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Reckless Love

Page 5

by Kelly Elliott

  The entire drive back to the ranch I felt numb.

  Eric had been her other plans tonight. She really had moved on. Maybe that was what she wanted to tell me.

  Pulling up to my garage, I slammed my hand on the steering wheel and yelled out as loud as I could.

  “You stupid fucking idiot! You fucking idiot!”

  I ran my hands over my face, and I shook my head as I let out a gruff laugh.

  “You lost her, you damn fool.”

  When I finally got out of my truck and headed into my place, I pulled my phone out of my pocket. Scarlett had sent me a text.

  Scarlett: Why did you leave?

  Trevor: I wanted to talk to you, but I didn’t realize you were on a date.

  My phone rang less than a minute later. For a moment, I thought about sending her to voicemail, but I answered.


  “Hey, it’s Scarlett.”

  Smiling, I replied, “I know.”

  “Why are you not working at Cord’s Place? I thought you said you were going in tonight.”

  I rubbed the back of my neck. I wasn’t about to tell her how I felt over the phone, and hell, I wasn’t even sure if it mattered to her anymore.

  “I needed to clear my head and I happened to see you when I was walking to my truck, but I saw you were with…people…so I left.”

  “I wasn’t on a date. I’m visiting with a friend of mine. I haven’t seen her since she graduated college, and she was in San Antonio with her fiancé and they drove over to Oak Springs to see me.”

  “You and Eric looked cozy.”

  Scarlett was silent for a moment. “Not as cozy as you and that stripper looked a few nights ago.”

  Okay, ouch, I deserved that.

  She cleared her throat when I didn’t answer.

  “I don’t think I’ll be back home until later this evening and by then I’m sure it will be too late to talk. Are we still on for tomorrow morning?”

  Forcing my voice not to crack, I answered, “Yeah, I mean, if you are. I’d like to talk to you about something. Nothing bad, I mean, I guess it’s good. I think. Fuck, I don’t know.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice as she replied softly, “Same here.”

  “Okay, then I’ll see you in the morning?” I asked, sort of relieved that she didn’t have anything bad to tell me.


  “Good night, Scarlett.”

  She paused for a moment, almost as if she was debating on saying something else.

  “Good night, Trevor.”

  I parked across the square and sat in my truck, waiting to see if Scarlett was going to show up for breakfast this morning. After last night, I wouldn’t be surprised if she bailed.

  When I saw her, my breath stilled. She was so beautiful.

  Dressed in jeans and a light tan sweater, she had her dark brown hair pulled up into a ponytail. She walked into Lilly’s and took a seat in the same booth we sat in so many years ago.

  I dragged in a deep breath and got out of the truck. My feet wanted to run to her, but I made myself walk at a normal pace, not taking my eyes off of her. As I crossed the street, she turned and her warm brown eyes locked with my blue.

  She smiled, and I had to force my legs to keep moving because all they wanted to do was go weak.

  As I got closer, I felt someone reach for my shoulder, pulling me to a stop.


  His voice was like nails going down a fucking chalkboard.

  Stopping, I turned to face Eric.


  “What are you doing?”

  Lifting a brow, I asked, “What do you mean?”

  “You’re playing around with her emotions, lad.”

  I laughed, but not in a friendly way. “What the fuck do you know about me and Scarlett?”

  He shot me a dirty look that said he knew plenty. “I know you’re hurting her, and she can’t move on because you won’t let her go.”

  Pushing his hand from my arm, I took a step closer. “I don’t know what the fuck your game is, but stay away from her. She’s mine.”

  He had the nerve to smile. “She’s not a piece of property you can claim, lad. And I’m going to be real honest. I like her…a lot. I’m tired of seeing you hurt her.”

  My fists balled up and I was ready knock the fuck out this asshole when I heard Scarlett.


  Snapping my gaze in the direction of her voice, I stepped away from Eric. Scarlett was standing out front of Lilly’s, her eyes bouncing from me to Eric.

  “So will Eric be joining us this morning, Scarlett?” I asked, bitterness laced in my voice.

