enjoy that sweet pussy of yours, and I want you to give it to me willingly.” He held her gaze, his eyes hard, unyielding.

  “I didn’t take you for the kind of guy that had to force a woman for sex.” Before she knew what was happening, he was out of his seat and on her, using his massive body to press her much smaller one against the wall. He had his hand wrapped loosely around her neck, his erection digging into her belly. For a second, all he did was breathe hard, his warm, sweet breath brushing along her face, stirring her hair.


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