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The Pregnant Lactating Slut: Collection

Page 5

by Bree Bellucci

  Kevin walked over to her slowly, he was still wearing boxers but the outline of his half-swollen package made it clear that he was becoming increasingly turned on. He was an attractive man, his short dark hair was slightly graying, and his kind green eyes were always comforting to her. Julie appreciated that her husband made an effort to stay in shape. He worked out every day; his arms were lean and muscular, but not too big. He had strong shoulders and a hard chest that lead to slender shaped abs. Julie loved her husband’s strong hands most of all, especially the way he grabbed her. She reached out and gently touched his chest. She took his left hand and pressed it to her naked breast; he squeezed firmly and smiled slyly.

  Julie read her husband’s mind, “Will you still love me if my boobs are smaller after the pregnancy?” she asked.

  “Of course I’ll still love you. Don’t worry hun, if your boobs get smaller I’ll just have to buy you new ones,” he smiled.

  “Hah! As if they aren’t big enough normally, aren’t you men ever satisfied?” she asked playfully as she quickly pinched his nipple.

  He was caught by surprise and winced in pain, “Ow!” he cried.

  She laughed and turned to run away towards the bed but he grabbed her in his arms and spun her back around to face him.

  He smiled and leaned in to kiss her on the lips. She puckered her lips mockingly and closed her eyes. Kevin quickly grabbed her right breast and pinched her nipple firmly between his two fingers.

  She let out an involuntary moan of pleasure, “Mmmmhmm”, she smiled, “Harder.”

  Kevin pinched her nipple harder and gently twisted it in his fingers. She felt a shudder pass through her body instantly, an overpowering sense of warmth and pleasure overcame her. Julie could feel her pussy getting wet already and she could feel Kevin’s erection against her leg throbbing through his boxers.

  “Pinch my other nipple too, harder this time,” she could hear herself almost begging.

  Kevin obeyed and using both hands took her nipples between his fingers and squeezed hard. Julie threw her head back and moaned deeply. Kevin could feel the lust building inside his wife as he pressed and twisted her swelling nipples. The sight of her consumed in pleasure made him want to explode, and her engorged breasts were begging to be sucked.

  He brought his mouth to her chest and began to lick and suck her tits with ferocious desire. He twirled his tongue around her nipples, sucking and gently biting, encouraged with every horny noise she made. Julie could hardly stand it any longer, the passion in her had reached its absolute limit and she had to have her husband’s cock inside her one way or the other. She reached down and grasped Kevin’s swollen penis through his boxers, his loud moan was muffled, his face still pressed passionately into her chest sucking as if he longed for the milk inside. She could feel her juices begin to run down her thighs as her hot, wet vagina ached for something to fill it. Julie dropped to her knees and tore Kevin’s boxers down to the floor. She immediately devoured his cock with an animalistic hunger, wrapping her lips tightly around his swollen shaft. He was so hard that she could feel the veins in his penis as her lips squeezed up and down his circumcised cock. Kevin moaned loudly and his body shuddered as his wife thrust her face into his pelvis, forcing his dick deep into her throat. He felt as if he were about to collapse and fall to the floor.

