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The Handbook of Conflict Resolution (3rd ed)

Page 169

by Peter T Coleman

Tenbrunsel, A. E.

  Terman, L. M.

  Tetlock, P.

  Tetlock, P. E.

  Thalhammer, K. E.

  Thebaud, S.

  Theodore, L. A.

  Thibaut, J.

  Thibaut, J. W.

  Thomas, D. A.

  Thomas, G. F.

  Thomas, K.

  Thomas, K. W.

  Thompson, L.

  Thompson, L. L.

  Thompson, M. M.

  Thompson, S. C.

  Thomson, L.

  Thoreau, H. D.

  Thorsen, C. E.

  Tice, D. M.

  Tidwell, A. C.

  Tindale, R. S.

  Ting-Toomey, S.

  Tinsley, C.

  Tirri, K.

  Tjosvold, D.

  Tolman, J.

  Tomkins, S.

  Tomlin, B. W.

  Tomlinson, E. C.

  Tong, E.M.W.

  Tong, J. Y.

  Torbert, W. R.

  Torre, M. E.

  Torres, A.

  Toscano, D. J.

  Tracy, J. L.

  Trainor, B. E.

  Treadway, D. C.

  Treffinger, D. J.

  Trevino, L.

  Triandis, H. C.

  Tripathi, R. C.

  Tripp, T.

  Tripp, T. M.

  Trompenaars, F.

  Trope, Y.

  Tropp, L.

  Tropp, L. R.

  Trosten-Bloom, A.

  Trötschel, R.

  Trötschel, T.

  Trump, D.

  Tryphon, A.

  Trzesniewski, K. H.

  Tsai, W.

  Tsao, Y.

  Tuhiwai Smith, L.

  Tunstall, B.

  Turnage, A. K.

  Turner, J.

  Turner, J. C.

  Turner, R. N.

  Turner, T.

  Turnley, W. H.

  Tutu, D.

  Tversky, A.

  Twain, M.

  Tyler, T.

  Tyler, T. R.

  Tyson, R.


  Uhlmann, E. L.

  Ullman-Margalit, E.

  Ullrich, J.

  Umbreit, M. S.

  Unger, J. B.

  Urbina, A.

  Uribe, A.

  Ury, W.

  Ury, W. L.


  Valente, T.

  Vallacher, R.

  Vallacher, R. R.

  Valley, K. L.

  Van Beest, I.

  Van Boven, L.

  van de Vliert, E.M.C.

  van Dijk, E.

  van Gogh, T.

  van Gogh, V.

  Van Kleef, G.

  Van Kleef, G. A.

  van Knippenberg, D.

  van Laar, C.

  van Winden, F.

  Van Zant, A.

  Vanbrabant, K.

  Vanderslice, G.

  VandeWalle, D.

  Varshney, A.

  Verleur, R.

  Verma, A.

  Vesterlund, L.

  Viswanath, R.

  Vohs, K. D.

  Volkan, D.

  Volkan, V. D.

  Volkema, R. J.

  Vollhardt, J.

  Vollmer, A.

  Volpe, M.

  Volpp, L.

  von Bertalannfy, L.

  von Frisch, K.

  von Neumann, J.

  Vorauer, J. D.

  Voronov, M.

  Vuchinich, S.

  Vyas, A.

  Vygotsky, L.


  Wade-Benzoni, K.

  Walcott, C.

  Walen, H. R.

  Walker, D.

  Wall, J. A.

  Wall, J. W.

  Wallace, D.

  Wallace, H. M.

  Wallace, P.

  Waller, J.

  Walster, E.

  Walster, G. W.

  Walter, B.

  Walter, B. F.

  Walters, A. E.

  Walton, G.

  Walton, G. M.

  Walton, R. E.

  Wan, P.

  Wang, C. S.

  Wang, J.

  Wang, S.

  Wang, X.

  Wang, Z.

  Wang, Z. M.

  Wanis-St. John, A.

  Ward, A.

  Ward, H.

  Warlop, L.

