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Hot & Wild (De La Cruz Saga)

Page 28

by P. Macias

  He’s taking another drink of tequila when Jamie strides into the officina.

  “Mextli, muchos hombres are dead!” says Jamie. “I have the hombres searching for the mujers.”

  Mextli turns to look at his favorite eye candy and with regret shoots him in the heart. He’s good for nada, thinks el Mextli, with rage.

  El Mextli walks out into his yard and looks at what remains of his army.

  Damn, my plans are now on hold. I have to get some more hombres. My new soldiers need to be strong and vicious. My right arm hombre needs to be superb, a badass.

  I need to leave now before I get killed, thinks el Mextli. “Follow me!” barks el Mextli at his hombres going to get into his expensive black carro.

  Damn, I better hurry and be ready to leave, thinks his driver. I don’t want el Mextli to get pissed off and kill me. El Mextli is furious and who knows what he will do next. He didn’t become the Baja California drug lord because he is sweet.

  The other hombres quickly get into several of the other vehicles, following el Mextli into the pueblo. El Mextli escapes his execution.

  Several of the remaining men are fighting against the SEAL’s. The drug soldiers that are left behind don’t stand a chance. The SEAL’s quickly exterminate the remaining men.

  Oh, fucking yes, I’m going back into the room and open up the door. I’m going to kill the guards, thinks Christian, climbing up the tree and entering the room.

  The door is open and Christian hears the alarm that went out. Damn! Now the drug soldiers have been alerted to our presence, thinks Christian. I need to locate el Mextli because I’m going to make him pay for my familia’s heartache.

  Christian strides out of the room down the hall. He hears Gabriel. “I’m behind you,” says Gabriel, following him quietly. “This is the only room on this floor.”

  Christian nods and motions that he’s going down the stairs. Gabriel nods and follows.

  Christian goes slowly down the stairs listening for any indication that more drug soldiers remain.

  The gunshots are coming from outside and the interior of the villa is menacingly quite.

  I wonder if el Mextli is in his room hiding or outside with his hombres, thinks Christian, landing on the second floor.

  He looks down the hall to the right and left. He motions to Gabriel to take the right side and he goes down the hall on the left.

  There are two doors on the left. Christian goes to the first door and leans against the door to hear if anybody is inside.

  Hmmm, it sounds real quiet, thinks Christian, opening the door very slowly.

  Christian enters the room, which is dark. He’s able to see with the night vision that is integrated in the ski mask. Hmm, this room is empty. He quickly exits and strides stealthily to the other room.

  Christian doesn’t hear a thing and opens the room, going in quickly. Damn, this room is empty, thinks Christian, exiting quickly, going down to where Gabriel has gone.

  “Need you,” whispers Gabriel, into the mic in the ski mask asking Christian for help.

  Damn, Gabriel is in trouble, deems Christian, jogging quickly down the hall to the room on the right side where Gabriel went.

  The right side only has one huge room and Gabriel is fighting with four hombres.

  Two of the hombres have Gabriel by each arm and the other two were taking turns punching him.

  Damn, fucking hell, Christian made it, thinks Gabriel, going out from all the pain. Si, Christian will take care of these animals is Gabriel’s last thought full of relief.

  Christian goes crazy. He takes out the two that are hitting Gabriel, with a shot at their black hearts.

  Christian turns to look at the other two that have released Gabriel. Gabriel drops onto the floor.

  One hombre manages a shot at Christian, hitting him on the right shoulder, before he gets his head blown up by Christian.

  The other hombre goes onto his knees and begs for his vida. “Please, Señor, I do not want to die, please do not kill me,” begs the drug soldier.

  Christian is still enraged and snaps his neck, shoving him against the wall with all of his strength.

  Christian immediately goes to Gabriel and inspects his injuries. Damn, the bastardos broke his ribs, arms, fingers and nose. They also stabbed him in the side, thinks Christian, furiously. Gabriel is bleeding like crazy. I need to take him out of here before he dies on me. Erica will be devastated. No way, I will not allow him to die, he can’t die.

  “Gabriel, I need you to hold on. Erica is waiting for you,” says Christian into Gabriel’s ear, praying that he will hold on.

