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Reckless Love

Page 6

by Kelly Elliott

  I looked around the café. My entire family stood there, looks of horror, sadness, and disbelief on everyone’s faces.

  Turning, I made my way out of the café.

  “Trevor! Wait!” Scarlett called out, only making me walk faster. I needed to leave.


  I was about to get sick.

  “Dude, wait!” Wade called out as he reached for my arm.

  “Wade, I need to get out of here.”

  The second I burst through the doors of the café, I did the only thing I could think of doing.


  I ran hard and fast. Not stopping until my lungs burned and my legs felt like jelly.

  Leaning over, I placed my hands on my knees and dragged in one deep breath after another. When I glanced up, I saw I was at the local park and playground. My gaze instantly fell on a mom pushing her little girl on a swing.

  “Jesus Christ, Trevor. Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Wade panted as he caught up to me. “Do you know how hard it is to run that fast in cowboy boots?”

  I stared at the woman and the little girl, and my chest burned with the strangest sensation.

  Scarlett’s pregnant.

  The ground swayed, and I leaned back over.

  “Trevor, let’s sit down. I need to catch my breath and you look like you’re about to pass out.”

  I followed Wade over to a group of benches. Four little kids ran by, playing what looked like tag. Their laughter carried through the air filling a space in my heart I didn’t know needed filling. It reminded me of all of us kids playing on the ranch. How free life was then. No pressure, no confusion. Simpler, happy times. I longed for that again.

  I wasn’t sure how long we sat there in silence before Wade finally spoke.

  “It’s not his baby, Trevor. You know Scarlett better than that.”

  Jerking my head to the left, I stared at my best friend.

  “What makes you come to that conclusion?”

  “I see the way Scarlett looks at you. The way she can’t seem to focus on anyone or anything when you’re near her. The look in her eyes when she realized you thought the baby was his. You may not want to believe this, but she loves you.”

  Closing my eyes, I shook my head. “Yeah, well, I’ve seen the way she’s been hanging all over this Eric asshole. The way he had his arm around her like he was claiming her.”

  Wade rubbed the back of his neck and went to say something, but stopped.

  My eyes wandered back to the kids playing. A strange ache started to build in my chest that I’d never felt before, like I had not only lost Scarlett, but something else. It was the emptiness I felt the day she drove away from me at the café all those years ago, but ten times stronger.

  “You ready to be a dad someday, Wade?” I asked.

  He was watching the kids too, a smile on his face. “Yeah. Can’t wait.”

  The corners of my mouth tugged slightly. He looked happy, and I wanted that. I hadn’t realized before this moment how desperately I wanted it.

  “Amelia’s pregnant,” Wade said.

  “What?” This time a wide smile grew over my face. “Holy shit, Wade, that’s awesome.”

  He looked at me, tears in his eyes. “I’m pretty happy about it. We haven’t told anyone yet. She’s not very far along, fourteen weeks.”

  I pulled my best friend into a hug, and I gave him a couple hard slaps on the back before I let go.

  “Congratulations, man.”

  “Thanks, Trevor.”

  The moment of happiness quickly left. “Scarlett and Amelia will be pregnant at the same time.”

  His smile grew bigger. “Yeah. I guess they will be.”

  I sat back on the bench. “I really want to be alone, Wade.”

  “Trevor, I think you need to talk to Scarlett. Don’t let that jerk make you second-guess her. It’s not his baby.”

  Scrubbing my hands down my unshaven face, I sighed. “Not right now. I can’t even think straight. I need some time to process this.”

  Wade placed his hand on my shoulder. “Call me if you need anything, okay? And do me a favor.”

  When I looked up, Wade was wearing a serious expression. “Don’t go off and fuck someone thinking it will make you feel better.”

  I flinched. That’s what I would have done months ago. Hell, it was what I did after that first time I was with Scarlett.

  Breaking our stare, I nodded. “I won’t.”

  “Good. I’ll see ya around.”

  With a quick nod, I replied, “See ya.”