  Warner, B. S.

  Washington, G.

  Wasilewski, J.

  Wasserman, S.

  Watabe, M.

  Watkins, K.

  Watson, G.

  Watson, J.

  Watts, D. J.

  Wayne, C.

  Weaver, D. E.

  Weber, J. M.

  Weber, M.

  Webster, D. M.

  Weeks, H.

  Wegener, D. T.

  Wegner, D. M.

  Wei, H. S.

  Wei, L.

  Weingart, L. R.

  Weisbord, M. R.

  Weiss, J. N.

  Weiss, L.

  Weiss, R. L.

  Weiss, S. E.

  Weiss, W.

  Weist, M. D.

  Weitzman, E. A.

  Weitzman, P. F.

  Wellman, C. L.

  Wells, L.

  Welton, G. L.

  Wentzel, K. R.

  Wessells, M.

  Wessendorf, S.

  West, M. A.

  Westaby, J. D.

  Westerley, B.

  Westermarck, E.

  Wexler, B. E.

  Wheelan, S. A.

  Wheeler, S. C.

  White, B.

  White, J. B.

  White, R.

  Whitney, D.

  Whitson, J. A.

  Wicklund, R.

  Wicks, A. C.

  Wiessner, P.

  Wilkinson, R.

  Williams, A.

  Williams, J.

  Willis, T.

  Willmott, H.

  Wilmot, W. W.

  Wilson, A. E.

  Wilson, D. P.

  Wilson, M.

  Wilson, R. K.

  Wing, L.

  Winkel, D. E.

  Winnicott, D.

  Winnicott, D. W.

  Winslade, J.

  Winslade, J. M.

  Winston, J. S.

  Winter, D. G.

  Wise, T.

  Wish, M.

  Wisse, B.

  Wissler, R. L.

  Witkin, H. A.

  Wittkowski, E.

  Wolfowitz, P.

  Wolpe, H.

  Wondolleck, J.

  Wong, A.S.H.

  Wong, C. L.

  Wong, W.

  Wood, J. V.

  Wood, V. F.

  Wood, W.

  Woodhouse, T.

  Woodside, S.

  Woodward, B.

  Worchel, P.

  Worchel, S.

  Worthington, E.

  Wright, S. C.

  Wrightsman, L. S.

  Wu, P.

  Wu, P. G.

  Wurzel, J.

  Wyer, N. A.


  Xhudo, G.

  Xia, L.

  Xie, X.

  Xu, D.

  Xu, H.


  Yakura, E.

  Yamagishi, T.

  Yang, S.

  Yankelovich, D.

  Yarn, D.

  Yeager, D. S.

  Yeates, K. O.

  Yeltsin, B.

  Yetiv, S. A.

  Yilmaz, H.

  Yoo, S. H.

  Yorks, L.

  Yoshikawa, M.

  Yosso, T.

  Young, F.

  Young, I. M.

  Young, M. I.

  Yu, Z. Y.

  Yuan, Y. C.

  Yun Dai, D.


  Zaccaro, S. J.

  Zaheer, A.

  Zak, P. J.

  Zan, B.

  Zander, A.

  Zanna, M. P.

  Zarankin, A.

  Zartman, I. W.

>   Zautra, J.

  Zechmeister, K.

  Zediker, K. E.

  Zeelenberg, M.

  Zeichner, A.

  Zeitzoff, T.

  Zelizer, C.

  Zey, M.

  Zhang, P.

  Zhang, Q.

  Zhang, X. A.

  Zhang, Y.

  Zhang, Z. X.

  Zillman, D.

  Zimbardo, P.

  Zubek, J. M.

  Zuckerman, A.

  Zúñiga, X.



