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Reckless Love

Page 27

by Kelly Elliott

  “Trevor, please, go faster,” Scarlett begged.

  “Bedroom,” I panted, turning off the water and walking us both soaking wet into our room. I gently placed Scarlett on the bed and made love to her. Reaching down, I pressed my thumb on her clit and watched as she fell apart around my cock.

  It didn’t take me long to tumble over the edge with her.

  “Scarlett, I’m coming,” I cried out as she squeezed my dick again. Pulling out every single drop of cum. This time her back arched off the bed as she cried out along with me. I loved how sensitive her body was to my touch. I’d never get tired of it.

  When I was finally done coming, I rolled off of her and laid next to her, both of us trying to catch our breath.

  Scarlett rolled over and ran her finger along my chest.

  “That was amazing. I love you.”

  Turning my head to look at her, I raised a brow. “Want to do it again?”

  Her eyes widened in shock before they traveled down my chest, to my stomach and finally to my semi-hard dick.

  “As much as I would love a second round, we need to get to the hospital.”

  She crawled over me, placing her warm pussy right on my cock.

  “But, I will take a rain check.”

  Laughing, I sat up and wrapped my arms around her.

  “I’m going to hold you to that. And I’m also going to hold you to your promise to marry me.”

  Sadness filled her eyes. “I desperately want to marry you, Trevor. I hope you know that.”

  “I do. And I feel the same.”

  “Once we get Aurora home, let’s try again. Something simple, family only.”

  “Deal. Come on, let’s go see our daughter. She’s probably wondering where we are.”

  Kacy had come in early just so she could be the nurse on duty when we took Aurora home.

  “And here is your going home bead. The butterfly.”

  A small tear slipped from my eye before I brushed it away. We had a bracelet full of milestones, each one holding a special memory for us that we would someday share with Aurora.

  “Let’s put it on her and take a picture!” Melanie said.

  Two weeks ago, the same morning Trevor and I made love for the first time since Aurora was born, we got to the hospital and was told by Dr. Jackson that Aurora would be allowed to go home at seven weeks if she had reached her goal weight. She reached it a week early, but the plan was still to release her at seven weeks. I was bringing my daughter home, three weeks before my actual due date. It was surreal and exciting at the same time. A bit of fear was also mixed in.

  “What if…”

  Kacy held up her hand. “You’ve got this, Scarlett. You know this baby better than any of us do. You know her triggers, what to do to make her happy and believe me when I say that once you get her home you’re going to be stunned by how much she thrives. You’ve got this.”

  I nodded. “I know. It’s still scary to know Trevor and I will be the only two people taking care of her after she’s had twenty-four-seven care by the most amazing nurses on the planet!”

  Pulling me in for a hug, Kacy whispered, “You have a special little girl. Don’t worry, you’ll do great.”

  When we stepped back from one another, we both smiled.

  “Thank you for everything you did for her.”

  It looked like Kacy was getting teary eyed. “Are you kidding? She was my favorite! Plus, I sort of liked watching her dad take off his shirt when he held her.”

  Laughing, I gave her a little push. One more hug and we were putting Aurora in her car seat. She was so little, it damn near swallowed her up.

  I climbed into the back seat and waved goodbye as Trevor drove off, my mother in the front seat filming the whole thing.

  Mom wiped a tear from her eye and said, “I can’t believe the day has finally come. Aurora Belle Parker is finally heading home.”

  “Everything is ready with her room, right?” I asked. Again.

  “Yes. For the sixth time. Melanie said Maebh did the final walk-through and everything is ready to go. Stop worrying. The bassinet has been placed in the master bedroom and Wade stocked up on preemie diapers when he went to the store for John Jr. Waylynn, Paxton, and Corina did a little shopping therapy for clothes since you hadn’t had the baby shower yet. Aurora is all set.”

  My heart felt overfilled with gratitude and love for my future sisters-in-law. “That was so sweet of them. I wish we could have been at the family dinner when Corina and Mitchell announced she was pregnant.”

