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by Jenika Snow

  “I don’t rape women, Bridget,” Beast said in a hard, frighteningly deep voice. “I don’t have to force women to do anything they don’t want to do.” Then the hand wrapped her throat moved, pressing between her thighs. She gasped at the feel of pressure, at knowing it was Beast’s hand causing that friction. “You think if I shoved my hand down your pants, your little cunt would be nice and sloppy?”

  She was breathing hard, unable to catch her breath, to get enough air into her lungs.

  “I know you want this, want me, even if you’re trying to act like you’re not affected.” Beast wasn’t speaking loudly, but the harshness of his voice was still surprising.

  “You don’t know shit.” Bridget felt a little strength pour into her. She might need his help, but that didn’t mean she had to be his little toy either.

  But you want that, even if you’re denying it.

  He added more pressure, and she rose on her toes, gasping at the pleasure that coursed through her at the feel of his hand pressing hard against her.

  “Answer me,” he said between clenched teeth, pushing his cock into her belly, grinding himself on her.

  “There isn’t anything to say,” she whispered, not about to give in, at least not so soon. “You have no affect on me.”

  He made a low sound in the back of his throat, animal in quality, guttural in tone. “You’re a little tease, trying to play hard to get, Bridge.” Before she knew it, he had the button and zipper of her pants undone, had his hand shoved down the denim and inside her panties, touching her pussy liked he owned it. He spread his fingers through her embarrassingly soaked pussy folds, moved them along its opening, and then ran up her slit again to tease her clit.

  “You fucking liar,” he growled again, and in one swift move, buried one of his thick fingers into her pussy. Her eyes rolled back, her lips parted, and she moaned at how good and forceful it was.

  “I know you better than you know yourself, baby. And your body language, from the moment I saw you, told me how much you want my cock.”

  She had her eyes open now, not realizing she’d shut them. They stared at each other, Beast’s finger still lodged in her pussy, not moving, but somehow holding this power over her.

  “Yeah, you fucking want me, and playing hard to get only makes my cock hard enough to drill holes through steel.”

  Chapter Six

  There was no use in denying it, and Beast saw the moment she caved. Her pussy was so damn tight and slick. She was a fucking dream, and he’d been with a lot of club pussy who knew how to take his cock. Sliding a second finger inside her pussy, he stroked her clit with his thumb, watching her eyes flutter.

  “This is wrong. You’re my stepbrother.”

  “That doesn’t mean shit here, babe, and you know it. We aren’t related, and we never had a brother sister relationship. Your boy’s not been taking care of your needs. Your greedy fucking pussy is sucking my fingers, begging for more. You want my dick, don’t you?”

  She whimpered and started to slide up and down on his fingers. “Please?”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  “Beast, please.”

  “That’s not enough. I need you to tell me exactly what you want.” He stopped moving his fingers and remained still.

  “This is wrong.”

  He removed his hands from her pants and held his hand up for her to see. “You think this is wrong? You soaked my fingers, and you think you don’t want me?”

  She bit her lip, and he watched her press her thighs together.

  “I can make every little one of your desires come true.” His dick was rock hard, ready to fuck her. This thing with Bridget had always been coming. They’d always had a connection, and years later, it had built into an attraction, a fire burning between them. “Just say the words, and it’s all yours.”

  Beast waited for her to make up her mind and started to lick the cream from his fingers. “You’re tasty, baby. Your little lover, has he ever licked your sweet pussy?”

  He saw the need burning in her eyes, and Beast knew it wouldn’t be long before she caved. Taking a seat, he unzipped his jeans, and pulled out his cock.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You may not want to have some fun, but I’m going to sit here and have some.” He stared down the length of her body, loving her full curves. It had been a long time since he was this aroused. The women he fucked, the club pussy, were a dime a dozen. Women like Bridget, they were the special ones, and she’d always had this affect on him.

  She licked those plump lips, and all he could think about were those lips wrapped around his dick.

  “All you’ve got to do is say the words, and I’ll fuck you, baby. I’ll fuck you so damn good.”

  “What about the Rafe situation? This seems counterproductive.”

  He could have laughed that she was trying to be rational. “We aren’t even gong to talk about that bastard right now. He wants you dead, so thinking about him right now, when I want to fuck you, probably isn’t the greatest move.”

  She ran her fingers through her hair and blew out a breath. “Rafe was always nice, but it wasn’t exactly love.”

  “What was it?”

  “Easy. He was my boss’ son, and it seemed wrong to turn him down.” She shrugged. “God, I was such an idiot.”

  He growled and watched as she huffed and reached for her shirt.

  “You getting naked for me?”

  “You told me to strip.”

  “I also told you to tell me what you want.” He ran his hand up and down his cock, groaning as she removed her shirt. She wore a black lace bra, but it didn’t hide her full, round tits. They were more than a handful, and he loved having a nice set of tits bouncing in front of him.

  She unbuttoned her jeans and paused. “What do you want me to say?”