  Christian applies pressure on the stab wound and tears the sheet off the cama to tear up some strips to wrap up the wound.

  I need to hurry, thinks Christian with anxiety. He calls in for help “Need help, Corona down,” requests Christian, pulling Gabriel up onto his shoulders, going to look out the window. “On second floor, need backup.”

  “On it,” says Officer Ford, going up the stairs. Everybody is outside, fighting and I can’t locate el Mextli, thinks Officer Ford, landing on the second floor, motioning Christian to follow.

  Christian follows Officer Ford down the stairway, going fast as lighting. We need to get out of this hell pit, ponders Officer Ford.

  Officer Ford exterminates two hombres that are coming through the entry way of the villa.

  They run out into the yard. Both Christian and Officer Ford run towards the beach and the waiting boats.

  “Tally!” barks Officer Ford to the SEAL on the boat for response. “Extraction is done.”

  “Affirmative,” replies the SEAL on the boat waiting for Officer Ford, Corona, and De La Cruz.

  Christian and Officer Ford make it to the beach and wade into the ocean, reaching the inflatable boat.

  Officer Ford and the SEAL on board assist Christian with Gabriel. The SEAL starts taking off just as Officer Ford and Christian heave over the side of the boat.

  “We need to hurry, he’s bleeding from a stab wound,” says Christian, looking at Gabriel turn gray.

  Officer Ford requests a medical gurney and staff to be ready for Gabriel. As they reach the ship, the wrench with a gurney is hoisted and Gabriel is put into it quickly. He’s taken to the ship Medical department and examined by the Navy doctors.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  The kidnapping has been a traumatic experience for Bella, Paty and Jessy. Bella and Paty appear to be recovering from the danger and pain that they have gone through. Paty and Bella were able to get some anger and frustrations out when they were attacking the animals.

  Jessy, on the other hand, had observed the dangerous situations that they were in from the inflatable boat and was feeling helpless. The experience has shattered her sense of security and made her feel helpless.

  Damn, we are so vulnerable in this world. I have never felt so helpless and never have I thought how very dangerous the world can be. I know that we are now safe on the Navy ship. Gracias dios mio, you sent Christian, Gabriel, and the SEALS to rescue us. They arrived in time. We could have been really hurt contemplates Jessy, trembling with fear and anxiety. Tears flow down her face.

  I just can’t forget. I’m so overwhelmed and I feel alone. I know that is not so. I still feel in danger and I will not stop feeling like this until I’m in Jose Enrique’s arms.

  I know that I really did not get physically harmed, but I can’t stop from thinking about it. I was so frighten and felt so helpless. I know I’m just traumatized from this cruel experience. Taking a deep breath, Jessy tries to regain her control and emotions.

  The Navy doctor tends to Christian. “Corona barely made it, we gave him some blood,” says the doctor, stitching up Christian’s shoulder after extracting the bullet and cleaning it out. “I’m giving you some pain killers.”

  “Good,” says Christian, nodding. Hell, yeah, because I’m tired and I hurt. I need to get back to my casa and see my mujer.

  “I also stitched up one of the y
oung ladies that were extracted. She’s a real beauty,” says the Doctor, smiling as he turns to Christian.

  “Which one was hurt?” asks Christian, ignoring his comment. Yeah, they are beautiful.

  “I don’t know,” says the doctor, looking at Christian with curiosity. “Why?”

  “Because they are my family and I want to know which one was hurt,” says Christian, in a low voice trying to keep control of his emotions.

  Damn it, I need to control my temper. It’s not his fault that they were kidnapped, ponders Christian, waiting for his reply.

  “Was it the tall slender one with black hair and green eyes, or was it the one with brown eyes, or the one with golden eyes,” asks Christian, with little patience left. “Forget it I’ll go check them out.”

  “It was the one with the brown eyes,” replies the doctor, grinning. “They all sound beautiful.”

  “Yes, they are, but they’re married,” says Christian, with an evil smile. “Two are married to CIA agents.”

  The doctor immediately stops talking and starts to clean up.

