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Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)

Page 26

by P. Macias

  Ahh, I barely made it and I don’t know why my bladder is working up. I have to go to el bano often. Gracias, dios mio, the fool that locked us up thought about allowing enough chain for us to go to el bano.

  The bano is all in black and white tile with chrome faucets. This is very interesting. She looks to see if it’s clean.

  I wonder how long we have been here. She walks over to Paty and Jessy. Bella starts moving each one at the shoulder with her manos, attempting to wake them.

  Damn, they are out and my head hurts. She touches the back of her head and feels the bump. These bastardos hit me, thinks Bella. She winches with the pain that spreads through her head when she touches the bump.

  I will sit next to Paty and Bella. I need to guard them. I need to find a weapon. I’m going to look out the window and see if I can see where we are and the layout of the casa.

  Slowly and softly, she opens the window trying to be real quiet. She tries not to alert their kidnappers that she’s awake.

  Dios mio, what a hermoso view, the ocean, the ocean? Where in the hell are we? This doesn’t sound or smell familiar.

  Bella hears someone talking below and leans over very quietly trying to hear what they were saying.

  “Si, guey, El Zorro came back drunk and he’s pissed off that he’s not able to get a taste of the hermosas mujeres that we have locked up,” says one of the hombres, taking a smoke from his cigarette.

  “Si, I heard that they are real hermosas, but we can’t taste them right now. El Mextli wants to make sure that they are in good condition when they make a call to the familia,” says the other hombre, taking a drink of his cerverza.

  “I want to see them. Todos say that they real belleza,” says the hombre, taking another smoke from his cigarette. “Maybe manana, El Mextli will allow us to taste them.”

  “Si, I think that he will after they talk to their familia,” says the hombre drinking his cerverza, smiling. “I can’t wait guey.”

  I have heard enough to make me want to run now, thinks Bella, going back into the room to wake up Paty and Jessy.

  We need to escape as quickly as possible. We are in dangerous place with dangerous hombres. I think this is the drug cartel that has been calling us. Damn, how did they get to us? We were with our esposos, ponders Bella, with terror.

  We went to the bano at the club. I went outside to get some fresh air. What happened after that? How did we get here?

  “Paty, Jessy, wake up” whispers Bella with urgency, trying not to make noise, and alert the bastardos.

  Please, Dios mio, help us escape. I don’t know how long we have been here or where we are. Does the familia know what has happened? What is Greg doing?

  A few tears started to roll down her hermosa face. She tries not to break down. We all need to be strong and stay alert. Taking a deep breath, Bella attempts again to wake Paty and Jessy.

  Paty and Jessy will not wake up and I wonder why. Did these bastardos drug us? I don’t think that they have touched us because we all look like our clothing is intact. They did take off our shoes.

  Hmmm, where are our sapatos, thinks Bella, looking around the room? The room is painted white with black tile floor. This place is empty except for the camas and the bano. There is nothing that we can use as a weapon to defend ourselves.

  Bella raises her leg up. I need to get this chain off. Damn these idiots aren’t so dumb. They put a plastic strap around my ankle and thick chain attached to the strap. This will be painful and hard to get off. They did put the damn strap real tight.

  Hmmm, I need to wake them up. “Paty, Jessy,” whispers Bella, shaking them as hard as she can. She takes hold of their wrists to check their pulse. Damn, they are out. They are alive because I can feel their heartbeat.

  Hmmm, I wonder what time it is. What time was that call supposed to take place? Do we have time to escape?

  Bella takes a deep breath, trying to stay calm and to think. For right now, we will not have these animals try to rape us.

  Finally, Paty and Jessy wake and Bella makes a sign with her finger for them to be quiet. Bella whispers to advise them of their situation.

  They hug each other and try to be supportive and encouraging. “We need to be strong and smart,” whispers Bella, taking deep breaths.