  He smiled. “Tell me exactly what you want me to do to your body.” She opened her mouth, and he saw that she was about to dispute him. “Don’t even think of lying to me, baby. I’ve just had your creamy pussy all over my fingers. You want me, and I want you.”

  Bridget released a sigh. “Yes, I want it, but I shouldn’t.”

  “Don’t think about what you shouldn’t want. Go with what you actually want. I want inside your pussy, baby. Give in.” He ran his hand up and down his dick. “I want to fuck your pussy and fill you with my spunk. When I’m done with your pussy, I’m going to take your ass. I’m not going to leave you alone until every single hole of yours is filled with my cum. It’s what I want. Tell me, baby, what is it that you want.”

  She licked her lips again. “I want to have dirty sex and not care about how it looks. I want you to grab me, push me to the bed, and make me take your cock. I want you so damn bad that it hurts. When Rafe fucked me, I found no pleasure, and I thought about you to try and help me get off. There’s no one else that has ever made me feel like this. Is that the kind of stuff you want to hear?”

  He released his dick and stood. Sliding his finger beneath her bra, he flicked the catch, watching her tits spring free. He stepped back to get a good look at the luscious tits he couldn’t wait to have his hands, his mouth on. “That’s exactly what I want to hear, especially if it’s the truth. Is it the truth?”

  Beast really hoped it was the truth since it was exactly what he wanted to do with her. The club knew she belonged to him. He could do whatever the hell he wanted to with her, and he couldn’t wait to get started.

  Chapter Seven

  Bridget shouldn’t have been aroused, not by this situation, and certainly not because Beast was going to fuck her. She should be pissed, offended; she should hate him even more despite the fact he was going to help her. But her pussy was wet, her nipples hard, and she craved more of his touch.

  She stood in the center of the room. Beast didn’t move, his focus trained on her. The electricity moving between them was a crackling in the air, had that electricity moving through her.

  He wanted her, she wanted him, and sh
e wasn’t going to stop this. It was like those years hadn’t passed, like they’d been right here all along, the desire clear, thick. It was strange, but comforting.

  “You want me to give you a little pain, baby? You want that pain to give you pleasure?” Beast said in a low, aroused voice.

  She shouldn’t want that, but damn, did she ever. She nodded and licked her lips, her throat feeling raw, dry.

  He took a step closer to her, and she stayed right where she was. She knew this man could give her everything she ever wanted in bed, everything she needed, even if she’d never been with him. It was the aura around him, the strength and control that came from him.

  “Tell me then.”

  “I want that, Beast,” she whispered.

  He’d stood a few feet from her, and after she spoke, he continued to stand there, watching her, inhaling deeply like some primal animal scenting her arousal. After a second, he lifted his hand, gesturing for her to come to him.

  “Then come to me, baby girl.” He smirked. “You do what I say, when I say it, baby.”

  She nodded, her heart thundering.

  “You give me what I want because it’ll make me happy, because, in the end, it’ll get you off, as well.” Beast was aroused; she could see it as much as she could hear it in his voice. She could feel the wetness between her thighs grow. His cock was hard; his big, thick dick visible after he’d unbuttoned his jeans.

  “You like what you see?” he said, his voice a deep, guttural sound that had goose bumps popping out along her flesh.

  Oh, yeah she did. He’d stretch her, make her hurt so good.

  Truth was she did like a little pain with her pleasure, did like a little dominance and control over her.

  “Touch yourself, Bridget.”

  His gaze moved over her, as if he’d reached out and stroked her. She touched her pussy, and a gasp of pleasure left her.

  “Oh yeah,” he groaned, and she felt his body heat seep into her as he moved closer. “Spread your legs wider, baby.” His voice dropped even deeper. “I want a good look at you as you do that.”

  She exhaled slowly, closed her eyes, and did exactly what he’d ordered. God, she’d missed him. She felt the chilled air over her exposed, intimate parts.

  “That’s it,” he murmured.

  Her throat constricted, her pussy creaming more. She didn’t hesitate in complying. Goose bumps popped out on her skin, and she forced herself not to shiver.

  “Yes,” he hissed out. “I could look at you all damn night, jerk off to the sight of you like this. I could cover you with my jizz so you smell just like me.”

  She shivered at his words.

  “But as much as I like looking at you, I need to fuck you,” he said with the deep voice that did something wicked to her insides, had her clit throbbing, and her pussy dripping. “Stand up and look at me.”

  When she rose and turned to face him again, she tried to catch her breath, tried to calm down. He stood naked before her; she was slightly shocked because she hadn’t heard him remove his clothes. But Beast looked dangerous right now, scary almost.

  It turned her on even more.

  “I’m going to take you right here, right now. I’m going to have my cock so far in your pussy, you won’t know where you end, and I begin.” His voice was hard and unyielding.


  “No God, baby, just me. But I’ll have you screaming to the heavens before I’m done with you.”

  Her throat felt too tight to respond.

  “You know what I’m looking forward to, baby girl?”

  She shook her head.

  “That even though you’re scared right now, you want my cock in you, want my dominance, and want the pain I can give you. You want it all because you’re a needy little slut. You’re my little slut. Only mine.” He moved closer to her, reached out and cupped her chin, tilting her head back. She looked up into his face, seeing the domination in his expression.