  Julie loved Kevin’s penis because she could normally deep throat all of it and give him what he absolutely desired. Tonight was different however and Kevin was so hard that she could not fit him all the way down her throat. She was surprised, she could not remember the last time her husband was so turned on that she was unable to take his entire cock into her mouth. Julie sucked slowly tasting the pre-cum leaking from the tip of his dick. She gently bit the head of his penis and sucked the pre-cum from the hole. She grabbed his firm ass with both hands and dug her nails into his cheeks as she slowly descended down his shaft. She licked longingly at the underside of his penis with her tongue and kept her lips tightly around his shaft, letting up only to release streams of thick saliva to run down his cock and drip onto his balls. Julie knew that her man loved wet, sloppy, warm, deep throat blowjobs, and she loved to give them. As his cock began to reach the back of her throat Julie swallowed, and grabbing his ass she thrust her face into his pelvis, Kevin cried out in ecstasy. It felt so good he lost his balance and fell onto the bed. Julie didn’t let up, she was overcome with the need to please her husband, her own body ached for stimulation but her lust to taste his hot cum shooting into the back of her throat was more important. She continued to force her head up and down along his shaft; she wanted nothing more than for his balls to explode inside her mouth. Kevin began to fondle her tits and squeeze her nipples, driving her into an even more uncontrollable frenzy. Julies inner thighs were completely soaked at this point, her pussy was sopping wet and throbbing, her clit was so swollen it began to ache. She was still on her knees at the side of the bed, bent over, sucking her husband’s cock deep into her throat. She reached down and started to play with her clit slowly, she groaned in pleasure, and began to gyrate her hips involuntarily against her own hand.

  Kevin noticed that his wife was desperately trying to fuck herself. He was about to cum, and if she kept sucking him he was likely finish at any moment. He knew that seeing her cum would make his orgasm even more unbelievable. He pushed Julies head off of his cock and moved to kneel behind her on the floor. She was still kneeling at the side of the bed, her head resting on her arms, her legs spread wide, and her ass arched up into the air ready to be penetrated.

  “I don’t want to cum yet, I want you to cum all over my cock first,” he told her.

  “I want to cum all over your cock honey, and then I want you to cum in my mouth,” she pleaded almost breathless with passion.

  Kevin grabbed her full hips and pulled her back toward him. He started squeezing and admiring her ass. How do I always forget just how fucking sexy this woman is he thought to himself. She looked irresistible from this position. He could smell the sweet musk of her how wet pussy and he could see the glistening streams of vaginal juices running down her inner thighs. Her body was longing to be punished by him.

  Since she had become pregnant, Julie found that she liked anal sex more and more. Sometimes she even preferred to have her husband’s cock stuffed into her ass and if she was turned on enough, the orgasm was incredible. Kevin was always a willing participant and loved his wife’s ass as just as much as her pussy.

  He began gently kissing the back of her neck, she sighed loudly and shuddered in pleasure. Julie loved when he kissed her neck. His warm soft lips felt blissful on her sensitive skin. Goose bumps appeared all over her body as he started kissing slowly down her back. Kevin began massaging her ass and thighs as he gently kissed her lower back, moving lower and lower. He kissed the top of her ass crack and lightly licked back and forth.

  “Mmmm, that feels so good,” she moaned.

  He licked lower and spread her ass cheeks with his hands as he moved his tongue deeper toward her ass, licking and kissing around her puckered hole. She began involuntarily moving her hips and pressing her ass into his face, her body begging more and more to be fucked. Kevin took the cue and started to lick her asshole, moving his tongue back and forth in light circles. He used his thumb to gently rub her clit, increasing her pleasure while he licked her ass. His warm moist tongue softly caressing her asshole drove her crazy and the stimulation to her clit was almost too pleasurable. She began breathing fast and moaning uncontrollably, moving her hips and ass in a steady rhythm pushing against his tongue. Kevin began licking harder and sucking around her ass, he increased the pressure with his thumb moving in firm circles around her swollen clit. Julie didn’t want to cum without him deep inside her, she needed his cock first.

  “Fuck me now I want your cock in me so bad!” Julie cried.

  Her pussy was dripping wet and Kevin could barely keep his hand steady, he wanted to fuck her pussy so bad he was trembling.

  He g
rabbed her hips firmly and pressed his cock into her pussy. She thrust her body back onto his hard shaft and began moving back and forth with lascivious desire. Her pregnant belly was almost getting in the way of each thrust and her heavy breasts were swinging back and forth dramatically. Kevin’s cock filled her pussy like it never had before; she could feel every ridge and every inch of him inside her. Her pussy felt tighter and wetter than she could have ever believed possible. Loud moans of pleasure filled the room along with the wet squishing and splashing of Kevin’s cock plunging into her pussy. Vaginal juices began running down Kevin’s leg and he felt his wife’s pussy begin to contract and her body begin to stiffen. She was on the verge of a devastating climax like none he had ever seen before.