  Once I was left to myself, I watched the kids running and playing. The mom pushing her daughter in the swing as the dad took pictures on his phone. Another dad tossed a ball to his son, both of them laughing when he swung and missed, spinning damn near in a complete circle.

  I felt like I was lost in a storm on the sea. Trying to keep from going under in the giant waves, as something dark was pulling me deeper down.

  Every single memory of being together with Scarlett flooded my mind. From that first dance in middle school to the night we made love this past summer—and I panicked. It was the first time I realized how much I really loved her. How much I needed her. The way we felt together when we made love. I knew she felt it too, and it was so damn powerful it scared me senseless.

  My stomach dropped at the next thought. We’d had sex with no protection that night. The baby had to be mine. Scarlett said nothing was happening between her and Eric, and I believed her. Why did he seem so hell bent on making me think it was his baby, though?

  The vibration in my pocket made my thoughts halt. I pulled out my cell and saw her name.

  Scarlett: Please call me or come back. Please!

  Closing my eyes, I took in a deep breath and hit reply.

  Me: I need to know one thing. Is it his baby or mine?

  Scarlett: Please don’t make me tell you over a damn text, Trevor.

  Me: I need to know, Scarlett.

  Scarlett: Then you don’t know me at all, Trevor Parker. The baby is yours. I’m ten weeks pregnant.

  Everything stopped. I no longer heard the kids playing in front of me or Mr. Henderson’s lawn mower across the street. I heard nothing but the beat of my heart in my chest.

  I stood there, my body numb as I watched Trevor bolt down the street, Wade right on his heels.

  “Scarlett, sweetheart, come sit down.”

  Paxton’s voice was soft and gentle.

  “I need to go after him!” I finally managed to say, pulling my phone out from my back pocket and hitting his number.

  “Let Wade go. You need to sit down and get something to drink,” Corina demanded.

  I let them both usher me over to the large group of tables pushed together. I watched as Maebh laid into Eric outside the café. Her finger was jabbing into his chest while Cord was trying to pull her away. I tried calling Trevor a few more times, but each time it went to voicemail.

  My eyes closed, and I tried to forget the look of pain on Trevor’s face, but it only became clearer. My heart ached. I knew it must have hurt him to find out like that. It was not how I planned to tell him.

  “Why did he do that?” I whispered.

  “He was upset and in shock. He’ll be back,” Corina said, taking my hand in hers.

  I shook my head. “No. Eric. Why would he tell Trevor I was pregnant?” They exchanged looks and Paxton turned to glare at Eric. The anger was clearly written all over her face.

  “Paxton?” I asked, urging in my voice.

  When she looked back at me, she took in a deep breath. “He did it on purpose, Scarlett. With the way he acted, putting his arm around you defensively, I’m sure it has people wondering who the father of your baby is. Including Trevor.”

  I gasped. “What? It’s Trevor’s baby! I’m only friends with Eric. That’s it!”

  Paxton quickly sat down, relief washing over her face. “I thought so, but Scarlett, I had to ask. Eric made it look like he was the fath
er, I think that was part of the reason Trevor reacted the way he did.”

  Tears spilled down my cheeks. “I didn’t want him to find out like that. I was going to tell him today. Then everything happened with John, and Trevor had to leave. I swear, I was going to tell him today.”

  “Shhh, it’s okay,” Corina said, pulling me against her side. The whole family was now seated around the table. Everyone but Trevor, Wade, Jonathon, Waylnn, and their parents. Maebh had come back in from bitching out Eric. I was hoping she’d left an impact.

  My gaze swept over everyone. “This wasn’t how I wanted you all to find out.”

  Maebh and Cord smiled gently.

  Cord laughed. “I’m pretty sure Maebh just tore Eric a new asshole, if that makes any of this better.”

  I groaned as Maebh started talking in Irish.

  “Ah, hell, you know she’s pissed when she starts that.” Tripp chuckled.

  “Do you mind if I ask when you’re due?” Corina asked.

