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The Pregnant Lactating Slut: Collection

Page 4

by Bree Bellucci

  “I thought you’d like a little welcome home present,” she purred as she undid his button and fly and inched the pants down his waist. Mark scooted to the other side of the bed.

  “Babes, believe me, I’d love for you to jerk me off now, but you know how it is. Once I get close to coming, I need to be inside of you. I just can’t right now with you being so pregnant. We’ll get back into our groove once the baby comes.”

  Frustrated, Andrea heaved herself off the bed.

  “You think we’ll have time for sex once the baby arrives?” she huffed, hands on her hips.

  “I’m horny now, Mark! I want to have you inside me, now! What the hell is wrong with you? Why don’t you want to have sex with me?!” she questioned, her voice rising.

  “It’s just too – too – weird,” Marks shrugged and looked away.

  “Well, I know you, Mark and I know what kind of sex drive you used to have! How often are you jerking yourself off since you won’t touch me?” Andrea asked, heatedly.

  “I don’t know,” Mark looked sheepish, “every other day or so.”

  “Well, fuck you, Mark!” Andrea yelled. “Why don’t you jerk yourself off again while your big, fat, horny wife works in the garage.” Damn these pregnancy mood swings, Andrea thought as she stormed out into the garage.

  Once in the garage, Andrea’s head began to clear a bit. She refused to dwell on her home situation, and instead, thought back onto her adulterous evening the night before. Andrea began to work on stenciling the baby’s dresser, which was still in the garage. Once she finished the stenciling, it could be moved up to the baby’s room. From a distance, Andrea heard the lawnmower start up. Obviously, Mark did not please himself and decided to busy himself with yard work. Screw him, Andrea thought as she focused on the painting. A moment later, Andrea let out a scream as she felt hands wrap around her belly.

  “Hey sexy,” Ben murmured.

  “Ben, what the fuck? What are you doing in here?” Andrea asked, spinning around

  “I was pulling the trash can down the driveway and I saw your hot ass in here,” he reached around said-ass, and pulled her towards him so that her belly rested against his stomach.

  “I can’t stop thinking about last night,” he said staring at her hungrily. Andrea pushed him away, looking around her.

  “Mark is right outside,” she hissed, “What the hell are you doing?” then she paused and let her guard down for a moment, “I can’t stop thinking about it either.”

  “He’s cutting the grass. As long as we hear the mower running, we know he isn’t coming down here,” Ben reasoned seductively as he slowly traced his tongue down her neck and pulled down her V-neck shirt to expose her bra.

  “Mmmm” he whispered as he pulled her bra down and letting her right breast pop up and out, before he took the whole thing into his mouth and sucked.

  “Ben!” Andrea tried to push him away, but he released her other breast and she caved, letting Ben have his way with her enormous breasts. They obviously began to leak as Ben sucked down whatever fluid they released. Ben licked his lips and brought his mouth to Andrea’s and began kissing her passionately as his hands roamed her entire body, grasping at her, pulling at her soft flesh, and rubbing her belly.

  “Oh god, Andrea,” he moaned as he grabbed her hand and placed it on his erection. Andrea breathed in sharply at the feel of his hardness through his jeans.

  “Look what you do to me, Andrea. It takes Laura forever to make me hard, but all I need to do is look at you and I’m ready to bust a nut.” Ben slipped his hands down the back of her pants and grabbed Andrea’s ass forcefully.

  “Ohhh!” cried out Andrea, loving the sensation of the bit of pain and the pleasure that followed. Her hand flew to her mouth to cover the sound.

  “Mark can’t hear us, baby. I’m going to take you from behind again. I’m going to fuck you so that your knees buckle,” and with that Ben spun her around so that she was facing over the dresser, and she steadied herself against it. With expert hands, Ben pulled down her pants and then dragged her panties down her legs. He slipped his hand between her legs and moaned at her wetness.

  “God, I love how wet you are. We don’t have much time, or else I would bury my face in you,” he said in a husky voice as he fumbled with his pants. Andrea felt the tingling in her groin and the anticipation of Ben’s fat cock driving itself deep into her being. She braced herself against the dresser ready for the onslaught. Oh, yes, she felt the sweet pressure and fullness as he entered her over and over again.

  “I. Could. Fuck. Your. Hot. Pregnant. Self. Every. Minute. Of. Every. Day, “ he panted with each thrust.