  She cried out, “Oh, my, GOD, I’m fucking cumming!” almost breathless, “I’m fucking cumming!” she screamed.

  Her convulsing vagina was choking Kevin’s cock, and she was gushing fluid down his shaft, he couldn’t take it any longer. He grabbed her tits as hard as he could and thrust his hips into her as he came with the most overwhelming orgasm he had ever experienced in his life. It was as if her pussy was squeezing every last drop of cum out of his cock, as it kept convulsing for over a minute, hungry for all the semen it could take.

  Julie collapsed on the floor, unable to even open her eyes she mumbled, “Good work honey.”

  They both lay side by side on their backs trying to catch their breath, “That was amazing, I have never wanted to fuck you more than I wanted to fuck you just now,” Kevin said.

  Julie opened her eyes, “Yes I don’t know what came over us. I don’t think I have ever seen your dick that hard, it really turned me on to see you so aroused.” She turned her head to smile at him. “I hope we didn’t wake the kids.”

  Kevin returned an adoring smile and laid his head on her breasts while he caressed her swollen belly.

  They hadn’t been lying there long, bathing in their mind-blowing orgasms, when Julie was hit hard with a powerful pain in her belly.

  “Ahh oww, Kevin I think I’m having contractions!” she said excitedly.

  Kevin looked stunned, he didn’t move. A moment later another contraction came on, stronger than before.

  “Yeah, oww, Kevin it’s time we have to get to the hospital now! This baby is coming!” she cried through gritted teeth.

  Kevin jumped up quickly. He had a worried look on his face, like someone who had a winning lottery ticket but had to fight a lion before they could cash it.

  “Okay let’s get you to the hospital!” he exclaimed.

  After an uneventful four hours in labor, Julie gave birth to a healthy baby girl. They named the baby Elle, she was seven pounds and nine ounces, and if the frequency and volume of her crying was any indication, she would be just as talkative as her mother. Kevin and Julie were ecstatic as were their children and both of their families. Everyone had gone home, exhausted from the excitement of the day. Julie lay in her hospital bed passively watching some home improvement channel on television. Luckily this hospital had private rooms so she didn’t have to worry about any crazy roommates and their even crazier family members. The hospital staff was wonderful and they were making her stay very relaxing. The only issue Julie encountered so far was the hospitals policy that for the first few nights the baby was to sleep separately in a nursery where the staff could monitor her closely. Julie wanted to have her daughter close to her, so she called the nurses to bring baby Elle in every two hours so she could hold her and to breast feed. It was about eleven in the evening and Julie rang her call bell to have a nurse bring the baby in. It took less than thirty seconds for the nurse to knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Julie said, half-watching television.

  The door opened and in came her nurse, “Hello Mrs. Landen, how are you tonight?” it was a man’s voice.

  Julie was visibly startled, she scrambled for her bed sheet to cover her legs as she was wearing only a hospital gown and was otherwise completely exposed.

  “He-Hello, I’m doing well thank you,” she said sheepishly.

  “Mrs. Landen my name is Jason, I’ll be your nurse tonight, I was wondering if there was anything you needed right now, are you in any pain?” he said confidently.

  He was very attractive, almost too attractive, but he was probably gay, Julie had heard rumors about male nurses. The thought made her feel a little more comfortable.

  She managed a smile, “Yes actually I do feel sore, I guess that’s normal after having just pushed a child out of my vagina, huh?”

  Jason was caught by surprise and laughed loudly, “Yes ma’am I suppose it would be quite normal to be sore for a few days. Would you like me to get you some pain medication?”