  Christian walks out of the examination room and goes to look for his familia. I need to know that they are okay. I need to ask the nurse where they are at, thinks Christian, going to the nurse station. “Can you please tell me where the young ladies are?” asks Christian, looking at the nurse.

  The nurse looks up with a raise eyebrow. “No one is allowed to see them,” replies the nurse, looking down reviewing his charts.

  “I will see them. They’re my family,” says Christian, with some irritation, looking at the nurse with anger.

  “You know we have rules,” says the nurse, not bothering to look up. “You need to get clearance.”

  Christian didn’t bother to respond and turns to look for his SOTO Officer Ford. Christian goes to where the team is stationed.

  The other SEALs were happy that the extraction was completed and the young ladies are safe and unharmed.

  Christian walks into the room and the SEALs stop talking, turning to look at Christian.

  Christian sees them and stands tall and proud. “I just want to say that my family and I appreciate your hard work tonight,” says Christian, with strong emotions in his voice. “Thanks.”

  The SEALs, Christian’s team smile and reply. “You’re welcome,” happy that they accomplished the extraction of the beautiful young ladies.

  Christian goes to his SOTO Officer Ford. “Sir, I need to talk to my sister and cousins,” requests Christian.

  “Okay, I’ll get you a pass,” says SOTO Officer Ford, going to the desk to write the pass for Christian.

  “Thanks,” says Christian, taking the pass and walking out to go see his hermana and primas.

  Christian approaches the nurse and gives the nurse the pass without saying a word.

  The nurse takes the pass. He stands to take him to see the first one. “The other two are in the next two rooms,” says the nurse, walking away.

  “Thanks,” says Christian, opening the door and walking into the room. Great, it is Bella, thinks Christian, smiling. He walks over to inspect his hermana.

  Bella is asleep and doesn’t realize that Christian is there.

  Christian looks at his hermana and explodes with rage. Those bastardos managed to hurt my hermana after we had taken her out of that room. Damn them to hell, thinks Christian, clenching his fists.

  Christian leans down to give his hermana a tender kiss on her temple. Her face will heal. Oh, dios mio, gracias that she’s alive and well, prays Christian. He pulls up the blanket a little higher to keep her warm. I will return later. He turns to go and check up on Paty and Jessy.

  Christian walks into Paty’s room and see’s that she’s awake.

  “Primo,” says Paty, with tears in her eyes. “Muchas gracias, I love you.”

  “Prima, you know its nada,” says Christian, leaning down to give her a kiss on her temple looking into her hermosa face. Si, todas las primas and hermanas are bellezas.

  “Prima, you’re feeling okay?” asks Christian. His concern is reflecting in his hermoso green eyes as he inspects her.

  “Si, Christian. I was shot twice in my right thigh. One bullet was in my thigh and the other one went through. The Doctor was real nice and cleaned my wounds and stitched them up,” says Paty, smiling.

  “Si, prima,” replies Christian. Yeah, the doctor just loved tending to you, thinks Christian.

  “Christian, I want to talk to Carlos and our padres,” requests Paty. “I don’t know if they know that we are okay.”

  “Si, prima, I will make sure that they know. I want you to rest,” replies Christian, smiling at his prima. “Bella was asleep when I went to visit her. I want to check in on Jessy. Rest and I will return in a few hours.”

  “Si, primo, I will now that I know that Bella and Jessy are also safe. Primo, I love you,” says Paty, with tears in her eyes, giving him a tight hug.

  “Si, prima, I love you,” replies Christian, smiling flashing his beautiful dimples. “I need you to rest.”

  “Okay,” replies Paty, settling comfortably in the bed and closing her eyes with a smile on her lovely face.

  Christian walks out and strides over to the next room to check on Jessy. Hmmm, I bet that Jose Enrique is going crazy. I know how in love he is with Jessy. She is a wonderful mujer and they didn’t deserve this, ponders Christian.

  Christian knocks on the door and slowly makes sure she is decent. Hmm, she is asleep. He walks closer and looks at her. She looks okay. I don’t see any injuries, ponders Christian.

  Okay, I’ll return later to check up on her, thinks Christian, leaning in to give her a kiss on the temple.