  Abraham Fund for Jewish-Arab Coexistence

  Abu Sayyaf Group (Philippines)

  Accountability: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; creating complementary processes to address postagreement; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; multiculturalism conflict management; potential trade-offs between inclusion during conflict phases and; as remedy for bias

  Accuracy: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; individual level of reading multiculturalism situations; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; negotiation motivation; organizational level of reading multiculturalism situations; processing motivation

  Acknowledgment of suffering

  Action evaluation research initiative

  Action science: to examine gap between stated and realistic behavior; mapping possible set of causal links in Sue’s case; sexual harassment in the workplace map using

  Actions: bungling; effective; substitutability of; three types of nonviolent

  Active unconscious

  Acts of protest. See also Nonviolent struggle

  Adaptivity: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; individual level of reading multiculturalism situations; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; organizational level of reading multiculturalism situations

  Administrative Dispute Resolution Act (1990)

  Adolescence development: educators for social responsibility and; raising inclusively caring children with moral courage; role of conflict in; stage theories of

  Adult learning theory: action science, experiential learning, and reflection contributions to; Dewey’s learning from experience contribution to; Mezirow’s critical reflection and “habits of mind” contribution to

  Adulthood development: conflict coaching for the individual; on conflict resolution skills; fifth-order consciousness; fourth-order consciousness; role of conflict in

  AEIOU communication behavior

  Afghanistan War

  Aggression: bullying; defining; implications for practice related to interventions for; nonviolent vs. violent responses to; sometimes confused with assertion; structural violence and; violence and resistance response to. See also Violence

  Aggression interventions: conflict resolution programs to change behavior; deescalation; perspective taking; self-reflection

  Aggression theories: aggression and violence as frustration; biological; cultural theories of aggression and violence; moral theories on aggression and violence; personality; social learning and behavior

  Agreeableness personality dimension

  Agreement Circumplex: dimensions of the subtypes; eight basic types of products in the; illustrated diagram of; main types of agreements

  Agreements. See Integrative agreements

  Airplane hijackings

  Al Qaeda

  Alcoholics Anonymous

  Algerian colonization era

  Allocation biases: egocentrism and fairness; reactive devaluation

  Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) systems

  Alternatives to Violence Project

  Altruism born of suffering

  Americans for Indian Opportunity


  Amygdala: emotions and the role of; hot reactions of the

  Analogical reasoning

  Analogy learning

  Anchoring: as cognitive bias; description of

  Anger-conflict interactions

  The Angry Roommates study

  Anterior cingulate (ACC)

  Anxiety: intrapsychic conflict and; safety needs to be free from

  Apartheid (South Africa)

  Applied linguistics (AL)

  Applied peace linguistics (APL): appreciative inquiry (AI) use of; constructive communication using; description of; implications for education by; nonviolent communication contribution of; nonviolent communication research using; powerful nondefensive communication using; rise of nonkilling linguistics from

  Appreciative inquiry (AI): description of; research on conflict resolution and

  Appreciative Inquiry Summit


  Al-Aqsa Martyrs brigades (Palestinian nationalist movement)

  Arab-Israeli conflict. See Israel-Palestinian conflict

  Argentina: blanket pardons for perpetrators of the disappearances in; Nunca Mas report (1986) on disappearances in

  Armenia-Azaerbaijan conflict (1994)

  The Art and Science of Love (ASL)

  The Art of Powerful Non-Defensive Communication (Ellison)

  Arts-based conflict resolution approaches

  Arusha Accord


  Assertiveness of mediators

  Attack conflict resolution strategy

  Attitude change: constructive controversy benefit of positive; humanizing and developing positive orientation of the other; psychological factors affecting the. See also Perspective taking

  Attitudes (cathexis): cooperation-competition theory on role of; definition of; pathologies of

  Attribution theory


  Authority (BART system)


  Avoidance conflict resolution strategy

  Awareness: BSA-LGBTA community conflict and; individual level of multiculturalism; integration-adaptation model on strategies for; organizational level of multiculturalism


  “Bargaining in the shadow of the law” phenomenon

  BART system: Case of Pink Power using the; components of; joining Well’s taxonomy of group conflict with

  BATNAs (best alternative to a negotiated agreement): attribution error during; dealing with power differences through use of; defining the; developing autonomy through; reaching a settlement. See also Outcomes; Solutions