  She looked confused as she focused on Eric, giving him a stern look before she looked me in the eyes. “No, I’m having breakfast with you. Only you.”

  Eric walked over to her. “Scarlett, you were very upset the last time you saw him. Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”

  “What the fuck?” I mumbled, shaking my head at this asshole.

  Scarlett’s gaze looked past him at me, and I was positive I saw anger before she focused back on Eric. I just wasn’t sure if she was pissed at me or him.

  “I’m not a child who needs protecting, Eric, and Trevor won’t upset me again.”

  Eric scoffed. “That’s all he’s ever done to you, love.”

  “Love?” I asked.

  Scarlett looked at me again. This time, something else was in her eyes. Something that scared the piss out of me, but I couldn’t place what it was.

  “What’s going on with you two?” I demanded. Eric shot me a shit-eating grin.

  Scarlett, on the other hand, gave me a look of pleading. “Nothing is going on between us!”

  Before I could ask anything else, my phone rang with my mother’s ringtone. Pulling it out of my pocket, I answered it.

  “Mom, now is not a good time to—”

  “Trevor! Your father… Something’s happened to your father!”

  My heart dropped. “What do you mean something’s happened to Dad?”

  “He called me from his cell. I couldn’t understand him. I thought he said he couldn’t breathe! I don’t know where he is on the ranch. He took Wild Bill out for a ride after breakfast.”

  “I’m on my way. Call Steed, Mitchell, and Wade. Have them start looking.”

  “I already did. I saw you leaving earlier, so I knew you weren’t on the ranch, but Steed’s worried. He’s going up in the plane to look from above.”

  My heart was racing. Scarlett stood by my side, her hand on my arm, worry in her eyes.

  “Call me if anyone finds him. I’m leaving Lilly’s now.”

  I hit End and looked at Scarlett. “I’m sorry, angel, I need to go. Something’s happened to my dad.”

  She nodded. “Okay. Go! Please let me know if he’s okay?”

  Without even thinking, I leaned down and kissed her on the lips. “I will.”

  Running back to my truck, I pulled out my phone and called Cord.


  “I’m already on my way, just left my place.”

  “Fuck, what do you think happened?”

  There was silence on the other end. “Cord!”

  “I don’t know, Trevor. Mitchell just called and said he was almost to the house. Just be careful driving and get there in one piece, all right?”

  The phone went dead. Dropping my cell on the seat, I gripped the wheel and pushed down on the gas.

  “Don’t fucking do this to us, Dad. Don’t.”

  By the time I got to the house, Steed had spotted Dad from the plane in the east pasture, leaning up against a tree. Wade and Mitchell had gotten to him within minutes after Steed called in the location. The ambulance was already at the house, and by the time I got out of my truck and over to it, they were getting Dad out of the Jeep.

  “I broke something and got the wind and my pride knocked out of me. I’m fine. This isn’t necessary,” he said.

; I let out the breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding.

  “What happened?” my mother cried out, kissing my father on the lips and hugging him, making him moan.

  “I fell off the horse. Damn thing reared up at a bob cat. I wasn’t expecting it, and I hit the ground. When I called you…well, I still hadn’t been able to catch my breath from the damn wind getting knocked out of me.”

  My mother sagged in relief and held her hand over her chest.

  “John Parker, you gave me a fright! I thought you had a heart attack, you asshole!”

  There was no way I could hold back the laugh, and neither could everyone else around us, including the two EMS folks who tried to assess Dad.

  Steed jogged up, taking in the situation. “He’s okay, sort of. He got thrown from Wild Bill and thinks he broke something. Said the wind was knocked out of him,” Mitch said.

  About that time, Waylynn and Jonathon came running over. Jonathon was holding Liberty.

  “Daddy! Are you okay? We were heading to San Antonio and turned around when Momma called.”

  “I’m fine, Waylynn. Just need to nurse my pride and maybe a rib or two.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “Someone call Amelia!”