  “Oh, from what Melanie told me, she and John were ecstatic, and Corina’s mother cried tears of joy.”

  My mother’s voice trailed off, and I knew she was thinking about when Trevor and I first told our parents about Aurora.

  Glancing into the rearview mirror, Trevor gave me a knowing smile. I reached up and squeezed my mother’s shoulder. “Thank you, Mom, for being with us today. It meant a lot to me to have you here when we brought Aurora home. It’s sort of scary knowing we’re on our own now.”

  “Of course, sweetheart. I know Melanie wanted to be here as well. Heck, everyone wanted to be here. The one thing I know for sure, you will not be alone. Everyone is dying to see the princess who made such a grand appearance.”

  “Except Aunt Vi,” Trevor said with a laugh. “Aunt Vi seems to have lost her passport in Ireland and is not in any hurry to find it. What a coincidence, right?”

  I giggled and glanced at Aurora. She was sleeping like a perfect little angel. I swore she hardly ever cried unless she was hungry. For someone who demanded our attention from day one, she really was the best baby. Every nurse who worked with her said she was such a good baby.

  Leaning my head back, I drifted off to sleep and didn’t wake until I felt Trevor’s arms around me, lifting me out of his truck.

  “Baby, we’re home,” he whispered before placing a kiss on my cheek.

  “Mmm…take me up to bed.”

  “I would, but your mom is currently standing in front of me holding Aurora.”

  Snapping my eyes open, I pursed my lips. “I didn’t mean that! I meant for a nap!”

  He laughed and set me down. Before I had a chance to walk away, he pulled me back to him. His hand softly cupped the side of my face.

  “You know how much I love you, right?”

  A warmth spread through my chest and settled in my belly. “Yes. You know how much I love you too, right?”

  Trevor nodded. “I only want to make you and Aurora happy.”

  Lifting up on my tippy toes, I kissed him gently on the lips. “You make me the happiest woman on Earth. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  When I turned back to my mother, she handed me Aurora in her tiny little carrier. All five pounds and eight ounces of her.

  Trevor opened the door of the house and walked in. As much as I would have loved to have everyone here greeting us, Trevor and I asked that they let us settle in and wait a week before we had visitors. I was glad everyone had been so understanding.

  It still was a bit sad to come home and have no one there to greet us, though.

  Trevor and I walked into Aurora’s room and I smiled. It was decorated in a Winnie the Pooh theme. Everything was ready, and I felt the tears building and an ache prick at the back of my throat.

  “Her bassinet is in your room. Why don’t you both take a nap?” my mother said.

  Nodding, I walked to our room. I was scared to death to take Aurora out of her car seat and place her in the bassinet. With shaking hands, I did.

  The moment I stepped back, I covered my mouth then looked at Trevor with a panicked look.

  “What if…”

  Placing his finger on my lips, he shook his head. “She’s going to be fine. We’re going to be fine. I promise you.”

  Chewing on my lip, I nodded.

  “Come on, lay down and rest okay? I’ll come in and check on both of you every few minutes.”

  “Promise?” I asked
, my voice full of fear and anxiety I didn’t want but couldn’t shake.

  “I promise.”

  After a week passed, Aurora was finally ready to have her first visitor.

  Trevor walked toward the back of the house and looked out the window. He’d been doing it all morning.

  “Don’t you want breakfast, Trevor? At least something before my folks get here?”

  “Yep, in a second. I want to head out back.”

  “Out back?” I asked, glancing over to him.

  The doorbell rang, and Trevor quickly turned and answered it. Lori, Corina’s mom walked in.

  “Lori?” I asked, surprise laced in my voice.

  “Oh my goodness, let me see the princess!” she stated as she walked over to me.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked as she gave me a hug and peered down at Aurora.

  “Trevor said you guys might need some help watching Aurora, so I’m here to help.”

  Peeking back at Trevor, I gave him an incredulous look. “We didn’t talk about needing help with the baby just yet.”