  “Tell me you only want my dick.”

  “Beast...” She breathed out his name. “I only want your dick.” And she actually meant that.

  He moved away several feet from her. “Good, because no one else is going to have you, even after we take out Rafe and any other fuckers that stand in our way. You’re mine only, Bridge.”

  She felt her heart jump at those words, because she knew they were true.

  Chapter Eight

  Beast was going to test her, see how far he could push her to do exactly what he wanted. Already, she’d surprised him at how easily she’d submitted to him. She must be terrified to have fallen at his feet.

  Terrified, or she’d hid her attraction for me very well.

  He thought he was good at reading people, but he’d not seen Bridget in so long. Maybe she was much better at hiding her feelings than he’d given her credit for.

  “Are you going to be my little slut?” he asked.

  She paused and glanced up at him. He saw the pain and the shame in her eyes. Bridget was hurting, and he felt like he’d been kicked to the gut at the pain he saw.

  You don’t want to hurt her.

  Not once had he ever wanted to hurt her. Beast hated how much she’d affected him over the years. She was the woman who entered his dreams in the dead of night. Her face was the one he imagined to help him get off. Surrounded by his men, or out on the road, she was the woman he thought about, the one he cared about the most.

  Beast had worried about her for so long, and now that she was in his protection as his old lady, she’d settled the monster inside him. The monster he fought on a daily basis about claiming her.

  “I can’t do this,” Bridget said, stopping.

  His heart pounded inside his chest. “You don’t want my cock? You lied to me?”

  “I want to be with you, but I’m not this woman you’re making me be. I’m not some slut. I was with a man who I thought I could love. I’ve never been with anyone else. I’ve not slept around, and I never cheated on Rafe even though he was with a million other women.” The tears started to fall hard and fast. The reality of her situation had finally dawned on her, and Beast felt like a total asshole.

  “Bridget,” he said her name as he advanced toward her.

  She covered her face and started sobbing. “How did this happen to me? I’ve always been good. I’ve always denied everything I ever wanted. I pretended to not care about you even as you were ruining your life, I did.”

  “You wanted me to run from the people who you’ve run to.”

  “I didn’t run to the club. I ran to you. You’re the reason I’m here, not the club. You’re the only person I trust.”

  She wiped away her tears and snot, and he handed her a piece of tissue. He didn’t want to do this. Beast didn’t want to care, but that’s exactly what she’d made him do. She’d made him care. She made him want to be a better man even when his thoughts about her were full of dirty fantasies.

  “I want you,” she said. “That’s what makes it all wrong. I’ve always wanted you, and I will fuck you if that’s what you need to protect me. I’m wet for you, and yes, I want your dick in my pussy. I don’t want the club; I want you.”

  Beast pressed his finger against her lips. “Be quiet.” Stepping away from her, he turned around and stared down at his cock, which was still rock hard. Fuck, why couldn’t she just be a fucking slut to the core? Why did she have to make him feel? Care?

  This was not the man he wanted to be.

  He was part of The Soldiers of Wrath MC: Grit Chapter. Beast took women, fucked them, used them, and forgot them.

  She touched his shoulder, and he tensed, spinning back to face her, and grabbing her around the neck. He pressed her against the wall, and she held onto his wrists with both hands.

  “Beast? What are you doing?”

  “I don’t want to care. I’ve spent a long time not caring about anything, yet, you’re making me care. Stop it, Bridget. I want your pussy. You will give it to me, and in return, the club will protect
you. This is nothing more than a simple give and take.” To stop himself from taking the words back, he slammed his lips against hers, sliding his tongue into her mouth. She was tense beneath his touch, even though she opened her lips and gave him what he was searching for.

  He took her kiss, and with one hand, the other still around her neck, he cupped her full tit. She was so fucking hot, better than anything he’d ever imagined, and he wanted her.

  She moaned, and releasing her neck, he pressed a kiss to her nape.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  Beast was going to put himself back in charge. Sex, violence, it was all he knew. Love, emotion, caring, all of it, he wasn’t going to let himself fall. The boy he’d been long ago was now a man, and he didn’t deal with anything other than sex.

  “I want you. I want your cock inside my pussy,” she said.

  “Get on your knees, and show me how good you can suck cock.” He pressed down on her shoulders. “In this room, you don’t cry, you don’t sob; you beg me to fuck you. You want to cry, you do it on your own time, not mine. Get those lips wrapped around my dick, and show me how damn much you need me.”






  It didn’t matter what he called himself, his cock remained hard, and he wanted her. The biggest problem he had was trying to keep some semblance of control between them. She’d entered his world, and already she was tearing him apart, making him take notice of her.

  Bridget had the power to make him question everything. He was so used to being right; he couldn’t risk being wrong. Not about her, not about anything.

  She’d come to him to keep her safe against an enemy they had no hope of beating. OK, there was a slight chance, but that was all, of them surviving. She wrapped her fingers around his cock, and in the next second, her lips were wrapped around him.


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