  Beckhard’s managing planned change model

  Behavior: malignant social processes and; mediator; normalization of hostility and violence; regulated by feedback loops; role of framing in moral; scope of justice influence on

  Behavior change: conflict resolution programs to; self-reflection used for. See also Change process; Perspective taking

  Belongingness and love needs

  Berlin Wall fall (1989)

  Betrayal process

  Biased punctuation of conflict

  Biases: of cognition; definition of; systematic processing and sources of. See also Negotiator bias

  Biological theories of aggression and violence

  Bisexuals. See LGBTQ community

  Black Stone of Mecca story

  “Black widows” suicide terrorists

  Blaming communication

  Blind Trust (Volkan)

  Bonn Agreement (2002)

  Bottom-up power

  Boy Scouts of America (BSA): accountability and the; background information on; I-AM used to examine LGBTQ community conflict with; “Open Letter to America’s Families” sent out by

  Boycotts. See also Nonviolent struggle

  Boycotts and the Labor Struggle (Laidler)

  Brain: amygdala of the; anterior cingulate (ACC) of the; orbital frontal cortex of the; self-regulation and hot reactions of the emotional; ventromedial frontal cortex (VMFC) of the

  Bridging Cultural Conflicts (LeBaron)

  Bridging solutions

  Bringing Baby home (BBH) workshop

  Bringing Peace into the Room (Bowling and Hoffman)

  Broaden-and-build model

  Brooklyn Friends School (BFS)

  Brown v. Board of Education
r />   Bullying

  Bungling actions

  Burton’s human needs theory


  Calculus-based distrust (CBD): characterizing relationships based on; description of; strategies to manage

  Calculus-based trust (CBT): actions that build; characterizing relationships based on; Chutes and Ladders game as metaphor for; description and formation of; managing violations of; repairing; required for creating trust in a relationship

  Caring justice framework


  Cathexis. See Attitudes (cathexis)

  Causal modeling

  Center for Cognitive Liberties

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  Change agents: conflict resolution practitioners developing skills as; fostering commitment of; generating motivation; identifying and handling resistance

  Change process: for changing collective memories and toward shared views of history; considering the relationship between conflict and; context of intractable conflicts bringing instability and; coordinating attention to short-term violence and long-term structural changes; implications for training; nonviolent struggle to bring about; psychological factors affecting the; theoretical conceptions of the. See also Behavior change

  Change process factors: gaining commitment; motivation and unfreezing; movement and resistance

  Change process theory: Beckhard’s model for managing planned change; Lewin’s unfreezing framework

  Change resistance: additional factors which may increase; change agent’s role in identifying and handling; conflict and; constructively handling; movement stalled by; when movement overwhelms

  Checkpoint Watch (Keshet)

  “Chicken game” negotiation

  Childhood development: during adolescence; ECSEL Program curriculum on; educators for social responsibility and development of adolescents and; function of conflict in early; during middle childhood; raising inclusively caring children with moral courage; self-control and discipline; social-emotional learning as part of; stages of development theory on; traditional assumptions about the end of

  Childhood development stages: egocentric, impulsive stage; egocentric orientation; Kohlberg moral development; neuroscientific contributions to; Piaget’s social cognitive approach to; post-Piagetian theories on; properational

  China: cooperation-competition theory used to examine conflict in; leadership in the hierarchical society of

  Chinese cooperation-competitive studies: cooperation, open-minded discussion, and effectiveness experiments; cooperation, open-minded discussion, and effectiveness surveys in Chinese organizations; cooperative conflict between organizations; cross-cultural; developing conflict resolution theory through the; findings on Chinese values for conflict management in China; research methods used during

  Chinese society: antecedents to cooperative goals in; becoming a cooperative conflict team in context of; competition and conflict avoidance in; confirming that cooperation-competition theory is appropriate to study; cooperative conflict for cross-cultural teamwork in; differences between Western and; guanxi (relation system) of; leadership in the hierarchical; responsiveness to goal interdependence in


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