  “No, we didn’t. And we only need Lori’s help for a little bit. Aurora isn’t due for a feeding for another few hours. Let’s get her in her bassinet and let me take you outside for some fresh air.”

  Trevor was terrible at secrets. I could tell by the smile on his face, he was up to something.

  He lifted a brow at me as he walked back toward us. He picked up Aurora and headed to the master bedroom. Lori followed.

  “Lori, what’s going on?”

  “Beats me.”

  “Liar. You’re just as bad at this as he is.”

  I started for the back door, and she stopped me.

  “Scarlett, let’s get Aurora settled. You get changed and come out back. Please don’t ask him any questions. He did this for you and wants to surprise you.”

  Biting my lip, I nodded. “Okay.”

  With quick steps, I headed to the bedroom. Trevor was gently placing the baby in the bassinet and swaddling her. She loved the way Trevor swaddled her so snug. He put her little heartbeat bear in with her and turned it on low. It was the sound of a human heartbeat. Aurora loved it and slept so well with it.

  “I’ll sit right here next to her while y’all go outside,” Lori said, seeing my fear about leaving the baby.

  “You won’t leave her side?” I asked, biting on my thumbnail.

  “Nope. I’m right here, and you’re only going to be out back.”

  Trevor pulled my hand from my mouth, then held up a white sundress for me. “Do me a favor. Change into this, will you?”

  “A sundress?”


  I remembered Lori’s words. A tingling feeling rushed across my body. What did the man have planned? Maybe a romantic breakfast out back? That would be so nice. A little bit of normalcy after the maelstrom we’d just endured.

  “Of course I will. Give me a few minutes to freshen up?”

  He nodded, then leaned down and kissed my forehead.

  After giving Aurora one more once-over, I rushed into the bathroom and changed into the dress. There was a note on the counter with my name on it. Picking it up, I opened it and read the notecard.

  Wear these. Please.

  My eyes moved to the counter to see a pair of diamond earrings. Smiling, I picked them up and put them on. He was for sure planning a romantic breakfast. I wonder why he didn’t pick dinner? Maybe the heat? It had been unusually hot for this time of year. The mornings were still cool and beautiful. I loved this man with all my heart, and I loved that he thought of something so sweet for us to share. This first week of being at home with Aurora had been stressful. But as we fell into a routine, my anxiety about her being okay slowly eased and everything felt like it was settling into place.

  There was a pair of white Jimmy Choo pumps on the floor. With a giggle, I slipped them on. They fit me perfectly. When did he have time to do this? He must have had Waylynn pick all of this out.

  I pulled up my hair in a loose bun and put on a small amount of mascara and some light-colored lipstick. Enough to make my lips look a little pink.

  Another peek at Aurora and another confirmation from Lori that she wasn’t going to leave her side, I headed out into the living room. Waylynn, Paxton, Amelia, Harley, Maebh, and Corina were all in the living room standing there with smiles.

  “We washed our hands and none of us are sick!” Paxton whispered in excitement.

  A lump formed in the back of my throat at the sight of them. It was so good to see everyone. My eyes landed on Corina. I made my way over to her.

  “Congratulations, I heard.”

  “Thank you! I’m due September 7!”

  “How exciting! What does Merit think about it?”

  “She thinks she will be getting a new baby doll to play with.”

  I laughed, hugging her again. When Amelia stood in front of me, I hugged her tightly. “Where is John Jr?”

  “He’s with Wade.”

  “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “I can’t wait for all the babies to have a play date! We’re so lucky to have four of them all around the same age!” Harley said, giving me a quick hug and kiss.

  Glancing over her, I shook my head. “You don’t even look like you had twins two months ago!”

  She laughed. “It’s called five AM runs and taking care of twins!”

  This time, the whole room laughed quietly.

  Maebh walked up to me, the last one of the six girls to come congratulate me.

  “Maebh,” I whispered. “You didn’t have to change your wedding.”