  “Si, we need to escape. I don’t want those animals to touch me,” says Jessy. “They might hurt my bebe.” She wipes her tears from her eyes, with her lower lip trembling.

  “Oh, dios mio,” says Paty. She wipes her tears away. “Estos animals can hurt us.”

  All three cry with fear. They were hold onto each other for support.

  Chapter Forty-One

  The Navy receives call from CIA Director Young from CIA Crime and Narcotics Center to request their assistance in rescuing Jessy, Bella, and Paty.

  The phone rings in the early hours of the morning and the Navy Admiral Chief of Naval Operations commander answers. “Good morning, Navy Admiral Chief Commander Williams,” says the Navy Admiral, waiting to hear what’s so urgent.

  “Yes, this CIA Director Young, from the CNC department. The CIA has an urgent mission. We are requesting assistance from the Navy SEALS in rescuing three young American ladies that have been kidnapped by the new drug cartel drug lord that is located in Baja California. I have the intel on the kidnapping to assist the SEALS to insert and to extract these young ladies,” says Director Young, waiting for the Navy Admiral Chief commander’s response. “This is a crucial and urgent extraction mission. The kidnapping of this young ladies occurred at approximately 2200.”

  “Director Young give me all the intel so I can give the orders to the Navy SEAL Commander for immediate deployment,” replies Navy Admiral Chief Commander Williams, walking over to his desk to write down the Intel.

  This is exactly what our SEALS are trained for. We have the perfect team for this extraction and it will be a success. I have confidence in my team of SEALS, thinks Admiral Williams.

  “Yes, I have all the intel and the air flights record that indicates the location where the three young ladies are being detained,” says Navy Admiral Williams. “I will email the intel.”

  “Yes, Director Young we got the Intel and we will have the Navy SEAL teams deployed immediately after the briefing,” replies Admiral Williams, thrilled on the new mission, looking at the email to review the Intel.

  “Thank you, Admiral Williams,” says CIA Director Young, ending the call.

  The Navy SEAL Admiral Williams goes over to the table calling out to his Captain Chan and Lieutenant Commander Ramirez to brief them of the situation.

  “We need to have all this Intel reviewed and verified. We need to confirm the exact location of this dangerous drug cartel that has three young civilians in his clutches. Here is air flight record showing the route and time of the flight going into Baja California at approximately 2400,” says the Admiral Williams, looking at his men.

  “Admiral Williams, we need to confirm this air flight record. If the intel is accurate we can deploy our SEALS. The SEALS eight team operators are specialized for extraction. Our Navy SEALS are ready now for our orders,” replies the Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, looking at the map of Baja California as he gets the air flight record confirmed from his Master Chief Petty Officer Green.

  Lieutenant Commander Ramirez looks at the air record and goes to the map of Baja California to correlate the exact location of the drug cartel lord’s villa where the civilians are being kept.

  “It appears that the villa is located on the Pacific Coast of Baja California. These are the exact coordinates where the drug cartel establishment is located. The location has mountains to the north and south of the main structure. On the east, runs the national highway that runs north to south, parallel to the hot spot. There are also some small towns. One small town is located to the north of the northern mountain and one small town to the south of the southern mountain. The establishment appears to have a private road that comes off the national highway leading to the dru
g lair, the villa. It looks to be quite some miles from the national highway” says Lieutenant Commander Ramirez. “The pacific coast is on the west. The ocean provides an excellent access point to infiltrate into the hot zone.”

  “It appears to be a fairly easy mission to infiltrate and extract,” says Captain Chan, looking at the map. “Now we need you to go and brief the SEALS.”

  “Yes Sir,” says Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, walking out with copies of all the Intel to give to the SEALS.

  I know that they are ready now. When we have a mission we immediately put them on standby as we gather the Intel. We should be able to extract these young ladies fairly quick, thinks Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, striding down the hall.

  The Navy SEAL Lieutenant Commander Ramirez goes to talk the Special Operations Team Operators Officer Ford. “Officer Ford, here is the intel for you to brief your team. It should be fairly easy mission,” says Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, turning to look at team.