  “I did already, and Corina.” Paxton stood close by with a very scared Chloe next to her, along with a sleeping Gage in her arms. I walked up and took Gage, while Steed picked up Chloe and told her Granddaddy was okay.

  “I’ll take Gage inside. Dad, you need me to go find Wild Bill?” I asked.

  My father glanced to Wade, who shook his head, and said, “I’ll get him. Don’t worry.”

  “Mr. Parker, we need to get you into the ambulance and to the hospital,” one of the EMS workers said.

  “I’m not getting in no damn ambulance!” My father stated as Waylynn and Mom started helping my father toward the back of the ambulance.

  “Yes, you are, John Parker,” Mom said with a firm voice.

  “Daddy, stop being a jackass,” Waylynn added. “Jonathon, are you okay with Liberty? I’m going to ride with my mom in the ambulance.”

  “Yes, go! We’re fine,” Jonathon replied.

  My father groaned. “For the love of Christ, women. I’m fine.”

  The door to the ambulance shut, and the EMS driver said, “This ought to be fun.”

  We all chuckled and watched as they drove down the driveway.

  “Holy shit,” Mitchell said next to me.

  “Bad words, Uncle Mitchell,” Chloe announced.

  “Sorry, pumpkin. The situation called for it.”

  “Don’t even!” Steed said to Chloe. She put her finger to her mouth as if saying she would remain silent. Then her face turned serious.

  “Is Granddaddy going to be okay, Daddy?” Chloe asked, her big blue eyes looking up at Steed.

  He kissed her cheek. “He’s going to be sore, but okay.”

  Two hours later, we all sat in the living room of my folks’ house, everyone minus mom and Waylynn. My father had made it clear no one else was to come to the hospital. He had two broken ribs, a bruised ego, and wasn’t in the mood to deal with us. It had been hard not to go, but Mom made us all promise we’d listen to his wishes.

  Pulling out my phone, I glanced down to re-read Scarlett’s last text to me.

  Scarlett: I’m so glad your dad is okay. Give him my love and let me know if y’all need anything.

  I had replied with a simple, okay. But now, as I stared at it, I wanted to tell her I needed her. I needed to feel her in my arms, to see her smile up at me. To smell that vanilla scent that always seemed to be around her. I needed a fucking candle with that smell.

  My hands shook as I typed a new reply.

  Me: I’m sorry about breakfast. I was pretty shaken up, but I’m glad it wasn’t worse.

  Scarlett: I’m glad too. Make it up to me tomorrow?

  Smiling, I replied.

  Me: Yes.

  “I’m starving!” Amelia stated as she stood. “Let’s go to Lilly’s for something to eat.”

  Chloe jumped while shouting. “Yes! All of us! A big family lunch!”

  I reached down and picked up Gage who laughed and told me no tickles. I, of course, didn’t listen.

  Harley stood and pulled at Tripp to join her. “Lunch sounds amazing. This baby needs food!”

  “Then it’s settled. We’re all going to Lilly’s,” Cord declared, Maebh tucked up against his side.

  “I’ll call ahead to give Lucy a heads up we need a table for thirteen adults and four kiddos!” Steed said as we all piled out of the house.

  It felt good to be around my family. To see how happy they all were. I knew that was what I wanted, and I wanted it with Scarlett. When I parked, I texted Scarlett that the entire family was going to Lilly’s for lunch and that if she wanted to join us I’d love to see her. She didn’t live far from the town square, a couple of blocks. She could be there in less than five minutes.

  As we got closer to Lilly’s I saw her. I slowed my pace as I took in the sight before me.

  Scarlett, in our booth…with Eric. He reached across the table and placed his hand over hers, causing her to smile warmly.

  “What is that eejit doing?” Maebh muttered, looking at the same scene as me.

  “Fuck,” Cord mumbled when I pushed past everyone and walked into the café.

  “Trevor! Trevor!” Maebh and Cord both called out. When Scarlett heard my name she looked up. Her hand instantly pulled from Eric’s and she smiled at me. It faded, however, when she saw how pissed off I was.

  Slipping out of the booth, she stopped me before I got to Eric.