  Andrea couldn’t control her silence any longer.

  “Yes, Ben! Please! Harder! Just! Like! That!” Andrea began to feel the build and her legs began to quiver. Ben sensed her build up and began to plunge into her with even more urgency as deep moans escaped from his lips. Andrea grasped the dresser tightly and then her orgasm hit like a thousand fire works shooting off inside her, over her belly, breasts and down her legs. She rocked, moaned and cried out as it overtook her and her body slacked and Ben held her up as he thrust one last final time before crying out and leaning against her. Andrea’s jagged breathing began to slow down as she came back to earth and felt Ben’s cock still deep inside her as he shook from his own orgasm. Andrea felt the tightness stretch over her belly from the orgasm, and she couldn’t take it any longer as she began to fall to her knees. Ben caught her and slowly helped her onto the ground. Andrea was a mess of liquid and just-fucked jelly legs. Ben propped her up against the dresser and began to rub her big, tight, belly softly while planting kisses on it.

  “Twice in twenty-four hours, Andrea, you have made me come harder than I ever have. Even when Laura was pregnant, I was never this aroused by her.” Ben smiled and closed his eyes.

  “I had no idea you had the hots for pregnant women,” Andrea said wryly as she rose to her feet. She could still hear the lawn mower running as she pulled her pants up and fixed her blouse.

  “Why would you?” asked Ben, “After all, we are just friendly neighbors.” He smiled slyly. He stood up and tucked his pants into his jeans before pulling them up and buttoning them.

  “I’m so glad that I was able to come down here and help you fix this dresser drawer,” he said smoothly patting the dresser. Andrea felt a pull between her legs at the thought of their transgression.

  “Oh yes,” she said with equal smoothness, “I’m so glad you helped, too.” She felt a trickle of Ben’s juices run into her underwear and it made her shiver. Just then the lawn mover shut off and they each did a quick once-over of each other and nodded their approval.

  “Ben!” Mark exclaimed walking into the garage.

  “Hey, Mark,” Ben responded tapping the dresser. “I was just helping Andrea here fix this drawer. She didn’t want to disturb you.” Andrea nodded staring at the man who had just fucked her brains out, and then at her clueless husband.

  “Um, thanks, Ben,” she said, finally finding her voice.

  “Any time, “ Ben said meaningfully and the meaning was certainly not lost on Andrea. While Mark was staring at the dresser, Ben winked at her before disappearing up the driveway.

  “I didn’t even know there was something wrong with the drawer,” Mark mused.

  “Oh, yeah, nothing major,” Andrea waved off the dresser. “I’m sweating; I think I’ll take a shower.” And then she looked pointedly at Mark, “I’d invite you to join me, but since you don’t want to screw your pregnant wife, I won’t bother.”

  “I’m worried about sex, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to shower with you,” Mark said hurt filling his voice. Oh shit, Andrea thought, now my husband is going to help me rinse off the remnants of our neighbor. And with that, she shook her head, and led the way upstairs to the bathroom.

  A whole week had passed and Andrea had barely a glimpse of Ben. Twice this week, she had come forcefully in her sleep while dreaming of their tr

ysts. Luckily, Mark was a heavy sleeper and didn’t notice. Mark was heading out of town in two days and as wrong as she knew it was, Andrea couldn’t help but hope that Ben would indulge her with some hot, pregnant sex. Who knew when this baby would come, and Andrea was insatiable for Ben’s cock. She felt the urge to get it in, literally, before she would be consumed with motherhood. She thought maybe she and Ben could continue their arrangement once the baby came, but then she realized she would lose her pregnant belly, and Ben would probably no longer be attracted to her. She saddened at the thought, and wished Ben wasn’t so kinky and would still want to have hot, dirty sex with her afterwards. Lost in her reverie, Andrea walked out to get the mail. As she retrieved the contents from the mailbox, she realized she was looking directly at Ben who was also getting his mail. Every bone in Andrea’s body began to come alive and she felt a sensation deep between her legs. Ben looked at her, winked and brought his two fingers to his mouth, spread his fingers and flicked his tongue between them. Andrea gasped. Ben rubbed his cock through his pants then turned and headed back to his house. Andrea could already feel her wetness. But then she quickly looked around the neighborhood to make sure no one had noticed. What kind of game was Ben playing? Andrea couldn’t help the shiver of excitement and arousal that went down her spine at the thought of Ben and his cock; their neighborhood affair, happening outside in broad daylight, with their spouses just yards away. Andrea would have some more hot thoughts tonight as she rubbed her pussy.