  He looks into each team operator’s eyes to see their excitement. Yes, this is what the SEAL lives for, thinks Lieutenant Commander Ramirez.

  SOTO Officer Ford hands each operator the file to go over the Intel, walking back to the turn on the laptop with the overhead to review the Intel.

  “The mission is the extraction of three American young ladies that have been kidnapped by the new drug cartel in Baja California, el Mextli. He is new and eager to prove his strength and position by being ruthless and vicious. The three young ladies are members of a wealthy American family in California. The kidnapping is the attempt of el Mextli to force this family to associate with the cartel for money laundering. This family refuses to associate and el Mextli is hell bent on forcing the family,” says Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, turning to look at the photos that are up on the screen.

  He hears all of the men’s comments on the beauty of the three young ladies. They definitely are three beauties, thinks Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, turning to look at the men.

  He stops at Christian De La Cruz’s face, which is reflecting the torture and pain he’s feeling and right next to him is another operator that is also showing the same emotions.

  What is this all about, ponders Lieutenant Commander Ramirez. “Is there a problem?” asks the Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, looking at Christian and Gabriel.

  “Sir, we need to expedite this extraction. The young ladies are my sister and cousins,” says Christian, in a tortured voice.

  Christian is trying to keep control of his emotions, hearing the loud sounds of surprise from the team.

  “Sir, they are my in-laws,” says Gabriel, controlling his emotions, not wanting to risk getting taken out of this mission. “Time is ticking and our family is in danger.”

  Lieutenant Commander Ramirez and SOTO Officer Ford stand in front of Christian and Gabriel, wondering if they should be taken out of this mission.

  They will also refuse because they want to make sure that their family is safe. Who would have known that we had a wealthy SEAL?

  “De La Cruz?” asks Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, seeing the family resemblance. Hmmm what will be the best course to take?

  “Will this jeopardize the extraction mission? Can you handle yourself under this painful and extremely stressful situation?” asks Lieutenant Commander Ramirez.

  “Yes, Sir,” replies Christian, not wanting to get taken out of this mission. I have to be there and make sure that my hermana and primas are safety extracted, thinks Christian. “I will deal.”

  “Yes, Sir, I need to go on this mission,” replies Gabriel, knowing that he has to be there for the familia on so many different levels.

  The Lieutenant Commander Ramirez stands right there in front of Christian and Gabriel, evaluating the situation. He looks into their faces to see what type of emotions they are under. I know this sucks. If it was my family that was kidnapped, I would want to go to make sure that I did everything in my power to get my family out of the ruthless clutches of the drug cartel, contemplates Lieutenant Commander Ramirez. I know that these men are the best and have had extensive specialized training in this type of hostage extractions. I really don’t think that their skills will be slowed or distracted. I firmly believe that they will be even more determine and ruthless to have a successful extraction. I really can’t blame them. I would kill every single animal in that compound.

  “De La Cruz, Corona, I will allow you to continue to participate in this extraction mission. I believe that your skills will be sharper than ever. We will allow you the authority to use your discretion to terminate every single element that is in your path to a successful extraction,” says Lieutenant Commander Ramirez, with hard evil gleam.

  Christian looks into the Lieutenant Commander Ramirez’ eyes and is relieved to see that he’s being allowed to continue on this extraction mission, but also was given authority to kill these bastardos.

  Yes, this is going to be good because I will not show any mercy on these animals, thinks Christian. “Thank you, Sir,” says Christian, looking into his eyes. He’s clenching his jaw tightly. The muscles flex from the severe stress that he’s applying.

  “Thank you, sir,” replies Gabriel, relieved that he will be with Christian to help him get the primas to the casa.

  “Time to deploy,” says SOTO Officer Ford, as he turns. He walks out of the room, going down the hall to the waiting helicopter with the team right behind him.