  “I did, and it actually turned out to be more perfect than I’d ever dreamed. The ceremony in Ireland was beautiful. Perfect. Cord and I knew we didn’t need everyone there. We only needed each other. Of course, Aunt Vi and me Da, too.”

  I grinned, pulling her to me for a hug. “Thank you for always being there for me. I love you.”

  She held me tight and whispered, “I love you, too.” Pushing me back to arm’s length, she smiled. “Now are you ready?”


  “Let’s head to the kitchen,” Maebh stated.

  Narrowing my eyes, I looked at each of them, noticing they were all dressed in similar sundresses, each in a soft pastel color.

  Then it hit me.

  “Oh. My. God.”

  Maebh squeezed my hand. “Hurry, the man has been waiting for almost two months to do this.”

  Both hands covered my mouth as I tried to keep calm and remember to breathe.

  “Is this for real?” I asked, trying not to get any more emotional.

  Waylynn walked up to me, gave me a once-over, and replied, “White dress. White Jimmy Choo heels, and diamond earrings that were our grandmother’s. We’ll let you decide on that one.”

  With a wink, she spun on her heels and followed the rest of the girls out of the living room and to the kitchen.

  I glanced over at the large mirror that hung on the wall and looked at myself.

  “Am I about to get married?”

  “Scarlett, come on,” Amelia pleaded.

  With a deep breath in, I answered myself.

  “Only one way to find out.”

  After Scarlett headed into the bathroom, I made my way to the guest bathroom, quickly changed, and headed outside. My heart nearly exploded at the sight in front of me.

  When I’d told my parents I wanted to marry Scarlett right after we brought Aurora home, my mother went into immediate action, along with the rest of the girls.

  I stood in my backyard and took in the sight. White lights were hung in the trees, lanterns were sprinkled all around. A beautiful arch was at the end of a small makeshift aisle, and it was covered in white roses. It was a miracle that Scarlett hadn’t heard everyone back here last night and this morning. Of course, I’d done a good job of distracting her last night…

  My four brothers and Wade stood there with smiles on all of their faces. Wade was holding hi
s son, John Jr, who was only a few weeks old. I quickly made my way down to him.

  “So, is this my new nephew?” I asked, peeking down to the sleeping baby boy in my best friend’s arms.

  “This is him. John Jr, meet your Uncle Trevor.”

  The baby didn’t budge, except to suck on his pacifier a few times. Other than that, he was sound asleep in his father’s arms.

  “Damn, he’s cute as a button.”

  “Uncle Twevor!”

  Turning, I threw out my arms in time to catch Gage.

  “Hey there, little buddy.”

  “Come pway whiff me, pwease!”

  My heart melted. “I’m sorry, little buddy. I can’t play right now, but I promise here in a bit, we’ll play, okay?”

  He stuck out his lip and pouted big time.

  “This is what happens when the favorite uncle is away for too long,” Steed said, laughing as he took his son from my arms. “Uncle Trevor has to do something really important and then I bet he’ll play with you.”

  A smile reappeared on Gage’s face.

  “Where’s Chloe?” I asked, looking around for my niece.

  “Well, she is currently putting flowers on Patches.”

  Now it was my turn to pout. “Shit. There’s no chance we can talk her out of it?”

  Steed shook his head. “Paxton and I tried every trick in the book. Sorry, dude, the goat’s in your wedding.”

  “Can’t break tradition,” Mitchell said with a chuckle.

  I shot him a dirty look. “I hope you have twins.”

  His face went white. “Dude, that’s not funny. At all.”

  Jonathon walked up holding Liberty, who was fussing to get down and walk on her own. She was over one now and all over the place.

  “We are finally here. This is what happens when Mom leaves Daddy in charge of getting ready,” Jonathon said, reaching his hand out to shake. “I’m glad y’all are finally back home.”

  “Me too. So, we never got to talk about the adoption,” I said, reaching over and scooping Liberty from his arms. The moment I had her, she settled and started to rub her hands on my cheeks. She liked the slight stubble I always kept on my face.


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