  I chewed on my lip. “Um, well, I wanted to tell Trevor first, but since everyone seems to know I’m pregnant anyway, why not? I’m due May 25.”

  Steed, Tripp, and Mitchell looked relieved. They hadn’t heard my conversation with Paxton and Corina, so this was their confirmation that the child I was carrying was indeed Trevor’s.

  Harley squealed. “Scarlett, this is going to be so much fun, both of us being pregnant! John and Melanie are going to die!”

  I snuck a peek at Amelia. Wade was still gone, probably with Trevor. We exchanged a secret smile.

  “Well, now that the drama has settled, what can I get everyone to eat?” Lucy asked, trying to avoid looking at me. I’m sure she was wondering, just like Paxton had been, who the baby daddy was.

  “I’m going to go ahead and go home,” I stated.

  Everyone’s eyes snapped over to me.

  “What? Why?” Paxton asked.

  With a half shrug, I replied, “I’m not feeling very well, and to be honest, I need to be alone for a bit.”

  Steed stood. “Let me get you home, Scarlett.”

  Standing, I shook my head. “No thank you, Steed. It’s a short walk and the air will do me and my stomach some good.”

  Everyone took turns giving me a hug goodbye and congratulating me on the baby. I tried to ignore the stares from other people in the café as I walked out. I was both physically and mentally exhausted.

  As I set out for my house, I texted Trevor. I was desperate to speak to him. I couldn’t have him thinking that Eric and I had slept together.

  Scarlett: Please call me or come back. Please!

  The dots started to bounce on the screen, and I held my breath.

  Me: I need to know one thing. Is it his baby or mine?

  Was he serious?

  Scarlett: Please don’t make me tell you over a damn text, Trevor.

  Me: I need to know, Scarlett.

  I stopped walking and stared at his text. He honestly thought there was a chance the baby wasn’t his? Tears pricked at the back of my eyes as I typed my response.

  Scarlett: Then you don’t know me at all, Trevor Parker. The baby is yours. I’m ten weeks pregnant.

  Pushing my phone into my pocket, I picked up the pace. My mind raced as I thought about how badly all of this had gone down. The plan had been to tell Trevor about the baby. Tell him I wasn’t expecting anything from him, but that I wanted him to be a part of our baby’s life. Now he was doubting if the baby was even his because of a stupid move Eric made.

  I walked up my porch steps and stopped when I found him sitting on my porch swing. Anger swept over my entire body.

  “You are the last person I want to see,” I spat out.

  “Scarlett, let me explain.”

  I held up my hand. “No, you don’t get to explain how you just tore this from me, Eric. You stripped something away that was supposed to be a beautiful moment. This was mine to share, and you announced it to everyone.”

  He honestly looked sick to his stomach.

  “I…I didn’t mean to do it. It slipped from my mouth.”

  With a roll of my eyes, I shook my head. “Why did you make it seem like the baby was yours?”

  He had the decency to look regretful. “I don’t know. A part of me doesn’t think Trevor deserves you or this baby.”

  “It’s his baby, Eric!” I practically shouted.

  “And I’ve been the one here for you. I’ve been the one to hold you in my arms when he hurts you. Which he will do over and over again, Scarlett. Do you think him finding out he’s going to be a father means that he’s going to suddenly change his ways? Tigers do not change their stripes, Scarlett, and you know that.”

  His words felt like a slap across my face.

  “I don’t know what is going to happen, but the fact remains that you took this away from me. You stripped me of being able to tell Trevor that he is going to be a father. The worst part is you announced it in front of…”

  My voice trailed off, and I covered my mouth with my hand as the reality of what happened really hit me.

  My parents. What if someone from the café tells my parents? What if people get on the prayer line and started to talk?

  Eric rushed over to me, placing his hands on my arms.

  “He can be in the child’s life, but Scarlett, let me help you with this. I’m falling in love with you, and I want to help you raise this baby.”

  “Wh-what?” I pulled out of his hold.

  “I’ll marry you tomorrow. I don’t care if we go to the courthouse, we can do it however you want.”