  This really sucks for De La Cruz and Corona. I know each one on this team is going to work extra hard to eliminate these animals from the face of this planet.

  The team of operators are in the helicopter and ready to deploy. Every team operator is thinking that Christian has an incredibly beautiful sister and cousins.

  Wow, we didn’t even know how wealthy he is. Christian has always been one of us and never appeared to be anything else. We need to make sure that we get his family out of there and back to their home, thinks a team operator.

  Christian and Gabriel are praying that they get there in time to save Bella, Paty and Jessy.

  Dios mio, please help my team. Please make us strong and smart to rescue my hermana and primas, prays Christian, with a heavy heart.

  Dios mio, help us rescue Bella, Paty and Jessy, prays Gabriel. He’s trying not to give into fear and maintain his nerves.

  This could have been my Erica. I can just image how Jose Enrique, my hermano Carlos and Greg are now feeling, ponders Gabriel.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  El Mextli lives in opulent comfort in Baja California in a one hundred fifty year old Colonial style villa located in the center of the valley that reaches the sea.

  The hermosa villa has four master suites, a gourmet kitchen, three wet bars, living and dining room with powder room, four balconies and two terraces to see charming, enchanting views of the ocean.

  The quiet atmosphere conceals the ruthless, malicious creature that has taken control of Baja California.

  The sanctuary of the gardens is perfect for beautiful romantic strolls through the scented gardens. The exquisite beaches and surf on the Pacific Ocean display romantic Mexican sunsets and amazing star-filled skies. The moonlight illuminates the spectacular beach and villa.

  The Navy SEALS team operators are momentarily stunned with the beauty that this animal is surrounded by.

  To put it simply, this beast is enjoying the luxury that most individuals dream about. The peaceful atmosphere of the villa is ideal for the body, mind and soul.

  It is approximately 0300 when the Navy SEALS finally land. The SEALs immediately separate and depart in different directions into the drug lord domain.

  Christian and Gabriel disappear swiftly through the bush and exterminate every single drug soldier that they encounter.

  The other SEAL operators are fueled by anger. They’re also moving fast through the terrain. Each operator is enraged with the situation that Christian’s family is in.

  It is a matter of minutes before the entire villa is surrounded by the
Navy SEALS Operators.

  The Team Officer Ford decides to send Christian and Gabriel to secure their family. The young ladies will feel better knowing that they’re being rescued by their own, ponders Officer Ford.

  “De La Cruz, Corona, two guards below a window on south indicates possible location of goods. Extract,” says Officer Ford through the mic.

  Christian and Gabriel didn’t wait for any further orders and were on it. Hell, yeah, I’m on this, thinks Christian, moving. These bastardos are paying for this!

  Immediately and efficiently, Christian and Gabriel twist the necks of each guard and pull them behind the rose bushes.

  I need to hurry and get to them, thinks Christian. Effortlessly, they climb up the trees and onto the balcony that allows the access to the room. The window is slightly open.

  We will figure out how to take them down without them getting hurt, ponders Christian, slowly landing on the balcony.

  He leans close to the window looking in. Hell, yeah, they’re in here, thinks Christian.

  Christian signals, with relief, that they’re in the room. He slowly opens the window and softly enters the room, hearing them cry.

  Damn they’re scared to death! Fucking bastardos are paying for this, thinks Christian angrily. I need to take off my mask before I terrify them.

  He takes off his mask and smiles at them. He quickly signals for them to be quiet, acknowledging their relief.

  Si, my hermano, thinks Bella with relief. She smiles and her expression is full of love and relief. She nods, acknowledging that she understands his instructions. She slowly rises to stand up.

  Jessy sees Christian and sighs in relief. Smiling, her eyes full of tears, she nods. Slowly she stands, without making any noise.

  Paty nods happily, softly crying in relief. My primo Christian is here, thinks Paty, nodding. She follows his instructions, standing up quietly.


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