  Julie had taken a Percocet earlier in the day and it made her feel a little loopy but it did take the pain away.

  “Yes please, if it’s time I would love to have a pain pill Jason thank you, and please call me Julie,” she smiled.

  Even if he was gay he was still too damn cute not to flirt with him a little.

  “Excellent, would you like to take one or two Percocet? What is your pain level rated zero-through-ten, zero is no pain and ten is the worst you’ve ever experienced?” he asked earnestly.

  She couldn’t help but notice that his scrub pants fit snuggly around his cute butt, and she could see a shapely outline from this angle. She also noticed a very sizable bulge in the front of his pants. Maybe someone should tell this young man to buy bigger scrub pants, or maybe not she thought. She felt herself becoming a little turned on.

  “Hmm it’s about a six so maybe I should take two pills this time?” she asked.

  “Certainly, let’s do two it may help you sleep throughout the night. I’ll be right back.” Jason left the room.

  She caught another glimpse of his tight ass as he turned to walk away. His hair was dark but it was longer than her husband’s. Jason had a great smile, chiseled facial features and beautiful dark brown eyes. Julie couldn’t help but admire how good-looking this younger man was. She realized she had even forgotten about her baby momentarily, but she was ok, the nurses were watching her.

  Jason came back within minutes with the pain medication and a cup of fresh water. He gave her the medicine.

  “I hope this helps, is there anything else I can do to make you more comfortable?” he smiled.

  There’s a lot you could do to make me more comfortable she thought.

  Smiling back at him and, emboldened by the pain medication, she said, “Well if you have time, only if you’re not at all busy, would you mind giving me a back massage for a few minutes? I think it would really help me relax and then I won’t bother you for anything else.”

  He thought for a moment, quickly trying to decide whether or not this was crossing the line.

  “Sure, anything I can do for you Julie. Let me check on my other patients really quick and I’ll come back to your room,” he said. He smiled again and turned and left the room.

  Julie couldn’t believe that she had just asked her male nurse to give her a massage in the middle of the night. She was completely naked underneath her hospital gown and alone in her room. This could likely become an uncomfortable situation. The pain medication was starting to kick in and she began to feel very warm, relaxed and care-free. Ten minutes later Jason came back into the room, he was carrying moisturizing lotion. Julie noticed that the bulge in the front of his scrub pants was larger than before, was he getting aroused she wondered? She was an attractive woman, but she was older than he was and she wasn’t sure if he felt attracted to her, after all he’s probably gay anyway she thought. She did however catch him glancing at her chest at every opportunity.

  Julie was aware that her boobs were even larger now that the baby had come and she had started lactating. The shapes of her large milk-filled breasts were clearly visible underneath her gown, and she knew Jason must have noticed the milk leaking from her nipples staining her gown.

  He politely asked permission to list
en to her heart and lungs with a stethoscope. She sat up straight, pressed her chest out, and brought her arms down to her side and gently pressed her tits together forming visible cleavage within the gown.

  He pressed the stethoscope to her right breast, squishing it against her swollen mammary.

  “Take a deep breath please,” he asked.

  She did as he told her.

  “Good. Everything sounds very nice.”

  His penis was getting harder.

  “Thank you, but aren’t you going to listen to my other breast though?” she playfully complained.

  “Yes, yes sure.”

  He pressed the stethoscope to her left breast. She pushed her arms together tightly, squeezing her huge tits together forcing his fingers into the soft pillows of her bosom. She could see a slight wet mark forming through his scrub pants where the tip of his penis was, he had already started oozing pre-cum.

  “You sound like a dream. Mrs. Landen has your pain level decreased at all since you took the medication?” he asked.

  “Call me Julie, please, and yes I don’t feel any pain at all anymore, my back is a little stiff though,” she said coyly.

  She could feel herself becoming more relaxed and less-inhibited from the pain medication.

  Jason replied, “Excellent, well I would love to give you a back massage if you are still up for it?”


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