  What in the world was he talking about?

  “Eric, we’re friends. That’s all. We’ve only known each other a few short weeks. You don’t love me like that.”

  “I do. I’ll marry you and spend the rest of my life making you happy, Scarlett. You have to trust me.”

  My fingers pinched the bridge of my nose as I exhaled. “Eric, wait. Just stop.”

  “I’ll take care of both of you. I’ll never make you cry like he does.”

  “Please, stop!” I said, louder this time.

  He took a step closer, and I held up my hand. “I can’t marry you!”

  “Why not? Afraid you’ll be happy with me?” he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

  I frowned. “I can’t marry you because I don’t love you. I love Trevor.”

  Eric’s smile faded. “You love a man who treats you like dirt?”

  “You don’t know anything about how he treats me.” The memory of Trevor sitting on my bed last night, whispering he loved me, replayed in my mind. I’d seen the other side of Trevor that no one else ever sees. The person who took care of me when I was sick. The man who sat for hours next to my bed when I hardly had the energy to even move.

  I saw the struggle in his eyes and heard his whispered words when he made love to me…about how he didn’t deserve me. But I couldn’t deny that Trevor had also hurt me on more than one occasion, regardless if he meant to or not.

  “He fucks other women and comes to you when he can’t find anyone better to be with.”

  Eric’s words cut deeply. I slapped him across the face, instantly making my hand sting.

  He didn’t even move, only closed his eyes. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

  “Leave. I need you to go. Right now. Trevor is not the one hurting me. You are.”

  “Scarlett, I’m sorry. I get so angry when you let him get away with things.”

  “Right now, he is not the one who has me upset. Leave, Eric. Please.”

  His entire body sagged. Dropping his head, he slowly shook it. “I don’t understand what you see in him, love.”

  Exhaustion was beginning to overtake my body.

  “Please, will you just go? I want to be alone.”

  Eric headed down the stairs. I didn’t even bother with a goodbye. I turned and unlocked my front door. The second I got in and shut it, I headed to the sofa. Sitting down, I immediately laid on my side, grabbed
a blanket, shut off my mind, and drifted off to sleep.

  The last twenty-four hours I’d gone through every emotion possible. Shock. Anger. Hurt. Frustration. Now the anger was back…but not at Scarlett. At myself.

  I was a stupid idiot.

  I didn’t want to believe that Scarlett had been with Eric, but I hadn’t given her much reason not to be with another man. I’d walked away from her that night we’d made love. Like a complete asshole. I’d thought it was better to leave than show her how freaked out I was. I was afraid she’d see how much I loved her. Know how much I wanted every night to be like that night.

  Looking back on what happened over these last few hours, it had nothing to do with not wearing the condom. It had everything to do with how I’d fallen in love with her. Hell, I was pretty sure I fell in love with her when I kissed her our senior year of high school. No one woman ever made me feel the way I felt when I was with Scarlett…when I thought about her, made love to her, heard her laugh, saw her smile. Especially when I was the one who making her happy.

  My chest did a weird flutter thing as I closed my eyes.

  “You’re such a fucking asshole,” I spoke out loud.

  “I can agree with that.”

  Opening my eyes, I found Aunt Vi sipping a cocktail while floating in my folks’ pool. She’d been the only one to actually force me to talk to her yesterday when I got back to the ranch. I didn’t want to go back to my place alone, so I sat with Aunt Vi and told her everything while we waited for my mother and Waylynn to bring my father back home.

  “Thanks, Aunt Vi. I actually didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

  She took another drink before saying, “Now that you’ve admitted it, what are you going to do to fix it?”

  “I have no clue. As far as I know, Scarlett doesn’t want anything to do with me.”

  Vi scoffed. “Please, the way that girl looks at you, she’s madly in love. Anyone can see it. Well, anyone but you obviously. Dick.”

  That last word she attempted to mumble under her breath. At least, I thought she meant to mumble it. I would have been shocked, but we are talking about Aunt Vi here, after all.


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