  Two days later, Andrea kissed Mark lightly on the cheek and watched as he hauled his suitcase into the car and drove off. This would be his last trip before the baby arrived. Hopefully the baby would hold off until his return. Andrea was 38 weeks and didn’t want to have to go to the hospital alone. She also was hoping to carry on her steamy affair with Ben. Andrea walked over to the mirror and slowly peeled off her clingy maternity dress. She stood in just her bra and panties. A thick red nursing bra with teeny bits of lace, held her fat, engorged breasts up. Her belly filled out and made a huge arch from her breasts to her pubic bone. Black boyfriend shorts covered her bottom half. Andrea did a slow turn in front of the mirror and marveled at how big her breasts and belly had become. Slowly, she pulled one breast out of her bra and took her nipple and squeezed it between her thumb and forefinger. She moaned softly at the pleasure it brought her, and she noticed the few droplets of thin, yellow liquid that appeared. She rubbed her finger against it and slowly sucked. The liquid had a faint sweetness to it. Andrea pushed her breast back inside her bra and ran her hands over her swollen belly. She stopped at her underwear and slowly placed her hand inside, reaching the best she could while standing up. She rubbed her clitoris softly, feeling the wetness that came so readily nowadays. She pulled her hand out of her panties and righted them. She slowly pulled her dress back up over her legs, stretching it over her belly and slipped her arms back into the sleeves.

  “I liked the dress better off.”

  Andrea gasped and whirled around.

  Standing in her doorway was Ben, and in his hand was his large, glorious cock.


  “Please, honey, keep going. Watching you touch yourself is hotter than you know.” Ben slowly stroked his cock from the shaft to the tip. Andrea could see drops of pre-cum trickle out.

  “How long have you been there?” Andrea demanded, feeling self-conscious.

  “As soon as I saw Mark’s car pull away, I came over. Laura took the kids to her mom’s for the day,” Ben spoke softly while keeping a steady pace on his manhood. “Now, do me a favor and take that dress off and leave it off.”

  Andrea looked at Ben with burning lust and slowly peeled her dress off for a second time. Deliberately lingering as she stretched the material over her belly and slid it slowly down her thighs.

  “That’s better,” Ben whispered, his hand never leaving his cock. “Now, squeeze your nipples again and taste your sweetness,” he ordered. Her eyes never leaving Ben’s, she obeyed and moaned again from the pleasure. The pleasure was even sweeter this time knowing that Ben was watching her and turned on by it. Ben was beginning to stroke himself faster.

  “Now rub your belly and touch your pussy,” Ben requested. Slowly, Andrea caressed her belly and then moved her hands down to her boy shorts. She tugged them down to the top of her thighs and began playing with herself.

  “Ohhh,” she whimpered as she felt a pull of deep arousal.

  “Oh, baby, I’m going to explode any second,” Ben gasped. Without thinking, Andrea went to him and slowly dropped to her knees. She took his huge cock deep into her mouth, pushing it back as far as it could go. She was lucky that she had almost no gag reflex. Ben gasped at her warm, wet mouth encompassing his dick. Andrea began to move her mouth back and forth and Ben’s fingers entwined in her hair, moving her head in steady rhythm.

  “Aahhhgggh” Ben cried and Andrea felt his salty wetness seep into her mouth and she swallowed again and again letting Ben run into her.

  When all had subsided, Andrea slowly pulled her mouth off and wiped the corner of her mouth, looking up at Ben’s face. Ben had a look of pure ecstasy and helped pull Andrea up from the floor.

  “That was amazing,” he said. “I’ve been dying to taste your pussy and now that Mark is gone, I am going to taste every inch of you.” He slowly backed Andrea up towards the bed. Once she hit the bed, Andrea sat and allowed Ben to slowly push her down. But not before he unhooked her bra and her breasts came spilling out, released from their hold. Ben nodded appreciatively. As Andrea lay back, Ben scooted her so that her pussy was right on the edge of the bed. She lifted her hips, and Ben pulled her boy shorts off her legs. Ben dropped to his knees and used his hands to push her thighs wide apart. Andrea’s belly heaved up and down from her panting, as she knew what was to come. Ben buried his face in her pussy and began to lick, flick and suck. He moved his hands over her clitoris expertly and every few seconds he would stretch a hand up and caress her belly. Andrea moaned as one of Ben’s fingers worked it’s way to her ass and rubbed her perineum. Andrea arched her back and felt her breasts swell from her arousal. Ben picked up the pace and worked her harder and faster, and Andrea moaned and whimpered and felt her thighs begin to quiver.