  Jessy feels someone and wakes up in terror. Then she realizes it’s Christian. She smiles with tears in her eyes. “Sorry, gracias for everything,” says Jessy, giving Christian a hug. “Christian, I want to talk to Jose Enrique. Please help me call him.”

  “Si, Jessy, I will arrange the call. Calm down. You’re safe now,” replies Christian, rubbing her back. “You’re okay? You’re not injured?”

  “Si, Christian, I’m okay. I’m just a little tense and get a little scared. I know that we are out of danger, but I still feel a little stressed out,” replies Jessy, with a small smile.

  “It is understandable, Jessy. The experience has been very traumatic for you. It will take a little while for you to adjust,” says Christian, looking into her eyes and seeing her apprehension and fear.

  Hmmm, I will need to talk to Jose Enrique to make sure that she is always with someone so she can feel protected and safe, thinks Christian.

  “Si, Christian, I know. I want to be close to Jose Enrique. I’m just feliz that they didn’t rape us,” says Jessy, shaking with the thought of what could have occurred.

  “Jessy, yes, you’re extremely lucky that they didn’t rape all three of you,” agrees Christian. “Now, we will get you to the casa and everything will be okay.”

  “Okay, Christian, and please try to get me a phone to call Jose Enrique and mis padres,” requests Jessy, imploring with her huge golden eyes. Yeah, my primo couldn’t resist those eyes. Jessy is bella, thinks Christian, smiling.

  “Si, Jessy, as soon as I can,” responds Christian, squeezing her hand to leave. “I will return in a few. Bella and Paty are doing well.”

  “Oh, gracias a dios,” says Jessy, smiling as she sees Christian leave the room. Si, Christian is a wonderful primo, thinks Jessy.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Christian went to check in on Gabriel. I need to make sure that he is well because Erica will be very upset, ponders Christian. He walks into the room and sees that Gabriel is still out.

  Well, at least he’s alive. I was so scared for a few moments. He looks at his monitors. Si, he is doing great. I will return later to check up on all of them.

  He walks out of the room to go to his get his cell phone. I need to call my Monique, mis padres, Erica, Carlos, Jose Enrique, and Greg. Damn, this might take a little while
, thinks Christian. I bet that they’re all waiting for some news.

  Christian walks into the room where his SOTO Officer Ford and the SEALs are assigned. He goes to get his cell phone.

  Christian went to his SOTO Officer Ford with his cell phone in his mano. “Sir, I’m going to call my family and advise them that my sister, cousins and Corona are doing well,” says Christian, not expecting the call to be a problem.

  “De La Cruz, that will be okay,” says SOTO Officer Ford, with empathy. Yeah, I would want to call and inform my family that everything was okay, thinks Officer Ford.

  “Thank you, Sir,” replies Christian, walking out of the room to go somewhere where he can call his familia. I need to call my Cielo first, thinks Christian, grinning, calling Monique.

  “Baby, you are okay? I’m going loca with terror. Baby, I can’t stand this. I need you here with me. I’m so scared,” says Monique with anxiety, wanting to hear that Christian is doing well.

  “My Cielo, I’m good. Bella, Paty, and Jessy have been extracted from the evil hombres. Don’t worry. I’ll be home in a while and te amo, forever, my Cielo,” says Christian, not wanting Monique to be worried.

  “Dios mio, gracias,” says Monique with relief. “The entire familia is worried, Baby. Do you want me to tell them?”

  “You can, my Cielo. I’m going to call mis padres and Jose Enrique,” replies Christian. “Tell Erica that Gabriel is okay.”

  “Si, Baby, te amo,” says Monique. “I miss you and I want you here with me.”

  “I do, too. I will be there soon,” says Christian. “I’ll call you back later after I make all the calls. I love you con todo mi alma.”

  “I love you, Baby con todo mi alma. You need to be careful,” says Monique, with anxiety. She’s always anxious when Christian is on duty. “Adios, Baby.”

  “I will see you later, my Cielo,” says Christian, ending the call. I can’t wait to hold my Cielo in my arms again, thinks Christian, smiling.

  Christian calls his padres. “Hola, my hijo,” says Papa Jose Arturo, pleased to finally be hearing from Christian.


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