  “Trevor, I just got your text.”

  I swallowed hard. “Is something going on between the two of you?”

  Eric stood, and Scarlett cast him a warning look. What the fuck was that about?

  “Trev, let’s go sit down. Scarlett, you’re more than welcome to join us if you want,” Cord stated.

  “Eric, I think you need to leave,” Maebh warned. “Now.”

  He stood defiantly, his arms crossed over his chest. “I’ll leave if Scarlett wants me to leave.”

  My eyes narrowed. “What in the hell does that mean?”

  “Trevor, you need to calm down this instant.” It was Amelia now, pulling my arm toward the table Lucy had set up for the family.

  Eric decided to grow some balls. “It means, I’ve been here for Scarlett when she needed someone. You haven’t.”

  “Eric! Enough!” Maebh said, stepping between us.

  “No, Maebh. This asshole thinks he can come and go as he pleases in Scarlett’s life, and he can’t. I’ve already told her I’d take care of her and the…”

  “Eric!” Scarlett shouted, causing him to look her way.

  “You’ll take care of her?” I asked with a laugh. “I’m the one who loves her.”

  Gasps could be heard across the whole damn restaurant. Maebh spun around and looked at me, her mouth gaping open. Then she smiled.

  “You love her?” she whispered.

  Glancing at a stunned Scarlett, I replied, “Yes. Very much.”

  “You love her? If you loved her you wouldn’t treat her like a whore,” Eric practically shouted.

  Scarlett moved in front of Eric right as I went at him. I accidentally knocked into her, pushing her almost to the ground, but Cord caught her just in time. Wade was there, stopping me before I was able to get to Eric. Pulling me back by my arms, I fought to get out of Wade’s hold.

  Eric turned to Scarlett. “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  The endearment caused me to try to get after him again, making Eric face me. Tripp stood between us, his hand on Eric’s chest, keeping him at bay. He now seemed like he wanted a piece of me as much as I wanted a piece of him.

  “You stupid fool! You could have hurt the baby!” Eric shouted.

  I stopped resisting Wade. Eric’s words bounced around in my head for a few moments before they sank in. Then it hit me like a brick wall. Wade’s
hold on me loosened. He must have heard it as well.

  Eric rushed to Scarlett when he saw me stop resisting.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, holding her and giving her a once-over. She looked like she was in a state of shock as she stared at Eric.

  “What…what did you say?” I asked, looking between Eric and Scarlett.

  Scarlett’s eyes pierced mine, and I’d never seen her look so sad in my entire life.

  Eric took a step toward me. “She’s pregnant, you arsehole, and you almost knocked her to the ground.”

  “Eric, why?” Maebh yelled, glaring at Eric. She turned to me sadly, and I knew that she knew. She knew Scarlett was pregnant.

  The whole room started to feel like it was closing in on me, and I couldn’t breathe. I swallowed hard, trying to figure out why my vision was getting blurry.

  Maebh reached for my hands, attempting to steady my wobbly body. “Trevor, you need to sit down. Please. Wade, help him. He looks ill.”

  I stared at Scarlett. A single tear slipped from her eye and slowly made a trail down her cheek. That one tear felt like it had reached into my heart and ripped it out.

  “You’re…pregnant?” I asked, the words barely audible.

  Eric wrapped his arm around Scarlett’s shoulder, and it all made sense. The realization hit me like a MAC truck. Scarlett was pregnant with Eric’s child. A sickness rolled over my entire body, almost making me bend over and throw up.

  “H-how long have you been sleeping with him?”

  Scarlett sucked in a breath, and Maebh looked over her shoulder. “Eric! Knock it the feck off. Cord, get him out of here. He’s only making this worse!”

  It was like a light went off in Scarlett’s eyes, and she stepped out of Eric’s hold. Her gaze pierced mine, a desperate pleading for me to understand, but I didn’t understand. I couldn’t understand. My mind went back to almost two months ago when we had been together. Was she pregnant then?

  Oh. God. I need out of here.

  She shook her head. “Trevor, it’s not what you think. Please.”


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