  “Please, Ben,” she begged, “Don’t stop.” Suddenly, Ben hit a sweet spot and Andrea felt her imminent orgasm. “Yes, Ben! Right, there. Don’t. Stop.” She cried in between ragged breaths. She heard and felt Ben groan into her pussy and it sent her over the edge. Her back arched, her belly tightened and she shook fast and hard as the orgasm took control of her body. Cries escaped her lips and she slowly began to come down, aware of Ben rubbing her belly with one hand and her wetness with the other.

  “You are so wet right now, Andrea” he marveled. And when Andrea looked, she saw Ben’s cock was hard and full again, ready for more. Ben raised his eyebrows at her. Andrea nodded, willing his cock to take her. Ben stood and positioned himself so that he was standing, and Andrea was laying flat on the bed, her thighs open at the very edge, and her legs dangling off. Ben guided his cock in between her thighs and Andrea cried out as he filled every inch of her and she could feel him sliding in and out on her own lubricant. With each thrust, Ben said, “Your. Pussy. Tasted. So. Good. And. Now. You. Are. So. Fucking. Wet.” Andrea threw her head back and moaned from his fullness. Mark’s cock was solid, but it was nowhere as long and thick as Ben’s. Holy hell, maybe Ben would hit the baby, she thought fleetingly. She could feel the softness of Ben’s skin and was grateful that pregnancy acted as a birth control. In and out, fast and faster he went, until Ben slowed down and agonizingly pulled in and out as slow as molasses.

  “No,” moaned Andrea. “Faster.” Ben smiled devilishly at her.

  “What do you want?” he asked slowly.

  “I want you! Faster!” Andrea groaned.

  “Tell me how you want me to fuck your pregnant body. Tell me how my cock is so much better than Mark’s,” he demanded his cock waiting anxiously between her th

  “Please, Ben! I’m big and pregnant and I need you to fuck me now. Hard! Your cock is so much better than Mark’s!” she cried out, “Your cock is so fucking thick!” And with that Mark slammed into her so hard, she couldn’t help but scream. And then Andrea felt the start of an intense orgasm. She closed her eyes and yelled out like an animal as the orgasm took over her body. Her back arched, and her breasts surged forward, her belly tightened as she lost all control. She rocked and moaned and gasped, crying out Ben’s name as Ben came and yelled her name before sagging over her with his head gently resting against her belly. He slowly moved his hand over the tightness and murmured, “Your body turns me on so much.” Slowly Ben stood up and began pulling his pants up and fixing his clothes. Andrea spread her legs further apart so he had a clear view between her legs.

  “But you won’t want any of this once I give birth,” she said, still breathing heavily “You are only interested in me because I’m pregnant.”

  Ben finished buckling his belt and smiled seductively.

  “Oh, I’ll be back, Andrea. The only thing sexier than a pregnant woman is a lactating one.” Andrea gasped.

  “I’ll be back to suck the milk out of those titties.” And with that, Ben sauntered out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out the door.


  * * * * *


  Nursing the Male Nurse

  * * * * *

  He closed the bedroom door softly, careful not to wake the children. He turned and stared at her naked body with hungry eyes. Julie was near the end of her third pregnancy, thirty-six weeks to be exact, and she couldn’t believe how she was still so horny. Her husband Kevin couldn’t believe it either and he certainly wasn’t complaining. Something turned him on about his wife’s swollen belly, it added another sensual curve to her already voluptuous body. Among other changes, Julie’s pregnancy had made her breasts enormous. She was never a small-breasted woman to begin with so she was used to the attention she got from men because of her chest. And although her husband had always said that he loved her tits there was something different about the way that he looked at her lately. During her last pregnancy he became obsessed with her breast milk, so much to the point where she had to start rationing how much he could suck out of her. She began to feel slightly self-conscious standing there naked, with her full belly looking ready to pop at any moment. However, her husbands gaze reassured her and although she didn’t feel very sexy she still wanted to be fucked.


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